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Found 19 results

  1. Just thought that I would share a few photos of the trees in our yard and our grandson, Nathan helping us move logs. Yama Mama
  2. Here are a couple pictures of my new trike...and new grandson. Bigbob
  3. These little Guys were The main Gift that Janet got for Mothers day, The 2 older boys are our Grandsons form FLA. the younger boy is our Grandson that lives here in Texas. We will have the 2 older Boys for 2 months...( Prayers Needed )...
  4. Yesterday evening, my 20 year old grandson, Lil Venturous" son, lost it on his CBR600 and went down. He was going over a rise that sweeps to the right and I suspect he was going too fast and as he crested the hill and when he touched the rear brake, it locked up. He went off the left side of the road, went over a barbed wire fence, bending or breaking four metal poles, dropped about 6 to 8 feet and hit a telephone pole. He was left laying beside the telephone pole and the bike went farther down the bank. The fortunate thing was he was able to call his dad, who was at my house and we took off to find him as Brian called 911 and gave them directions. When we got there, his sister, who lives within a mile was already there. Within minutes we had the fire department, a crash truck, EMS, a city policeman that was on his way to work and then a State Trooper. If he had not been able to call, I don't know if he would have been found. You could not see him or the bike from the road unless you stopped and got out of the car and looked over the bank. He also could not move as he had a compound fracture on his right leg with the femur sticking out about half way between his knee and hip. He is now out of surgery and also has a torn muscle and skin damage. Fortunately, he had on a good mesh jacket with armor pads, heavy boots, heavy work pants and a full face helmet. He will be in ICU tonight and in a couple of days he will have more surgery to see how much muscle damage there is. I have some pictures that I will try to post that were taken after the fact. RandyA
  5. Muffinman got the phone call friday we're gonna be grandparents. Our daughter's due Jan 7th and they are gonna have an ultrasound to tell whether we'll have a grandson or daughter. So now we'll be grand muffins. Hope the Pillsbury dough boy doesn't get mad. :crackup: Margaret
  6. At 5:30 this morning my oldest daughter gave birth to her 1st child. A 5lb 10oz baby boy, my second grandson. sorry no pics yet, but I do remember the rules. :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool:
  7. Just returned from a three day ride in the NC and TN mountains. Took my grandson along as we were acting as tour guides for a couple from Ft. Myers, Fl. that had a new V-star 1300 and were unfamiliar with the numerous great MC rodes in the area. Anyway, during the ride, we were both listing to the cb and radio through helmet speakers and the grandson through ear buds. We both only heard the music out of the right speaker. Nothing out of the left side?????? What could cause this problem. I have not experienced this problem before and the only thing differant this time was a passenger plugged into the rear connector. Any else ever experience this problem? Bugsplat:doh:
  8. An old cowboy counseled his grandson that if he wanted to live a long life the secret was to sprinkle a pinch of gun powder on his oatmeal every morning. The grandson did this religiously to the age of 103. When he died, he left . . . 14 children, 30 grand-children, 45 great grandchildren, 25 great-great grand children, and a 15 foot hole where the crematorium used to be
