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  1. Don't ask,, I just donated another five bucks,,, really wasn't my fault,,, had nothing to do with it,,,, I mean,, all I did was get off the bike at the gas pumps,,, foolishness, who ever thought of putting something on two wheels,,,and then nothing to keep it from tipping over,,,, something automatic I mean,,, should be a good place for an inventor to come up with a new idea,,,,and now it seems I started a new trend,, I hope not, but two rides and two lay-downs doesn't spell good for the near future,,,,,,,,, next ride I'm going to get bubble wrap,, and some foam,,, and spring loaded thingies. No damage this time, not even my pride,,,, it went before the fall,,,, heck it happens, just glad it was me and not somebody who would get all upset about these things. Good thing, this time Marca was already out of harms way, but the kick stand was not exactly where it was supposed to be so flipped back up,,, what it supposed to do,,, and I just let it go,,, what I was supposed to do,,,,, training paid off!!,,, just a little more smoke out of the wires, nothing too serious,, anybody need some lights???
  2. Went on a road trip through the NE corner of Pennsylvania last weekend. Stopped at a place near Titioute on Route 6 called Simpler Times museum. Happened on it by chance, found the door to be locked, with a sign "open by appointment or chance". Just then an old timer (88) stopped by in his truck and opened up. He lives just out back, so if it's closed you can probably get him to open up.....he loves to tell you about the history of the stuff inside. Mostly old cars, trucks, gas pumps, drilling equipment and tractors. He'll charge you $4 to enter, and it's money well spent. He has quite a collection in the 5 or 6 buildings on site. I particularly enjoyed the two ancient Mac Trucks he has. One of them is chain drive. My peeps and I were glad we stopped. If you're in the area, check it out.....you'll be glad you did.
  3. It's been a long year deployment. I am so glad to have them back here, and out of Iran's missile range.:banana::banana:
  4. In the last few months I've been getting e-mail notices from Verizon Wireless. I had to laugh as I don't, or any member of my family, have or have had any Verizon phone service. The first one was for $949.87 and the one I got today was for $2,471.25. The website shows it as Verizon 2011 and no other info other than "View & Pay Bill" or "Enroll for Autopay". Anybody else seen e-mails like this lately? Glad it ain't my bill. Mike
  5. And so it happened,,,,, Scamper, that trusty steed, knowing that she was to travel for a long ways this weekend, and that her master was going to fully depend on all her resources and expertise, and that the conditions might not always be as desired, she thought it best to lay down for a much needed rest,,,, trouble is, that at her age she laid down a little faster than what she might have planned and broke one of her wings,,,, ya, sad but true, but I did remind her that at the far end of our journey there would be a brand new one waiting for her. She was feeling so sad about her injury that she even lowered her eyes,,,, poor girl, I felt so sorry for her laying there, showing her under belly,, not often some one gets to see that side of her, she was glad it was only me and her together. Actually: Got her up on the floor jack, and then played with the kick stand,,, decided to lower her to the floor again, and thought the KS was down,,, until I felt that she started to lean a bit further than normal, and then further than further and then???????????????????? Donation time and a new wing,,,, there goes another $30.
  6. am sure glad I did.... looking forward to getting to know every1 ...
  7. http://www.coj.net/departments/sheriffs-office/news-room/jso-news/bank-robbery-suspect-sought-%282%29.aspx This photo ran on the local news several days ago. Turns out it was a co-worker. This guy used to load our trucks and was always quiet and kept to himself. Not even a disguise! I guess in a plant of about 800 people, someone was bound to recognize him. No, it wasnt me who turned him in either. But i am glad that no one was hurt. A few years back another quiet, unassuming co-worker who minded his own business was arrested for blowing away his wife and her boyfriend after finding them in bed...his bed!!! Sure glad im not quiet. Strange, but not quiet....
  8. I got clearance to go back to work Monday morning light duty, my job has computer work for me so I can start getting a paycheck again. This has been a long trying time and I am glad it is almost over. Tom
  9. Was headin home from work Friday in my '10 Nissan Altima SR, the fast one with the 270 HP V-6 when a "new to Texas" uninsured woman from elsewhere, rearended me. Damages to the rear are substantial and the front of my car is not quite as bad, but probably totalled; don't know for sure yet. Glad I had uninsured motorist coverage. Was taken to a local hospital for lower back injuries as well a seriously bruised chest and neck. I'll be fine in a couple weeks. Glad I wasn't on one of my scooters. If totalled, I am going to replace the Nissan with a Camaro. So there is good in everything.
