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Found 24 results

  1. as some of you know I was having some troubles with things about a month or so ago. times where tough. well today my landlord came to me and said we are giving you a Christmas gift? you use to deliver newspapers to us for over 8 years. and we just never really gave much back then when you stopped in. so we thought you might like a nice slightly used gas dryer and washer. about 4 years old in good working condition. as they bought a new set for there place. I have the hook ups here to do this in my place so I said heck ya and thank you so much. they said where not done yet? we are giving you $100 off of next months rent as well. then for a joke they gave me a fruit cake. I think they had for like 15 years LOL I am just so happy that they thought of me in this way. just thought I would spread the good news.
  2. Just a few more days an we will giving St. Jude a nice donation and then touring the facilities.
  3. Women always say that giving birth is way more painful than a chap getting kicked in the testicles. Here is proof that they are wrong: A year or so after giving birth a woman will often say, "It would be nice to have another kid". You never hear a man say, "I would like another kick in the nuts". Case closed.
  4. I have not been on here in quite a while. No particular reason. I am busy, but aren't we all? I recently went back to school (at 51!) for Web Development and Design. Time for a career change for me. Anyway, I was reading through some of the recent posts and you guys never cease to amaze me by how giving and generous you are. Shame on me for being away so long. I hope I can get together with many of you once I take Betty out of her winter house. Bless all of you! May all of you have a blessed Christmas!! Randy
  5. Two days ago it was 96 degrees. Today it was about 72 and rained all day. I have some really tall Birch trees in my yard and I already have a lot of leaves on the ground. I hope this tropical depression gets through soon as it is giving me a lot of depression. RandyA
  6. An interesting article in the riders plus news letter. I am not sure what to make of it though, because my spidey sense is giving me a bad feeling. http://www.ridersplus.com/articles/news/One_Year_of_Ontario_Auto_Insurance_Reform.php
  7. Two years ago, Don gave rides to a couple of older ladies... THIS year...he's still giving rides to ladies. However, they are getting much younger now... What do you think?
  8. OK...I'm gonna post my new bib (very similar to my first one)...and the new gas cap. These gas caps are GREAT as a decorative item and even better in use for limiting GLARE off the gas cap and also giving you a place to put your gas cap when filling up. These are a combination of regular pictures and iPhone pics.
  9. If anybody here is either looking for or knows anyone looking for a 1978 Honda CB400, either for parts or to repair, they are more than welcome to come get it. When I got it, I did get it to start, but not well. I found a hole in one of the pistons. My first hunch is it was caused by the fancy splitfire plugs that were in it. I took the engine out and pulled both pistons. A friend was interested in fixing it but then lost both pistons. A long story how he managed that. The timing guides also need replacing and a valve stem also got worm kind of funny as well. I do have all the parts boxed up and it has always been store indoors. It's a flat primer gray and has a tear in the seat, but is in good condition otherwise with good tires, at least the last time I looked, I think). I also have a couple manuals that you can have as well. When I was going to fix it, I was going to bore it 1 over and if I remember right it was gonna run about $500 total or so. Any questions, please feel free to ask. I'm not fixing it myself because I have plenty other projects. I'm giving it away because it was given to me by the original owner. And I'm usually not much of a capitalist either. Thanks, Bill P.S. I'll try to get into my shed later and take some pics if needed.
  10. Hi All I would just like to extend a happy holiday wish to all of the members of this fine family. One does not have to look very far to see the how great the members are that belong to this group. These are just a few of the fine things that happens on this site. Helping members with fixing there bikes, giving good deals on parts and bkes, helping other members to bring them to the states so they can be with us, giving members a place to stay on the road, Putting up with 250 bikes on there yard for the weekend, I could go on but I guess it comes down to we are just a great family. So everone have a happy safe holiday and thank you for everthing that you do. Bull463 :sleigh: Yes Virgina there is a Santa Clause and hes a member of Venture Riders !
