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  1. My mechanic tried everything. slime, silicone, aired up many times. He took it off of the rim and I polished it and tried again. Now it is sitting near the wood stove with approx 60+ lbs of air in it for the night. One side just won't go no matter what. Maybe the heat will do it. If that doesn't work, I'm going to take it to the tire store and see if they will use their blaster on it. If that doesn't work I'm taking my heat gun to the shop and we'll try that. I'm listening__________
  2. Please don't turn this into a political debate, not my intention. My wife, son and I have an insurance agency. Agencies and other businesses close to us have been robbed so my son and I conceal carry. When I get to the office I put mine in my desk drawer. I came close to having to use it last week. My wife sits up front with a counter about waist higher in front of her. I am across the hall but I can see her. A customer was waiting to see me. I walk out to the receiption area to tell the customer sitting on the sofa to come in. Another guy is comes in the door and I noticed he had a frown on his face but didn't think anything about it. The guy told my wife he wanted to get a quote. She told him to have a seat and and soon as I was available I would give him a quote. I told the customer waiting to come in my office. After about 15 or 20 minutes I heard the guy waiting yelling and using the f word with my wife. She told him to leave the office and he said he wasn't going anywhere and no one was going to tell him what to do. I can't use the words he was saying. I told my customer to excuse me and I got my gun out of my desk and went to the front. I had the gun in my right hand with my arm down. I told the guy to leave and said he wasn't going anywhere. I told my wife to call 911. The guy said he had a gun bigger than mine and then said I pointed the gun at him and no one was going to point a gun at him and get away with it. I never pointed the gun at him. I told my wife to call 911 again and tell the police to hurray. I started to tell the guy if he came toward the counter I was going to shoot him but I thought it was better to say nothing and not adjitate the guy. The police officer arrived and the guy started yelling at him and told him he wanted me arrested for pointing the gun at him. The officer told him to sit down and shut up or he was going to arrest him. The guy said he wanted to see a lieutenant. Another officer arrived and called for a lieutenant. Another officer arrived in an unmarked car and came in. He approached the guy and said the lieutenant is off but I am the captain and I understand you have something to say to me. The guy said yes I want this man, meaning me, arrested for aggravated assualt for pointing a gun at me. The captain said, let me tell you something, this man has the right to protect his property and wife, you are here acting like a fool with your hands in your pocket so he doestn't know what you might do so he can point the gun at you if he wants. The captain asked if I wanted to let this guy come on the property again and I said no sir. He said then tell him. I told the gun to leave immediately and to never come in my office again. The captain then told him if he ever came on the premises again he would be arrested. The guy left yelling I was predjudiced and he guessed since he didn't have a masters degree he wasn't welcome. That makes sense. If the guy had tried to come over the counter I would have shot him. I often wondered what I would do if I had to pull a gun on someone and it is not a pleasant experience. I realized I wouldn't shoot someone unless my life was threatened and hope I never have this happen again. It's a shame the world has come to this, but there are dangerous people out there.
  3. I am looking to get some info and somewhat get myself back up to date on the new ways they are painting cars and such. Back in the day, 20 some years ago while I was in the service. One of my jobs was to paint the helicopters I worked on. I went to school and such to learn it, and way back then we were using the standard Binks and Devilbiss siphon guns. My question to those in the know now, is this, what it a decent quality HVLP top cup gun. I dont need to be painting show cars or bike, but I'm looking for a good quality paint gun to replace my old siphon guns....let me know what y'all think.
