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  1. Does anyone use the gloves alone, without the vest/jacket, etc.? I was thinking about hippo hands too. My hands are the one part of me that gets cold beyond the comfort range that is acceptable to me. I was trying to imagine running the cord from the gloves to ??? I think normally they plug into the jacket/vest, right? I'm looking for suggestions.
  2. I was wondering if I should upgrade my stock stator in my 07 RSV. I am running the stock accessories, but I also run a gps and satellite radio. Now I am adding Gerbing heated gloves and jacket liner into the mix. Any thoughts or suggestions?
  3. I'm sorry, but I have to vent... I bought a pair of Gerbing heated gloves on November 4. It has been colder here this year than the last couple of years, and I don't want to stop riding yet. The first few times I wore them the temps were in the 40s and they performed fine (my non-heated gloves also do fine at those temps). Well the temperature keeps getting colder, and that's why I paid huge bucks for Gerbing heated gloves. Heated gloves really are the trick. They keep your fingers warm, BUT I started noticing my thumb on my right hand gets freezing cold while the rest of that hand and my left hand are still warm. I mentioned this to another hardy soul at my work who is still riding. He said he had a similar problem with the gloves he bought at Harley Davidson. He took it back and they gave him another. He was back riding in minutes. Well, I paid big mucho bucks for these gloves. They don't work properly. I'll go this evening and get it replaced like my Harley friend did. I only ride 12 miles to work, and the thumb in question gets cold in that short distance. Dixie Custom Cycles in Clinton TN. where I bought the gloves is about 30 miles from work, and my thumb felt like it was frostbit by the time I got there. It's worth it though thinks I,as now I'm back to where warm gloves are sold and they will make it right. I tell the lady there what the problem is and she gives me a look like I had farted or something. I explain it more slowly and finally she takes the glove and plugs it into her display stand (which is a smart thing to do that way she can see that it's not heating as much as the rest of the glove). The problem is she puts the glove on and it feels warm. I try it and it feels warm to me too. It's 68 degrees in the store so everything in the store feels warm. Now why would a sane person (I am sane, but you'll have to take my word on this) ride 20 miles out of his way to have a defective product replaced if it was not defective? Don't answer that yet, let me finish. Ok the only suggestion she has is that I send the offending glove in to Gerbing to "have it rewired". I offered another fix. You could give me a replacement then you can send it off for god knows how long to "have it rewired". She gives me another look like I farted in her showroom. I told her the reason I paid way too much for a pair of heated gloves was so I could avoid situations like this. She said Gerbing is a good company. They will make it right. So I email Gerbing. This is getting way too long, so I'll try to condense the rest of it. I got one email from Heather and one from Carrie basically telling me to mail the glove in they will "look at it" and in 4 weeks (maybe) they'll send it back. I tried to explain that I bought the gloves for cold weather riding, and that it's very cold RIGHT NOW, but that doesn't seem to register with them. So in the last email I just sent. I basically told them that the only thing I could do is complain on the internet. I know some of you on here like Gerbing and that's the reason I chose that brand. I wish now that I had went to the Harley shop where the guy at work got his. It may be the same brand, but at least they did care enough to replace it for him.
  4. I recently purchased my wife a Sedici heated jacket liner, and heated gloves. She loves her gloves so much, she purchased me a pair of Sedici heated gloves today. All of these recent purchases have me wondering tonight. Should I be worried about the electrical system on my RSTD handling this extra load? BTW, I've never had heated gear before. But, after I hooked them up and tried them today, OMG! Is this what I've been missing out on all this time?!?! Nice and toasty.
  5. Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2 Did something really stupid. Trying to get a cigarette out of my mouth with gloves on and dropped it in my lap. Looked down and when I looked up was in the ditch. I'm ok but my ribs hurt.
  6. i just got the gloves for christmas and wore them 4 times a total of maybe 16 hours with the heat on. Just thursday I thought the heat wasnt working. i blamd it on the bitter cold and kept riding anyway . Saturday i noticed the light on the rocker switch was blinking . The switch looked great when i oppend and inspected. the gloves work well plugged directly into the power source. has anyone else had a problem with the switch. It has been used for 5 rides tops, The sloder joints look good but the bpower cuts off when moving the wire. Can the wire have broken inside the insulator so soon?
