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  1. Ok, my 2013 year resolution. Yep, the goal to reduce my weight. After all the Holiday eating, I have surpassed my all time weight of 182 lb (year 2009) for my 68 inch height frame. My new all time high is 183 lb now, and I can’t get into most of my pants without sucking in my gut, and then it is still a real tight challenge. My goal is to lose 20 lbs, to be 163 lbs, or reduce my weight by 11%, in 5 month (By 1 June). An average of 4 lbs per month or 1 lb per week. Looking at it that way the goal seems very reachable. No special diet fad or a book, just my own personal process. This is my plan. 1) No restriction as to what I consume just control the quantity. 2) I will scale weight every morning and chart it in Excel. In most business, goals are tracked and weekly reviewed by presenting measurable metrics. When the chart rises it will discipline me to control the quantity. 3) Retrain and control my mind on the feelings of hunger. Each time I experience hunger feelings in between meal times, I will verbally profess, “My body is converting stored fat into needed energy, and it feels Great!”. 4) I will use my wife’s Elliptical twice a week for 30 minutes watching a movie. Once on weekend & on Wednesday for 30 minutes each. I should have been doing this 2 years ago after my open heart surgery anyway. You can help by bumping this thread and asking for my progress, and keeping me accountable. I will respond with a copy of my Excel chart.
  2. A friend of mine sent this to me and thought I would share here too. This 'international beaver day' goal is to educate folks on how important beavers are to the ecosystem. http://www.wktv.com/news/local/42613472.html
  3. Started my trip back to Texas today from Wa. state. The weather finally cleared, hopefully it will be good the rest of the trip. Didnt get as far as I wanted, my rearend isnt used to the long rides. Stopped in Grants Pass, Or. and had dinner with my sister. The goal tomorrow is Arroyo Grande,Ca. to visit my cousin. Bike is doing good, the whining is getting a little annoying. Good riding Mark
  4. Today and tomorrow is the National Capital Stage of the Ride for Dad. http://www.ridefordadanniversary.org/en/RideOverview.asp I was hoping to take part in both days but it looks like tomorrow will be the only day I can. If you can spare even $5 it would be appreciated and would help me meet my goal. you can donate via credit card. http://my.e2rm.com/personalPage.aspx?registrationID=923981[url=http://www.ridefordadanniversary.org/en/RideOverview.asp][/url] If I meet can my goal and do ride with them, I'll take pictures and post them. If not, they will be riding right past my home so I'll take pictures as they go by.
  5. Hey Folks, Here it is, D-day, so to speak and our time for weight loss is down to hours. I want to thank all the folks that grabbed this by the horns and pledged to loose weight or donate towards the goal. What I am asking now is for some other folks to donate towards the weight loss. We have less than 10 people that have pledged monies towards our weight loss goal, which probably wont quite be met I dont want to sound ungrateful, and believe me I know how tight money is right now, but if you could find it in your heart and wallet to donate even .03 per pound it really will help. If you have been to St. Judes or last year at Ronald McDonald house you'll know how much this is needed. We will accept money all the way up to and even after the weigh in, if you can help out, I ask that you please do. Thank you again to all involved and the effort that was and is being put into this Here is a link to the ongoing thread http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=31174
  6. All you fellow dieters have been pretty quiet on how the diets are going..I think its time to check in on everyones progress..I, on the other hand, have surpassed my goal of 40 lbs. and have set a personal goal to loose another 20 or 25lbs by MD. Now all I have to do is remind myself of all those wonderful desserts I'll be able to sample at Dons.....:banana:
  7. Hey All, Well....here we go, my somewhat smartalec idea of getting Sledgehammer to get a tat has taken a turn, a good turn. Many of you know from the thread that Sleeperhawks Mechanic posted a few weeks ago about Tim's new dew rag http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26022 kinda morfed into something for St. Judes childrens hospital, well here is the skinny. Bobbie (mechanic) has agreed to get a tattoo with me to try and raise money for St. Judes Hospital. Many of you know that here at VR.org St. Judes holds a very dear place in our hearts. Lewis Cramer (Dragonrider) has been doing the 50/50 raffle at Vogel for 3 years and donates half of the raffle funds to St. Judes. Year before last, he and about 10 other Venturerider members personally went to St. Judes and gave them the donation. Many of you also know that this was the last ride that Mark Stills (Meandog) ever took. We lost mark early this year to his battle with cancer, but he was hellbent on going and helping to deliver that money. He was amazed at the courage that the little ones had as they were and are battling this epidemic called Cancer. The donation will be presented in the memory of Mark Stills (Meandog) http://stj.convio.net/site/TR/Events/Tribute?px=1618382&pg=fund&fr_id=1341 Well it's time, time for us to help the little ones again. Many of us here pride ourselves at helping others. Whether it be wrencing on a bike, or offering an ear and encouragement for those going through difficulties in life. Bobbie has agreed to get a tattoo, not that she really wants to, but instead to sacrifise for a cause that is worthy...like St. Judes. She and I have talked and here is the plan. Our goal is to raise $3000 by October 1st, this is the price that Bobbie feels her going through all this is worth. Now there is a disclaimer here, you are not going to know what our Tattoo's are going to be or where they will go on our persons until we meet that $3K goal. Is it a lot of money....Yes and No. $3K will buy a lot of items, but it's a drop in the bucket considering what the little ones go through. So I challenge all of our over 5000 members to hopefully find it in your hearts to donate what you can and help us meet this goal. I want to say something here in all seriousness, this is strictly voluntary, if you are tight on cash then DONT donate. We have all been there and I'm definitely not asking you folks to give if money is tight. But if you have a spare few buck, perhaps putting off buying that 1 chrome piece for the bike for a few weeks or whatever. I ask that you please help us to meet our goal and make things happen. I will take the lead and will send $100 to Don through paypal as a gesture of my seriousness. I wont burden him with taking the donations, I will handle that as it was my mouth that got this ball rolling. My paypal addy is weldman333@yahoo.com or you can email or PM me for my home addy if you want to send it through the mail. It's a lofty goal, but one that I believe is easily attainable, please help us in helping others that are in way more need. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to contact me either in this thread or by PM/email. Thank you all for listening and I look forward to being able to help us help children that need it St Judes website http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f2bfab46cb118010VgnVCM1000000e2015acRCRD
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