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  1. I have a meeting with a friend in NYC in mid-April and was considering a ride out there. I have couple of concerns - 1. I don't really want to ride into NYC. Navigating in a city I'm totally unfamiliar with is not my idea of fun. I'd prefer to stay outside the city and take a train in. Any suggestions on possible locations (towns & motels near a train station) where I could safely leave my bike for a day or 2? How far out of the city do the trains run? And what's it cost about? Gotta factor all that crap in. 2. Weather - Not sure how the weather is out that way in mid-April. I don't mind cold rain, but freezing rain or snow scares the $tuffing out of me. I know I'd have to cross over some mountains in PA - how likely is it that I may encounter freezing temps and or freezing crap on the roads? I'm thinking I can take I-80 most of the way there & I would guess that they keep the superslabs fairly clean, yes? Any advice, suggestions, locations to be avoided, etc. would be appreciated. If the weather is decent, and I have the time - I may run up to NH to see an old buddy, then down to NC to my daughter. May as well make a real road trip out of it.
  2. Well, on this coming Friday, I will be retired from the Military Reserves. Sometime next year, I will be undergoing retraining over in Alberta. There is no big rush to do it, as I don't want to do the training, in below freezing temps. I still need to decide, on where I take the course, near Red Deer or up at Ft Mac.
  3. Okay... who did it? Who is sending us this low? "An intensifying Colorado low is forecast to track towards Southern Minnesota overnight reaching the Central Great Lakes late Wednesday. Freezing rain and some snow will begin spreading into Ontario overnight tonight. Ground temperatures are well below freezing and will combine with cold easterly winds to set the stage for freezing rain lasting 4 to 6 hours as the main precipitation band moves from west to east through the area Wednesday morning. Ice accumulation on surfaces may cause hazardous conditions on untreated surfaces and travellers are urged to use caution. Precipitation is expected to end or taper to patchy freezing drizzle later in the morning followed by temperatures climbing above zero by Wednesday afternoon with a few rain showers or patchy drizzle."
  4. My son is out in Sasketewan just north of North Dakota I believe. They are somewhere near minus 40 out there. He says the truck he is driving ( 1993 Dodge Dakota oddly) is making a lot of creaks and growls when moving. I assume the suspention and maybe the tires, from what he has told me. We, and the truck, are used to wonderful west coast weather not freezing cold like they have out there.... that being said it is about 20 degrees F with a foot of snow on the ground here, the coldest we have seen in a decade or so. You guys out there think it is just the grease and joints on the old beast freezing up on her? Was there something I should have been doing to the beast before the kid took her out there? Lighter gear oils? Differant greases? Differental oils? It is a 4X4. I usualy have a good idea when it comes to automotive questions but the cold experiance is new to me. Thoughts? Will it eas up as it warms up? Thanks guys
  5. Took the ol girl out today, "84 Venture" temps in low 30's this morning; 50's this afternoon on the way home. Felt so good, no ice just snow melt water on the roads, little gravel and sand, and lots of SALT slop plus the dirt road I life on was kind of sloppy. Going to be freezing tomorrow and for the next couple of weeks had to wash her good when I got home. 74 miles to work and home. Up state New York, snow still deep in places.
  6. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f2692%5fAI4Iw0MAAEkCTVTOxAVobh%2bz%2fW0&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1
  7. I rock!! We have high winds and freezing rain. Figured it was a good day to stay home.
  8. We shot this for our local Town's annual chirstmas light up event and timing is everything. By pure luck just as they threw the switch, a beautiful Cinderella Carriage came through the shot and make it the perfect shot. We had been out there all evening waiting in the low teens freezing, but this shot made it worth the wait. I'll take luck as well as skill anytime! [ame=http://www.vimeo.com/2509075]LaGrange, KY - New Year Wishes on Vimeo[/ame]
  9. but it's a comming. Here in north east Tennessee, we have been just south and east of the train of ice and snow that has moved across the Ohio valley. We were rainy yesterday, but in the low 50's. By the time I get off work this afternoon, we are supposed to be getting closer to freezing. Yuck, I dread it. It was amazing to walk out and it feel like a spring morning. At least I got a tiny taste of what we are all longing for. RandyA
  10. Does anyone here ride with a heated jacket liner? If so, how did you run the electrical connections and what type/brand of jacket are you using? Since I try to ride to work when ever the temps are above freezing I'm thinking I could extend to those high 20's days with a heated jacket. What are your thoughts? Dennis
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