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  1. Lewis come over and gave me a hand on the Venture today. It was hard keeping him focused at times. And he keep saying something about being 12 years older then me. As you can see I had the hard part of taking it apart already done.... Here are a few pictures of Lewis helping out.... And here's one of me checking the gap on a spark plug the technical stuff. (Yes in the right light you can eyeball the gap..... Ok maybe not.) Lewis worked all day repairing this bike. He keep pointing out things that needed doing and then asked "Do you want to go ahead and fix it " Now Im not one to stand in the way of progress so I said "Lets do it" We put new plugs in...synced the carbs....rewired the accessories lights so they turn of when the bike is shut off.... and countless other things. And to top it off Lewis synced the carbs on a Ninja 250 that my son was working on. Thanks Lewis. You helped do some things I know that I couldn't have done. And thanks for spending the day with me working on it. I really enjoyed the day. Landon says thanks to.
  2. Hi, I decieded to grease my drive shaft splines and when i got it back together I see there is a gap between the caliper bracket and the washer I think I got the washer in the correct place but don't remember the gap being there ,is there suppose to be this gap ? Thanks
  3. If I remember right the setting is .003 to .007 Correct? I have cleaned mine up and noticed that the gap was getting larger. thinking I will try .004 I have lost my info in this. Thanks for any help. Jeff
  4. I've seen a few different ideas for hub caps on 8" wheels. Don't know if anybody has tried this. I had a front hub cap from my semi kicking around, it measures 8 3/4" same as the outside lip of 8" wheel. There's a small gap between the wheel and the cap about an 1/8" but it's really hard to pull back off. Can't give it the acid run right now( few to many icy patches).
  5. Discovery channel will be at Deals Gap taking pics and filming on Dec 6th if anyone is interested. here is the link. http://killboy.blogspot.com/2011/11/random-update-november-29-2011.html Nrian
  6. Going to ride up to Ashville/Cherokee Wednesday night then Thursday morning jump on the Parkway in Cherokee to NC 18 on to Sparta then 21 to my brothers house in Virginia. I know it snowed in Va Saturday any bad spot on the Pway? Jumping off at Sparta becasue its closed right there for about 10 miles. My Brother and I will jump back on around Fancy Gap on Friday and go as far north as we can. If any one wants to meet up along the way or has any advisors please give me a shout.
  7. A couple of friends of mine rode the dragon this past weekend. One of them took this picture while at Deal’s Gap. I was just wondering if anyone recognizes this VR? This would have been Saturday the 10th.
  8. My nephew was given an early medical discharge from the Marines last week and has been stationed near Ft. Worth, TX. So rode here to my place in N. Georgia on his was to northern KY to visit his 2 kids (living with his Ex). He's got a beautiful, copper colored recent Vrod. Thats likely the Harley I would want. Rode some roads around the area Saturday, most of which were visited during the Vogel rally and wound up in Helen for supper. Sunday he wanted to ride the Dragon. We took the ride up US129 past Vogel and straight up 129 to Deals Gap, got there just before noon and had lunch. I turned him loose to ride the Dragon and on his way to Knoxville and north while I tried a new road. The Fontana Road is the 'other' road which runs north of US129 coming to a junction at Deals Gap. I haven't ridden it before. What a treat. Its NC28 and runs all the way to Franklin, a 2 hour ride of mostly narrow 2 lane twisty slow road. There were a couple spots where it was 4 lane or improved, but not too many miles of that. A lot of NC28 overlooks the Little Tennessee River. At Franklin there are lots of good riding roads to jump to, the Blue Ridge Parkway, Stay on NC28 to The Highlands and US64 east, north on 441 to Maggie Valley or Gatlinburg, or US64 back towards Murphy, NC.
  9. Here are some more pictures of our trip to deals gap on Friday. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2208997538801.2119258.1063337614&l=98b9b37f7d&type=1
  10. I put in new spark plugs ... NGK double checked the gap at .035 ... and now that they are in i have a slight backfire when coming off the throttle ... anyone have any ideas? I can take them all out and check them again but I was very CAREFUL when putting them in so as not to bump them and ruin the gap.
  11. Would somebody mind taking a photo and a measurement for me? I'd check my own but the bags are off and before I install them back on I'm going to make a little modification. Plus it's cold and dark out in the garage. I need to know the distance (of the gap) between the front of the saddlebag and the back of the bag guard/frame... in the vicinity of that little horizontal ridge. In the area where the yellow arrow is pointing in the following photo: Thanks folks!
  12. I know this is a Venture site but there is lots of info here and I need a little help does anyone know what the plugs should gap on this bike I don't have a manuel for it and I am trying to get it running.