  10. After months of trying to disassemble the front end, mostly delayed for health reasons, heat, wildfire smoke, etc, I finally dropped the fork off the bike today. Of course there is ALWAYS one bolt that strips and mine was the pinch bolt on the upper tree. Tried drilling it out but eventually ended up using a dremel with a cutting wheel to cut through the exposed bolt shaft. Glad I have a nice chrome tree to replace it with. (Thanks BoBo) Finally got to use Dingy's fork nut tool to loosen it up. Great tool Gary!! Need to go out today and pick up a 5-6" folding table to lay out parts prior to polishing. Shop area is a total mess right now and got parts/tools all over the place. Cant work like that. Hope to have the tubes disassembled sometime in the next week and get down to some serious parts polishing by next tuesday/wed. Going to fabricate a bracket to bolt to the fork legs to hold it in the bench vise to remove the tube/seals/bushings etc. That wiring bundle sure is a mess though. Got it all sitting on top of the airbox area of the tank. It looks like one of those Comcast commercials which shows the ATT aged wire bundle. Sure glad I marked each and every connection. Hey Eck...its all for you buddy!!!
  11. Glad You're back home...
  12. Well, Honda's announced the '12 Wing. Looks like same powertrain with some mod's to the bodywork, specifically the side cases. I like the older model better, but that's just my 2cents.... Glad I bought my '10. The 12 doesn't appear to be any quantum leap forward.....
  13. Splitting the front fairing Less then a week owned, second time I had it apart. Glad its easy.....
  14. Has anyone put BUB slip on mufflers on the RSTD. Was it easy install do they sound good , are you glad you did ?
  15. I was 20 miles from home today and we had an fine snow and ice storm roll through about 10:30am. I'm two weeks from finishing the scoot shed for winter storage. Glad I took that 250 mile ride last weekend. Winter is coming on quick.
  16. Just wondering if anyone has a good story to tell about using the VR assistance list. Other than looking for a phone number I've never really used it (knock on wood) for a break down or anything. Sure glad to have it available thought.
  17. RandyR and I took the opportunity of a perfect weather ride day to tour the North Georgia Mountains.......AGAIN. It was a great ride and I was glad to do it with an old friend. Thanks Randy! The rest of you should have been there.
  18. I have a three room tent with the center with mesh walls and the two side rooms that can be closed up. I also have a spare full size air mattress. I am going to have my small camper for me, but if anyone would like for me to bring any of this, I will be glad to let anyone use it. RandyA
  19. Well I finally got my seat to a ride able condition. I found a local gal who reworks/rebuilds seats. Took several attempts. Cost me $$$. While it ain't perfect it's doable till something better comes along. I even demoed an EG Ultra thinking that the bike was somehow playing a part. While I liked the HD, I'm glad I didn't have to part with that much money for a touring bike. I still had tailbone issues on it as well. Hoping to leave for Milwaukee on the 21st this month.
  20. I am sooo glad I got to go to MD this year, and put the faces to the names. I got to meet quite a few people, although it might take a few more meets to make all of the names stick. You know as you get older, it's harder to keep 'em all straight...lol Great meeting you all, and wish I could have said goodbye to more of you. We'll be seeing some of you again in about 3 weeks at the Int'l Rally. Very glad to be a part of this wonderful group!!
  21. Squid and Lonna arrived here a little while ago. I have heard some of the good BS, table dancing, the cupcake hat and more. I'm sure there is more but it will wait till tomorrow. Glad everyone had a good time. I'm going to miss a few gatherings but we will make Pork in the Pines this year! Be prepared.
  22. The adventure on the Venture continues http://www.photoshow.com/watch/RC3Wh3SG Lost my $200 camera, I gave it to bear to hold and for some reason he drop it off the bike at 65 MPH. Never found it! glad I had a back up!
  23. We just made it home..I kept in touch with Larry and guys I am glad they are OK..He was only 15 miles from the house when it happened..So glad they are OK and NO the Dog was not on board! Also..I will let others let ya know about the trip but all I can say is WOW!!! The Amarillo Tx bunch made there first meet..I think they were not expecting all of what went on...For those that missed it..well it was a success!Pictures will follow by the other members but we saw the most magnificent array of flowers that can be imagined..Imagine a Sea of Purple..literally 100s of acres solid purple with cactus rising from it all with dashes of yellow flowers mixed in...Mind boggling. Hope everyone makes it home OK..We are home! http://www.facebook.com/#!/album.php?aid=2045567&id=1073186456 I think this link will give a few more pictures from a good friend of mine
  24. Thats what the cops think she was doing. However she said it was a contact lens malfunction. Just glad she didnt get hurt. Not a scratch. Only 17 so I'm glad she didnt get cut up etc. They live two doors down from where I just moved into. Her pop covered the van and more, so I'll get a nice upgrade. But why is it when you have to ride the bike it rains... Got poured on like 3X in the last week, once at night. Bike loves the rain, not me so much.
  25. Mini tells me you got a new shirt. I expect you to wear it for me when I get home. Glad yall had a good time see ya soon. Jeff
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