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  1. Getting everything ready for our trip with the Warriors Watch Riders to PA for the 9/11 memorial ride and services at the Gardens of Reflection in Bucks County. 5 bikes making the trip from GA with a support vehicle and trailer in tow. Leaving the 8th and returning the 13th, with stops in the Harrisonburg VA area both up and back. Not attempting to get into DC, NYC or Shankesville this trip, as they will be crazy crowded. We'll make that pilgrimage some other time. The spouse of the pilot of Flight 93 will be attending this service with us, as she did two years ago when the Gardens were dedicated. Hopefully the weather cooperates this year (it was a monsoon in '09!), but either way, it's going to be a great ride with some great folks. Wherever you go and whatever you are doing on 9/11 this year, please ride safe, and thank you for honoring the heroes and victims of this tragic day. God bless America.....
  2. Sadly, my mother-in-law recently passed way due to lung cancer. She wanted to donate her body to science, but she was rejected, due to the cancer. It came to me to do the final arrangements and did I ever get an awakening into this business. She wanted a cremation with no service, as inexpensive as possible. When contacting funeral homes I was quoted in the $3600 to $4000 range. But there are "burial services" out there that do the same job for $1300 to $1600. We go with an outfit called Tranquility that had NO pressure sales, nice to deal with and just over $1300 for everything. In the meantime, I receive a letter from Bay Gardens, stating that although my mother did pay for the "group package" when my father died,($5000 back in '94) which included everything for my father and then my mother when she passes, one part was omitted and if we wish to save $$ on the future HST tax, we can pay now. I call and ask about this "missing part" and it is the transporting of the body from the nursing home (her current residence) to Bay Gardens for cleaning, and then across the street to the crematorium. For this they want $2000!! I was stunned, told them wait we already paid for the package but I was assured that this was STRICTLY for the transporting of the body. When I asked about Tranquility doing the whole thing for $1300 his answer was they treat the body with dignity .... WTF??? So, I go to pick up my mother-in-laws remains and the guy at Tranquility hands me the box, on top is a receipt of the contents from ...... BAY GARDENS. Seems they contract out the jobs to Tranquility anyway!! Talk about a scam .... And everybodies make a profit here too. Then I start telling the guy at Tranquility about my mum and what a scam these crooks are pulling, when he suggests that since I have paid for the cremation, opening and closing of the niche already with Bay Gardens, I can use their services and instead of $1300 it will only be $800. Versus $2000 with BG! Boy, did I enjoy that call to the smarmy crook at Bay Gardens telling him about the "change of plans". When we originally looked into donating the mother-in-law to science, there is a charge, the transporting of the body ..... the REAL fee $170! Whoa eh? And one last note: Every look through the obits and see those crooks advertising their funeral home right in the persons obit? Thats because the low lifes have said they'll write the obit for the family, plunk in their logo and stick the family with the bill for their advertising. Bottom feeders - IMO:mad: Thanks for letting me rant .... feels better already. I already told the wife when I die to put me on an ice floe and send me out. If I happen to go in the summer, throw me in the freezer for a week, ice should be back by then!
