Goes out to everyone who attended, participated and thoroughly enjoyed the 2008 Kitchener International Rally. You are what made this Rally a success. Every stop I felt bad having to get you back on your bikes because the comradory was self evident. Whether it was riding, socalizing, out for dinner, sitting by the fire till 1:00 oclock in the morning(which I now nominate Shari with the name of "GIGGLES") every moment of every day was complete enjoyment.
Special thanks goes to those that pitched in and assisted in every manner to bring this week together and make it a success.
Thank you Reiny for putting up with me and my crap for the last 6 months.
And a special thanks to my wife Gayle for assisting me, and for making it a lot easier for me to do my part.
I am truely thankful that we could share with you our little part of the world and look forward to were ever the next rally will take us.
Pics will be forth coming.
Again Thank You:bighug: