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  1. The response to the ad I stuck on Craigslist about Olivia has been really interesting.. Lots and lots of inquiry's, some just responding to say - "COOL BIKE", couple comments of "YOU ARE ASKING WAYYYY TO MUCH MONEY" and some along the line of - "cant believe you would sell it so cheaply - gotta be something wrong here".. Typical stuff I guess.. The most intriguing though have been two in particular.. Both of those have been folks who just sent their phone numbers and asked me to call,, which I did.. Interestingly enough, these gentleman, one in California and one in Michigan, seemed a little squeemish about the integrity of Olivia's history... As a result of that, I have been on an internet crusade to discover the real Olivia, trying to accumulate info supporting whether or not her previous owner had the military history as I was told... Being the sort of person who normally looks for the "silver lining" within dark clouds, I wasnt surprised to find myself actually enjoying the process I am going thru in this research.. That silver lining turned to gold and I about spit my coffee all over my puter screen as I read thru the online Obituary that I discovered while researching the deceased owners history... I was humbled and honored as I read thru the accomplishments this gentleman presents.. I gotta admit though,, even though it was only a mere gut feeling that told me that somehow Olivia was gonna show up within George's obit,, I was NOT surprised to find this to be the case!! To know from experience and being around her that to know her is to love her and the soul of that love can run very deeply!! Deeply enough that she could even find her way into the sacred obituary of a WW2 Vet who obviously loved the time he spent with her!! RIP George!! George Flemming Obituary - FRASER, Michigan Its fun swimming in the pool of life where giants have swam,, hope ya enjoy it as much as I do folks!! Puc
  2. bj66

    NY Yankees

    Sorry Yankees fans I dont feel your pain. Only thing better would have been to see the Orioles pull it off instead. Its nice to see that money doesnt always buy everything. But it would have been cool to see the A's or Orioles go through. Gotta love the underdogs.....
  3. I posted a week or two ago that I was having muffler issues with my 87 standard. I was getting significant flow from the drain hole at the inlet of the muffler on the left side. I found a replacement muffler, put it on, and while the tone changed, it still has the "hot rod" sound. As cool as it sounds, it's not the sound I was looking for. This problem started after loading / unloading the bike on a trailer, after I noticed that the bike hit pretty hard on the trailer when the back tire dropped down onto the ramp. I'm now figuring that the topside of the collector has gotta be cracked. I can see no evidence on the underside of a crack, but it's gotta be there. (on the topside) When first looking into this problem, I pulled the mufflers, pulled the front two pipes into the collector, loosened the clamps on the back two pipes to the collector, and planned to remove it for inspection, but it wouldn't budge. After a few tries I looked it over again and thought "there's nothing wrong with the collector" and gave up on removing it. Well, now I know there IS something wrong with it, so it's gotta be removed. Which brings me to my question......What's the trick??? I'm sure it's gotta be bolted on, but with all the crud down there, I saw no bolt heads. If I can get this thing off, I can weld up whatever's broken, but I don't want to chance breaking anything worse than it is by pulling / prying too hard when it's still attached somehow. Any advise on how to remove this sucker will be much appreciated. Thanks.
  4. http://www.bursigusa.com/
  5. geared final drive just arrived from http://rmsportmax.com/gateway.html Thank you John for all you had to do, yesterday, to get it out to me!!! Now gotta get it installed!!!
  6. I replaced that mess that used to be my fuse box on the 83. It sure was easy, the kit is well put together and very easy to install with Skydoc's instructions........... I couldnt wait to turn the key on and see the electrical system come back to life...............nothing happened, I checked all the wiring again, did exactly as he stated in the instructions...........everything is right. Thought maybe the battery was dead so I hooked the charger up to it and then tried the key again...........nothing. Stood there scratching my head, then the light went on...........You gotta put fuses in it before it will work.:bang head:............man did I feel like a total idiot.:doh:.........gotta pick up the fuses today on the way home from work.
  7. Well first time at bike week and I gotta say NOTHING SPECIAL. I rode over there on thursday got there 8 AM and the place was like a ghost town. I was the on the bike parked across from Froggies right down town on main street. I took off riding around for a while and nothing was going on any where. . I drove up A1A past Ormond beach and then back to down town and was able to park right across from Froggies again . Things were getting crowded but really nothing to do there but watch a bunch of hot dogs gun their bikes as they go by and they allow cars to go through there to causing a LOT of back up traffic . I went across the intercoastal and not much set up there either they were just starting to set up band stage and if you want to stop and look around at vendors it's $7 to park All the bike dealers are set up at the Race track about 5 miles out of town Yamaha , Honda etc.....Then if you want to go back down town it's crowded and ya gotta pay to park again. I've ridden over to dayton a dozen times before and i gotta tell you the economic times have hit there quite s few boarded up busines, gas stations and small motels restaurants etc. I'm sure it gets hoppin' at night but really seemed slow for for a place that usually gets a few hundred thousand people. I drove back about 2PM and maybe saw 30 bikes on the 150 mile trip riding towards Daytona. Hell in years past on my way to Orlando I'd see that many Harleys broke down on the side of the rode during bike week:rotf:. Guess I'm getting to old but it just seemed kind of BLAH!!