  7. Looking for the opinions of the best riders in the world. Best winter riding gloves, electric or others (deer, cow hide, synthetic....etc) THANKS Jim
  8. I know most of the discussions on here are regarding WARM gloves, but I bought a pair of gloves about 6 years ago at a rally. They are short soft leather gloves...and I love the gloves. But I have tried to find them online to no avail. I went to one of my local bike shops (Drasco Trading Post) and found a pair almost like the ones that I bought 6 years prior. They are Deerskin Gloves made by the NAPA Glove Co. These gloves are very well made and have a soft inner liner. They are very soft and extremely comfortable gloves, and I just wanted to take the time to recommend them to anyone that is looking for a LIGHTWEIGHT, SOFT LEATHER glove...you won't be disappointed with these (or the price). Here's a link... http://ridefashion.com/pgroup_detail/30641_Napa_Driver_Style_Deerskin_Motorcycle_Glove Just an FYI, I don't like the fingerless gloves....if and when I wear gloves, I prefer to glove the entire hand. Wally
  9. If anyone is interested, I currentlu have aqccesws to a supply fo heavy duty terry cloth gloves which, in my opinion, are excellect for washing and/or polishing your ride. Imagine the Ove-Glove without the rubber inserts... $3.00 a pair plus shipping.
  10. I have not seen a post like this so I would like to start it. Lets share our tips and tricks for staying warm and give our advice on hat gear nd combination work. I am tiredof riding winters where 3 hours are fine but getting back home is mysery. My hands are exposed. Will I need wind guards to go with heated gloves or will heated gloves work plenty. I have no lowers, will chaps be plenty to keep my long john and fleeced legs warm. I have always felt cold legs but Im sure it because of the wind. I hope this thread gets some action.
  11. i was born and raised in new england still live here , and after 50 plus years still havent learned the fall temps can drop rapidly. last sat was perfect day blue sky, 75f no humidity perfect lets go cruising!!! so i was getting little impatient with gf she puttin stuff in the bags gettin her jackets etc, an dumb ole me just itchin to ride. off we go beautiful rideing. after a few hours we go by a car dealer she wants to stop as she needs new car . OK well we are there for few hours by time we leave its 9 pm dark cold as hell. and about an hour away from home. she has her heavy leather coat, chaps gloves (you know the rest). im in light leather jacket no gloves shorty helmet no face mask etc. when we made it home all I heard was all the i told you so's as she broke my hands free from the grips, and rest of night was when will you learn to bring your stuff !!!
  12. I got wet comming to work this morning. Thought I would share How I dry my gloves. No shrinkage or excesive heat involved.
  13. I'm considering either heated grips or heated gloves for an 08 RSV. I'm using insulated gloves, and my hands stay reasonably warm...but my fingertips seem to bear the brunt of the cold. What type of hand warming "device" would you recommend? If you own either, would you purchase them again?
  14. Got Frog Toggs Got rain liner for my Tourmaster jacket Got water proof wind pants and Got water proof/repelent Vega boots But have never seen mentioned water proof gloves. What is available?
  15. The title says it all........ this was on my way into work yesterday..... burrrrrrrrrrr. Gotta love a heated jacket liner and gloves from Gerbing. Now to figure out how to keep my eyeglasses from fogging up as I only have a 1/2 helmet.
  16. What kind of gloves does every one use to keep your hands warm, but most importantly,keep your hands dry in a torrential down pour? I rode in a hard rain with a pair of leather gloves with Thinsulate and my hands were soaked and cold. There has got to be something better out there. I would like to hear some reviews and opinions before I buy another pair that doesn't do their job.
  17. Hello Everyone: My wife and I got away for the long weekend. Left our home in Western NE. rode to Saratoga Wyoming then on to Craig CO, Steamboat Springs, Walden, Fort Collins, Cheyenne WY and home. Approx 800 miles. Witnessed a seasoned motorcyclist drift too close to the edge of the blacktop on a curve in downtown Craig CO. His tires rolled into the 4" deep gutter at about 30 MPH. Nasty spill. All over in 15 seconds. Thanks to a full face helmet, leather coat and full finger gloves he walked away with only bruised knuckles. It could happen to anyone of us at anytime.
