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  1. I know the GPS has been a pain point for a lot of us including myself. I was just able to get past the 5 waypoint issue with ease. Here the gist of my experience with the GPS and what I found last night. First, let me say that I have tried many different route-mapping tools over the years. I was excited to see the SVTC had a GPS when I bought the bike. I wasn't looking for that as I've ridden all 3 generations of the bike now, I just love the Venture line. When I found out that I could only have 5 waypoints etc etc, just like everyone else I was drastically disappointed. I’ve used MyRouteApp many times in the past even with HERE Navigation on a Windows phone a long time ago. The last time I used the app was in 2020 and there was a 1.1 GPX format that would download all the waypoints and POIs into the GPS but the route would not come across. Frustrated I just continued to use google maps on my iPhone. Last night I purchased and downloaded the MRA app hoping to use that since I had already built the route. I was getting errors on my iPhone with it. Then, on the MyRouteApp site, I noticed a new 1.1 GPX format that listed the route, waypoints and POIs. Early Saturday morning before the ride I put this file on a thumb drive and uploaded it to the NAVI on the bike. Bing, Band Bob’s your uncle (yeah bad pun I know), there was everything. Heck yeah! As we rode everything moved along perfectly. Even auto advancing as we passed waypoints. We even stopped for breakfast, waypoint 5. Came out fired up the bike and it picked up right where we were and continued on fine. That is until waypoint 14 of 20. There was a road closure and we ended up taking a different route around the closure. At this point, we did not go past waypoint 14 and the NAVI just got lost. It kept trying to loop me around and back track to the closed road. I switched back to google maps at this point. Let me close with this though. Since I had not used the NAVI GPS before I have not looked into the use of it much. This was really a fly by the seat of my pants use today. Overall, I think it was a huge success compared to all of our previous results. The biggest take away though is use the file format GPX 1.1 with route, waypoints and POI. I know this busted the 5 waypoint limit but I don’t know what that ceiling would be now. Here is a link to the route we took this morning so you can see what I saw. https://www.myrouteapp.com/en/social/route/4951794...
  2. Yes it is all it is cracked up to be. This thing is awesome. Moves a lot of the usefulness of your smartphone over to a glove friendly 5.5 inch screen. Texts and notifications are read to you. control your music etc. Hope you like my review. Comments are always welcome. https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/09/10/garmin-zumo-xt-review-motorcycle-specific-gps-navigation/ VentureFar...
  3. Hi all, I just finished my review of the new for 2020 Garmin Montana 700i GPS. It is a hulking piece of hardware that has so much functionality that is took me a long time to figure it out, but it was worth the work. Our good friend @cowpuc navigates celestially and can communicate by smoke signals if he is out of cell range, but for the rest of us having a satellite connection when needed is comforting if not down right lifesaving. Comments always welcome If you ride, hike, fish, boat, fly, climb, take cruises, hunt with dogs or want to connect with someone when you have NO CELL SERVICE then this Garmin Montana 700i has something for you. Hope you enjoy the read. https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/11/24/garmin-montana-700i-review-motorcycle-gps-adventure-partner/ VentureFar...
  4. Hello fellow Venturer's, I was able to get my hands on the TomTom Rider 550. It is great just like my Brother @cowpuc finds the twisties for you along with free world wide map updates and free traffic- as long as it is connected to wifi or bluetooth off your phone. I really like it and will be using it from now on. Here is my review. https://ultimatemotorcycling.com/2020/07/01/tomtom-rider-550-review-gps-and-more-for-motorcycles/ VentureFar...
