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Found 16 results

  1. :rasberry:NOT! Question for all you smart guys, mechanics, painters ETC...... What's the name of the gal that was singing just before the Colts/Jets game tonight?? BOO
  2. On my last ride in East Tennessee, I decided to visit the Dragon. While I was in no hurry, I was still making a pretty good clip not just puttin. A group of crotch rockets tore past me like a bump in the road. The bikes were loaded and decked out with all the latest speed stuff and the drivers were in full leather with expensive looking helmets and boots. The thing that got my attention more than that was that each one had a gal on the back with nothing but a helmet, sneakers, and a bikini. They were wrapped around those guys tight with their aaaaaatributes stuck up in the air. I hope they never go down! At least I saw none of the bikinis on the tree of shame.
  3. Got my notification that my 5 gal aux gas tank is on its way. WoooHooo. Should provide 350+miles between stops (IB rules state you must stop every 350 miles for certified rides - however, not rallies). The Russell Day Long saddle is also in the big brown truck. Should be a good weekend (if I can get the bike back together). Once the tank gets here, I will see how it fits on the current 3 gal tank mounting board. If it doesn't fit, I will post the 3 gal aux tank with the mounting board for sale and make a new one for the 5 gal unit. If the 5 gal tank does fit on the mounting board, I will post the 3 gal for sale with a mounting board pattern only. If you are looking for 100+ mile extended range, keep on open eye for a post on Saturday. RR
  4. Well I've jumped in and did it again. I've been looking for something small just to tool around town on or maybe a short ride after work when I get a few minutes to do so. So when I was down at the local Yammy shop I saw an 09 650 V-STAR MIDNIGHT CUSTOM. I couldn't pass it up. I'll still have the RSMV for those longer rides and when the gal goes with me. It's a fun little bike to ride. I've ordered a windshield and highway bars for it to start with the safety chroming. And yes there are pictures in my gallery.
  5. Man, today was a beautiful day for riding. I took "Big Gal" out for about 150 miles and then took "Max" out for about 40 miles. Talk about "night and day"! Max really likes to stretch his legs. Today was the first time I've had the Vmax out in a couple of months. BTW, yesterday I changed the fuel filter on "Big Gal". While I was in there I relocated the filter up under the seat. It was a real PITA to get to in the original location. Pics below. Before and after relocating filter.
  6. :95:Well it finally happened! I was waiting at a stop sign for oncoming traffic to come through so I could make a left turn and the bike hadn't completely warmed up, I guess, when I let out the clutch and "Big Gal" lurched forward and choked down. Next thing I know I'm laying on my back in the middle of the road and "Big Gal is resting on the crash bars. Not a whole lot of damage other than my pride, a small scuff on front and rear bars but alls well otherwise. So, that being said, where do I sent my money and how much???
  7. Have any of you all ever seen anything written up on Wally World's synthetic oil. Is it any good??? Its about $5-10 a gal cheaper than Mobil 1. Is doesn't come in a weight for the Ventures, but I use Rotella Blue for that anyway.
  8. Well since I got my 05 RSV I hit reserve and then fuel up and can not get more than 4 to 4 1/2 gal in it? The specs say > Fuel Capacity (gal/l) 6 / 23 Fuel Capacity Reserve (gal/l) 1 / 3.5 If the specs are right then why do I run out & need reserve at 4 gal? The fuel light comes on in 1 to 2 miles after turning to reserve. Do I really have 2 gal left? When I fill the tank I will sit on bike and hold it up right and wiggle the bike and fill it as full as I can get and still after 4 to 4 1/4 gal I am hitting reserve again. Any suggestions?
  9. Gasoline is now $3.39 gal for reg unleaded and falling.
  10. I have a 1989 Venture Royal and I don't seem to be getting very good mileage. I go about 100-120 miles before reserve light comes on. Fill up and it takes about 3.7 to 4 us gal, which works out to about 30 miles per gal. Bike has 63000 miles and runs very good, I have not run it hard, average speed 60-65 on highway. I am going to run seafoam through and check the plugs. Are there any other problems that could be causing the poor mieage ? Any suggestions will be most welcome. Falconbm
  11. I'm new to this site but been ridding a RSV for 3 yrs and have 52k miles on it. My question is, with a 6 gal tank why won't it use at least 5.5 before I have to fill up? I coasted into a station (after going on reserve) and it only held 4.5 gal. The most I've gotten out of a tank is 170 miles. I average between 40-46 MPG so I should get 220-250 miles to a tank. I was on a trip with a couple of gold wingers last year and they could go 200 easy & I had to stop at 130-150 (doing 75-80 on hwy) ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRICIATED!! pete_t@bellsouth.net
  12. Cant believe that im happy to be paying $3.70 a gal gas today....I also couldnt believe a line forming to the street too. I just went a few blocks further and found another station at the same price without anyone by the pumps. Wow, if it ever hits $3.00 a gal again I might just have a stroke.
  13. REMBEMBER WHEN!! 25 yrs ago i was in my prime, riding and racing around on my bike with my gal on back hugged up on my back felling like a true manly man. switch to today, here i'm riding down the road following susan on her bike leading the way, her sis next and then her girl friend ahead of me. WHAT WRONG WITH THIS PIC!! I dowm shift a couple of gears and away i go!!! after they diappeared in my rear view, i eased back into the seat and enjoyed the moment. if you told me 25 years ago that this would happen, i would have laughed my azzz off. times have changed a lot and i guess i have too. it's nice to have a gal that enjoys riding as much as you do and to share the thrill of burning up the road.. to see susan getting on her sis about riding safe and staying with the group and not chasing after me. bonnie has riden in the past and is doing great on susan's old 1100. hoping she can get where she can make a long ride to some event soon.
  14. SO i got up today and stoped at my local BP, the price jumoed to $3.59 overnight. this is rally getting rediculas. I hav to drive all over with my work. On a side note the gas last time I looked at my marina was $4.15 a gal for gas. Im looking to sell my boat rathen then just sit at the dock all summer. so how bad is it everywhere else:confused24:
  15. Guest