  4. Heads up! Lets not make this political.... I made a call to the local Ripley WV WALLMART. Wallmart will no longer be selling AR-15s. StraighT from corporate. The ones around here are sold out. The Mom and Pop gun stores went in and bought them out. I enquired about one Last night AT A MOM AMD POP STORE and they are $200-$500 more than they were two days ago! Bushmasters and Colt .223s are going anywhere from $1200-1500 Better stock up on ammo while your at it. It's gonna get worse folks. I copied this thread in case it gets political and gets deleted. I know there are a lot of gun users on here, hence the reason for this thread. IF YOU CAN PLEASE CONFIRM THE ABOVE IN YOUR STATE FOR WALLMART AND REPORT BACK.... THANKS JOE
  5. I won a rifle the other night at a fundraiser. It was a Winchester model 70 30-06. Nice rifle but I already have a 30-06 at home. So I went to pick up the gun in a different caliber today, and I decided I wanted a 25-06. The dealer I was at didnt have a 25-06 in stock of course, and it isnt real common. It also is backordered and I dont know when I would be able to get it. So looking on line I narrowed my choice down to a Ruger M-77, a Rem 700 stainless with the laminate stock, and the Savage 111 BTH (Thumb Hole laminate). I thought the thumbhole in a 25-06 would make one heck of a varmint gun, as well as a nice whitetail gun, so I took a chance and had him order it. So did I do ok with the Savage? Any of you hunters have the 111? I know with the Accu Trigger it should be good, but dont necessarily like taking a blind chance on a gun.......Guess I'll find out one way or the other......Kinda wish they had the Winchester in stock, that was a nice weapon.
  6. Sailor

    Gun Club

    I know this is off the subject of bikes but since guns seem to come up here frequently I just thought I would post this. Please do not feel obligated, it is our battle but your e-mail would help. On Saltspring we have a Rod and Gun club. A developer has bought the property next door and is trying to have the club shut down. We have been blindsided by the local ruling body ( the Capitol Regional District) in that they are about to pass bylaws which would basically shut down our club so the developer can make himself richer. They are doing this without any consultation with the club or the community. We got notice yesterday ( Monday, Sept 17 ) that they were going to consider this bylaw on Wed Sept 19. This leaves us little time to respond. If you feel like helping e-mail your opinion to the following people. directorjdf@crd.bc.ca directorsgi@crd.bc.ca directorssi@crd.bc.ca ssirodandgun@gmail.com Thanks ...Sailor aka Rainman aka Kerry Butler
  7. Iowa Guy


    I have a Beretta 84F 380. Its a nice little piece except for one thing. After I have shot about a hundred rounds, the safety will not come back on. I have tried cleaning and soaking but nothing seems to help. Are there some good web sights I could go to that would help me understand what to do? Otherwise my next step is a gun smith. Iowa Guy
  8. Appreciate prayer for my brother Chris Fultz. We are very close. He got up this morning to get ready for the day and he always carries a small Smith & Wesson auto 380 pistol (we both have our CCW permits). He reached for the gun this morning and it accidentally went off and shot himself in the stomach. He rarely has the gun fully loaded with a round in the chamber. But he had loaded one in to kill a snake a few days earlier and forgot to remove it from the chamber. The bullet went in the front near the belly button and all the way and up and next to the left shoulder blade. The doctor removed the bullet from the rear near the shoulder blade. The doctor made a large size incision in his stomach. There was no vital organs damaged, other than a graze to the left lung. So God was watching over him. The worry now is recovery and that with out ammonia. He is running a low grade fever for now. I just got back from the hospital a little while ago. I was the one that was called right after 911 this morning around 4:30 AM. I lead and actually out ran the state police to my brothers house. The accident had to be treated just as a regular shooting until all was clear. I am thankful that the situation was no worse than it is. Could have been a lot worse. Please always, even when you awake and are sleepy headed, remember to respect a gun and always suspect the gun to be loaded fully when handling it. Treat it as loaded and ready at all times. My brother and I have handled guns all our lives (30yrs) and have never ever had an accident even closely related to this. So please always be careful. Guns are safe if handled properly. We appreciate all thoughts and prayers for my brother and his family. His son (15 yrs old) is in the hospital recovering from a rare lung surgery. So please remember him also. Part of the reason why my brother was so sleepy headed and careless. James Darrell Fultz (Fuzzy)
