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  1. I am finally getting around to a project bike that has been sitting in the shed for a while it is a 89 venture royale that i bought in pieces and am slowly rebuilding. I want to strip the fairing off of the front and make it look more like a rstd with hooded headlight/driving lights and clear windshield. I have an old tank off a kawasaki something that i am gutting and widening to cover the battery and airbox and intend to mount gauges in it. My question is has anyone tried to separate the lcd displays from the rest of the gauge cluster? I havent traced the back of the circut board yet and wasnt sure how tied in each of the instruments were. Could i separate them, hide the board under the tank, and run jumper wires to each connection? Lots of work but it is winter. Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated. Thanks
  2. As most, I'm carrying around a bunch of audio equipment that I'll never use. With my phone and my Sena, I'll never listen to the stock sound system and certainly won't use the speakers. I know many have gutted the tape deck for storage. Cool. I plan to do that. But has anyone removed the front speakers and put gauges (tach, temp, etc.) in their place? Any other examples of utilizing the space up front? I learn a lot from you guys and really appreciate it. Roger
  3. While at Marcarls Venture in I watched him do a carb sync on Evens bike the tool he used was a very simple home made tool. While in Princess auto I decided to pick up a vacuum gauge and make my own I also stumbled across a square pre-drilled and tapped aluminum sqaure bar with a total of 7 ports. Picked up 4 needle valves from Lowes plumbing section and 20' of clear tubing and proceeded to build my own. To operate you simply open the valve connected to the cylinder you are working on and adjust to steady the needle. By using one gauge there is no worry about accuracy between gauges. If you made one with 4 gauges you would have to spend extra money for high quality gauges that read exactly the same. NOTE; I HAVE REPLACED THE CLEAR HOSE WITH ACTUAL AUTOMOTIVE VACUUM HOSE FINDING THAT THE CLEAR HOSE WOULD COLLAPSE WHEN IT GOT WARM
  4. Hello Everybody, Looking for someone to help me install a 3 gauge setup like pounch used to make. Have the gauges but cannot find a list of what else I need. Not to handy when it comes to installing this type of stuff. Thank you in advance. I am in central Wi
  5. i have no low beam. it worked, very dimly, for a short period...maybe a couple weeks. started it this morning and no low, high beam works but shows a draw on gauges. bulb is about a month old. any ideas?
  6. Reassembling the 87VR XVZ1300 for mayby the 40th time, I'm trying to address and correct all known bugs the bike has had. My current road block is the temp gauge in the gauge cluster it does not work. Or, should I say it does not work correctly. Meaning that it is not calibrated right. Cold the needle is halfway up the scale. At normal operating temp the needle is pegged off the hot scale. Does anyone one have an old set of gauges laying around with a known good temp gauge the could part with, sell or trade?
  7. My name is William Little, "WildBill1", and I want to extend a word of thanks to all the members on this site and how fortunate it is to be a part of such a talented and innovative group of people. Matt Strickland, "Foyerboy" gave me the opportunity to work on his 99 RSV recently--- without the vast amount of information from this site its doubtful this task could have been completed. I want to especially thank Kent, "V7Goose" for all his excellent Tech Threads and bike knowledge he so freely passes on to us. Thanks John, "Jlh3rd" for having the courage too toss that lame cassette player and replace it with useful gauges. David, "Ponch" you inspired us even more by flush mounting them with even more options. We miss you, "Ponch" hope your recovery is going good. Thanks to Don, "Freebird" for all the countless hours you must put into this site too keep it going and us happy.
  8. I stumbled across a couple of vacum gauges I had in the drawer. If I was to use these to sync up the carbs do I do the left 2 carbs together, then the right 2 and then connect the gauges to say the front left and front right and match them up. That is what I get from the sync article I read here, if I break it down right.
  9. been working on this for a couple of weeks..........i added gauges where the cassette was...still kept the mp3 jack...........just did a test run....wadda ya think.......
  10. Does anyone know where or have for sell a set of the gauges with the tach for sale? I know he was hurt bad in a motorcyle mishap.
