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  1. Does anyone know where to get carb rebuild kits. I am having a hard time finding them. I called my local Yamaha dealers and they said it is to old. The only things on Ebay are full sets of used carbs. I an inn Grand Haven, Michigan.
  2. While there were many good things during 2012, it was probably one of the toughest, most stressful, costly years of my life (unfortunately). In Feb I received a notice from Family Maintenance Enforcement stating that I owed almost 50 grand in spousal support arrears to my ex wife and that I had to commence paying her 500/mo PLUS the arrears. That started a court action to cancel the arrears and support which took until end of July and 5 grand in lawyers fees even though I did most of the "grunt work" myself. The end result was in my favor although I still had to fork out 6 grand to her. In January, my wife's mom's health started going downhill and by late March she passed away. The stresses and expenses around that, coupled with the court battle weighed heavilly on both my wife and myself. I was able to keep it together but my wife had to take stress leave from work. Thankfully she is ok now and back to work and we've just recently recovered financially and things are back on track; however, it certainly took a large chunk out of our retirement savings. As for the good things of 2012.... I learned that life can present many unexpected challenges and the best way to overcome them is to be strong and stand for what you believe in and to take care of yourself and not let anyone take advantage of you. My wife and I have a much stronger and closer relationship than ever before as a result of the challenges we faced during 2012. I learned to not take anything for granted ever again and to protect yourself from those who can hurt you the most. As for m/c related stuff, it was a good year. We hosted an annual rally, did several "local" rides ... some just the two of us, some with others, and finally joined a local club consisting of a variety of individuals and bikes (something I swore I'd never do again). To say the least, 2012 has been an "interesting" year and we look forward to 2013 and are hopefully prepared for whatever challenges it may bring. Considering what some of you have gone through in 2012, I should feel happy I wasn't in your shoes as some of you have faced much more difficulties than we have. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL and I hope for a great 2013 for everyone!
  3. Met Jack and Kay Ruen from down around Lima area yesterday in Grand Rapids,Oh. Very nice couple and fairly new to the venture. They had not heard of Ventureriders.Org so the wife and I told them about us and invited them to look around and join. Hope to see them on the site.
  4. Teaching my Grand Princess to enjoy riding..... ....anything with two wheels...
  5. I recieved a baseball today. It belonged to a Little Leauge all Star this year. Won the regional when he had a Grand Slam. His first. Guess who he gave the ball to. I'll sell it one of these days for a million bucks!! In the championship game he had a Double. a tripple, a inside the park homer (that boy is as fast as a 1st Gen) and a Grand Slam. With the 10 strikeouts he had while pitching not a bad game. All star play starts in about 2 weeks. Guess I'll have to go watch.
  6. Hard bags for the RSTDs are available from Cruiser Customizing, here's a pic of them. Just saw it in an email this am..... http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/images/STR-4WM72-00-00_300.jpg Only costs you a Grand!!!
  7. Any stops worth while on Route 66 from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon?
  8. The time is getting closer where our block of booked rooms at the New Grand hotel will be gone, so if youre thinking of attending please call the New Grand and book your room making sure that you tell them that your with the Venture group. Also got to the website at www.kruisnthekootenays.ca and register so that we know youre coming so we can plan things like meals. Thanks, Brian, Rick and Nina
  9. Every time I have seen my Grand Princess, I have sat her on my knee with her holding on to the "handle bars" ( AKA my thumbs) while I made motor noises and bounced her on my knee. Just got her a real 1st Gen..AKA dinosaur "bike". At 7 1/2 months old...she LOVES it ! She holds on to the handle bars and makes her own lip noise. Cries if you stop pushing her or trying to take her off it. Now to figure out how to fit a baby seat on my bike with out Mommy or Grandma knowing...
  10. If you plan to stay at the New Grand, pls ensure you tell them that you are with the Venturerider group when reserving your room(s).
  11. We just got back from a week long bike trip down to Nashville. Took our time going down and back staying off the interstates as much as possible. Saw some beautiful country, fall colours and some great country music shows. We went to the Grand Ole Opry both Friday and Saturday nights and hit the down town bars Thursday night and Sunday afternoon. And the weather was perfect. Not a drop of rain all week. Bonus!
  12. I don't post much on this site but I read it every day. I thought I would share a slide show of our recent 10 day motorcycle trip to the Grand Canyon. (Gloss Mountain State Park, Black Mesa, Chapel of the Cross in Sedona, Great Sand Dunes, Durango Silverton Train, Four Corners Monument, Monument Valley, Painted Desert, Aztec Ruins, Valley of the Gods in Utah, the Grand Canyon, a few unexpected gravel and muddy roads (road construction) and lots of great restuarants) We traveled a total of 3200 miles leaving Central Arkansas on Friday Sept 9. Glad my wife and I were on a comfy RSV. The bike made it just fine, even at 10,200ft over the mountains coming into Taos, NM. We plan to make a major trip like this once a year as long as we can. It was a fantastic adventure. Click the link below and it will load automaticlly. [ame=http://s695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/rxjmw/Grand%20Canyon%20Adventure/?action=view&current=ea3a394b.pbw]http://s695.photobucket.com/albums/vv311/rxjmw/Grand%20Canyon%20Adventure/?action=view&current=ea3a394b.pbw[/COLO"]Grand Canyon Adventure pictures by rxjmw - Photobucket[/ame]
  13. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aO9wA2RsEkY&feature=player_embedded]Raw Design Grand Opening Video - YouTube[/ame]. just plain awesome!
