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  1. The price of Gas versus Printer Ink http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 All these examples do NOT imply that gasoline is cheap; it just illustrates how outrageous some prices are.... You will be really shocked by the last one! (At least, I was...) http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.3&fid=Inbox&inline=1Compared with Gasoline...... http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.4&fid=Inbox&inline=1Think a gallon of gas is expensive? This makes one think, and also puts things in perspective. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.5&fid=Inbox&inline=1Diet Snapple 16 oz $1.29 ... $10.32 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.6&fid=Inbox&inline=1Lipton Ice Tea 16 oz $1.19 ..........$9.52 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.7&fid=Inbox&inline=1Gatorade 20 oz $1.59 ..... $10.17 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.8&fid=Inbox&inline=1Ocean Spray 16 oz $1.25 ......... $10.00 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.9&fid=Inbox&inline=1Brake Fluid 12 oz $3.15 ...... $33.60 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.10&fid=Inbox&inline=1Vick's Nyquil 6 oz $8.35 ... $178.13 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.11&fid=Inbox&inline=1Pepto Bismol 4 oz $3.85 .. $123.20 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.12&fid=Inbox&inline=1Whiteout 7 oz $1.39 ....... . $25.42 per gallon http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.13&fid=Inbox&inline=1Scope 1.5 oz $0.99 .....$84.48 per gallon And this is the REAL KICKER... Evian water 9 oz $1.49..$21.19 per gallon! $21.19 for WATER and the buyers don't even know the source (Evian spelled backwards is Naive.) Ever wonder why printers are so cheap? So they have you hooked for the ink. Someone calculated the cost of the ink at............... (you won't believe it....but it is true........) $5,200 a gal. (five thousand two hundred dollars) So, the next time you're at the pump,be glad your car doesn't run on water, Scope, or Whiteout, Pepto Bismol, Nyquil or God forbid, Printer Ink! http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f33784%5fAIkIw0MAATDqTWAvzQE%2fXDA2UQE&pid=2.14&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Just a little humor to help ease the pain of your next trip to the pump... And - If you don't pass this along to at least one person, your muffler will fall off!! Okay, your muffler won't really fall off...but, you might run out of toilet paper
  2. I bought a 2006 RSV I am newbie to this site but have enjoyed all the help and support on the site. My question is my Betsy has abiut a 5 gallon gas tank no star emblems. I am thinking it should have a six gallon tank. Is there amod or something where the tank is swapped. Just curious like thebike the way it is.
  3. I've been working alot for the last few months trying to save up for a new RSV and not have much time to hang out with the boss. Well today before I went to work I went with her to our local Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. One item we needed was a gallon of milk. I went to the cooler where the milk was and could not believe it, I actually said out loud " Oh my god, $5.14 for a gallon of milk, you've got to be kiding me" What in the world is going on? Is there a new special breed of cow producing this high dollar milk. Last time I checked the same old cows producing the same old milk that was $2.00 a gallon the last time I went shopping. If the are any dairy people on the forum please inlighten me.
  4. Found seafoam at my local Menards home improvement store(Owensboro,Ky.) for 6.49 regular price(Wal-Mart is 9.99). I think it's 46.99 a gallon, that place sells about anything.
  5. During the day on Tuesday the price of gas was $1.30/liter ($4.921 / U.S. gallon). Overnight it bumped up to 1.378/liter ($5.216 / U.S. gallon). That is $0.295 increase over night. Today it is $1.292/liter ($4.89 / U.S. gallon). Funny.... all the stations and oil companies raise and lower gas prices at the same time. Collusion or coincidence? Must be coincidence.
  6. Gas is headed to a buck a gallon in Kansas. Down 30 cents in three weeks. $3.459 yesterday.
  7. Here in Ontario Canadian Tire has Rotella T on sale for two weeks at 25% off which puts their price for a 5 gallon pail at $56.99, eh.
  8. FYI for those that use Rotella its on sale at Advance Auto right now, at least in South FL market. Gallon jug of T6 full synthetic 5w-40 is 22.99 (reg 26.99) and the 15w-40 Dino ROtella is 12.99 for a gallon (Reg 17.99). RSTDdog
  9. While in Florida last week I accidently found a gas station that is by now probably out of business or at least somebody lost their high paying attendant job. The street sign said $3.54 a gallon, same as everybody else - I thought Didn't pay too much attention until I got the receipt, 12.886 gallons cost $32.85 - I had to do a double take but it was real - $2.54 a gallon Since we were 750 miles from home, Linda refused to go get the truck so we could fill it up also.