  5. Hello fellow Venturers, I just purchased a 2018 Venture without the TC package. Has anyone successfully added the Navigation module without the "help" of a dealership? Thanks, Nick
  6. We have a 2018 Venture TC and love it so far. My only issue is uploading waypoints. It seems to only let me upload one at a time and can display only 6 on any given route. I'm hoping someone can help me get more efficient at route planning and uploading. We take multi-day trips and it is easier to plan the route on the computer for each days' stops, then upload to the built-in GPS, but I haven't been able to figure it out and Yamaha customer service hasn't been much help to this point. Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi, What GPS unit does everyone have for their bikes? Thanks Kelly
  8. Hi Guys, I've been trying to put some custom routes into my nuvi 765T. I can do it by scrolling through the GPS itself and reordering the points manually, but that takes forever on the small screen. Especially with my big fingers! So I tried using Mapquest to put my custom routes into it. Selecting and/or editing my route on Mapquest works great. But when I "Send" the custom route to my GPS, it comes out as the route the GPS selects for me and NOT the route I laid out using Mapquest. I'm using Firefox and even added the "Garmin Communicator Plugin" to my browser, but no luck. Anybody here know a simple or easier way to get my custom routes into my GPS? Software, website, etc. Thanks, Bill
  9. I use a gps program on my Droid called CoPilot Live Premium. I have replaced my Garmin with it and am so far happy. It has a lot of nifty features, one of which is "Drag Route". If you don't like where it is sending you and prefer other roads you can drag the route to change it right on your screen. This program sells for $9.99 on the Google Play store which includes one year of free traffic updates. I bought my copy late last summer. Recently I entered a contest that CoPilot was running, which had a grand prize of a Nexus tablet. I did not win the tablet, but did win a free copy of the software. Obviously, I cannot use it since I already own it. Therefore I am offering it to any VR member (subscribed members only) who may want it. The FIRST PERSON TO RESPOND BY PRIVATE MESSAGE will get it. Replying in the thread does not count. If you win the race, I will send you an email that contains instructions on installing along with the key code that activates it. Make sure it will work on your phone. If you have an older android phone it may not be compatible. Check it out here: http://copilotlive.com/us/personal/android.asp Let the race begin. Joe
  10. On a recent trip I had a splitter for my Aux input so I could run the GPS and Pandora off my phone. The volume from the GPS was fine but I couldnt seem to get as much out of the phone, even turned way up. I did have my boosteroo with me and tried it but that didnt seem to help much. Is there any kind of amp that can be installed inline or the like for the Aux inputs? If I turn up the phone volume to say the very top the out put get sort of distorted, so I have to give it a couple clicks down. But then you have to run the volume on the bike @ 28-30 to hear it at 70mph.
  11. I pick the phone up & some1 from the desk says " sir I was wondering if you had went out to your bike to get your GPS?" I said NO why ? "well a guest reported some1 was getting it... So i slam the phone down and run out the door, ooops back in put pants on & then out the door. Sure enough some Son of a *itch" had tried to get my NEW 7'' screen Zumo GPS...they had it unplugged and out of the case BUT couldn't get the cord.. then some1 i guess scared them off... Needless to say I didn't sleep. I guess i went out to see if I could catch some1 messing with the bike 25 times.....I told my wife I guess it was good I didn't catch some1 cause I would have confronted them & my luck the SOB would had a gun & killed my AS$..
  12. I am thinking of going to ride the Dragon next week. I really know nothing of it. Does anyone have an address of something in the area that I could Plug into my gps to get me there? Thanks
  13. b2dad

    Do you...

    Do you trust your GPS? When you are on UNFAMILIAR roads...do you trust the directions your GPS gives you? Ours has been wrong a time or two...and yesterday, coming thru Louisville, KY, we detoured for lunch...and when we left the restaurant, the GPS was not taking us back the way we came...so I tried to redirect Don back and got CONFUSED due to the fact that a couple different highways intersect in Louisville... Anyway...we lost 1 hr driving time, got held up due to an accident on the hwy...and should have trusted the dang GPS the first time. oh well...live and learn I guess. BTW: Don has a Zumo 660
  14. I ran across this and had to laugh. I've had my fun with my GPS and misleading information but this tops it all. You thinks they might have noticed this one a lil sooner? Three Japanese tourists in Australia found themselves in an embarrassing situation after their GPS navigation system lured them down the wrong path. The three students from Tokyo set out to drive to North Stradbroke Island on the Australian coast Thursday morning, and mapped out their path on their GPS system. The road looked clear, at low tide — but the map forgot to show the 9 miles of water and mud between the island and the mainland. As the three drove their rented Hyundai Getz into Moreton Bay, they found the GPS device guiding them from a gravel road into thick mud. They tried to get back to solid ground, but as the tide rose they were forced to abandon their car. Passengers on passing ferries watched in amazement. Noda and her friends made it about 50 yards offshore before they realized they were stranded. A tow truck driver eventually gave them a lift back to the mainland. The students decided not to have the car repaired because of the damage. The car was insured, though Noda will still have to pay about $1,500 for what was not covered.
  15. I am sure there is a thread somewhere but i am lazy... I am NOT spending 800 dollars on a gps. nuff said. what GPS units do ya'll recommend that are under 200- i got a 200 staples gift card at work. also, what type of weatherproofing and mounting did you come up with for the unit. I am in southeastern nc. i won't be riding in the rain intentionally. 'preciate your responses!