  18. Warmawear Gloves Deluxe OK...I know these might be crap, but I ordered them anyway. I decided to throw myself under the bus and test these out. I ain't expectin' much, but you never know. http://www.heated-gloves.com/warmawear-deluxe-heated-gloves-p-8472.html?cPath=1246 I wonder if anyone else has ever used these.... Wally
  19. Was wondering if anyone has had experience on this issue? Seems like the touch screen wont work too well with riding gloves on. Was also wondering if the wheel controls on the nano and/or classic are big enough to use with gloves on? I searched the threads and it looks like the ipods are working for people, but wasn't sure on the controls. Would appreciate any help/thoughts. Thanks. Bob
  20. I rode last Thursday 350 miles from Fairfield in SE Iowa to Minneapolis MN. The temps were i the upper 40s to lower 50s the whole time and it rained from start to finish. I discovered that my rain suit had disguised tears in the crotch so I ended up sitting in water the entire time. Despite this my Widder liner and gloves kept me warm the entire trip. I am a big fan of good electric gear now. I should really enjoy it when my new Frogg Toggs come in the mail. Then I will really feel like I am ready for the weather. BTW, does anyone have a recommendation for water proof glove covers for the Widder heated gloves? Iowa Guy
  21. Got a great suprise Sat!! One of our twins (he's in the blue) and a friend of his rode up from central Iowa to give me a mother's day present........leather half gloves and a leather doo rag!!! Gotta love a kid a kid that gives his mamma chrome or leather for holidays!!!
  22. I hate when my hands fall asleep during the day. It means they'll be up all night! When I ride for any length of time my throttle hand gets numb. I have standard gloves and stock grips. Is it my gloves? My grips? Is it physical? I don't think I grip too tight. It's only my right hand. Any thoughts?
  23. Just about every one of us at one time or another has had the occasion to ride in the rain, sometimes on purpose, sometimes not, and one of the biggest problems of riding in the rain with a helmet (or glasses/goggles) is visibility. Rain/fog on a face shield or glasses lense can lower visibility to next to nothing. I've always contented myself with attempting to wipe the rain off with my gloves, but i think I've found the answer for everyone that's ever had this problem... WIPER GLOVES!!! The best part is you make it yourself! Check out the instructable http://www.instructables.com/id/wiper-glove/ to find out how! ***Disclaimer: I did not write this instructable, I just happened to find it and felt that others could benefit***
  24. I recently took quite a skid down the ashpalt road with my RSV on me instead of me on it! Ouch! I was wearing riding (hiking) boots and my left ankle is twisted and the foot is broken because the boot came off. Boots in good shape. The jacket was a $250 classic style cycle of good quality leather which has road rash all over it especially at the elbows. Something still penetrated it and into my elbow. The sewn seams were ripped open on one arm. Jacket trashed. The leather gloves were in the box. I wore instead a lighter fabric glove and my hands & fingers took a beating (better than nothing - at least hands were not bare!). Gloves trashed. The helmet was a 1/2 shell. It has road rash on all 4 sides. My face has 1 small scratch (lucky!) Paramedics cut up the long legged pants - what was left of them. Ended up with major road rash on both lower legs and some on the butt. I will be buying a better boot, new jacket, full helmet that opens in front, throw away my open fingered gloves. What I would like to know if you have any experience with the Cordovan and/or the Kevlan systems riding jackets, I would appreciate your opinion. Thinking of them instead of the leather only because it gets hot in FL behind a fairing & especially in traffic!
  25. I've been a member here for a few years and have met a lot of folks at Don's Maintenance Day and on Meet-N-Eats and the Asheville Rally, but unfortunately my "site time" is sporadic and I mostly lurk (I am not nearly as clever and humorous in my limited contributions as many others are). I ride year round (to work) unless there is snow/ice on the road. My hands were always the part of me I couldn't keep comfortably warm. I tried heated grips but the tops of my hands and fingers still got cold. I was going to buy heated gloves, but was not attracted to the thought of every morning and every evening having to pull the connecting wires down through the sleeves to plug the gloves in and containing the spaghetti wiring harness inside my jacket like loose intestines. I read as many other posts as I could find (on site and off) regarding making your own heated clothing. I did a lot of thinking and planning and procrastinating and built up the courage to buy parts and put holes in a perfectly good riding jacket. I documented the experience with the intent of putting it on the site so that anyone else (cheap like me) feeling adventurous and possessing opposable thumbs with an aptitude to follow instructions might want to follow suit. Essentially for the cost of heated gloves and about $50 in electrical parts I built the spaghetti wires permanently inside my armor jacket and put radiator-like heat in the jacket liner. The attached instructions are a kind of long, but include pictures and hopefully enough detail that someone could tailor the procedure to their particular jacket, gloves, and requirements without a great deal of re-inventing the wheel. David Nelson Venturing Sole
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