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  1. Okay, I finally got around to looking at my RSTD exahust tips. I wanted to turn them around so they looked like most of the pictures in the reviews I've read. I feel that it makes the bike look longer, lol. I found what looks like a set screw hole at the bottom of the muffler housing. However, I tried several allen wrenches and those that fit in the hole didn't grab anything and other wrenches were just to big. I guess I knocked off those particular brain cells when I was younger. What am I missing? ps. no picture yet. I added a drivers backrest, my gps mount and wiring but that is about it. 2007 RSTD. All help would be appreciated.
  2. I know everyone that turns wrenches on just about anything has stories that when thought about, would make one wonder how was I that stupid but later makes you laugh. Years ago, I had just finished a 4 year project, I took two Yamaha 750 specials and made one good out if it. It was beautiful! Every bolt removed and all the parts fixed polished and painted. Late one night I ran the bike and saw no problems, all was good I decided I would test ride it the next day. I went to the shop the next morning, put the liability insurance paperwork under the seat and installed the plates. I fired up the bike with the overhead door open, and let it run a bit to warm up. I picked a few tools up and turned my back for a few seconds.... I heard the now familiar whoosh ... I turned to see the bike on fire. Flames are coming out from under the fuel tank! No problem, I grab the fire extinguisher, pull the pin aim it at the fire and pull the handle. Pfffft, Oh Oh all I get is a poof of dust then nothing! Holy Crap! Now what? The fire has gotten bigger now...I am going to catch the whole shop on fire. So I grab the back of the bike and start sliding the thing towards the overhead door. It moved pretty good with it on the center stand and sliding across painted concrete. When I get it to the door... the center stand hits grass and stops dead... at about the same time the fire gets bigger as it has burned through the fuel line. Panic sets in as flames are melting the Styrofoam on the door. Somehow I grab the back of the bike and heave it into the lawn. It tips over and is fully engulfed. As this happens I hear my retired neighbor lady yell to her husband...GARY CALL 911 Rob has a fire!! I cant even remeber how I did it but I kick the fuel tank across the lawn and grab the water hose and the fire goes out. As I stand there and gaze at the pile of smouldering ruins I hear a calm voice behind me, its Gary my neighbor, he says Hmmm I see you got it out it doesnt look so bad. I bet you can fix it. I never did fix it. I hauled the remains, all the parts left over, and anything that had to do with this machine to a guy that wanted it. My wife and I laugh about it now, but in the end I was lucky to not get seriously burned, lucky to not burn the shop down. Even luckier to not have it start on fire while riding it. Moral of the story? Check your fire extinguisher! Have a spare!
  3. Hi All, I was perusing on fleabay and found a couple pairs of RSV passenger grab bars. I have an 06 RSTD. Are these something that are easily added to the RSDT if I don't have an RSV trunk? Thanks in advance Dave
  4. Found this link on another board and thought a few members here would enjoy it as much as I did. If you like old motorcycle barn finds you're gonna love this. It's quite long, so go grab a bag of popcorn and something to drink. There's 8 segments that play automatically, so sit back and be amazed.... http://www.coolestone.com/media/3728/America039;s-Ultimate-Barn-Find/
  5. Hey all, I've been a lurker on here for a long time now, don't post much, but this is important so I wanted to ask. About a month ago after being out for the day on the bike I noticed that the right rear helmet lock was falling off, hanging on by just a thread or two. I tightened this up and didn't think much of it again until last weekend. I was riding home from work on Saturday night and I have this habit of reaching back with my left hand and holding onto the passenger grab bar to stretch my back. Well the grab bar was moving all over the place in my hand. Got home and found I'd lost the bolt that held the grab rail to the fender, and the bolt under the trunk on the other end was really loose. Ordered the new bolt to replace that one, got it yesterday and went to work putting it together. While under there I checked the other bolts in the fender and found that 3 of the 4 bolts holding my trunk on were very loose. This led me to grab a bottle of lock tite out of the garage and put it on all of the bolts in question, including the two helmet locks. Is this typical? I have owned the RSV for about 1 1/2 years and love it, I will now be checking the bolts rather often, are there any other area's that I should look for things "falling off" that are common? Sorry to be so long winded, thanks for all your help in advance! What a great forum this is, I have learned so much here and it has enabled my to do a lot of my own maintenance with confidence. Great group of people here!
  6. Rode my bike to the stealer today for some repairs and as I pulled up to the service entrance another man was going to his truck with his parts we exchanged a nod and I parked my bike and got off. Just as I was removing my "safety gear" a young man came out of the back of the shop on a Silver Wing ( it was a customers skoot he worked for the dealer ) anyway about the time the gentleman with the parts started backing out the young man gassed on the little skooter about 30' from where the little pickup was backing up hidden from view (almost certain his feet were dangling) the pickup appeared and the little show boat panicked grab the front brake on wet concrete and he went rolling right beside my bike. Found out the little Wing had just finished being repaired from a previous accident and this was the fourth incident with this young dude this week. General Mgr. came out to access the new damage so I explained to him what happened and that guy better not be on my bike. Don't think he will be there when I go back
  7. The good lord blessed me with a lot of things but not long legs (29" inseam)...LOL I've been in a few unavoidable areas where I have had to back my bike up and it is impossible for me to do so while on the bike. Yesterday I found myself with the kick stand down, placing my backside up against the passenger grab rail and it worked pretty good... Got me to thinking, this is exactly how you pick up a bike that is layed over, using your legs! Now I need to find something i can bolt on to the grab rail or the side of the bike that gives me a little more surface to push against.. Any suggestions?
