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  1. I got this in my email at work today. I can't use the money so I'm passing it along to any one else who wishes to be a sucker...er rich. According to the email, 276.5 million minus some token amount for orphanages and less privileged children. At least in this one, the grammar and spelling is not so bad. Dear Friend, I hope that you will not expose or betray this trust that I am about to impose on you. I decided to contact you to help me actualize this business for the mutual benefit of both our families. My name is Mr. Sasha Kutah the Auditing and Accounting section manager in a bank, there is one of our customers who have made fixed deposit of sum of ($39.5)million for 7 years and upon maturity; I sent the notification to his address, but no response. After few months, I sent a reminder and finally I discovered from his business partner that he died after a brief illness in his country. We tried everything humanly possible to locate his relatives or family, but all efforts failed. The deposit is still intact with my bank and the interest is being paid into the principal sum at the end of each year. If the fund remains in the account for more months, the fund will be confiscated and transferred into the treasury of the Government as unclaimed funds. This is why I contact you for joining hands with the honesty and truth to ensure that the fund is transferred into your bank account, a bank account anywhere in the world can help the transfer. All that is required of you is to contact my bank with the information I will send you as the business associate of the depositor with this system the fund will be paid into a bank account you will provide to the bank. To be honest with you, this is totally legal and 100% risk free. But the secret must remain between you and me, I can assure you that I have worked with this bank for many years and I know all the secrets and I have carefully mapped out my perfect strategies to handle this operation successfully. The depositor is my close friend before his death that is the main reason why I'm the only one working at the bank here that knows much about the existence of this fund and the secrets and the depositor. We will also use some part of the funds to help the orphanage and less privileged children in the world, while I invest part of my share under your management. Please reply quickly enough to enable me decide how to proceed. I await your response. Mr. Sasha Kutah. P.S. I'll provide the return email address on request.
  2. Many thanks and a tip of the helmet to Bob for donating a rear master brake cylinder for my 83 Venture, what I wasn't expecting was something that looked like it came straight from the factory, if Bob hadnt told me it was rebuilt, I would have thought it was brand spanking new, I now have brakes, not the greatest, but have rear brakes again, next step will be the stainless steel brake lines front and back, that will be a great improvement, its not 100% yet but its getting there. Still waiting on the carb diaphragms from Sirius, they should be here sometime next week. Once again the members here are fantastic, couldnt ask for a nicer bunch of people, always willing to help out another. Thanks again Bob, since you wont let me pay you for it, I will be making a donation to the St. Jude fund.
  3. Total as of 23/Aug/2010 - 23:10 (Central) = $998.01 (including PayPal's cut). Thanks to all who have contributed thus far! If you would like to contribute to the Wild Hair/LAPryor assistance fund, please use the link below. It is setup through PayPal. I will forward ALL of the proceeds directly to Lowell. NOTE: I will maintain a total tally and update it daily at the top of this thread. I do NOT intend on publishing or sharing any type of list of specific member's names AND amounts donated with anyone. As far as I am concerned, when each and every donation gets turned over to Lowell it will be presented as a donation from 'the family'. As for specific accounting, I WILL keep very careful records on my own - just to make sure that every penny is accounted for and re-directed AS IT IS INTENDED TO BE. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=lilbeaver27%40hotmail%2ecom&lc=US&item_name=Wildhair39%2fLAPryor%20Assistance%20Fund&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donate_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted If you have any questions about this, please let me know. For those of you that have mentioned that you would like to help out Lowell. The following links give some more info, I will also briefly describe it here. The intro information on the fund effort: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=52037 Motivation for the fund effort: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=51974 I have had the privilege of meeting and riding with Lowell as well as chat with him on the phone. He is a great guy. Many others know him much better and have known him for much longer than I have, but regardless he has been having a hard time lately. One piece of all of the events going on as of recently included him moving. It is my understanding that in the loading process of his 'cow-a-saki' (as he puts it) the bike bottomed out on the trailer and damaged the oil pan. Eck and some of our other fantastic members [forgive me for leaving out your names - nothing personal] are in the process of arranging the repair of L A Pryor's bike. The current estimate of the repair seems to be a minimum of $200 in parts alone. Lowell had an estimate for a total of ~$300 for the repair, but that of course did not include getting his bike from Springfield, MO to western TN where the repair would be done. So, in addition to the cost of repairing the bike there is the travel expense of getting the bike to and from the shop (which is being handled by our members). The alternative is for a few of our members to meet up at Lowell's to do the repair there. Regardless, any donation made here will be passed on to Lowell. I will NOT leave this open indefinitely but will give a few days notice before I pull the link down. I will wait until 'we' have Lowell's situation resolved before pulling the link. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY AND CONSIDERATION!!!! Each and every penny counts! - Rick M.
