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  1. Ordered the grips at the below link. Anyone using these? Suppose to be able to use the OEM weights so that is why I ordered them...Wanted something other than the Kuryakyn Grips.... Here's the link to the grips page age Big Bike Parts.. The OEM weights will not slide into the grip ends...JUST a LITTLE to big... Also I assume that on the throttle side there is no need to open up the cable housing? Just remove grip like the left side.... Thoughts if any would be appreciated... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA http://www.bigbikeparts.com/Inventory/Navision/17-376?catalogNo=1
  2. Going to put grip warmers on my Venture,the kind the go under the grips.Can I reuse the stock grips and if so,How do I get them off without tearing them up?If not,what aftermarket grips work on the Venture?I'm not looking for something fancy and expensive like Kuryakyn,just a basic grip.
  3. I just picked up a cheap set of heated grips, bike master. They leave a lot to be desired. They are at least an inch shorter than the stock grips. The clutch side is very tight but I could probably get it on. The throttle side is really loose, it measures 1 1/16" id. I don't like the idea of having only glue holding it in. The temperature changes might break it up and leave me sol somewhere. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good set? Thanks
  4. I need to install Heated Grips on my 08 RSTD .. Am looking for suggestions as to what aftermarket parts are reccomended by anybody here. What have you used? do they work ? are you satisfied with whatever types you have installed. Open to comments :detective:
  5. Hi folks.. I'm looking for some thoughts, ideas and input on some projects I am thinking about doing over the winter. Any thoughts or ideas are greatly appreciated. This is to my 2004 RSV: First project - Lower the front Does anyone have any experience with the Barons Performance front fork lowering kit vs just the spacers being added to the forks. What are the differences in handling? Does anyone recommend the Performance lowering kit or not? Second project - Handlebar replacement and braided cables. Will be giving Buckeye's (I thank that was who is recommended here in the forums) a call to get all the parts. Looking to replace the stock handle bar with the Flanders one with more pull back. I am thinking of adding heated grips at that time and am wondering if anyone has added heated grips.. if so, what was used? I like the stock grips as my hands are on the smaller side. I have used the ISO grips on previous bikes but do not like them due to their larger diameter size. Has anyone used or added heating elements to the stock grips? How do you like them? I am also looking at the Avon brand heated grips. Not sure yet what their diameter is vs the stock grips. I figure while I have everything apart to lower the front, I might as well do the handlebars and cables at the same time. Thanks for all the input... I don't always post a lot but love to read the articles and this site has been a constant source of help when needed.
  6. Can someone tell me if its ok to replace my grips with regular grips and take the weights off what will happen
  7. I want to move my handle bars back a little. After my first "long distance" ride to MD I came to the conclusion that the pain in my shoulders was due to reaching forward to grip the bars. Si I took off the ignition switch cover and removed the big nuts and moved each bar back 1 spline. Due to the rake angle this also lowered the grips to the point that they were hitting the battery/air cleaner cover. So I loosened the upper bar nuts and raised the grip by 1 spline. this got them back to their original height. I have been riding it this way for a week now to try to get used to the new feel but I just don't like the new feel either. I do like the for/aft position as I can now utilize the backrest to actually support my back better since I am not leaning forward. When the bars came back it also moved them a lot closer together and angled them back more. This combined with having to raise the grips for clearance puts the grips an an angle that causes a significant outward bend in my wrists that is uncomfortable. Also with the grips closer together I am no longer pushing into the curves but more of a pulling the bars sideways type of feel. This makes the bike feel very unsteady at low speed and I do not feel like I have solid control at high speed. I was thinking of getting out the hot wrench to re-bend the bars to get back to the correct ergonomic angle for my wrists. and end up closer to having the effect of the bars just being moved straight back and not closer together. Before I attack it with the torch I want to acquire a spare set of bars, JUST in case. Or does anyone have any other ideas to just move the bars straight back without messing up everything else? While searching, I did find someone that was going to make a set of 1st gen bar backs. I thought of that but I have no way to make an internal and external spline to mount the bars to.