  9. My 2 year old grandson was teaching us the correct etiquette today for DQ today.
  10. Thought we'd start him on the "little" one...
  11. My son and his wife just had a new Baby boy. his name is Micheal Luke. He came in 1 & 1/2 months early at 5 lbs 6 ozs. Meet my new grandson
  12. First I must apologize to all you good people It’s been way too long since I requested you prayers and god thoughts for my grandson and then later for myself. And I have not gotten back to you with my thanks and an update on how things are going. As I live alone just finding the time and the energy to get everything done is difficult. As for my grandson, he came home from the hospital just before Christmas but he has to have oxygen full time. They even arranged to have oxygen at school for him so he could stay in school and keep up on his school work. He had a heart catheterization and that showed everything is normal. Then they took him to see his original transplant doctor. They are looking at his lungs and the blood vessels through it. They think that maybe they are not formed right causing the problems he has now. We will just have to wait and see. They just don’t know at this point and are still doing tests. As I said before nobody has lived this long with the condition he has. As for myself as some of you may know I was taken to the hospital. In mid December a family member found me on the floor unresponsive and called an ambulance to take me to the hospital. Around the same time my grandson as coming home from the hospital is was going in. I was in for 15 days barely aware of anything for most of the time. The team of doctors that worked on me told my family that there was less than 2% chance of me leaving the hospital. They don’t know what caused it but all my major organs were shutting down heart, Lungs, liver and kidneys. They even thought part of my brain was gone. But I fooled them and walked out on my own 2 feet. It was still almost 2 weeks before I could get back to any kind of work and I still trying to catch up on all my work. When I had to go back in the one doctor referred to me as their miracle, for pulling me through. But all is not well while I am home but I had to return to the hospital twice and 2 other times I thought I would have to go back in with problems with my heart. They still need to do some tests. I was to have a nuclear stress test tomorrow but they had to cancel due to the snow they couldn’t get the drugs delivered so I am waiting to hear from as to when they can do it. At this point I don’t what the future holds I take it one day at a time. I am on light duty only no snow shoveling at all so I am unable to get out for a few days due to the snow. It will be several months at least before I may get back to anything close to normal. The good news they have not restricted me from riding this summer that’s all up to me and how I feel at the time. But they have really limited my diet no sugar, no salt, low cholesterol. No alcohol, no caffeine along with limited fluids. As long as I stay with I stay out of the hospital. Thank you for all you prayers and good thoughts and keep them coming I need and welcome all the help I can get. Gary
  13. My youngest grandson, at 1 year, is pulling for the Saints, check out his video........... http://www.etradebabymail.com/?mId=34159815.2
  14. New Grandson is 4 months old...
  15. With Christmas just around the corner and coming on fast, thought I would sneak in this shameless plug for my daughters business. www.DonnaA.scentsy.US She is married to a 25 year retired Marine Gunny and they recently adopted my first grandson. So, she has started this business to be a good stay at home mom to make sure I don't corrupt the grandson too much. Anyway, she would appreciate the business. Thanks for looking
  16. At 2:10 on July 30th 2009 the Lord blessed us with a 7lb, 15oz grandson named Austin Bradley. :banana: :banana: Both mama and baby are doing fine, but I don't think we will ever get that grin off of the proud papa's face. Not to mention both sets of grandparents... :rotfl: I promise to take pics today and will post them later. Now for the bad news. Since the Warden has STILL NOT been able to return to work since the surgery on her foot, this was 9 weeks ago, I will not be able to make it to The Hub this weekend. HOWEVER, I WILL make it to Vogel for those that are sorely disappointed that I wont show up at the International Rally . I was really looking forward to finally getting to meet some of the people that I see on here. Oh well, maybe next year. For everyone that is traveling this week, my prayers are that all of your travels will be done safely.
  17. Patricia and I are very pleased to announce the birth of our 1st Grandson. His name is Kellon Myrl Mabrey, 8 lbs 7 oz, 21" long, born at 5:57 July 10th. He is a "KEEPER". By the way, he is our first Grandbaby so that make us brand new grandparents. Yeah!!
  18. Hey guys, Thought I'd share a couple of pics of my new grandson. This is Toby. So new these photos are 24 hours old. First grandchild, and needless to say the pillion-in-a-million can't wait for a cuddle. Perhaps tomorrow - 400kms away. #1 - Father and son. #2 - Mother and son. #3 Toby.
  19. :173:May not be the right place to post this but I have to tell someone since the emails were already sent out by my wife to tell everyone else about it! We welcomed our first grandson into this world yesterday at 4:30 P.M. Seven pounds and four ounces and twenty inches long. Mom and baby are both doing great and ready to go home already. Its hard to believe that I am actually a grandpa at 42 years old but I wouldnt trade this feeling for anything in the world! Looks like I may have to ride all alone for awhile since grandma wont leave the baby for anything.
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