  4. I was gifted a 99 venture royale a few weeks ago by my wifes uncle and intended to just get it running and titled for two up riding since the Sv is'nt physically big enough to do it comfortably, but since I lost my job I have'nt the funds to do so and I really prefer minimalistic bikes I was thinking about stripping it naked to fund the repairs. So here are my questions, are the guages sealed well enough on the back side to use mounted to bars rather than buying a whole new tank and guages from a tour deluxe? Also has anyone removed the big huge air cleaners and radiator shrouds without the tank and airbox from a tour deluxe? Has anyone tried tucking some pod filters inside the steering head covers? I'm hoping to be able to fund this conversion by selling the parts already on the bike since I currently have no income, Thats what I did when I went naked and upgraded to a gsxr front end on the SV, can it be done cleanly with the venture?
  5. Just wanted to reminder everyone that there is still one week left to get your 50/50 tickets for the January drawing.. And remember the proceeds go to the 2010 International Rally Fund or my retirement. Which ever comes first. And I still have lots of trailer raffle tickets left....
  6. I'm assuming that most regular readers of this forum have read about Eck's close call in this thread. I've been thinking about this all night and getting sicker and sicker about what happened. Folks, this world seems to be getting worse and worse....How can someone do this to someone else? Scripture says that "in the last days the love of many will grow cold"....Yep, for sure we see that happening. This creep that ran Eck down cares nothing for others. And the scary thing is that he's not alone... Several people have suggested to Eck that he go to the TV stations and ask them to run a news report on this situation, and to offer a reward for information leading to the arrest of this jerk. I want to add my support to that idea. He needs to be caught and soon. I've been thinking......there are over 6000 members of this VR Family, and roughly 150 of us have posted to Eck's original thread. If we all chipped in a few bucks to a reward fund we could come up with enough to get someone's attention. Hey, we ALL can afford something....let's face it, most of us have expensive hobbies....bikes, hunting, fishing, boating, golf, etc....it wouldn't hurt us to part with a few bucks for such a fund. I don't know how to go about implementing this....maybe a PayPal collection? Yeah, that could work. I even have a PP account that could be used. I am willing to start it off if any of the rest of you are interested. I will start it with $10 toward the fund..... IF it's ok with ECK. So..., Eck what do you say? Please give this some consideration, and LET US HELP! Your family wants to be involved. Chime in folks. Joe
  7. Don't these scammers ever give up? Been a while since receiving anything from these thieves but got this today. Goes to show they're persistant if nothing else. Be safe folks, Larry After waiting to hear from you or your Nigeria partners for a long time now. I decided to make this direct approach to you in other not to let it be as if I have anything in mind against you. I do not know if you have asked yourself why each time the release of this fund is approved, all of sudden, the payment will be stopped or one problem or the other will come up. If you have not asked this question or you do not know,this is an opportunity for me to tell you. Your names were used as a beneficiary of a monetary transaction. A long time ago, some Nigerian government officials approached me through my dear wife who works with the Federal Ministry of Finance and asked me to assist them conclude a monetary transaction they had with you, they requested me to assist them by removing the original name, company's name and the bank particulars from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) vetting and replacing them with your name and your bank details in order to make you appear as the rightful beneficiary of the fund. I agreed on condition that they would pay me US$300,000 as soon as your name appears as the beneficiary. I did as agreed and demanded to be paid but these fellows started giving me excuses. They even told me that you promised to send money to me, do you know that up till now, I have not received a single cent from them and have not set my eyes on any of them again. Based on what they did, I decided to stop the release of this fund Because I cannot be denied my right in my own office considering the risk as it might affect my job. Secondly, I knew the source of the fund that you did not in anyway have any monetary transactions in Nigeria, Although I am the only person privileged to know this information and it is a fact. Why I am making this clear to you is that I can see that you are oblivious of the whole thing they only used your particulars to carry out