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  1. I shoot this event every month weather permitting. Mostly Cars but sometimes a few good bikes. These are a few of the ones I thought everyone would like. Nice Beemer Hack & A Moto Guzzi. http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/MG-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/DriveIn-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/BMW--3.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/GW-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/BMW--5.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/VWbus-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/MG--3.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/56-.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/Caddy--3.jpg
  2. I'm really considering it. I would make a great conservation starter. How much do ya suppose it would weigh? Or would it make a better hack? http://eauclaire.craigslist.org/mcy/3195565558.html Bill
  3. I left for work this morning at 05:30 and made it 3 miles from work when the rear tire blew out at 50 mph the scoot got real squirelly.I managed to stay on the bike and get it to a stop before I figured out that I was alright.I got it off the road and called for a ride when one of the guys from work stopped to pick me up.I looked at the rear tire that only had around 6 thousand miles on it there was no side wall. If I hadnt reinstalled the hack last night I might be in the hospital right now. The bike is in a friends garage and I got a ride over to the Beer Cave to get the 92 so I can get around. I will be removeing the rear wheel after work tomorrow and installing the hack on the 92 so I dont take up the guys garage all weekend and will be installing the 3rd new rear tire Monday after work.:bang head::bang head::mo money: I will try to get pics when the tire is off so you can see what it looks like. Jeff
  4. well the day after i sold my bike. my 80 year old aunt the only family left on my fathers side. had a problem breathing. after going down to the ER she was rushed to peoria . when after many tests and xrays . she was found to have a golf ball size tumor on one lung and a tennis size on on the other. they did a pet scan for the whole body. and she has cancer. they give her any where from 4 to 6 months. she has out lived 3 of her children. the oldest one is still alive and he,s in his early 60,s. i have two aunts left on my mothers side. one is in a home and has dementia? she forgets who i am and calls me sometimes by my dead brothers name. the other aunt has nothing to do with us. after we told her she should go see her sister. and that we where mad that she could not even bother to call or come to my brothers funeral 5 years ago.. las vegas and losing 12 grand was more important. so im sorry to say. i wont talk to her. looks like the family line is slowly going away. as for the hack family. i have a daughter. no children. so the hack family name kind of ends with me. im the last hack son. but i guess if my daughter has children some of the hack blood remains?
  5. ok it is now 5:40 here in good old IL im up because i have been having sleep problems for that past week. doc says its stress and gave me pills to help. well about 5 minutes ago my cell phone that my daughter got me rang so since im up i answerd it. this is what happend them- hello this is a bill collector we are trying to reach a james hack me - yep you got him how may i help you? them well you owe us xxx amount of money for a loan you have. me ok i understand that. but im now dissabled and i can not work. i did take out insurance on this loan that in case of loss of job and dissabilty they would make the payments? them -well mr hack they cant do that because when you took out the loan you said you where working? and your doctor said you been dissabled since 2008? and we gave you the loan in 2010. so we dont cover pre exsisting dissabilty? me-- well let me get this right i paid a fee of around $150 for this protection and you wont honor it? and for your information yep i was dissabled way before 2008 but i got a work ticket from social security to try and work. so yes i was dissabled and still able to try and work now i can no longer work so you should do what your insurance on the loan says it will do. them-- sorry mr hack but we cant you must keep up the payments or we come for the stuff you put down as collateral. me thats fine if you get anything out of my small apartment thats worth that amount feel free to come for it. and this was an unsecured loan. high intrest i put nothing down as collateral. and hey since your going to come and get my stuff i have an alarm clock. you might want that because i think you cant call at this time of day. but im willing to pay the intrest till i can do better. them we cant accept that amount. me so your refuseing money? them yes MR HACK thats to low and it will take you at least another year more to pay it off. me so lets get this right you dont want any of my money so i consider it paid since you dont want any money? they hung up
  6. Hello I am in need of a set for my new project. I picked up 2 Ventures for parts one had been dumped and busted one side of the faring up not bad but more than a easy fix. I have been looking at it and thought it would be a waste to part it out if it ran so I put in some fresh gas oil and plugs and it started alittle more tunning and it runs great. So I took the faring off the other put on this one and took a test ride. Glad I gave it a chance to be on the road again but it is way to loud the guy I got it from did a real hack job on the mufflers. If I can find a pair of stock mufflers or some aftermarket ones that would finish it up except for its new coat of paint this winter. Thanks for any info. Orlin
  7. I'm replacing the steering head bearing on my '83. The manual says 5.1 ft/lbs. Where have you adjusted yours to with the hack attached? I've been told that you can tighten it down more to prevent wobble with the hack. Thanks
  8. So, my wife has said she will not ride in one, I don't have small children to cart around and no desire to cart some annoying obnoxious little S***t dog around. Sure I can justify anything I want if I want it bad enough, but for right now, I'd like to have a tad more. The only reason I can come up with to get off the fence and buy a car is the uniqueness of the thing. To be different!! So why do you ride a Hack (I think you call it)?? I will have an opportunity to meet with the VP of the USCA and talk to him in person and see his Flexit in a couple of weeks, Go from there and see what happens!
  9. What rearends are a good choice to build a trike with out of a 1st gen? What gear ratio? What are the pros and cons to a trike as apposed to a hack?
  10. Saw Bud (Circuit Rider) at our swap meet today. As you may recall he sold his RSV and bought a new Goldwing and had a Hannington sidecar put on it. It's an orange bike with the side hack painted to match. It is one Gorgeous bike, very sweet. Wish I had had a camera to take some pictures. Jerry
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