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  1. http://www.motorcycleshows.com/atlanta-brands 3pm Friday Sat & Sun at the Cobb Galleria I was hoping it would start early Friday. I had plans for the weekend but would like to see someof the new bikes. STAR will be there as will Triumph and BMW. All with models I want to check out. Discounts on admission availoable via Progressive web site I imagine as well as Triumph. I will likely try to go early Saturday.
  2. pmelah


    I made it to Atlanta last night after dropping off the 99 RSTD with Tazmocycle so he can go through the carbs while I'm in Atlanta for classes man i cant wait for Friday i will be able to ride last years anniversary present from my wife for the first time and my anniversary is on the 15th of this month
  3. We celebrated our 33rd Anniversary on Friday. Boy is she patient! We honeymooned in Arches National Park and decided to return again this year. We rode down on Friday and stayed at the Archview Resort. I've wanted to ride through Arches on the bikes for a few years now. There is also Canyonlands Nat'l Park and Dead Horse State Park nearby, so we decided to take a ride Friday evening up to the other parks and then go to Arches on Saturday morning. Dead Horse we great and then Canyonlands had some beautiful scenery and great, twisty roads to ride. Saturday morning we rode through Arches and it was as good as I had hoped! We didn't get to take all the pictures we wanted to, but got a bunch. Hope you can enjoy them too. http://s470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/2012%20Anniversary%20-%20Moab/ Dave
  4. The last time I was on vacation was May of last year. I need a break. So, I spent the last 2 months planning a wonderful 2 week 4000 mile ride for my wife and I to begin this coming Friday, but, guess who's coming to dinner? ISAAC! We were going to ride through Tennessee, ride The Dragon, and several other fabulous roads in the Smokey Mtn's, then ride all the way to the Outer Banks and spend a few days. Then, head up to Gettysburg, back through WV, Kentucky, and home. I've been glued to the Weather Channel trying to get a read as to where Mr. Isaac is headed. Is it going more east, or more west? Well, I did a check while on my lunch today, and the freakin thing is now predicted after battering our friends to the south in La, and Ms, to head STRAIGHT AT US, dropping boat loads of rain and t-storms Thursday night, Friday, and Saturday. I've been mulling around the idea of leaving after work Thursday afternoon and ride as far as we can get going northeast toward Evansville In. to try and go around the top of it before it gets up that way. Not sure that's a good idea. the dang storm is so big it looks like it's going to sling t-storms full of rain all the way to NC for days. Also have serious thought's of changing everything and leaving Thursday afternoon and heading west to Okla, Tx, NM, Co, Ut, and Ariz. Hmmmm, what must I do.........
  5. I figure I'm going to leave around 6:00 am....that'll get me to Toronto around 8:30-9:00 or so. Anybody want to hook up and ride to Port Dover? I lived in Hamilton and Dunnville for over 30 years but never made it to Dover for a Friday 13th! Now I'm almost 5 hours away I'm going to go!
  6. Wife and I are going out of town this weekend for our longest ride yet. I think I'd like to at least get myself a lambskin or sheepskin seat cover for the ride. It's kind of late in the week though. So what would you folks suggest for a 2006 RSTD that I may be able to have shipped to me by Friday? (anything on amazon would be preferred because I've got an amazon prime membership so get free 2 day shipping) Thanks!
  7. So who all if anyone is heading from SE WI to the WI MD next week? Just wondering who I might be able to hook up with for the ride. I am planning to head out on Friday. I don't know if I can get off work Friday so I am not sure if I am leaving Friday morning or evening yet. My planned route at the moment is I94 to hy19 to 14 to 56. Open to other plans.
  8. I just got off the phone with JayBird, he said he's coming up on Friday so if there's a need, he'll be there with brush in hand
  9. ................ Incoming! Parcel mailed last Friday to you for MD
  10. will get in about 200 miles today....so all in all will be a pretty good weekend... but DANG it has been HOT riding lately.... was drained yesterday on 120 mile ride & that is unusual...rode 110 miles Friday and didn't go nowhere just puttering around ....have fun and keep the rubber side down.....
  11. So are there any other WI riders or others that might be passing thru WI that want to met up for the ride to Dons? At the moment my plan is to leave real early Friday morning to clear Chicago before them Ilinesian folks get up and hit the road and anything they can find on the road.
  12. Just wondering if anyone else from my neck of the woods is heading out to Port Dover on Friday? The weatherman is still calling for decent weather. Andy
  13. I got the valentines day gift out of the way early.Dinner and a Blake Shelton Concert Friday night in Charleston. Now I think I'm covered till Easter.