  8. Gotta love big companies http://news.yahoo.com/paypal-strikes-again-time-antique-violin-pays-ultimate-001236886.html Gary
  9. Just wondering if any members are heading for Street Vibrations in Reno next week or to Las Vegas for Bike Fest the week after? Unfortunately, I gotta fly to both, but in you're going let me know would like to meet some fellow VR.org members.
  10. Well to make a long story short Mini has been buying me parts for the blonde sine I first left for the sandbox and I started using them this week.Got the bike running for the first time since 2008 and started with the parts installations put 2 new EBC rotors on a spare front wheel took the caliper off the 84 gotta have good brakes.and I rebuilt the starter.still have a loooong way to go before she hits the road but didnt keep me from doing a few laps in the yard today with a nekkid bike just to feel the power and true comfort of a first gen:banana::banana:. It wont be long till the wing gets sold just want to have the Blonde ready to terrorize the roads with. I will try to keep yall updated but the more I get to play with her the more I want to do to make her road worthy I forgot how much I really love the 83.And I have to make the rear brakes work that will be a first for me all the brakes on the blonde working at the same time LOL Gotta go still have a pile of parts about 3 feet high to put on her. Jeff
  11. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJxOsYh12yY&feature=player_embedded]Donnie Williams - 2nd run http://www.NTMSC.com - YouTube[/ame] This may have been posted somewhere else. I cant remember for sure.
  12. http://imgur.com/gallery/Qm11L
  13. Now, something to class up this website a notch! THIS IS TRULY A BEER BOTTLE BAND--IT WILL SURPRISE YOU. Ya gotta hear this beer bottle band!!! [ame= ] [/ame] Mike G in SC
  14. Leaving Wed after work to ride down to the Orlando / Kissimmee area to visit my Dad for a long weekend. Be my first real touring length trip on the RSTD. I gotta say, I am excited about getting her out on the open road where she belongs.
  15. Then you gotta have this.... http://vancouver.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-street-cruisers-choppers-1966-YAMAHA-CUSTOM-BATCYCLE-COLLECTIBLE-W0QQAdIdZ211679405
  16. The wif and me are taking 3 days in early September to meander down to Ft. Laurderdale, stopping to visit some relatives along the way, and then boarding a cruise ship for a nice relaxing 5 day cruise to Grand Caymen and Cozumel. Then back on the scoots for a 2 day trip home, with a stop in St. Augustine. Gonna be hot but fun! Funny how everyone has had the same question of us: "How you gonna pack for a cruise on a bike?" I say "what, you never heard of duffel bags on the back seat?" Cagers. Gotta love 'em.
  17. Went to Rocky Face Ga. Tuesday and picked up a Bushtec Turbo 2 trailer, I think I will get alot of use from this one! Now I gotta get some time off so I can load it up and drag it around some. Will need to get the lights wired in first though.
  18. Going to the east coast and back, gonna be a sleepless voyage. Getting $500, and not getting any hotels or camping just gonna eat at Mc. Donalds, gotta save the cash... should be an adventure!
  19. I promise to be a good girl this year at MD. I won't dump any water on you or cause any other trouble. I even promise not to get involved in anyone else's ideas. No matter how funny they may be. Besides I'm getting my other eye done right before I come up. So I gotta be good. Or at least relatively good. :whistling:Mind you I can't predict what others may do. Of course I have no fore-knowledge of anything (at the moment anyway). Even if I did I couldn't say anything. :rotf: Margaret
  20. Last night I broke up with my recent girl friend. What's up with these women who start a relationship and then ask a guy to give up his bike for them? Boomer....who sez ya gotta draw a line in the sand on this "Give and Take" stuff that wimmen lay on ya.
  21. Found this sweet 07 with 932 miles (not a type o, nine hundred thirty two.) Rode two hours west on a Venture came back two Hours east on a Goldwing. Not to cast dispersions but the wing is a far superior ride. It has Nav ABS Air Bag the whole ball o wax. In the color I wanted to boot! Here is a pic of it on the show room floor. Needless to say in debt again. But if you want to dance you gotta pay the fidler. I'm happy with it Had them install a set of kurry arm rests for dawn while we were at it. Now got to go to Tractor supply for more horse shoes.
  22. Since it was another wet, rainy day. I decided to put the farming aside for a bit. I rolled the bike out from the back corner of the shop and did some maintenance on it. Changed the oil,went through the air filters, topped off the anti-freeze etc. Gotta tell you, it made for a nice peacefull day! Oh and of course i just had to start it and listen to it for a few minutes.
  23. Another member just got himself another bike:thumbsup:...........I aint tellin til I see it for myself....................:no-no-no: Gotta follow rule # 1.........
  24. New Grandson is 4 months old...
  25. Just dropped Becky of at the airport this morning, she is visiting her sister in the Florida Keys for a week. She won't be back until next Wednesday evening. Guess I gotta ride solo this weekend. Hope I din't trash the place too bad...
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