  11. Like i said in my previous post, gauge overlays came in. today, while some BORING football was on ( Michigan doesnt play till 330), i decided to give it a whirl. heres what i did.... i removed the cluster. took out message center, to check for solder breaks. unscrewed the 6 screws holding the black faceplate on to expose gauges. cleaned gauges with dustfree cloth. removed overlays and spread out on clean work surface. carefully removed tach overlay and sprayed with enclosed solution (soapy water). punched out tiny hole where needle stop is with a paperclip. carefully slid overlay over gauge face and aligned using a maglite. used enclosed squeegee to remove bubbles. voila!! did this on temp, volt, and speedo. speedo didnt quite line up right for my 83vr. off by 5mph. dont care, these look sweet!!! its really made for 86-94, skydoc sent them a cluster. thanks earl! reassembled cluster. these were custom made for our forum!! please show your support and get a great custom look! price is 19.99 for white. a dozen other colors are available. check out their site at www.whitegauges.net. it was sooooo easy that im getting a set for my car too! i also ordered some carbon fiber sheet to upgrade the look of the instrument pod itself. writeup to follow soon. GO BLUE! took less than an hour!
  12. I seen this in old threads. I know the original designer is no longer with us. Does anyone have one laying around they would like to sell or has anyone taken over production? Looks like a great way to mount a couple gauges. [ATTACH]60911[/ATTACH]
  13. After I saw Ponch's gauge package, I knew I wanted that for my scooter. I wanted mine to be molded or formed into the dash to look sort of factory. Well after I crashed and totaled the scooter last year I figured I had my chance to do this while I was rebuilding the scooter. I settled with the insurance company so that I was able to keep the scooter. Every piece of body plastic was cracked or busted. The front upper fairing, inside dash and lower left fairing were demolished and unrepairable. I bought some parts on e-bay and some parts through the good members here that were willing to sell some extra parts they had. The pieces that I was able to salvage from my scooter, I repaired with Plastex. After I acquired a front upper fairing and dash, I got started on the gauge package. * On the dash, I took a dremel tool and cut from the bottom of the cassette door opening on each side down to and around the cruise switch opening (sorry I didn’t think of taking pictures until I had it all formed together and painted, just use your imagination). * Then I measured the opening to get an idea of how big a piece of ABS plastic I would need to do this. I salvaged a piece big enough from the busted upper front fairing above the headlight opening. * I used the measurements and drew the design I wanted on a piece of 1/8" flat aluminum plate. After I cut it down to size I used a 1 5/8” hole saw and drilled two holes for oil pressure and water temperature gauges. I used a 1 7/8” hole saw for tach. I bought a set of Sunpro mini gauges from Advance Auto and a Drag Specialties tach through H.D. dealer. I used this piece of aluminum for my pattern to mark my piece of ABS. I later used it for a backing plate to strengthen and support the dash gauges. Picture #1 shows drawn outline. * After I had cut my piece of ABS for my gauges, I cut three more pieces 1” x 2 ¼” to use as fillers to cover space between gauge base and where the cruise switch was. After all pieces were test fitted, I used a soldering gun to spot melt the plastic together in a few spots. I then used Plastex to fill and weld all the connecting joints. After the Plastex had hardened, I used sand paper and smoothed the edges and corners. Pictures #2-3 show underside of dash. * Pictures #4-9 show dash after it was painted. * Pictures #10-13 show test fit of gauges. * Pictures #14-16 show finished dash on scooter. As you can see (pic # 15) I would have had enough room to mount the cruise switch above the tach in between the water and oil gauges, but opted to move it down behind key switch in front of gas lid. I also used a 1/8” stereo cable from Radio Shack to extend aux. plug out onto handle bars. I know Ponch was in a bad accident (I have been keeping up with the thread) and is in rehab and has a long way to go. My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family as they deal with this. I wanted to give him credit for his ideas and help that he gave me, as I had contacted him a few times with questions about the gauges and fittings he used. Thanks again, Ponch C.R.
  14. I used to have an awesome tire gauge purchased years ago from Roadgear.. http://roadgear.com//ready-digital-tire-gauge-p-39.html?osCsid=511f930054c43a7b8504bb4dc4a73edd Unfortunately, I lost mine on an earlier road trip this year and bought a replacement and one for my buddy.. Unfortunately, the new version has turned out to be nothing but crap crap and more crap.. The company has been good enough to issue out new replacements without charge.. But those were not working properly either.. bad electronics in them like the previous ones.. then they sent again NEW gauges but those too were crap.. They acknowledged they discovered a bad production batch, either bad integrated circuit boards or bad batteries or both festering their stock.. So they sent me new gauges again (4th time now) and though one of the pair works, one of them failed miserably.. The alert is about how the seemingly working gauges reads 10 PSI too high of what the pressure actually is.. Every dead gauge that worked for a while then failed would read 10 PSI too high. My worry is that there might be a lot of people using these gauges and running around with too high of pressures in their tires.. Since some of us run our tires at the maximum ratings as it is, I would have to think what would happen on a long highway trip with 50 or 55 PSI in your tires? So if you have one of these gauges, do yourself the favour and double check them against another gauge to make sure you're not inadvertently heading for a dangerous situation..