  10. Looks like it is getting close to time to replace the hot water heater. It is still heating just fine but apparently is full of mineral deposits, rust, etc. My wife notice last weekend that the hot water was muddy looking. I've lost count of how many times I've drained and flushed and drained and flushed and drained and flushed. It take forever even though I replace the drain valve with a straight through ball valve. Even with the ball valve installed and the vent opened, it takes a long time to flush. I've actually got it running fairly clear now but still no perfect and I think I will need to replace it soon. It is about 17 years old. This is an 80 gallon AO Smith electric heater. I've been looking around and have somewhat narrowed it down to a Whirlpool 80 gallon and a GE 80 gallon. The Whirlpool has dual 4500 watt elements and a 12 year warranty. Top and bottom elements are stainless steel. The GE has dual 5500 watt elements but only the top one is stainless steel for some reason. They both have 12 year warranties. All that I have looked at have 4500 watt elements except for the GE. The Whirlpool is $619.00 and the GE is $729.00. I'm leaning towards the Whirlpool even though the GE has higher wattage elements. I've never had a problem with running out of hot water so really don't know that the bigger elements are a big deal. They both have high energy factors, about 92 I think. A tankless heater is not an option for me. There just aren't any electric tankless heaters that are equivalent to an 80 gallon tank. The closest I have found was rated about the same as a 40 gallon tank. So, I KNOW we have people here who are experts in just about anything that we have questions about. What say you?
  11. Gas Just went up here in Northern Ontario It's $1.40 a litre =$6.36 a Gallon
  12. before you start cutting back on your fun riding? We are now at about $3.55 a gallon around here and it takes me about $15 bucks or so to fill up when the bike has about a gallon left. At my last fillup, my average was right at 45mpg and I figure that works out to about eight cents a mile. That would still be about $40 for a 500 mile weekend. RandyA
  13. Has anyone attempted to put a Venture 6 gallon tank on a RSTC with the 4 gallon tank? Searched and did not find anything.
  14. Picked up the OEM luggage rack today. Still planning on a top box with a wompus rack in the spring but want to have it painted to match... which will cost $$$. So in the mean time need to be able to strap the old rally back on the back. Now just need to go pick up the right loc-tite. Also found the gallon jug of yamalube for 16 bucks at the dealer so looks like that is what she is getting before the trip to Orlando later this week.
  15. any one have this happen? went out for a short ride as im still healing. was ridding down main street in a little town after a 40 mile ride. Dianne was with me i hit the throtle and poof bike stoped? ok coast over to the wendys parking lot. shut key off turned it back on tank showed one bar? while on side stand. i took it off the side stand it showed 2 bars on the fuel gage. would not start? ok i carry a one gallon gas can in top trunk. gas staion right next to wendys thank god as its hot out today. i got one gallon of gas and the bars didnt move on the fuel gage? hit the starter and vroom it fired right up. went over and filled the tank. bars are at the top. took 4.5 gallons total to fill it thats with the one gallon gas can i allready put in. the petcock is stuck so i dont dare try and move it. from the looks of the petcock it looks like its on RES?. never had this happen before and allways got around 40mpg. when the bike ran good. looks like im now pulling 34 mpg?
  16. Ok, just what you all have been waiting for, the pics from Bobbie. Be sure to grab about 4lbs of popcorn and a gallon of your favorite beverage, then allow time for potty breaks http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/Sleeperhawks%20Mechanic%20MD%202010/
  17. Well I've been out in the shop again. We're getting ready for our trip to Alaska and decided we needed a little more storage room on the bike. I made a receiver hitch and luggage rack and bolted on a 15 gallon Rubbermaid lockable plastic box. A couple of LED trailer lights completed the project. Not too pretty but functional.
  18. OK, here what I need to know, how fardo you or can you go once you switch petcock to reserve. My fuel gage light comes on at roughly 182-185 miles and i swiitch to reserve, fill up and it takes about 4 to 4.7 gallon. Why does fuel gage light come on so early if I have a 6 gallon tank? I have over 6,000 miles on RSV in 5 months and have never put more than 4.7 gallon in it. So how far can I still go with 1.3 gallon left and 2 bars showing. How far can you go on your reserve? thanks Brian D.