  8. I wish I had some of these. Might grab the cagers attention. http://s739.photobucket.com/albums/xx33/shtrdthrd/Funny/?action=view&current=legalspeeding.jpg PS: This is utadventure's son.
  9. Will a 99 kickstand switch fit my 85?? I'm tired of playing with the one I have it just don't want to get better and there is one on Flea-Bay I could grab cheap.. I know I'm asking for trouble putting 2nd Gen parts on it. Probally slow it down quite a bit!!!
  10. Will anyone here be attending Bikefest at South Padre Island in October? I am from the Brownsville/SPI area, and will be there for the weekend. If anyone from here is going to be there, let me know. Maybe we can drink a few beers together. I have a condo all weekend, so it looks like it is going to be fun. Also, I know all the good places to grab a bite to eat. Also, I think one of my buddies will be playing out there sometime during the weekend. There are some great places to eat on the island.
  11. Evening all, I am looking for a pair of Venture passenger grab bars to put on my 08 RSTD. I am going to bolt the front of the grab bar on the fender bracket (just like on a Venture) and then fabricate something to hold them together behind the seat with a mount running to my rear seat bolt. I want to do this so I can add the Venture passenger arm rests that Diamond Accessories sells. We are headed to Deals Gap in July to run the Dragon and go to Star Days. I am trying to make my wife's ride a little more comfortable without putting on the entire Venture pack (too expensive). I have a Corbin seat which we both like so I don't want to replace it. I have tried Pinwall cycle but they don't have any. Any one got another source for used bike parts or maybe have a set on a shelf in their garage that they would want to sell?
  12. Has anybody tried a car tire on the front?? Seeing as the trike does not lean as much, wouldn't a flatter bottom give more grab for turning???
  13. I was wondering if anyone installed heated grips for the passenger on the grab bars? is there any way of adding such a thing? when my wife and I ride colder days her hands get really cold and she ends up riding with snowmobile mittens, this eliminates her ability to grab anything. I figured that if I could give her a heated grip that would solve a lot of issues. Any ideas?
  14. So I got my new fuel sending unit and went to install it and found that when I was trying to take my tank off, like I have done many times already, a head of one of the hex head bolt/screw that goes in the front of the tank has been rounded out. I don't know how it happend, when I put it back together last time I didn't notice any slop or anything but when I went to loosen it up, I just spun round and round. I have tried: 1) vice grips and pliers - nothing will grab onto that round head. 2) Easy-out/screw extractors (a few different types including the kind you drill into the screw and then back out and the kind that is supposed to grab onto the head and back it out) none worked - the head of the screw just didn't grab like it should. 3) take grinder and cut slots into the head suitable for a flat head screwdriver - did not work; as I try to use the screw driver to back the bolt out it just breaks the head up even more. I had thought about cutting the head of the bolt off completely and then try to maneuver the tank support out and over it (then I could get the bolt out because I would be able to grip it), but I don't think there is enough play in the tank to do that (as it would have to go ~1 inch to one side and it is just too tight of a fit). I am just plumb out of ideas - any thoughts would be appreciated.
  15. So my 03 RSV has 14000 miles on it now I just bought it a week or so ago. I noticed that the clutch lever is just about all the way out before the clutch starts to grab. I have owned 3 VTX 1800's and there clutches were different they started to grab before this one does. Is this normal for the RSV? Thanks
  16. Noticed front brakes were getting real noisey? Pulled pads and seemed to have 50-60% pads left, but they seemed awfully glazed. Had some new EBC's on the bench so replaced them anyways? Bled system and took for a ride. Now I don't know if its my imagination or I screwed up, but brakes seem really Soft? Seems I have to pump them to get them to grab hard. Now they do stop the bike, but I feel they should grab much harder than they do? I'm gonna re-bled the system to ensure all air is out but I have a feeling in the back of my head that the pistons are sticking???? I've gone through three sets of pads on the rear, have 35k on the fronts and still 60% left? wondering if this hasn't been an issue for a bit? If I have to take apart the calipers, rebuild, is it a big deal? Searched for a post here, but???? Theres a procedure in the manual, but sometimes folks here have such better insite????? Is there a rebuild kit that needs to be ordered? Leaving for biketoberfest the 14th, so would like to have it done by then???????????? Any help? Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I have just purchased an RSV, and need to find a set of passenger grab rails (handles) for it. The originals were removed and then lost. Anyone have a set to sell or know where I can get a set? Thanks, Joe
  18. Hey guy's I've been riding in the Seattle rain quite a bit lately and am finding out that my brakes barely want to slow me down:shock3:. I even resorted to draging my feet once. Seems my pads don't want to grab unless I continuly pump the brakes while driving antisapating a red light or sudden stop. The brakes work fine in the dry just have issues when raining. Any HELP? Thanks Chris (Rainier Rider) 86royale
  19. Are there any members in the Souwest Florida area, Ft. Myers/Naples? I plan to ride down FT. Myers Beach for the week of 10/7-10/13. If anyone is interested in meeting up to ride a bit or grab a meal let me know. Dennis
  20. I know most of us don't ride around without our hands on the handle bars, but on occasion when I am riding with one hand or if I let go of the stearing my front wheel will start to shimmy. Once I grab on it will go away. Has anyone else exeperianced this? Is there something that I sould look into or is this normal?
  21. Guest

    Grab Rails

    I've got an 06 Tour Deluxe and am wondering if anyone has come across passenger grab rails,or has made some? My riding partner is'nt comfortable hanging on to my love handles!
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