  15. I'm looking for anybody that has carb syn gauges that live in Cleveland Oh that I could use to verify my own gauges. Thanks In advance. PM me
  16. Well with a little guidance from Art I managed to sync my carbs today. Here's my results. 1) No more popping at idle or at deceleration. 2) Less gas fumes at idle. 3) Much, Much smoother accelerating and at highway speed. Before it had a vibration through the bars and the seat. I can't say it's any quicker, maybe just alittle. All and all the carb gauges are right up there as one of the best tools I've ever brought and I was amazed how easy it was once I learned how to use the gauges.
  17. Well I'm in the process of checking the sync of my carbs. I have vacume dial type gauges. 1) First I got her warmed up good to the point the fans kicks on 2) next I removed the rubbers tips from the intake. 3) hooked up the hoses from the gauges to the intakes. Here's where I'm lost. The needle on the gauges will not settle they flop back and forth like a hummimg bird in flight. What should I do of look for!!
  18. I was reading on the Pashnit motorcycle forum this morning and seen this thread. I never gave that much thought about tire pressure gauges reading right. Here the thread. http://www.pashnit.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28054
  19. Is there much of a difference between the vacume gauges and the mecury type gauges?
  20. Well folks, I really liked the Equus gauges when I bought and installed them but wanted to report back that I just can't recommend them to you. They have been installed for a little over a year. The thing that I liked about them was the color of the dials. They are sort of an antique white that come very close to matching the background color of the RSV instrument panel. For some reason though, the center gauge on mine has turned snow white. The outer two are still the beige color but the center is white now. I don't know why. It seems that if it was the UV from the sun that they would have all faded. That is just one problem though. I got in one last ride last Sunday before having my surgery this week. All the gauges were working fine when we left but just before getting home, I noticed that the temp gauge was sitting on zero so apparently is has bit the dust. So, I will be replacing my gauges when I get healed up and feel like doing it but just wanted to issue a warning that the Equus gauges are not the way to go. Sure wish I could find another brand with the antique white/beige dials but the Sunpro may be the only other ones available in this size.
  21. Who is the most happy over the new Venture is Ponch, he can sell more gauges aslong as they keep with the cassette player, so the bottom line is ever cloud has a silver lining.. By the way everyone that sees them is like oh, wow, neat. My get another venture to buy more gauges.....LOL
  22. I have a 84 XVZ ,an when I'am coming to a stop, the the front wobbles like crazy. I messed with the air pres. an that helpped alot but I don't know what way I did it rear also.Does it need more air or less in the front. My class sym went up but the pump works good so I by past the sym.an added some toggle swites an it works great but did not add any gauges so not sure where my pres. are Iam going to add the gauges soon The steering head checks ok an tires are new an air pres. is right Thanks for any help on this one:witch_brew:
  23. Which style of carburetor synchronizer do you think is better? The kind with vacuum gauges or the kind with mercury filled tubes? Or whichever kind of Hg alternative they're using these days. Would the gauges be as accurate? I don/t really want to worry about losing the Hg or other fluid either like many here have done on accident.
  24. I just installed the gauges this past week, it took me 3 nights to complete I get home around midnight and would work on it for a couple hrs each night.. Turn out great I did have a small leak at the temp. probe I took very lightly coat of teflon and coated the threads, was careful not to get any on the end of the fitting. Not real crazy about teflon tape, that is from my personal experience.. Monty show me a trick on mounting the gauges and it remove the room for error on the alignment, take a vise grip and clamp it in place drill and screw in place no need to remove and allow for errors.. Also the dremel tool I think was the best for cutting easy to guide and less room for a real problem They are one the neatest gadgets going...
  25. Can you recommend a set of dial gauges for me? I think I am over the liquid sync type gauges. Watching that fluid go striaght up and needing to shut the bike off to stop it from sucking it in is a real pain.
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