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Found 11 results

  1. My lawyer and Barrister worked really hard today for four hours, negotiating my claim. It was diminished a fair bit, but the best outcome they could achieve under the circumstances. It will be about three months till any funds are in our bank.... but big decisions to be made now!!!!! Only one I'm sure of is: "See you in 2013" Plans to follow
  2. Thank you to all who have purchased the patch, the order for the first lot is in, and I will be picking them up at the June meeting of the Patriots M/C and mailing to everyone. If anyone wishes to order... just let me know. Below is a copy of the list from my original post "Okay, here is the list I have so far -- and those who have sent payment [many thanks] Those with question marks have not paid, or I have not received the funds in my paypal account Adventure08............ x1 paid Skydoc_17 ............. 1 paid DragonRider............ 2 paid tufftom4 ................1 paid gunboat .................2 paid bongobobny ........... 1 Paid minimuffin .............. 2 paid KIC ...................... 1 paid Stache ................. 1 paid Bummer ................2 paid rickardracing ..........1 paid 67mini67 ................ 1 paid Halmost There ......... 2 paid ashley9187 .............. 2 paid danob11.................... 2 paid
  3. In Dec of 2011 I discovered a homeless Veteran's Shelter in Vinton,La. that was sorely in need of funds. The place was established and is run by one Vietnam Vet and his wife. Because they are religious-based they get NO State or Federal funding. Bert and his wife have maintained this Shelter for the past 28 years with only their own funds and meager donations. On March 17th I and my CVMA Brothers here in SW La. held our Annual Spring "All Patriots Poker Run" to benefit this Vets Shelter. We registered well over 200 Riders and at days end we handed over $7500.00(cash) to the Shelter. Boomer....who sez we don't need the Goobermint to make good things happen...and even de pygmies donated their Dairy Queen funds to this cause.....
  4. Recieved via e-mail today...... FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION, (FBI). CYBER WIRETAP & FUNDS RECOVERY DEPARTMENT. J. EDGAR HOOVER BUILDING 935 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, D.C 20535, USA . WEB-SITE: www.fbi.gov We believe this notification meets you in a very good state of mind and health. The FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (FBI) Washington, D.C United States of America in conjunction with some other relevant Investigative Agencies here in the USA have recently been informed through our Global intelligence monitoring network that you have a pending FUND transaction with a Bank regarding to an Inheritance Funds or Lottery Prize Award payment which was fully endorsed to be paid in your favor. It might interest you to know that we have taken out time in screening through this whole transaction as stipulated on our protocol of operation and have finally confirmed that BANK OF ENGLAND is the only authorized financial institution scheduled to make your payment in line with their remittance requirements. Several investigations by us have shown that you have been dealing with some unauthorized persons and banks regarding the transfer of these funds to your bank account. Our UK attachee agent recently had a meeting with the Manager of BANK OF ENGLAND in the person of MR. NAIL BACON along with some other top officials of BANK OF ENGLAND regarding your case and they made us to understand that your file has been held in abase pending when you personally file for your claims. We were also made to understand that a lady with name Mrs. Joan Parthimos from Canada, has already contacted the Bank and also presented to them all the necessary documentations evidencing your claim purported to have been signed personally by you prior to the release of your funds to her, though they insisted on hearing from you personally before they could go ahead on wiring the funds to the Bank account information provided by the above named Lady. It is basically one of the main reasons they contacted us to enable us assist them in carrying out proper investigation and subsequently informing you of their mandate to Remitting your funds. Most importantly we advise that you discontinue further dealings with any person or organization posing as staff or affiliate of any bank or agency concerning the transfer of your funds. In your own interest, you are advised to immediately contact BANK OF ENGLAND on the following details for the onward remittance of your funds. BANK NAME: BANK OF ENGLAND. CONTACT PERSON: MR. ROBERTSON WHITE CORPORATE HEAD QUARTERS NA, LONDON BR1 1WA, UK OFFICE Tel: + (44) 7024068581. Fax: + (44) 7024-078562. Email info@kfsh.med.sa Ensure that you comply to all the Bank of England remittance procedures and also furnish the bank with your full details like: (Your Full names and Your Address, Your Direct telephone and Fax Numbers, etc) to enable the Bank in their verification processes before the release of your funds to your bank account without any problems. Thank you for your understanding! Best Regards, Signature of Robert S. Mueller, III ROBERT S. MUELLER, III HON. DIRECTOR, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20535 Boomer.....who gits a warm feeling cuz de Goobermint seems to really care about him....
  5. I haven't been around the site much lately. Sold all the bikes and bought my 53 Mercury Monterey 2 Dr. Hardtop. I am quickly discovering that parts are hard to find and when I find them they are either pitted or very expensive. As a result I'm clearing out some of my motorcycle gear to raise funds for my new project! I take donations as well!! If you run them through the church I can make them tax deductible! Just kidding. I love the car and haven't missed the two wheels ------ yet!