  8. Tried searching but struck out.... Has anyone installed Venture passenger grips on a RSTD? I am not installing a trunk yet but will in the future but wanted to try to adapt these stock venture assist grips.... Any help or pics would be outstanding.... Thanks in advance.... Bob
  9. I have been riding year-'round since the late 60s, and I have never had grip heaters or used electric clothing. As I get older, however, I am finding that the painful fingers when the temperatures drop below 30 are less acceptable, so this year, I started experimenting with grip heaters on the RSV. I really like the stock grips on QuickSilver, so I didn't want to just replace them with heated grips; that left either wrap-around heater covers or the under-grip heat strips. I first ordered a set of Oxford HotHands wrap-arounds. These are specifically labeled for use ONLY on 1 7/8" bars, as they will make the grips too large when put over grips on 1" bars. I decided to ignore this and try them anyway since I have very large hands. Turns out, we are both right. The HotHands are quite thick, and when put over the RSV grips, they feel overly large. I was easily able to get used to them, but most people probably wouldn't. In addition, the HotHands only have one temperature - High! To modulate the heat, the only choice is to turn them off and on periodically. My next try was to order a heated grip kit designed to install underneath existing grips. These consist of self-stick mylar sheets with heating elements bonded to the surface. The ones I ordered use a dropping resistor and two position switch to provide low and high heat options. More on the resistor later. Before I tried installing the heater kit as it was designed, I wanted to try and make my own set of grip wraps that could be removed easily when not needed. First, I chose to use buckskin, since I had it available and I thought the deer skin grips would be comfortable and functional. Although the buckskin worked very nice, I think rubberized nylon or canvas would have been a better choice. With the leather, I am concerned about the long-term effects of water, and when washing the bike I have been either wrapping the grips in plastic or removing them. Here's a picture of the heat strips and Velcro on the buckskin: [ATTACH]5015[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5016[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5017[/ATTACH] Important: If you are going to make a set of wrap-around heaters like this, you need to be careful to get the kind of elements with the SAME amount of heat on BOTH. Many sets made for motorcycles have one that heats a lot more to compensate for the damping effect of the cold metal bar directly against it on the left side. The dropping resistor is a bit of a problem - these get HOT when the grips are on low, hot enough to burn your fingers. There is at least one other brand of grip heater kit available that uses two separate heating circuits instead of the resistor, and I would use those in the future instead of the more common type with the resistor. I used some plastic wire wrap to hold the excess wire and the resistor (it came all soldered together), and then just stuck the wire assembly down behind the throttle cables and the fairing. (note - after using these for a year, just having the resistor and wires stuffed between the throttle cables and the fairing as shown in the picture has worked perfectly - the heat from the resistor has not damaged anything.) [ATTACH]5018[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5019[/ATTACH] Finally, I just wrapped the wires from the grips once around the existing bar wire bundle and routed the wires from the left grip and the power plug through more of the plastic wire wrap across the front of the handlebars. The tach mount made a convenient place to mount the switch. I am currently powering these from the power plug in the fairing, but will permanently wire the switch next time I split the fairing. [ATTACH]5020[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5021[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]5022[/ATTACH] I am quite happy with this solution and think this is what I will stay with! Goose UPDATE - one year later: I have used these grip heaters for two winters now, and I love them. In November we took a weeks ride up to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, and the weather for three days all the way there was low 30s and solid rain. Of course, the buckskin grip heaters got soaked, but that just made them work even better, as the water absorbed the heat and kept my hands "steamy" warm. Even when my winter gloves got so wet that just making a fist would cause water to stream out of them, these grip heaters were too warm to leave on Hi very long. After the grip heaters dried out, they are still in perfect shape. One of the things I like most about them is that I only have to have them on the grips when really needed. Here is an updated picture of the dash and location of the switch between the tach and the right handle bar. [ATTACH]14364[/ATTACH]
  10. What heated grips would you recommend for a 91 VR MKII. What are the features one should look for in heated grips.
  11. was wondering if anyone has replaced their grips with aftermarket. the only ones i have found are by Avon, and run about 50.00. has anybody tried these? what size are the bars? http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/0/6/0/0/8/6/webimg/387609976_tp.jpg
  12. I have seen a pic or 2 of an RSV with the ISO grips and the original end weights. What mod, if any, is required to put the weights back on with the ISO grips? Is there a noticable difference without andy weights?
  13. Ordered the Kuryakyn grips #6240 for my 2009 Venture along with the Throttle Boss gadget that goes with them. Dealer just called and they have arrived. My mechanical expertise is not that great and I ain't just being modest Is this removal of the old and installation of the new grips something that I might attempt or should I have the service department do it? Back in the '60's it was so easy to change cables, grips, exhaust systems etc. :backinmyday:Heck back then I could, and did, even de-carbon my H2 triple. But this Venture ain't nothing like my old Matchless, R.E., Triumph, Kawasaki or even the Honda GL-500 I had. I sure don't want to get started on something I can't finish I searched for pictorials here on the job and did not find anything.
