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So, I think I blew a fuse for the 12v cigarette plug in the left side of the fairing. No fuse in the "fuse" box. Where might I find this thing hiding so I can replace the dead fuze? Thanks
I have an 88 venture. The headlight is not working. From what I can tell the headlight power wire comes from the fuse to the starter switch on the right handle grip. From there it goes to the headlight. I am getting power from the fuse to the switch but nothing out. Is the starter switch a momentary switch that shuts the power off to the headlight when starting? Is there a way that I can clean the switch or something I can do with it. I took it apart and it looked alright to me. If not would it hurt anything to simply by pass the switch. I hate to get into doing thing like that but I have spent way to much on this bike and i am not spending anymore. I will sell it first. Thanks for any help Curtis
Winter project is almost complete, Yea Complete Clutch replacement from rebuilding master to replacing clutch slave and plates. Lube drive shaft (PIA) to putting back in. Replaced fuel sending unit. Added a HID headlight. Accent lights and a light switch, missing are the saddle bags not pictured 200 (Clarion XC1410) amp and new speakers (Blaupunkt MSx 402) Adding a second fuse block under seat by battery Trailer isolator converter (still working on the attachment) Replace fuel pump and filter (keeping old one for a backup) Trailer Hitch with mount and Flags Sending seats out to have Mr. Butler do his magic:) Last is to put her all back together:beer:
The old fuse block ain't doin' it anymore. Aside from the corrosion that keeps coming back time after time, yesterday one of the fuse holders broke off, so the fuse won't be held now. Luckily, it was the ACC fuse!! Who's got a good setup on their ride?? I'd like to move over to the newer auto fuses. I've tried a few different fuse blocks, but can't find one that is small enough to fit under the faux cover. Any ideas, manufacturers, parts stores???
I've been looking at the various fuse block threads on here and have noted the occasional reference to clearance issues. Most of the replacement ATC fuse blocks I have found so far are between 1.3" and 1.5". Has anyone actually figured out how much room there is between the battery and the top cover?
I experienced electrical gremlins last fall on my 1990 Royale. Strange behaviors. Too intermittent to diagnose specifically, but there seemed to be some relationship to the ignition switch and/or the "IGNITION" fused circuit. I know that ignition switch problems are not very frequent on First Generation Ventures, unlike the Second Gens, never the less I felt I may be having an issue with mine. So to cure possible problems with IGNITION fuse and the ignition switch, I replaced the OEM fuse block with a new fuse block that accepts ATC fuses and I added an "ACCESSORIES" auxiliary block. This auxiliary accessories fuse block is only energized when ignition switch is at ACC or ON. To prevent excessive current draw through the ignition switch, I fed the auxiliary accessories block via a 30Amp relay and 10GAuge wire. When the OEM ACC circuit is energized by the ignition switch, the relay is energized, closing the circuit from the battery to the positive lug post on the auxiliary accessories fuse block. To avoid grounding issues for added accessories, I created a common grounding terminal strip. This terminal strip is connected to the negative post of the battery with a short length of 10GA wire. The terminals on the terminal strip are electrically connected to each other with a heavy brass buss. The fuse blocks and terminal strip are mounted to the unvented maintenance free battery with double face foam "Gorilla" tape. The battery top presented a smooth surface for mounting via tape. This method probably wouldn't work for conventional batteries. I relocated the MAIN fuse to just in front of the Positive battery post. I relocated the CLASS fuse holder to under the other OEM fuse block that contains the AUDIO, BACKUP,etc. fuses for now, but I intend to utilize the remaining fuse position on the new "main fuse block" for the CLASS. Thank you, Earl for the fuse block.