this transaction. Now that I have frustrated their evil plan; I mean to get this fund in your name for their own use without your knowledge. I want to use this medium to approach you to stand as the rightful beneficiary of this fund since everything was done in your name which no one can alter or mutilate any more. To this effect, I do not need the US$300,000 any longer from you but a good compensation that you think is suitable for me which my spouse will retrieve for me as soon as the fund is transferred into your account. One more thing, I need your assurance that my colleagues in the office will be totally kept out of this transaction. I know quite well that none of them is aware of my new approach to you. Kindly contact me on my private Email Address: ( drtundelemo229@gmail.com ) so that I could give you more information. Best regards. Dr. Tunde Lemo. Deputy Governor Foreign Operation & Inter Remittance Department (C.B. N) NB //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////// This transmission may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the information contained herein (including any reliance thereon) is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you received this transmission in error, please immediately contact the sender and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you 18 / 02 / 2009
  8. I got a bunch of coupons for Marlboros today and I cant use them. $24 worth I have placed an ad in the OPE auctions for them. The winning amount for the coupons will go to the OPE fund. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/1611/cat/16 I hope I dont offend anyone who doesnt smoke by doing this....... just trying to save someone a lil $$$$
  9. That's what I keep telling myself as I watch my retirement nest egg go down down down. 401K is a good thing but small company plans offer few fund options for moving money around in a down trend. I have watched the bond fund and money markets options for over 10 years. Never seen them make more then 3 or 4 percent in good times but during down trends at least they are good holding funds. I missed the peak in Oct 07 just like I did in 2000. Forget about calling your fund financial planner he only returns calls once every 6 weeks. So now we are waiting for the rebound. The funds I'm in have been good funds but across the board everything is down. So pour me another one as I analyze the difference between where I should be and where I am to the tune of down by $40,000 and falling.Things could be worse GM is down by 60% according to the news. So who on wall street just bought a new Harley on me?Waiting on a rebound.There is always plan B. Work till you die and spend the kids inheritance.
  10. Folks, here is a very nice offer from KR1 (Kevin). You can't be the first to place an order because I've already done it. Here is him email to me. If you want one of these, please PayPal your $10.00 to dnelson@axcesswave.com and put "CD" in the comments box and I'll see that all the money goes into the fund. Don, I would be willing to help move this fund raiser along by donating 50 of my CD's "Freedom of the Heart". This CD is a mixture of country and inspirational songs. Many of the people who have bought this CD have bought it for themselves, or as a gift for parents, or just someone that needs a lift in their life. There are 8 songs on this CD: Let Freedom Ring, Best Friends, American Tribute, Listen to the Whisper, Man in the Mirror, Welcome Home, Proud to be an American, and Homeland. If Ventureriders would like to offer these for sale to members for $10 each, and have the money collected by someone for Ventureriders, they could send me the names and addresses where these need to be shipped, and I would be willing to ship them out and cover the cost of the CD's, packaging and postage. If you're interested, let me know and I will be glad to help out. Thank you. KR
  11. Wanted to post this for all of you who contributed so generously to the fund for Cliff's son. He sent me this via email today to share with you all. http://www.regards.com/getgreeting.cfm/648-4056659-0108
  12. I contacted Hipshot (jt) and asked if a benefit fund had been set up for Rattlesnake. He said after a few threats he was able to get the informaiton out of Ron. I remember when I was a kid we lost everything we had to a fire right after Christmas. That was really rough, I remember my folks telling me some people made donations to buy us clothes and some Christmas, being the oldest of 6 kids at the time it really moved me to see someone helping us out. If you would like to make things go a little easier for the Ron Nelson family a fund has been established here is the information: First National Bank of Refugio Ron Nelson benefit fund acct.#1662 Refugio Texas 78377 phone number to the bank, is 1 361 526 2361. I know any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Dean
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