  16. Is there certain types of GPS units to use for motorcycles? I set up my Megelan $150.00 GPS from Canadian Tire on my V-Strom to go for a long new places ride. It started off good then after a couple hours started shutting itself down and "rebooting" then by the time I had found a few gravel roads and many roads that went no place at all I was on the highway to home and it just got into a loop of start up - shut down over and over. Now I think the battery is hooped as now when I unplug it it will not run at all, it used to run 1/2 hour or so. I had it mounted on the wind screen with the suction cup, maybe that is the bad. I know I had a link at one time for solid mounts but was never able to find a 1st gen to Megelan mount and now I have 2 bikes to put it on... what to do now? :mo money: :mo money:
  17. I'm riding from Seattle area to Southern California area and was wonder if any one with a Spot GPS would consider loaning/renting theirs out. They are about $100 for the Spot and about $100 for a 1 year subscription. I don't think I would use it that much else I would consider purchasing one. I'm leaving next Sat (16th June) early morning.
  18. A good friend of mine just got a new waterproof case for his iphone that also has a Handlebar mount for it that locks the phone into it. It is also waterproof to 2 meters. so it is completely rain proof. What this does is make your iphone into a motorcycle GPS with Music playback and phone integration. Coupled with a BT helmet headset and you have something that is better than the Zumo. http://www.lifeproof.com/the-four-proofs/ for the case. http://www.lifeproof.com/shop/accessories/mounts/bike-mount for the mount. They also have a mount for GOPro mounts. it has a cutout for the camera, so if you were to get a gopro mount and have it where it can see out the windshield, it also can act as a sport Camera, or an accident cam using the iCar app. You will not have the GPS screen on all the time, but you do get the voice prompts in your ears for turns, I find this to be better than having a screen to distract me. But the screen does light up for incoming calls so you can glance and see if you want to answer the call.
  19. OK so I have a Garmin 765t. It has blutooth capabilities. I have recently found pandora, such a cool deal. So my question is instead of using the MP3 player on the GPS can I connect my via bluetooth and use my phone to connect to pandora and it play thru the bikes comm system? I havent had a chance to just go out and try it.
  20. Looking at a 05 Honda Rubicon 500 4x4 Excellant shape. Hasn't been in mud. All the extras. Thing is I have no idea what its worth and couldn't find used ones to compare on line. Only 734 miles and looks like new. All the lights and extras. Automatic or shift as you go. GPS on it. Never heardof GPS on a 4-wheeler. Tow hitch. Whats it worth??? He want 3900. I was thinking 3500?? Or should I just grab it??Never owned one but would like to go hunting again and leg won't let me. And I could ride a littlewith brother and cousins.
  21. Hey guys, I'm looking into getting a gps. I am wondering which ones you guys have, the features you like, prices etc. basically what should I be looking for. Thanks, Mel
  22. I am looking for a helmet communication system. I have a GPS (Bluetooth compatible) and an Iphone. My GPS is in sync with my iphone but I would like to listen to my MP3 player on my GPS thru wireless connection. I ride single the majority of the time and really only need for my music and possibly the phone. What system do you recommend and do you have to have a specific helmet for the system? I am thinking about going to a full face modular helmet, any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
  23. I have a question about making your own maps to load into a sd card for my gps. Are there any websites you can go to to do this? I tried searching for it but found nothing. Thanks Richie R
  24. A friend is looking at a NUVI gps and has been told that it wont broadcast fm to his bike fm radio. One salesguy has told him that only the weather reports will broadcast thru to his fm radio. he is looking to run some music from an sd card and get his gps voice directions through his speakers. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Or suggest a gps that will do this for him? Brian
  25. Installed a Speedohealer on my RSTD this morning. I began the process about 10:15 with a quick ride with the GPS to verify my indicated speed vs actual speed. I found I was 6 MPH off at 60. (60 actual but indicated 66) Returned to my garage and installed the unit. Really easy. I had the installation done by 11AM, programmed the unit and went for a ride. After a couple of minor tweaks, my speedometer is spot on with my Garmin GPS. It's so nice to know I'm running the speed that's indicated on the speedometer. I would certainly recommend this mod to others interested in seeing the proper speed displayed rather than estimating where they think they are. Great product and easy install. Ride safe.
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