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  1. I've been using $40. 3/4 Fulmer helmets for the past couple years. They're 'green' [probably reason for good price. Mine gives me a sore spot on top of forehead after a few hundred miles, & Nav needs a face shield with hinge by ear, to block all air....she wears goggles with shield now due to dry eyes, but can't wear her glasses to see. We don't want full style, just 3/4 for a decent price. They are easy to find in catalogs, but that's like buying shoes from a catalog. I don't like a face shield, but it's a necessity for Nav. The visor is good for me to keep sun out, but Nav just needs shield with room for glasses, which are hard to find. I can move ears & mics over. Mine is easy, just a comfortable 3/4 & visor. Nav is harder with shield allowing room for glasses & pivot at ear, to keep air out. Any suggestions?
  2. Yesterday my son asked why I didn't do something useful with my time. He suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys. I did this and when I got home last night I told him that I had joined a parachute club. He said, "Are you nuts? You're almost 62 years old and you're going to start jumping out of airplanes?" I proudly showed him that I even got a membership card. He said to me, "Good grief, where are your glasses! This is a membership to a Prostitute Club, not a Parachute Club." I'm in trouble again, and I don't know what to do... I signed up for five jumps a week. Life as a senior citizen is not getting any easier.
  3. OK, I'll admit it I'm guilty of this one big time. On a whim I went to the eye doctor for the first time in 25 years. At my last visit the doc asked me why I was there. I told him that I felt my eyesight was deteriorating because I had to get closer to highway signs before I could read them than what it used to be. so he tested my eyes and said that I have perfect 20-20 vision. Fast forward 25 years. I went to the eye doc cuz the company I work for just added eye care insurance. After the eye exam the doc ordered me a nice pair of trifocals. so I went from better than 20-20 to darn near blind without even noticing it. In doing some experimenting with these new glasses I would sit a a stop sign and see a bike coming, lift up the glasses and the bike was gone, just a kind of bright spot from the headlight. A Gold Wing or full dress Harley was completely invisible to me at 2 city blocks away, and just starting get noticeable at 1 city block. Now with my glasses I can see a bike more than a mile away. I really thought that what I was seeing was just how the world really looked. I was on the verge of going out to buy a new TV cuz I could not read any text on the screen like the scores of a sporting event. I figured the TV was 20 years old and just getting blurry. The moral is, how many other drivers out there have eyes that are as bad or worse than mine and still driving not even realizing that their eyes had gotten so bad over time. It brings new understanding to the "I didn't see the bike coming". What is really scarey is that I just passed the drivers license vision test without the glasses on. So there can be a lot of us blind people out there driving. I even passed the vision test for my pilots license. So dont forget to look up, theres blind people flying those airplanes. This has all been an eye opening experience for me, and really makes me wonder about the person driving that car waiting for me to pass at an intersection.
  4. I know there are a bunch of you out there that can't see has anybody tried any of the rx safety glasses for riding. I,m needing a pair for work and riding. they must be wrap around design for work and wind protection on the bike. Yahoo listed several companies that supply these just wondering if anyone has used any of them and there results. who is good to do business with etc...
  5. I've found two pairs of eye glasses left on the little table beside the coffee maker in the garage. One pair of blue sunglasses. One pair of silver framed glasses that appear to be prescription. If they are yours, PM me your address and I'll get them in the mail.
  6. Been looking for the package price for t-shirt,patch and dinner. Can't seem to find it. Has it been posted yet? Might help if I could find my glasses
  7. Not springs, glasses. I know there are several on here that as part of the maturing process have gone to wearing glasses. For a long time now I have used reader type glasses and they work good at that narrow plane of focus they are designed for. I have again decided to try progressive lens as I really don't care for bi-focals, not because I am vain, but they are aggrivating and after some minor tweeks in my cataract surgery, my distant vision is very good. This is actually the third time I have tried the progressive lenses in about 12 years and have not done too good so far. One of the problems I had was due to me picking out a larger frame with bigger lenses and I seemed to have to do too much tilt to get into the bi focal part. This time I got smaller frames and it seems better. The problem with these glasses is I seem to have a fairly narrow strip up the middle that is in focus for distance. If I look just a little off center, I am out of focus, and remember, this is across the top, and normally to me the entire area across the top should be in focus for distance vision. so, I am looking for a little feedback for those that may be able to help. I am going back by the VA in the next day or so and talk to them. RandyA
  8. My wife and I got caught in the rain once on the interstate and we got wet before I could stop, but that didn't bother me as much as not being able to see. I have an '05 RSTD with a tall windshield, and I wear prescription glasses without a face shield. The combination of water drops on the WS and my glasses made it feel dangerous. We are planning a trip this coming week and it looks like we may run into some rain. Any of you have any pointers for me to improve visibility?