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These are the pictures of my new fuse block. The block came off of the ebay site for about $10 or $12. The fuses are in the exact order as they were originally in except the accessory fuse was moved from the top to the bottom by extending that wire, by doing this I got more slack in the cables to put on the new crimp connectors.In moving the accessory fuse to the bottom I was also able to jump to the next fuse possession which gives me the benefit of adding another fuse for another accessory but you will have to remember not to go over the 10 amp total for both accessory fuses. I removed the old glass fuse block and used the bottom screw to mount the new fuse block and drilled another hole in the battery mounting bracket and used a brass screw and nuts to mount the top of the new fuse block. This brass screw became my accessory ground and strain relied for the bikes cable assembly. The new fuse block came with a cover but it was too tall to allow for the bikes top cover to mount so I had to leave it off. I did use dialectic grease on all the connections. I did this last year and have been very happy with it. I got a lot of the ideas from other posts on Venture Rider.
I bought a set of Burners high performance driving light kits QH-87CD which cost me only $18, and I mounted it on the edge of my Hoppe Quadzilla fairing on my 2006 Midnight RSTD. I wired it in to the CC port of the fuse box behind the lower front right cowling so that they come on with my headlight when I start the bike up. Check out my pix and here is the the link to the the lights on the Walmart website.
I will be removing the cassette deck and turning it into a storage box. It just so happens that my crackberry will fit in there perfectly. I would like to add a power outlet in the back of the box for charging the crackberry. Does the cassette deck have a power line running to it? If so can I add a power outlet to the end of that line after I take the cassette deck out? If so is there a separate fuse for that line and if so will I need to change the fuse for this? Finally if so which line is it on the back of the cassette deck? Thanks for your input on this.
I cleaned it up a little, did some searching, in doing so I found a spare key under one of the side covers, and speaking of side covers, found 4 broken tabs, on the fix list, added seafoam to the tank, runs like crap on heavy concentration of sea foam......let it soak and try it again tomorrow, will be changing the plugs, check the diaphrams and replace if neccessary. I took it for about a 6 mile ride, it will take some getting used to. Going to replace the fuse box, pulled out 1 fuse and one of the spades that holds it in broke.........on the fix list too. Here are some pics just after the wash, still need to polish and clean up some of the alum and chrome. And the lovely couple who delivered the bike decked out in their St. Jude shirts..............
I need help BIG TIME. I replaced all my dash lights with LED bulbs. I was going to take a pix of my dash & noticed that the lights are all out. I tested the LEDs & they work elsewhere. I replaced one with the oem bulb & there is no power. My headlight IS working though. Is there a fuse that I am overlooking?? I gotta get this fixed tomorrow I have a meet & eat on saturday!
Every time I touch the brakes my fuse blows. Why is this ?
Cruise Control Blows Fuses
Midnight Trike posted a topic in Royal Star Venture Tech Talk ('99 - '13)
Turned the cruise on while riding today, cruise lights flashed then nothing. Checked the fuse when I got home and it had blown. Replaced the fuse, started the bike and turned the cruise on and it blew again. Went through the Clymer manual and the switch looks like it has continuity. Tried one more time and it blew another. Has anyone else had this kind of trouble with the cruise? -
I keep blowing the top fuse in the fuse Box. It's a 10amp fuse and leads to a white wire with a red stripe. What circuit does this power ? Any suggestions ? Jim O'D........
hey all I just got a set of walmart driving light (18 bucks ) going to put them on the 83 . there are no other accessaries at all strickly stock bike. im thinking of just hooking them up just wires and switch that they came with complety seperate from anything else and get power from acess. fuse top of fuse block. lighted switch going through panel next to left storage box , and just turn em on when i want. anyone see any problems with this? i am planing to add more lighting to side and rear later on but im sure those will be led,s ..
Ok guys (n gals too) I have a CB that is now staying on 09 all the time. It was working fine up until a couple of days ago. Acts like the red button is pushed or stuck but I checked that and does not appear to be the case. I know that there is a fuse that keeps the memory working so when the fuse is gone the CD reverts to 09 and that has happened before but this time I can't get it off 09 at all... I also noticed in the top right corner of the glass is another small 09 which occassionally disappears. Any ideas?