  11. http://widgets.harborfreight.com/wswidgets/common/displayCoupon.do?week=4710&campaign=sp1-web&page=coupon1.html&single=true&cust=99999999999&keycode=0000 Try this for a Thanks giving coupon
  12. Whats the Closest Encounter, you ever had with wild life. tell your story... Back in 1986 I was riding with a club from Plattsburgh NY, called the Royal Knights. we were touring through the mountains, and came to a stop under some nice cover casting trees. to relax. from the back of the group, you can here, OH SH**!!! a few screams, OH Hell's !!!, and shot it, ring out. I'm standing their eating a half a sandwich, when I finally see it. and I slowly walk to the otherside of the bike. Of course it stops, and puts its paw on my seat. (3 or 4 year old Male Brown Bear) while sniffing my sandwich.. ( I'm thinking no Friggin way I'm giving up my lunch.. so I keep eating. one of the ladies, walks up behind me a sprays it in the face with mace. The bear takes off running, everyone still, running around there bikes, as it darts our across the main road, and into a large field.. so Linda asks, you wheren't giving up your sandwich were you? Noop.
  13. I tried searching, but no luck. So I hope someone can help. I just got a 1984 XVZ 1200 that supposedly runs great, but the coils are suspected of draining the battery. The bike has sat in a garage for a while, so I just got a new battery and am giving it a long slow charge. Meanwhile I am in the process of putting the bike back together. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. Model number HS-8154B-OF I asked them if my membership here qualified me for any discount. They responded back "no" but are giving me 10% off "just for asking". So, when you order something, ask for a discount... you may just get one!
  15. Very frustrated now. Stock seat hurts. Corbin is not much better. Now the Butler mod makes no difference to the pain in my tail bone. Quite frankly I feel like giving up and selling this bike again. A lot of money spent and I can't do much riding!!
  16. Just ordered a Clearview XL, tinted windshield with vents. After seeing all the Ventures with this shield on at the last MD I just had to take the plunge. And they are giving a 10% discount on new shield orders.
  17. I have noticed a 'bounce' to my bike that has not been there before. I have checked the air in the shock and it is holding fine. However, upon grabbing her by the butt and giving her the test, she bounces. Could this be only the shock or is there more to it than this?
  18. I have been riding a Roadstar 1600 for about 6 years now and want to move to a Royal Star Venture for some more serious Touring. My wife and I have had the Roadstar out to the Black Hills, Yellowstone, Badlands and Montana and it's fine but not a true touring bike and lacks some comforts. I don't like the look of Goldwings and at 6'5" they just don't have enough room for me. I love the look of the Royal Star and it seems roomier. I seem to recall that some airbox improvements have been made over the years giving a bit more power and torque to the Royal Star. Is there a year that is preferable? Are, say, the '06's and on better than the '99 through 05's? I figure this is the place to ask. Tom W. Illinois
  19. Ok, it's time to fess up! Have you guys decided what you're giving your spouse/signifcant other for Christmas?
  20. Had to post this one. Received this Email today. I get a few of these, as do a number of others on this site. It got me thinking - no wonder the world is in financial turmoil with these jokers giving away so many millions of dollars. I wonder if George W is on the mailing list? Dear Beneficiary. Congratulations as we bring to your notice, The Office of the senate house of Assembly has chosen you by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients of this new year promotion cash grant/Donation. To celebrate the 30th anniversary celebration,We are giving out a yearly donation of The ATM Card Value is $2,500,000.00 USD to 2 luck recipients, as New Year promotion from the W.H.O, UN, and the EU in accordance with the enabling act of Parliament. Fill out below information and send it to the Payment Remitance Office Via their email contact address: Full Name: Address: Occupation: State: Country: Telephone: Sex: Age: Winning Batch No:(W-342-8876,U-500-32) Remittance Contact Mr.Alfred Udeh E-mail:atm-remmittancedept@hotmail.com Phone Contact:+234 80507 17862
  21. I was a little thirsty the other day so I bought some beer. There sure was a lot of people giving me funny looks on my way home...
  22. OK, I know it was not anybody here, but I read this news story about biker gangs attacking motorists and had to share. Giving fellow bikers a bad name I wonder if there is anything else to this story that is not being reported?
  23. To all us Canadians, have a safe and enjoyable Thanks Giving especially with the great summer weather we are having in Ontario. We are off to Boston for the weekend on the bike to visit my nephew and his very expectant wife(due on the 7th) hopefully Savanna will be born while we are there. Hal and Gayle
  24. My 86 V max is selling on Ebay Sunday night. It's currently at only $1600. I hope it brings much more but I priced it to sell. Winter is coming and no room in the shed. I'm freeing up the cash flow and pouring a ton of money into the new property. The land owner is giving me a 3 year NO INTEREST contract deal. So what I still owe after three years must be financed. Toys can be replaced but mamamo wants that property for a new log home someday.
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