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  1. went to prep the bike to trailer to maint day in Tomball, Tx and what did i find? green fluid on the clutch cover and an open hole on the valve jug. tell me if i have guessed correctly and a freeze plug has blown out. the green stuff is anti freez (that didn't work). then i guess i will need a freeze plug. how do you install a new one? I don't know what is going on with my bike, but if all "junk" comes in three's, then i should be clear by now. 1 rear tire flat - new one bought and installed 2 clutch shifter problem - in process 3 freeze plug - in learning curve. thanks
  2. So I'm about to change the Rad Fluid On My 91 VR. 1) I'm guessing that the Rad Plug just above the oil filter is where I drain the rad fluid. Is that the lowest point for the rad fluid or might there another place also? 2) I'm plan to put the plug back in and fill with water and drain again a couple 2 or 3 times? 3) With it full of just water I plan on running the engine so to circulate the water through out the entire cooling system to get every last drop of old anti freeze out. 4) After I flush the Rad for the last time, I'm going to install Sky_Docs Rad Drain up grade Kit. 5) I've read that any anti freeze today will be just fine. But to stay away from silcone based anti freeze. I plan on getting regular Prestone premix 50/50. 6) How much Watercooler additive do I put in. I'm planning on a summer visit to Las Vegas and the surrounding areas this Late June / early July. Any suggestions?
  3. Have this on another forum but the experts are here,,, I have noticed here in the past month or so that I have a very slight oil drip in the center of the engine. I think I have traced it to a location that is going to near impossible to check and tighten the small bolts on the left side of the engine up, and behind the covers. It doesn't seem to do it all of the time, just when it sits for a while. But then again it hasn't sit for long until now. I will try to get a photo of the area that I think it is coming from this week end and post it. I also noticed that the sight glass for the oil is full,,, I thought that I had filled it to just above the top mark ever so slightly,,,,,, Now the strange thing... I looked yesterday to just check the drip, and saw a drop or two of anti freeze hanging on the same line that there has been oil. What the heck!!! My shop varies greatly in temperature, and I figure that the line or a clamp is shrunk due to cold, and reheat ( to a degree ) I am puzzled on this a little.... Any Ideas.
  4. Twice in the past month I have experienced what I will call a cb/radio freeze on my 06 RSV. I always ride with my cb on to communicate with my riding partner. During the ride I decided to turn the radio on to listen to some tunes but nothing would work? The unit remained functional on the cb channel selected but I could not change the channel, turn on the radio or even turn everything off. The only function that worked was the volume control. When the ignition switch had been turned off during a gas stop upon restarting the bike the unit functioned normally again. Did not take it to the dealer since everything was working fine but now it has happened once again. Anyone else ever experience this radio/cb freeze up?
  5. brain fart?!!!!
  6. Freeze The Balls Off a Brass Monkey: Is a nautical term which refers to the days of wooden ships and iron men. A Brass Monkey was a plate made of brass with indentations milled into it to hold and stack cannon balls for ready use. These plates were square or triangular and approximately 2-3 foot on each side. Brass being a better conductor of heat would expand in hot weather not causing much of a problem. However in the cold brass will shrink to a point where the cannon balls pushed against each other and at times causing the stack to collapse. This would result in unsure footing at best or a truly dangerous situation if the cannon balls had fuses.
  7. Has anyone had any problems with their freeze plugs coming out? I have and 05 RSV with 56000 miles on it and got home from work and noticed some coolant on the carport. Chased it down to the source and found the right rear freeze plug leaking. Pushed it back in and added some antifreeze and cranked it up and watched as the plug blew all the way out. Does anyone know the secret to getting them to stay in? Or I just need to get new ones.
  8. well who is going out for a short ride? temp this morning is - 49.6:( it's cold enough to freeze your bells off of the bike.....
  9. Yes I rode a 2 gen to the shop for one of our members so that the dealer can do the clutch basket and other 30k maint. So the question is did it freeze over in Hotlanta yet Todd? Jeff
  10. here in fla. we are having our 1st freeze in a few years , and the tv is going nuts , across the top of the tv screen running all day is warning freeze untill 9 am tomorrow use common sense dress warm , cover all exposed skin do not go outside unless you have to . the low will be 27 f , watching the tv you would think the ice age is coming :rotfl:
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