  14. First off, I'm sorry for the novel. I'll try to stay on point so nobody has to read my rambling. I get tingly fingers in my right hand when I ride. I'll start by explaining my position when riding. I have all original equipment on my 06 RSTD as far as handlebars and grips are concerned. I have a Throttle Rocker installed. When I ride, my arms have a VERY slight bend at the elbow. I do have a driver backrest but I don't feel I use it to it's full potential because I feel like I have to stretch to reach the handlebars. Here's what I've done... I just ordered a set of Flanders bars (yes, I ordered the correct one for the RSTD) and also Kuryakyn ISO grips with Kuryakyn Bullet End Weights. My thinking is that I am experiencing problems from stretching too far to reach the bars which is why I ordered the Flanders bars. I figured the ISO grips would be a little nicer on the hands than the narrower, stock grips. The end weights I ordered mainly because I don't have the tools (or the machanical ability) to fabricate my stock ends to work with both the ISO grips and the Flanders bars (although I know there are some that have done it with no issues). I haven't installed any of this stuff yet but I'll certainly let everone know when I do. This is where I get concerned... Tonight I rode about 60 miles after work (it's a nice day in Mid-West Wisconsin so I thought a little trip around the block was called for) SORRY... STARTING TO RAMBLE!! Back on point - as I was riding a thought crossed my mind. What if it's my Throttle Rocker that is causing my problems? Has anyone else ever had problems with the Throttle Rocker? I'm interested in everyones feedback on that and also any input you may have to reassure me that changing out my handlebars and grips is worth doing and something a mildly mechanical person like myself can accomplish. **Note - I did plan to just relocate the cables with the new bars. I didn't purchase the SS upgrade.** I read A LOT of posts about the bars and I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... Please provide any feedback you think my help/reassure me. Thanks all, Les
  15. How do you deal with removing/installing the grips on a first gen? Are the chrome caps on the end of the bars removable or do the old grips have to be cut off and the new ones stretched over the end caps? I have an 84 VR that the PO put leather grip covers on, which make my hands feel like I'm holding onto the fat end of a baseball bat. Want to remove the covers and set something up that is a little smaller in diameter.
  16. I'm looking for a set of stock grips for my '96 RSTC. The bike came with Kury ISO's and I'm of the belief that they were/are a contributing factor in the problems I was having with my carpal affected hands while riding it home this past weekend. It's kinda curious as I have ISO's on my 650 and don't have as much trouble with them as I did with the grips on the RSTC. Also, the bike came with the wind deflectors. Do I have to pull them to mount the Baron Big Bar Engine guard on the bike??? Any and all help greatly appreciated!
  17. Hello: I like the stock grips with my modified bar end weights on my RSTD, but have often thought that a slightly larger grip might be nice. After searching and reading about grips here on the site, I decided to order a set of Grip Puppies. They arrived this week. I hope to have time to install them this morning. Any hints or tips. I see soapy water is the key? Thanks....
  18. has anyone used the show chrome grips for the yamaha with weights . i like the loks better than kury's thanks bill
  19. going to romove handle bars on a 83 for polishing looks like one nut holding grips on, I assume 1 or 2 bolts at base under black plastic riser cover? can they be removed from grips an base with out disconnecting any wires ? Any help greatly appreciated Tom
  20. Can the handle bars on an 89 VR be moved closer. Closer meaning so the grips are brought closer together so my arms are not so far appart. Maybe 2 inches for each side. If that can be done, then can the bars be moved higher. Higher meaning so the grips are raised some. Because by bring the grips in a couple inches the grips I think drops some, so need to compensate by raising the grip position. I'm not wanting to do any extreme adjustments. This would allow me to sit back a little more onto my backrest which is already at its most forward position. Lastly what type of slow extremely speed handleing or manuvering balance might I encounter if the adjustments are possible. I'm only about 170lb, 5' 8" and so I can't man handle the VR.
  21. A buddy of mine has 2 different sets of Kyrukyn Iso grips he is getting rid of. He said I can have a set if I know which one to get. Anyone know what Set of Iso Grips fit the 1st gen handlebars? Kyrukyn's website is worthless as they dont admit our bikes even exist.
  22. I'm looking for options to add heating elements inside my 2nd gen bars so I can keep my existing Kury grips. For those cold weather riders that have them, what did you go with? BTW, they don't need to work on days like today where the temp is -17...-45 wind chill in ND!
  23. Do you think these will work with the 2nd gen? http://www.motorcycle-superstore.com/3/13/121/35014/ITEM/Avon-Grips-Heated-Air-Cushioned-Metric-Cruiser-Grips.aspx?WT.ac=SLIsearch
  24. I have a 2000 RSV. It is fairly standard. No LED's, riding lights. I am planning on going to Daytona Bike week the first part of March from KC and would like to run a heated vest. I have heated grips with Hippo hands which work great. Can ride as cold and stay warm. Need more core heat though. If I am running the basic bike without intercom or radio but using GPS, heated grips and an electric vest should I be ok? If I get to riding with riding lights (mine are basically useless for seeing I believe) would that overload me? I appreciate your help. Electric stuff always confuses me
  25. I'm considering either heated grips or heated gloves for an 08 RSV. I'm using insulated gloves, and my hands stay reasonably warm...but my fingertips seem to bear the brunt of the cold. What type of hand warming "device" would you recommend? If you own either, would you purchase them again?
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