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  1. I stopped down in Missouri the other day and dropped into see my x bro-in-law. Been a long time since we have had a chance to sit down and visit. We used to get together a lot and could spend all night swapping guitars and BSing. He was a hell of a picker and he was a huge fan of the Gretsch line. He owns a White Falcon and a Country Gent and a couple other tucked way I can't remember the names of. For those of you familiar with those guitars you know the sound. It's all its own. I can't remember how many times I would just stop playing and let him roll on by himself. I'd leave the deck running and record him. He never belived it was him when he heard the tapes play back. But he was saying there was the Gretsch Roundup down in KC. It's kind of a massive jam session for the Gretsch bunch. Bring your guitar and jump on in. He had been thinking about going but didn't feel up to it. I razzed him about getting out and do something for himself for a day and just go. I left him with a little jazzin' about slacking off and hoped he went. So today I came home and found an e-mail from him. He went. He was a bit wired as not only did he go but had some good news. Part of his e-mail: Last but not least.........................I won the Grand Prize for the night. A brand new Gretsch Electromatic. This guitar was just built, shipped from the factory to Gretsch Corporate, photographed for the upcoming new Gretsch catalog, and shipped to KC for the Roundup. It's a new model, white 16" body, double cut, large "f" holes, and a pair of Electromatic Filters..... and a Bigsby with all gold hardware These aren't getting to the streets until July, and haven't even been released or announced to the public yet. Last night was the unveiling of this new line. Now get this *&^%....................the last 3 digits of the s/n are "000". I just about crapped myself Mike. Winning something like this was just crazy, but to also have the "000" is pretty special. Some poor guy will think his number "001" is the first. LOL..............I'll have that pleasure thanks to you LOL I think he had a good day. Mike
  2. Just wondering how you are coming along on the Guitar??? http://www.flixxy.com/little-north-korean-girl-playing-guitar.htm
  3. We took a nice ride today and ended up at Bills Biker Barn in Bloomsburg,Pa. if you are anywhere near this place ya gotta stop in and check it out. It is amazing the guy has bikes and memorabilia from everywhere. There is so much stuff you dont know where to look. It would be an awesome place for a Meet-n-Eat, it is definetly worth the $5 admission to anyone who likes bikes and or antiques. He had a coin operated player guitar, just like an old player piano, but a guitar instead. Check it out, it worth the trip. Craig
  4. I'm finally got myself an ipod shuffle. Haven't listened to music much for the last 20 years or so.... I would like to find some "easy listening" (do they still call it that?) guitar music to put on this little contraption. Does anyone have any artrist they recomend that i could download off itunes? Iowawegian....who's really trying hard to understand all these new fangled gadgets.
  5. IF you happen to be in the area between Cumming GA and Dawsonville GA tomorrow afternoon, and IF you play guitar and/or appreciate great players, and IF you have any interest in winning a very nice one, you should head over to Galaxy Music at 6150 GA 400, Cumming GA around 1PM on Saturday. They are going to have the world's fastest guitar player, Curtis Jones, performing outside under the big tent and will be giving away a Larrivee D05E Acoustic/Electric Guitar ($2300 retail) in a drawing. Yes, you have to be present to win! I'll be there with my fingers crossed, hoping I am the lucky recipient... Terry
  6. I want to get a better guitar and was wondering if anyone knew anything about these two guitars. I looked them up on the net and the only thing I can find out is that they cost 600 new. I am looking at some used ones. Italia Semi-Hollow Electric Guitar or the third pic is a Takamine G Series EG540SC-BF NEX Butterfly Cutaway Acoustic-Electric Guitar Thanks, Dale
  7. I was on I-85 about 20 miles north of Montgomery and parked. A bike rode up and as the fellow was checking his map, I queried about his bike. It was a '99 RSV that he bought for his trip. He had put on 13,000 miles riding around the United States trying to decide where he wanted to move to from Florida. Maybe one of you has seen him in his travels; a silver '99 loaded up with sleeping bag, etc. and a guitar case sticking straight up from the passenger seat and strapped against the pass. backrest. I gave him the web address to this site so maybe he'll look us up.
  8. OK...I admit it...I'm an American Idol junkie. I don't know why or how I started watching it but have done so for about 3 years now and really enjoy it. Any other's here that watch it? I'll admit also that it does inspire me in some weird sort of way. I've mentioned before that I take my guitar with me when I travel. I can watch American Idol and it just makes me want to practice my guitar that much more. I pick it up and start strumming and picking and realize that I'm still terrible. That's OK though, I still enjoy it. I know that we have a few guitar players here. I posted sometime last year that I had picked up a new Seagull acoustic/electric. I tell you, the more I play this guitar the more I like it. Now I've got an urge to pick up a 12 string also. Stopped and looked at some today but haven't decided which one I want yet.
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