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  1. Is this an early pic of you Gary?
  2. Go Buckeyes, Ya'll said no way Bucks could beat Bama, Ducks are next. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/Ohio_zps08a734ad.jpg
  3. This has somewhat adult content - Was on Yahoo News, but you may not want to explain each little item to your 13 year old - I warned you. Title was supposed to say views swapped, not vies swapped. http://screen.yahoo.com/flip-side-dating-000000612.html Gary
  4. :Happy Birthday: :Happy Birthday: Hope you had a great day Gary. Here's to many more birthday's to come. Margaret & Jeff
  5. If anyone is interested in a VMax final drive for $130 & shipping, PM me. One of my keyboard friends on VMax site has 2 of them. Guy is one of regulars there, so I would trust him myself. I would only serve to hook you two up, prefer not to have to handle it. Gary
  6. I'll try this again haven't had much luck posting pictures. thanks again Gary ,Russell and Steve and all the rest that made my first PIP so enjoyable.
  7. I have been getting constant nag screens to add security exception on Thunderbird the last few days. I am on 14.0 seems to be latest I have run Avast & Malware scans, both up to date. I can't send on my Hover.com account, but 2 other accounts on Tbird are working as usual, which seems to point to my Hover domain email account. gary (@) dinges.com Any ideas?? Gary
  8. Posting these for pmelah. He can fill in details. Gary
  9. Only 2nd time its been on a trailer. My wife didn't want to ride that far, plus not enough room to take all our stuff. We are on our way in the morning. Staying at the Micromotel. Gary
  10. Went for a demo ride on this today. Sort of drug along with my HD loving family, and the VRod was available when they were riding. It is the quickest HD I have ever rode, nice handling, but for me, a terrible seating position with way forward controls and handlebars. A little more and it would have been like sitting on floor and bending forward to touch your toes. I was able to give this some brisk accelerations and it was nice. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/IMG_2419sr.jpg
  11. My fan is not working, I have isolated problem to the thermostat switch in the coolant tee. Anybody have a spare one ?? I need an 1st gen MKII version with 2 contacts on it. See attached picture. I can bypass it for now with a switch. Gary
  12. Is anyone going to Thunder in the Valley June 21-24th, Johnstown Pa. http://www.visitjohnstownpa.com/thunderinthevalley/ Next link is from VMax contingent. http://www.vmoa.net/modules/xcenter/?storyid=18 Looks like I will be there. Gary
  13. Some more MD pictures. Gary
  14. Thanks to Gary (99Silver) for sending this to me. Semper Fi. [ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2487638612433437293&q=Vetera]REVEILLE[/ame]
  15. A waterproof solution for those annoying washers. Gary
  16. What does it take/require to transfer a bike from Canada to US?? Ohio will be state titled in. $1200 value. Gary
  17. After going to the Pork in the Pines last year, Bubber goes home and tells Mrs Bubber that Gary now has the old outhouse right inside his house. So, no more going out in da cold. Well, this is a big mistake cause now Mrs Bubber is after him like a duck on a June bug to have him move the outhouse inside. So, ol Bubber finally gives in. He gets his stubby pencil out, makes a sketch on a piece of lined school pad paper and figures out all the materials he needs to git er done. Then he tinks maybe he should call Gary to get him to come over and help. Since Gary's already done this at his place, he can help and make the job much easier. Bubber calls, talks to Gary and Gary agrees to come over on Saturday to help. O dark early, Gary's up. He jumps on the Ol Blu By U and he's off to Bubber's place before he even has a cupa. Well, he gets to Bubbers, pulls into the yard and he see's Bubber sitting outside with two buckets of nails. Ol Bubber, he's almost in tears and Gary's really concerned that maybe he hurt himself. Off the bike he jumps, runs over to Bubber and asks him what's wrong. Bubber just looks at him with that ol hang dog look and starts telling him that he needs to go get more nails. This really confuses Gary as there are two big buckets full of nails sitting there. So, he asks Bubber whats wrong with the nails he already has. Bubber starts to tell him that Wally World had a big sale on nails, so he bought up all they had. When he got home he started looking at them and realized that them nails was made in China. And most of them had the heads on the wrong end. He tried to sort em out, and by the time he was done he didn't think he would have enough nails to finish building the indoor outhouse. Well, gary looks into the buckets and sure enough, most of the nails have the heads on the wrong end. Gary asks Bubber for a cup of coffee, and they sit there for a while drinking the coffee and just starring at the two buckets of nails. All of a sudden gary jumps up and yells at Bubber that he knows what the problem is and he don't need to buy any more nails. Ol Bubber, he just looks at Gary like he's crazy. Gary reaches down into the bucket, pulls out a nail and tells Bubber, "These are for the other side of the house." True story and I stands by it....
  18. That was not a bad performance considering it was a one time show and the amount of preparation & choreographing that went into it.. Better than many I have seen. Gary
  19. Happy Birthday, really. You don't seem to be on here as much lately, what's up??? Gary
  20. Gotta love big companies http://news.yahoo.com/paypal-strikes-again-time-antique-violin-pays-ultimate-001236886.html Gary
  21. What is the spell checker app for this site that works in IE8. I prefer Firefox, but even with a new install of Windows 7 and a new download of firefox, it keeps crashing on me so I'm using IE full time now. I can't type worth shirt, so I missplell a lot and don't get them highlited in IE8. Gary
  22. I for one would really like to Thank Gary for all the work he has put into getting these Ingitech units for us. I know he has invested a LOT of time and work into this. I couldn't do it. Without him we would be stuck with those old crusty units that worked sometimes and sometimes didn't. Really a major embarassment if it happened about the time you started to put that Hardley in its place!! MUCH THANKS GARY!!! Err you are going to make mine run just a little better than.......you know:whistling:
  23. I am thinking of adding highway pegs to my 86 VR. Just wondering what folks have used for these bikes. The fairings are kind of in the way to stick my legs past but it would be nice to stretch out on the long rides. Pictures? Thanks, Gary Just did a search and found most of the info.....
  24. Not many people there yet. Freebird, Monty, Goose & GaryN & their better halves. And me solo. No one was table dancing yet, maybe tomorrow. And there is a new puppy on the ranch. No pictures from tonight, sorry. Gary
  25. Here are some random pictures from today's event. Gary
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