  3. As posted on the radio in the Houston area, the Lone StarRally is still on. The Galveston area was devastaed by Hurricane Ike. City services are back up and schools are scheduled to resume next week. This is being slated as the "come back event" for the Island. Hotels are scurrying to make repairs and local businesses as well. So if you were planning on attending, Come On Down. Its Halloween weekend. check here for the official website for the rally. http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Clubhousemagazine-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/ama-193.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/BudBiker-DP-logo-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Bud-Ride-Safe-First-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Jack-Daniel_s2-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/buzzlogo-139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/galvestonisland.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/progressive-logo.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/sparkletts.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/KKRW.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/republicharley-1-193.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/SanJacintoHD.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/VixensVisions-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Shell_139-1.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Moody-139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/moodyhotel.jpg http://t1.extreme-dm.com/i.gif http://e2.extreme-dm.com/s11.g?login=lsrally&jv=y&j=y&srw=1024&srb=32&l= http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gif http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gif 9/19/2008 Despite reports to the contrary the City of Galveston is back and WE WILL MOVE FORWARD IN GALVESTON WITH THE LONESTAR RALLY ON THE SCHEDULED DATES Please be patient with lodging as all are working on being operational ASAP SPREAD THE WORD, TELL YOUR FRIENDS WE ARE HAVING A RALLY!!!!!! SEE OUR PLANS TO HELP REBUILD GALVESTON http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/LoneStarRallyPirate08-2.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/VENDORPACKETS.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/activities2.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/sponsorship.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Shop.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/PARKING.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/beachboys.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/LADYRIDERS.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Contact.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Pictures2.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/GALVESTONLODGING.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/friendsofrally.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/RallyDVDs2.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/camping.gif Cycle Trader National Convention VIP Gypsy Tours Ride in style to the three American Motorcyclist Association’s National Road Riding Conventions and AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days with Cycle Trader, the market leader in online and print motorcycle classified advertising in the United States. Click here for additional information and registration Sign up for the Lone Star Rally Newsletter THE 2007 LONE STAR RALLY WAS A HUGE SUCCESS!!! 486,000 attended as per TX.D.O.T. figures Dates for the 2008 Lone Star Rally are Oct. 30 - Nov. 2 Plan your Rally Schedule using our activities page!" Pirate and Halloween Theme Ride in the World’s Largest Halloween Costume Biker Parade on Friday night to win $1,000! Attend the World’s largest Leather and Lace Ball on Friday night at the Convention Center. Tour our Ghost Ship “The Elissa!” at Pier 21! Three stages with over 60 live concerts! Lone Star Lady Riders Conference Ms. Lone Star Rally Pageant and Fashion Show- Lone Star RV show returns to the floor of the Convention Center Leather and Lace Ball plus Costume Contest- Featuring Vince Vance and the Valiants Costume Contest winner gets $500! Demo fleets- Factories return with great free rides on all of their new machines! Dolphin Tour (formerly the champagne cruise) Deep Sea Fishing Trip Charity Casino and Auction bbenefitting Ronald McDonald House AMA Tours and Poker Runs Dyno Horsepower Shoot-out Rhett Rotten’s Wall of Death Special Super Star Concert at Moody Gardens Outlaw Dave Ranch Ride Go to Chopper College and try to win the chopper of your design Music Music and more Music no cover charge many venues . EXCITING NEWS! The fabulous Beach Boys will take to the beach for a very special concert under the stars at Moody Gardens during the Rally on Saturday night. Joining them will be a minimum of one surprise guest star! Moody Gardens is one of the finest resorts in the world and we are very excited to present this American icon for the super low ticket price of just $20! Even better, book your lodging for the Rally at Moody Gardens and receive two tickets free! (3 day minimum). Also happening at the Gardens is a very cool IMAX movie about the ocean plus all of the other cool attractions that make Moody Gardens famous! They will also offer special secured motorcycle parking and shuttle service from our downtown sites. For you golfers, there’s even a brand new, world class golf course! How you get your clubs there is up to you! LSR will also re-route their shuttles to take you to and from Moody Gardens from the seawall and downtown. Check out our web-site beginning next week for details on special room rates and ticket ordering information. 2007 Lone Star Rally Official DVD Double click the arrow in the center of the video to play a short sample. Order your DVD from Lone Star Rally on DVD 2006 Lone Star Rally Official DVD Double click the arrow in the center of the video to play a short sample. Order your DVD from Lone Star Rally on DVD 2005 Lone Star Rally Official DVD Double click the arrow in the center of the video to play a short sample. http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gif © 2007 - 2008 Media Magic http://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/autogen/clearpixel.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Parrot.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/partyboats.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/baywatch_gif.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Hooters139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/mancusopower-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/AmpcoParking.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/Premiere.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/StubbsHD-1.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/sierrasprings.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/espn.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/GPMCompass.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/patterson-139.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/KILT.gifhttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/WM_Logo-139.jpghttp://www.lonestarrally.com/assets/images/black_iguana-139.gif Regards, Ponch
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