  13. So I had a new Dunlop E3 Front tire mounted and balanced. For the record the date code is 3707 and came from Tucker Rocky via my Independent local dealer. Been riding everyday to work to scrub the tire in and was noticing a a very mild hop or bounce. Its most noticeable around 40 mph and originally thought it was road surface, but noticed it on different roads and surfaces. Its more obvious on decel. Given that I hadn't noticed this ( or remembered it) with the OEM Bridgestone front with 16k miles, I thought it was odd. Theres is 1 1/2 ounces of weight on the tire, in close proximity to the valve stem. Yesterday, after the bike sat up over night, I jacked the bike up, spun the front wheel and could see a notable flat spot in the tire, with the naked eye just using the fender tip as a reference. Spun it several times and marked the spot with blue tape. Today, with the weight off the front wheel for 24 hours, I could not find the flat spot as easily as yesterday (other than the blue tape). So I set up a reference bar across the tread supported by bricks. When I spin the tire, the difference between the tire touching the bar and not is about 1/16" The 1/16" Gap is still where the blue tape is. I haven't marked the start and stop points for touching and gap, but it touches for a portion of the rotation and there is a gap for a portion. I stop rotating when I perceive the gap to be widest and that's the 1/16" point. Would this tire be considered out of round? Should I do this test with the tire warmed up? (Although the hop doesn't seem to go way with the tire warmed up or after riding awhile) Folks with E3's, do you notice the tires flat spotting if you let the bike sit? Thanks, RSTDdog
  14. Here is a video of Deals Gap that Killboy.com did. It is the best one of te Gap I have seen. Take it full screen. [ame=http://vimeo.com/7862372]Following my BFF through the Dragon on Vimeo[/ame]
  15. Rode the Beartooth yesterday with wife on back and two Terriers in my modified Unigo trailer. What a great ride, was so much fun I rode it again in the opposite direction today. Being from the east I thought the Blue ridge and Deals gap were neat but you just have to ride the Beartooth. The bike ran a little rich above 9000 feet but there was never any power issue. When I rode it today i left wife and the mutts back at the RV and used some of the extra rubber on the sides of my tires. Unlike Deals gap, one can ride as foolishly as one wishes, remembering that your first error will likely be your last. It's a great ride and suggest that anyone who hasn't done it but it on there Bucket list
  16. Hi guys, sometime early next month, my buddy and I are heading out on yet another long road trip and we thought of trying something new. Entering the USA at Houlton Maine, we would be proceeding south on the I95. We're thinking of hitting Mount Washington in NH and then down to what we heard is one heck of a nice ride, the "Skyline", the "Blue Ridge Parkway" and then the famous Deels Gap (dragon's tail) If you have detailed info as to where these routes start, how to get there etc via town names to plug into the GPS, what to expect, especially if you yourself have had personal experience on these routes, please do drop me a line. As mentioned, we would be coming from the north heading south.. Thanks in advance.. Cheers
  17. I work as a pinstriper and patch sewer at Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort, Deals Gap, NC, on the corner of 129 and 28. The Dragon is open the 11 miles, 318 curves in TN - to all who may want to come and ride. You just have to turn around at the bottom (big parking lot before Foothills Parkway turn off) and ride back, since there's still a huge fence blocking the road that goes all the way into Maryville, TN. We're hoping it's open all the way before Aug. 1, so we don't all starve here. We have HP coverage, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and emergency vehicles on the spot, in case...well, you know... So tell your friends. Come visit...and say hello.
  18. I followed Goose's directions from his post and everything was great until I got to measuring the gap. I did like the manual and Goose said, timing mark in window to get TDC, and then the cams were pointing away from each other at about 5 and 7 o'clock. Problem is they are still in contact with the shims and you can't measure it. I cranked the engine a little further and the exhaust valves were free and intake was pushed open. Can you just measure the gap when the cam lobes are pointing up? It seems the round portion of the cam should be the same all the way around and the valve closed unless the cam is touching it.
  19. whats the best and what gap are you seting them at please???
  20. [nomedia= ] [/COLO"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whVXD3ex9DA&NR=1&feature=fvwp]YouTube - An average Harley rider at Deal's Gap[/ame]
  21. Anybody else have a large gap between their saddlebad lid and the saddlebag? My left one does not close tight in the rear back part. I can't see how to adjust it. Any experience with this problem?
  22. I feel like a dummy Can some one help me I am having a hard time trying to work out what shims do I buy to give me the clearance of (I want to keep them on the tite side) to save the valvs I have cam were Inlet .11 to.15 Exhorts .16 to .2 Gap ..... 0.08.. ... 0.09..... 0.19....... 0.18 Shims....2.278... 2.282.... 2.275 .....2.278 Thanks
  23. Well I done my first valve check it took me 2 days but I also took my time. I was surprised of some of the inlet gaps spaces between the cams and the shims .08mm and .09mm the manual say .11mm to .15mm. I checked them 3 times, same spacing each time so I did not change any shims. I have kept a record of what is there at the moment the bike is running fine. There was wear on the each sides of the cam lobes where they hit, at the contact point and the realise point they look like they are scraping on the shims edges. Last month I perched a reusable stainless steel oil filter and so on the first inception I notices stuck to the magnet some metal bust partials I was a bit concern at the time but now I know that the wear dust is from the cam lobes. This is something that I will be keeping my eye on. What is your opinion about the inlet shims gap as .08mm, .09mm and the .10mm they are all between .08mm and .11mm the exhaust are between .16mm and.19mm in spec the manual says. 16mm to .20mm I am a bit concerned about the inlet gap. Thanks PIPER
  24. Anyone know what the gap should be on the NGK Iridium plugs? Should it be the same gap as the NGK standards (.031-.035)
  25. Go figure spent all last summer rebuilding my bike after it got smashed up. Had two good rides out of it before parking it for the winter. yesterday. I changed the oil and filter fired it up to go for my first long awaited ride for the seaso and wouldn't you know it, an engine miss put my hands on the exhaust pipes and the left front one is stone cold , YUP a dead cylinder I put a spark tester in line with the plug and opened the gap to test spark strength and was over 1 inch and still getting strong spark jump across the gap. pulled the plug and although it was black it was not wet like a misfiring plug would normally be. going to do a compression test todayand see what my compression is. I sure hope it isn't some delayed damage from when the bike went down.
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