  9. Safety not Saftey. True story on MLive today; A 42-year-old Grand Blanc Township man may do well with a refresher course on gun safety. The man was hunting small game in Grand Blanc Township on Sunday when he tied his shotgun on a rope so he could carry it up a tree. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan, right? As he was making his way up the tree, the hunter dropped the gun and it went off. Repeatedly. The first shot his left leg, followed by another shot that hit his right leg. Ouch. He was able to crawl out to a nearby road where a relative came to his aid. He was taken to the hospital where he was listed in stable condition. He later told police he thought the shotgun's safety was on. Officers then informed him it's probably not the best idea to tie the rope around the trigger. On the bright side, the Department of Natural Resources came out and ruled it a hunting accident and that the man had not broken any laws. http://www.mlive.com/news/flint/index.ssf/2012/02/offbeat_unsafe_gun_use.html
  10. Doing a search on the forum for "Soldering" provided a lot of very good tutorials, tips and links to articles on how to solder...and how to fix the E4 error, which my 88 is experiencing All the tutorials speak of a soldering IRON. I remember my Dad had one, a big clunky beast about 10" long with a shaft about 1/2" diameter. I'm sure they come smaller but what I'm wondering is there any reason why I can't use a soldering GUN? Is there a quality issue here or some other reason everybody refers to an "Iron" and never a "GUN"? Are they one and the same as far as soldering is concerned? Am I over complicating things or is there something here I don't understand? Also, a lot of emphasis is placed on having CLEAN connectors to solder. If you have a solder joint that is bad (you can see the ring around the post) how are you supposed to clean it well enough to solder? The corrosion is probably inside the solder dome!
  11. kenw


    I'm not very gun savvy, and was wondering if there is a handgun and rifle other than a 22 that can use the same ammo. I'd like to get something before the right is taken away! Thanks, Kenw
  12. A 22 short should do it . . . . . Think not? Read on . . . . . . . . . On Bud's Gun Shop Forums the question came up: What is the smallest caliber you trust to protect yourself? The best answer: My personal favorite defense gun has always been a Beretta Jetfire in 22 short . Over all the years I've been hiking I never leave without it in my pocket . Of course . we all know too the first rule when hiking in the wilderness is to use the "Buddy System . " For those of you who may be unfamiliar with this it means you NEVER hike alone . You bring a friend or companion, even an in-law . That way, if something happens, there is someone to go get help . I remember one time hiking with my brother-in-law in northern Alberta . Out of nowhere came this huge brown bear and man, was she mad . We must have been near one of her cubs . Anyway, if I had not had my little Jetfire I'd sure not be here today . Just one shot to my brother-in-law's knee cap and I was able to escape by just walking at a brisk pace .
  13. I am thinking of buying a pellet gun for varmit control. I was looking at the Gamo Hornet and the Beeman Grizzly X2. They are both around $90 on sale give or take. Any one own one? Likes? Dis-likes? I want to stay in the $100 or less range. Not looking to drive tacks at 100 yards.
  14. you've ever made a soaker hose by shooting a coiled up garden hose with a shot gun. (saw this done on Rocket City Rednecks on NatGeo)
  15. Thanks Dale (Midnight Rider) and Cindy (Cinderella) for the help getting us moved. If anyone needs a gun safe moved, Dale now has experience.