  14. Not bike related but no where else to turn that I trust. I've had my 2004 Grand Am in garage 3 times for slow leak. Was told it's because of the alloy wheels being damaged/corroded. Can I put innertubes in these? New wheels are too dang expensive to contemplate right now. Thanks and God Bless. Mike
  15. I posted this idea in the prayer request thread, but it may get lost or missed there. Even with good insurance, With minimum 30 days in the hospital, out of work, rehabilitation, etc their out of pocket expenses are likley to be huge. I know that Don (Freebird) only does this on a very selective basis, and if I am over stepping my bounds posting this let me know. If he has a paypal addy using that would be easiest but would not be good to post in open forum perhaps. Anyway, 100 people $100 dollars that's 10 grand, 200 people at $50, that's also 10 grand. That would cover 20% of 50 K medical bill assuming he's got 80/20 coverage(30 days will likley approach exceed 100K) Skip a night out to Carraba's for Ponch. If someone knows Ponch's paypal addy or has another idea to set this up, I'm good for the first $100.00. Derrek RSTDdog
  16. Could you do it? What if it meant raising 15 to 20 Million Dollars to build the Diabetes Research Center at the University of Iowa. That is exactly what Darrell Rall, Grand Aerie Trustee of the Fraternal order of Eagles is proposing to do. To that end the Grand Aerie has committed $600,000 and the Grand Auxillary has committed $400,000 to fund this project. His plan as it now stands is to tour all 48 Continental U.S. States and all of the Canadian provinces meeting up and riding with Eagle Riders and other supporting riding groups along the way. As the Georgia State Eagle Rider Ride Coordinator I have pledged my help assistance and support to this project. Check out www.foeeagleridersga.byethost24.com as further details are known I will post and update as this project progresses.
  17. Muffinman got the phone call friday we're gonna be grandparents. Our daughter's due Jan 7th and they are gonna have an ultrasound to tell whether we'll have a grandson or daughter. So now we'll be grand muffins. Hope the Pillsbury dough boy doesn't get mad. :crackup: Margaret
  18. Just got word from my siblings in Maine. My Mom's oncologist said her fight with stage 4 lung cancer may be coming to an end in the next few months. The cancer has spread to her liver and she is losing weight rapidly. The doctor told my Dad it's time to contact Hospice and make some final plans. Last week we were able to celebrate my parents 55th anniversary with all of her family. Close to 60 family members, including all 6 kids, spouses, grand children, and great grand children were able to attend. Mom told the doctor that this was all she was waiting for. My brothers, sisters, and myself only wish to pass along one thing: If you smoke, please, please stop before it's too late.
  19. I got a call at 11 last night that my elderly mom had taken a bad turn. The family rallied around, the parish priest gave her her final blessings at 3 this morning and she went off to be with god and my father at 7 this morning. 11 children, 43 grand children and 27 great grand children and all of the spouses will now just have our memories. Hug your children for me will ya........
  20. Boomer, I think your pygmies are moonlighting. Found this van at the Grand Canyon a couple of weeks ago. RR
  21. Had a few friends drop by yesterday for pizza and story telling......thank you Bongobob, Becky, Big D and Little D, Spanky, Buffalo Bodnar , Hoffy and Janice, Pb&j, Adaveturer, Doug, Marcarl and Mecca, Wizzard and shorty (Robin), Motorcycle Tom and Amy, and Rickster and Michelle.....Taters and I thank you for a wonderful time....I wish my home was bigger to invite more of my friends here . We had a grand time...I know about the picture thing, maybe Bobby will post some pics. MY BAD, I DIDN'T TAKE ANY.. Again ,Taters and I wish to thank everyone for the wine and desserts and most importantly the laughs....
  22. Does anyone know someone who paints trucks. I have an 04 trailblazer which the clear is peeling, slight paint fade, and some rust starting at the bottom of the rear doors. Truck does not have 60,000 miles on it. Phoned around here and the numbers seem a bit high, Four grand, Ouch, plus our local 13 percent taxes. Would be willing to drive it somewhere Northern Ontario, Michigan, New York. Any Ideas ? Brad
  23. The Back To The Bricks car show/Cruise is going on in Flint Michigan now thru Saturday, Same time as the Woodward Dream Cruise this weekend. So the Daughter and I went down the cruise route to check out the cars. At the end of the route in Grand Blanc we pulled into the Grand Mall where all sort of things are going on. We were directed to a motorcycle parking area where next thing I know we are being registered for the motorcycle show. Lots of Harley's, old Honda's and my dirty Yamaha. It was a show what you rode kind if thing. The pictures are , my Bike and a PERFECT Honda CBX in line 6 cylinder. Have no idea who won because we left shortly after the tornado warning sirens started going off.
  24. Working on my 83 venture I've been keeping an eye out for potential deals on ebay. Last week I saw that a CB from a 1300 with a high bid of only $15 with only 1 day left. So I put in a bid and got it for $18, With shipping it was a grand total of $33.20 Got it yesterday and tested it today on my dad's bike to make sure it wasn't a lemon, no problems! Now I just have to put in all the wiring on my bike. So I can actually use it.
  25. hello the good news my son @ daughter in law are going to have my 5th grand child the bad news is he has a 07 midnight venture and he may have to sell it if he cant keep up the payments. but can't wait to meet the new grand child bumble bee kevin wisor jax fl 1999 rsv:mustache:
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