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  1. 87 VR, lots of miles. I figured I'd post this in General Tech because I bet the calipers are about the same. I had noticed that my rear pads were worn thin at the aft end, but much thicker at the forward end. It had me wondering if the forward pistons were seized, but they are not. Then I noticed significant grooves, maybe 1/32" deep, in the forward surface of the brake-pad-cavity in the caliper. The braking forces shove the pads forward against these surfaces whenever the rear brakes are used, and the backing plates have worn these grooves. They then get caught in the grooves, not allowing the pads to clamp any closer to the rotors at the forward edge, causing the wedge-shaped wear on the pads. Make sense? Anybody else seen this? I thought about filing the surrounding material down to make it smooth again, but then the cavity will be bigger than it's supposed to be and the pads might not contact that surface like they are supposed to. But I don't know that I have any choice, short of replacing the caliper. Ideas? Thanks, Jeremy
  2. i have a quick question for someone...i ordered the barnett kit (all friction discs, steel discs, and pressure plate w/ springs) and it arrived yesterday. I plan on tackling my clutch today or tomorrow but everything i read mentions to "line up the grooves at 11 oclock and 5 oclock". The problem i am having is...the barnett friction discs have no grooves on any of the tabs. I dont want to get the basket opened up only to realize i have the wrong discs. Can someone with some knowledge help me out here. Since i am replacing the pressure plate does it no longer matter about the grooves? Thank you all for your input. -Motor
  3. Tore the rear of the bike off for maintenance and look what I discovered- a crack in one of the grooves in the middle of the tire. Just installed last year right before the Int'l Rally. Warranty issue?
  4. Well, I've been eying an 06 in Denver and made plans to go down and check it out yesterday. Start off and get about 20 miles down, to Longmont, and here a loud pop at the back of the bike... You know, the kind of pop that you here if your back tire catches a rock just right. Bike seemed to handle okay and nothing seemed to be wrong so I continued. About 10 miles later, at the Lafayette/Brighton exit, I feel the bike getting, kind of squirley... Hmmm could be the rain grooves but I've never had a problem with the Avons on rain grooves before. I push right on the handle bar just a hair and the back end starts to fish tail and scared the crap out of me. I think "I've heard enough flat tire stories on the VentureRider forum to know that this is how the bike handles when you have a flat rear tire. I immediately pull over to the shoulder and try to assess the situation. Sure enough flat tire. Rolled the bike forward and kept looking for a hole but I really couldn't see much of anything. Then the tire went completely flat. You think pushing this thing is hard with 2 good tires? Try it with one flat. I had called Leland and, when he got there, we used his Slime pump and pumped it up some (I had also called progressive for Roadside assistance) We determined that there was a slit, about 1.5" to 2" long on the right middle of the tire about half on the surface of the tire and the other half going down into one of the grooves. I wasn't too sure his patch kit would be of much use and, about the time we were going to try, the tow truck showed. Had it towed to a local Royal Star shop and had to order another Avon (Thanks Goose for the confirming that I wanted the H Venom... The people on this site are a Godsend!!). While I waited for transportation home Leland and I went to the dealer where the 06 was. Nice bike but it had been sitting and the guy thought it was running funny so he pulled the plugs and found the fronts fouled. So I didn't get to ride it but it looks sweet. May have to run over for a test ride when I go back to get my bike. Don't know if the man upstairs is trying to tell me I shouldn't get the 06 or if my bike was jealous and doesn't want me to get it but I really don't like the way either of them told me. I think the Ride-on allowed me to go the 10 miles at 75mph. but it did come out all over the mudflap and the swing arm. As I think back on it, that 10 miles bought me a lot less, dense traffic so I could pull over more easily and an extra lane as the road adds another lane about 3 or 4 miles up the road. So I'm thankfull for that. Tire had, almost exactly, 10,000 miles on it and it looked about 1/2 used up. But then it was a V tire and they wear faster than the H.
  5. I took the numbers Freebird posted on replacement u-joints to Advance Auto and had them cross referenced. I ordered one for about $10 and picked it up today. When I tried to install it, I found it was slightly smaller than stock. The diameters are the same, but if you measure the distance between the grooves that hold the c-clip, in the generic I had it was 35mm and the stock is 37mm. Does anyone have a generic one that they can measure between these grooves? You can install it, but when you pull the caps outward as far as they will go there is play in the joint. RandyA
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