  19. Just got done removing 16 inches from the drive about 150 yards to the highway. I'm hoping another 5 gallon of diesel will get me through till Spring. Oh yea when is SPRING COMING? Another snow coming Tuesday.
  20. I was at a local TSC (Tractor Supply Center) and they had gallons (128 oz) of Seafoam for $39.99. 16 oz cans were $7.99 which would extend out to $63.92 for a gallon. I know some of you like seafoam more than ice cream (you aint right) so I thought I would post it here. Gary
  21. I thought I may take a minute to share this with you since I am aware there are a few mature folks here. And, I am sure some can relate to my current situation. Tomorrow morning at the VA, I not only have an upper endoscopy (upper GI) being done down my throat, but I am also having a colonoscopy(that's the other end). At the moment, I have just finished the 1st half gallon of the wonderfully refreshing drink and am seeing some results, if I want to look. My stomach currently sounds like a gang of Hell's Angels are making hot laps. I am at the point that it is hard to complete a sentence as I am both a slow typist and have these immediate needs that MUST be addressed. Now, if I am able to go to sleep later on(in the bathtub?), I have to get up at 3AM and finish the other half gallon. OK, I'm back, where was I? That's something to look forward to. So, if you think you were having a crappy day, I might want to trade with you. I will just be glad when things start clearing up. I have been assured by the VA that even though they are on a tight budget, they WILL use two DIFFERENT probes. Well, gotta run(no pun intended) and "May the Force Be with You". Speaking of, I don't need to force anything at the moment. RandyA
  22. Hey All, not really wanting to know what oil to use (this has been done here) I want to know where to purchase? Online, Wally World, where??? I would like to purchase Amsoil 10w-40 in the gallon jugs and would like 3 gallons. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. OK....I know that we have discussed various options for heating our homes but I have another question. Have any of you swapped from propane to electric heat? I know that at first, it seems like a dumb question but I've been doing some research on it and it's not so dumb as it may seem. There is a breaking point with the price of propane and the price of electricity where electricity becomes cheaper and I'm thinking I have passed that point. From what I have learned, when propane reaches $2.48 per gallon and if you are paying no more than .10 cents per KWH for electricity, then electricity becomes cheaper. I am now paying $2.50 per gallon for propane and my electricity is .07 cents per KWH so according to what I THINK I have learned, I would be better off switching to electricity. Any experts here who can show me where I've made a mistake?
  24. It is supposed to be down to around zero F here in the next couple of days so yesterday evening I thought I had better check the antifreeze in all my vehicles. The first thing I had to do was run over to Walmart to buy another checker as I could not find the one I had. I figured as I was there I would buy a gallon of antifreeze. I still can not let myself buy the 50/50 mix and pay almost the same price as regular. And, I always keep a gallon or so of distilled water on hand. Everything checked good, but one of my Maximas was almost 2 quarts low. I must have a leak somewhere, but I have not noticed it marking it's territory. So, when the weekend gets here and the really cold temperatures, I will just snuggle down and stay in. RandyA
  25. I was going to try a poll, but can't see how, so I'll just ask the question. What do you get to the gallon from your venture in normal riding (whatever that is ?) I'm asking because when I asked this before, comments seemed to be divided between those who regularly managed 45-50 to the gallon or even more and assumed anyone who got less drove like a nutter, and those who returned 30-35 to the gallon and could not get more no matter how they rode. I have felt for a long time that there must be two specifications of carburettor, or something that can be set two ways or that can fail, that means some people get good mpg while others don't. I've made up a little table to help people understand international posts - UK/imperial mpg vs USA mpg vs metric litres/100Km. mpg (uk) mpg (us) l/100km 20 17 14.1 25 22 11.3 30 26 9.4 35 30 8.0 40 35 7.0 45 39 6.3 50 43 5.6 55 48 5.1 I get about 30mpg (UK) with a sidecar, pulling a trailer, on a run; but I only used to get about 33-35mpg solo. I've checked the float height, balanced the carbs, changed the plugs (currently iridium) and put on an easy flowing air filter. For me this is the crunch point for its use as a tourer - I'd so like an improvement before our long tour this Summer - both because of the cost of petrol and the limited tank range.
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