    buy a gal a drink?

    An interesting thing happened to me Saturday nite at one of the local biker hangouts, this one was in Amarillo. I was sitting at the bar, having a beer, visiting with friends. The band was playing, and the bar was kinda busy. The usual stuff. Three attractive young women walk in, and approach the bar, right next to me, to order their drinks. One young woman, (wearing a short dress, and pink and blonde hair!) does not order, and begins to look around. I asked her, are you looking for someone?... thinking I might start a conversation with her. She smiles and says yeah, I'm looking for someone to buy my drinks..(DRINKS, as in, LOTS of them!)...I said, are you even old enough to drink? She said, oh yeah I'm 21, but I'm a poor college student, and I need somebody to buy me drinks, so why not you? I said, hey, no thanks...she looked kinda pissed, and went over to the next sucker, and hit him up. Now, I gotta ask, WTF? I'm 49, and I look it, so do all young gals think good looks will always open an old mans wallet? I guess it works most of the time, otherwise why would they do it? Normally, a new gal will sit down next to you, and buy her first drink, and wait for the man to notice her, take an interest, offer to buy her a drink...yada yada yada..same old routine...at least you normally exchange first names! There was no way in hell this gal was gonna 'put-out' for a few drinks...and I'm not wanting one that would, anyway. I'm also aware that TABC (Texas Alchoholic Beverage Commission) 'stings' can happen, and since I didnt see the barstaff actually 'card' this gal, it sure could have been a 'setup'!! This young lady looked to be around 18 or 19 to me...I guess if she can afford college, a nice dress, pink hair, and a car to drive around in, she can most likely afford her first beer of the nite, at least! I DO buy drinks for my friends, and they for me, but that little gal had an amazing set of stones.
  16. Hi eveyone! As I stare at the poor girl in the garage, I can't wait for the weather to get better and get in the saddle again! Meanwhile I figured I would shop and by her some diamonds :mo money:but there does not seem to be much out there. Got myself a JPcycles catalogue and there's lots of nice stuff...problem is not much seems to fit the old gal anymore! Anywhere out there that still has chrome accessories, wheels, etc...that can still be added on? Or should I be looking at stuff perhaps for the Goldwing that would fit her? Any online links...maybe it's me but Google only gives me some batteries, brakes, etc...but no glitter. I'm also looking to replace the seat. Nothing is wrong with it but I want a nicer one. Any suggestions?
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