  6. Yippie, my ship is coming in. I just got this email confirming it Its just too bad that my ship has sunk and is at the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Oh well back to the retirement plan that will have me retiring on my 106th BD.
  7. It was a tough year, but I made it! http://mail.cybersharks.net/Main/frmReadMail_Attachment.aspx?folder=inbox&uid=31889&partid=4&filename=image001.jpg&user=gene&mapped=True But not everyone is as lucky as I am . . . . The economy is so bad that I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail. I ordered a burger at McDonald's, and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?" CEO's are now playing miniature golf. If the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you have to call them and ask if they mean you or them. Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM. McDonald's is selling the 1/4 'ouncer'. Parents in Beverly Hills and Malibu are firing their nannies and learning their children's names. A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico. Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting. Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore. The Mafia is laying off judges. BP Oil laid off 25 Congressmen. Congress says they are looking into the Bernard Madoff scandal. Oh Great! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being investigated by the people who made $ 1.5 Trillion disappear! And, finally . . . I was so depressed last night thinking about the economy, wars, jobs, my savings, Social Security, retirement funds, and our bleak future, that I called the Suicide Life line and was connected to a call center in Pakistan. When I told them I was suicidal, they got all excited, and asked if I could drive a truck.
  8. Need to syncronise the carbs on my 09 venture. Home remodeling has eaten all my tool buying funds. Anyone in North Ga. have the tools and want to hold my hand while doing this for the first time?
  9. :puzzled:I just got this in my Yahoo email. Do you think I should trust this guy? The name of the sender rings a bell. From Donald Nelson Banjul the Gambia (West Africa) ------- Private/Confidential Dear friend, I write to solicit your assistance in a project of mutual benefit and regret any inconveniences contacting you this way with my proposal. I am Donald Nelson, former Head of Accounts Department at the Diamond Mining Company of Sierra Leone. I and my partners (two others) are in urgent need of a foreign associate to work with us to facilitate the transfer of a large sum of money which we intend to invest into profitable areas of business in your country. The funds currently secured with a security company is legitimate money rightfully belonging to me and my partners, which was earned from private diamond business deals during our time as top officials at the Diamond Mining Company of Sierra Leone. Due to unstable political and economic environments in Africa, it is not quite safe investing ones financial future in this part of the world. We are currently living in Banjul capital city of The Gambia and in collaboration with some top officials of the Central Bank of Gambia have concluded arrangements for the transfer. The money involved is eighteen million five hundred thousand US Dollars. However, as a result of the regulations here, we cannot transfer the funds to your country without having an associate there. I am writing to know if you could be our overseas associate to handle the transaction privately at your end, whereby the funds shall be transferred through your bank account, for mutual benefits. All aspects of the transaction will be done legitimately from here via the banking process. We propose your commission shall be 20 per cent of the total money been transferred, in view of the importance your role as our overseas partners will be, without which we cannot transfer the funds. Please consider this proposal seriously and handle with utmost confidentiality the information I have provided you with here. If you are in a position to assist, then get back to me immediately, so I can give you more details. Sincerely, Donald Nelson.
  10. That's what I keep telling myself as I watch my retirement nest egg go down down down. 401K is a good thing but small company plans offer few fund options for moving money around in a down trend. I have watched the bond fund and money markets options for over 10 years. Never seen them make more then 3 or 4 percent in good times but during down trends at least they are good holding funds. I missed the peak in Oct 07 just like I did in 2000. Forget about calling your fund financial planner he only returns calls once every 6 weeks. So now we are waiting for the rebound. The funds I'm in have been good funds but across the board everything is down. So pour me another one as I analyze the difference between where I should be and where I am to the tune of down by $40,000 and falling.Things could be worse GM is down by 60% according to the news. So who on wall street just bought a new Harley on me?Waiting on a rebound.There is always plan B. Work till you die and spend the kids inheritance.
  11. We now have the 10 members interested in picking up a set of MAC's so it's a go. I'll give it another week for anyone else that would like to join in, and then start asking for the funds. Money can be sent via Paypal to our account email address paypal@cast-aways.com, or check mailed to Cast-Aways, p.o. box 8, Carmichael Ca 95609-0008. Once we get the funds together I'll place the order. So be patient and good things will happen.... OK, I heard back from MAC and the group pricing will be the same. To make things easy it'll be $225 sitting on your doorstep.... unless you live north of the boarder, then It's $235. The break out is $195 plus shipping. So if anyone would like to get in on this go-around's list of 10 feel free to chime in. Also if paying by Paypal an extra $5 bucks to cover paypal charges would be appreciated... From all the reports I got back from the first group of ten we hit a home run..... This groups list. #1 matt73ander....paid #2 Cdnlouie....paid #3 TJON....paid #4 Gentleman George....paid #5 IH TRUCK GUY....paid #6 Vicco27....paid #7 Backroads....paid #8 Richard....paid #9 PEIslander....paid #10 kbert777...... paid #11 86er....paid
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