I have just pick up a 1983 venture xvz12. I found out that it has a few problems. 1st is the elect fuse box is done , some of round fuse clamps are gone and someone has tried to repair it and wires are taped and spliced together. 2nd is there is the red warning light flashing . 3rd the computer monitor has the battery, brake fluid and head light indicator on. 4th I am getting about 60 miles to a tank of gas and i smell gas when I stop and today it made ao popping are a back fire sound down around the carbs going down the road. 5th The consoles are split are cracked. 6th the paint is faded and some of the fairing tabs are brokin off. I sure could use some help and guidance because I dont have any idea where to start to fix all this.
Dumb things we do .... I'd wired up my Trailer Isolator and realized I'd wired it to the Aux fuse block I'd installed, which is only live when the key is turned on. Now, the Isolator is supposed to be wired direct to the battery so ... I disconnected it, patched in an in-line fuse, and hooked it to the battery. Then I tested the power connector to the trailer .... NO POWER on any of the connections (run, brake, turn)... WHAT??? I fussed with that for a while, checking this and that ... couldn't understand why no power.... and then it HIT ME ... ! ... I connected the wire to the negative post on the battery :rotfl:!!!
Have dry sounding clicking/clunking sound in rear end of my new 2012 Venture. Can hear it when slowing down at stop signs etc. and also when pushing around in lane-way . Took to dealer today to get opinion and he says it is the needle bearing in rear-end so have appointment for next Mon. to get fixed. Also passing lights blew fuse(have them on all the time ) and couldn't find fuse until dealer remembered it was behind fairing so it has to be torn apart to change. Will get them to move to outside so I can change it later. Rear-end will be covered under warranty but not sure about fuse. Asked about it from sales man and heard mechanic say it was just a fuse BUT it was him who wired fuse behind fairing instead of outside where it is assessable--so I think it should be covered but will see on Mon.(if not covered it is about a 2hr job)
Yooper just got done with 10 hour job doing the forks, now me and Mom were for a ride today visiting and i lost all elctric except the head light and four ways no monitor no nothing.Checkde the main fuse and all others i was thinking maybe i overlooked something, need advice like to ride tomorrow. Thanks, Yooper
Ok So it was not a riding day yesterday so I decided To Adjust my Passing Lights. I had one adjusted last night and and gave up on the second. I went back at the second this AM and got it close enough and when I went to Secure lights! After removing the fairing I checked the fuse I put in the power line by the battery and it was blowen.......Off I go to get a fuse thinking that was my problem. I put in a new fuse and I have power as far as the replay But nothing coming out of it. When I was adjusting the lights I would always have the key off when putting the lamp back in the holder so I didn't short it out that way. And the only movement was moving the lamp housing for adjustment and the darn signal lights turning a little. I have power to the relay #30 & #86 but nothing at #87. "I have no clue about wiring" just checking the basics! Does it sound like a relay issue? The new fuse did not blow? Any Idea Electrical Wizards Out There !!!!! Thanks Keith
I'm looking to put running lights on and i needto know if there is power points other than the fuse box. I realy don't like going to the battery. any help would be thankful ron:cool10:
I removed the teardrop passing light / turn signals off of my RSTD. The LED's did not seem to attract the other drivers attention well enough and I had multiple situations of people cutting in front of me. Scary. So I got the Yamaha passing lights and put those on. I had already installed a relay, seperate small fuse panel, etc. so the passing lights are working. I must have accidently touched a wire to ground and blew the headlight fuse. I haven't replaced that yet, but the reason I blew the fuse was I was pecking around for the wire for the parking lights in the front. I have the turn signal part of the bulb wired and they work. I thought the black / white wire with the dual connection in the headlight bucket was the parking light wire. But I got nothing out of it. Is there a fuse panel other than the one behind the left side cover? Do I have the wrong wire?
Here is what I need help with, in cleaning up my shop I found this part and dont remember where it came from, well I do know it came off of the old fuse holder when I upgraded it with Skydoc's fuse block. So where does it go and what does it do, I havent noticed anything amiss when I am riding. The second part is I lost the battery probe, I went out and bought the resistor for the probe and now I can not find it, does anyone have a spare one they can let me have, I will glady pay for it. Thats it..........