  9. SEEING IN THE RAIN I have used this many times and it works well. As a young patrolman, one night it was raining so hard you couldn't make out the front of the car I was driving. I was riding with an Old Salt 35 yrs. ago and he suggested I put on my sunglasses. WHOW! All of the sudden the visibilty in front of my windshield was perfectly clear. Almost as if there was no rain. You can see the rain bouncing off the road, it even works with the spray or kickup from semi's and cars. You will see the drops of rain on the windshield but NOT the sheet of rain falling. I have worn my sunglasses even at night to see in the rain and disperse the blinding headlights of people that drive in the rain with their brights on. It works, but you do loose some visibility. Ever since being told, I've always carried dark glasses when I travel, now I use a pair of flip-ups. Any dark glasses will work, just try it. REMEMBER DRIVING AT NIGHT WITH SUNGLASSES IS AGAINST THE LAW IN MOST STATES, BUT THIS MAY SAVE YOU FROM PULLING OVER AND GETTING HIT BY SOMEONE ELSE THAT CAN NOT SEE IN THE RAIN UNTIL YOU GET TO A SAFE PLACE TO STOP. REMEMBER TO NEVER RIDE IN THE RAIN USING YOUR CRUISE CONTROL MC OR CAGE. Pass this on to all your friends and family, IT SHOULD BE TAUGHT IN DRIVER'S ED CLASSES.
  10. Glasses and your hat :rotfl: :rasberry:
  11. If you need high quality low cost precription glasses go to Zenni Optical. My family has been purchasing from them for several years. Note: Eye exams do not usually include PD. PD is measurement of distance between center of your pupils. Zenni website is excellent. I use no line bi-focal and pay approx: $75.00 so getting prescription sun glasses are a bargain. Low cost cigs. I use 2 places for many years. NO SALES TAX and both pay the FED TAX so no need to worry an audit. USA MADE CIGS Pueblo, NM. and Cigarette Express in NY. DO NOT ORDER ON LINE after setting up account which is an approval to debit checking call and place order. States are starting to tax internet ordered sales. Hope this will help others to save big $$$$. perch
  12. I found this site (ok, Clark Howard cited it on his show) last year when I needed prescription glasses. Well, its now time to buy Prescription riding goggles as the ol eyes are getting a bit worse. I looked at some other sites for prescription motorcycle sunglasses/goggles but was shocked at the prices. Most were well over $300.00. $39.00 you cant go wrong. Last year I bought my prescription glasses with bi-focals from Zenni for 43.00. Ill see how these bike glasses work. http://www.zennioptical.com/cart/product.php?productid=1194&cat=27&page=1
  13. a warning for folks with progresive lens glasses, I had mine in the hard case in the trunk for our 100+ degree ride, as I had my sunglasses on, when I got home, I noticed I couldn`t clean them, after looking close at them, I noticed that they are coming apart where the lenses change, I now have a line and little specs that look like they have chrystalized.... so its new glasses tomorrow, at least the lenses....I have never heard of this happening before..
  14. well guys, gonna go in Mon. morning for cataract surgery on left eye. Past year vision has been getting progressively foggier/cloudy in left eye. Went to Dr. last Tue. and he said I need to get this corrected now. Also said that when done, might need reading glasses only. I have worn glasses for the last 40+ yrs. won't know how to act without them! LOL Am probably gonna have to do the other eye in the next year also. Just keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Don H.
  15. I need new eye glasses and was wondering how those magnetic sun glasses stay on while riding. ? Anyone using them ? Are they okay or should I just get a pair of perscription sun glasses for riding ? Brad
  16. I don't know how many others have had the same problem as I did. While on a trip I stopped along the side of the road and had to get my glasses out of the saddle bag to look at the map. Well decided to put the glasses in my pocket rather than back in the bag. Stopped for gas 31 miles later and realized my cover had blown off, forgot to latch it down. Lucky for me we turned around and 15.8 miles back in the middle of the road was my cover, a few scratches but still in good shape.
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