  14. One of a different kind...the escorting of the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall. I have never had the opportunity to see it, and to participate of the escorting of it is truly an honor. According to the internet site, the Wall will be at Lackland AFB thru Friday...I really cannot understand why it will not be at the Gateway to the Air Force over the weekend, but, I guess it is what it is.
  15. i havent seen or heard if there is going to some sort of class going on on the friday before MD like years past.
  16. Becky and I are driving to Florida at the end of the month via I79, I77, I26 and I95. If you are somewhat near this route and want to meet up for a cup of Joe, a meal, etc let me know. We are NOT particularly looking for accomodations as we pretty much plan on spending time in hotels but would love to at least say hi on the way down and back. We are leaving Tuesday Jan 24th and are arriving in Boca Raton FL Friday. We are taking an 8 day cruise leaving Saturday from Ft Lauderdale. When we get back we have friends and relatives to visit in Florida for a couple of days and then heading back on a Monday. respond here or by PM...
  17. You can be the winner if you know where I was on Friday....... No prize,just bragging rights..
  18. Going to ride up to Ashville/Cherokee Wednesday night then Thursday morning jump on the Parkway in Cherokee to NC 18 on to Sparta then 21 to my brothers house in Virginia. I know it snowed in Va Saturday any bad spot on the Pway? Jumping off at Sparta becasue its closed right there for about 10 miles. My Brother and I will jump back on around Fancy Gap on Friday and go as far north as we can. If any one wants to meet up along the way or has any advisors please give me a shout.
  19. Sept. 30th. Oct. 1st & 2nd. Is anyone going this weekend? My wife and I will be going over Friday the 30th and return home the next afternoon.
  20. Well, I have 8 states of BBQ left to fulfill my Smoke Chasing requirement. http://www.teamstrange.com/2011/scgt/ Been lazy about it all summer, and now I need to finish it up this weekend. Heading out Friday afternoon and hitting an early dinner at Dickey's BBQ Pit in Davenport, IA and a late night snack at the Dr. of BBQ in Springfield, IL. Sat. breakfast at Ray's in West Memphis, AR, lunch at Central BBQ in Memphis, TN, and afternoon snack at BBQ By Jim in Tupelo, MS. Early dinner will be at Jacks in Florence. AL, with the late night meal at Jack's in Nashville, TN. Sunday morning will start with breakfast at BBQ Inn, Bowling Green, KY and a quick lunch at Wolf's BBQ in Evansville, IN. Friday night will be staying somewhere south of St Louis, Saturday night somewhere between Nashville and Bowling Green. Streets and Trips shows it at 1770 miles. Shouldn't have any difficulty with the mileage as long as I can keep the... ahhem..rest stops to a minimum. Should be at Central BBQ at noon on Saturday if anybody would care to join me. I won't be staying to chat much after the meal, but would enjoy meeting some of the southern contingent. And, yes, I realize there are 9 BBQ Joints on the list. Never know if one is closed. RR
  21. The Spyder Truck they call it will be close to my area Friday-Sunday with 13 Spyder Roadsters for demo rides. Just signed up for 12:30 on Friday the 16th. Been wanting to ride one since they first came out, I think it's a guided group ride. We are supposed to see the sun and warm up again by Friday. Should be fun, they have a free pig roast Friday so Ride and eat, how can I go wrong.
  22. Here are some more pictures of our trip to deals gap on Friday. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2208997538801.2119258.1063337614&l=98b9b37f7d&type=1
  23. I feel as though I have posted this before, but just read it again. I'm off to Florida this Wednesday to see the last launching of our shuttle this Friday. I remember Sputnik; I hate it but I will find out if I'm too old for this long a ride. Wish me luck..........
  24. Here Goes. Looking to meet up with riders headed to Cody. Due to Time my route will be, July 22nd Friday, leave Tijeras NM (albuquerque area) after work at 6:00pm ride North on I-25, 250-300 miles and stop around Trinidad, CO. July 23rd Saturday, continue North on I-25 to Casper and catch hwy 120 to Thermopolis and into Cody. July 24th-28th in Cody (may leave the 27th) Have to be in Las Vegas, NV early Friday the 29th. If you are in the area and wouldn't mind another bike along send me a PM. We're gettig close so I putting this out 1 bike, ! rider. Thanks, John
  25. July 7,8 and 9th.geneva ny,for anyone looking for something to do in central ny.there is a crusin night, car and bike show friday night.food and entertainment.You can check it out on line.nystatehogrally.com
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