  16. You never kn ow when someone is going to bring a gun to a fist fight. http://www.charter.net/news/read.php?ps=1011&rip_id=%3CD9PV9P180%40news.ap.org%3E&news_id=17201493&src=most_popular_viewed
  17. It may not be totally full proof, but makes for an easy solution of securing it to the bike. I found this gun lock works great, it's a perfect fit and its coated in rubber to prevent scratching. [ATTACH]59505[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]59506[/ATTACH]
  18. wild hair 39 western 6 gun motel yellowstone ave
  19. Motorcycle Trailer! Check this out. Saw this at Harbor Freight, not a bad deal and with the 20% coupon found in most magazines. (I know there in the gun magazine) The 20% would be off the $379.99 bring the total to around $304.00+tax:sign isnt that spec
  20. Doctors (A) The number of physicians in the U.S. is 700,000. (B) Accidental deaths caused by Physicians per year are 120,000. © Accidental deaths per physician is 0.171 Statistics courtesy of U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services. Now think about this: Guns (A) The number of gun owners in the U.S. is 80,000,000. (Yes, that's 80 million) (B) The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups is 1,500. © The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .0000188 Statistics courtesy of FBI So, statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners! Remember, 'Guns don't kill people, doctors do.' FACT: NOT EVERYONE HAS A GUN, but almost everyone has at least one doctor. This means you are over 9,000 times more likely to be killed by a doctor as by a gun owner!! Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!!!! Out of concern for the public at large, we withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!
  21. Guest

    Need help on a gun

    I found a dealer that is cheaper than the dealers here in Tenn. I never bought a gun out of state from a dealer, so I called and was surprise I can't buy one unless it ship to a dealer here which he will make a profit and after all said and done I'm back at the prices here.. Is there a way around this?
  22. The Canadian parliament is currently in hot debate over whether or not to repeal the former government's legislation requiring long gun owners to register their weapons. THAT is NOT the topic of this thread! I'm simply wondering if there is any venturerider with a long gun that could make a visit to a certain someone in Lacombe, Alberta. I've requested the address and will post it WHEN I get it.... http://www.autotrader.ca/a/Honda+Gold+Wing/2007+Honda+Gold+Wing/LACOMBE/Alberta/19_2794830_/?ms=motorcycles_atvs
  23. The local bike shop, privately owned, that I was gonna have do my yamaha venture carbs went ape sh*t on me... I also have a honda V65 Sabre and on Wednesday I took I ride out to his shop and wanted to buy 2 little screws that go into the cap on the clutch master cylinder...Evidently that was not the question of the day... I ended up being told I was stupid for not bringing the screw with me, of course the screw was outside on the bike, then I was threatened of being shot so I went to grab for my keys to get out of there and he pulled his fist back to hit me, says he thought I was reaching for a gun, I dont carry a gun and my pants were to tight to put a gun in the pocket anyway... So yes this was just a messed up day. I am still shocked, I just cant believe all I wanted was 2 screws and end up in a confrentation. I rode over to a friends house and told him what happened and he has kawasaki's, yamaha's and a few honda's and they all had the same size screws for the brake cylinder and clutch cylinder so I am not sure why the guy was having a fit over bring in the screws... I never wanted to hit someone so bad in all my life, good thing I didnt tho, I later found out his best freind is a deputy sheriff. go figure. I think he could learn a few lessons from how this group/forum runs and acts... On for a better day tho.. I finaly got a new full time job and see my yamaha venture getting fixed up somewhere else and being ridden on a road trip soon...
  24. I recently stumbled across a new to me web site. http://www.otr.net/?p=hgwt It plays 'Have Gun will Travel' series, I believe ALL of the shows. craigr
  25. This is the first time I have received this type of E-mail... Hello! I'm sorry I didn't inform you about my traveling... am presently in Wales, United Kingdom on short vacation and as i write to you now.. its unbelievable am stuck here,got mugged at gun point on my way to the hotel and my money,credit cards,phone and other valuable things were taken off me at gun point, thanking Almighty God for save keeping my passport., i really need your urgent assistance quickly ? I JUST NEED SOME FEW HUNDREDS $$$ TO SORT OUT MY HOTEL BILLS AND i promise to refund it back to you once i get home cause i still have some cash in my account but i cant access any here right now ,already cancelled all my cards immediately after the muggers took my things off me!!! still at the public Internet library where am making use of the free Internet access, i will forever be grateful if you can help me,Waiting to hear from you quickly cos my flight leaves in few hrs but need to sort the hotel bills and please save me from been embarrassed. Thanks. Peter and my response was.... I'm sorry, you must have me confused with someone you think gives a $#@* about your problems.
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