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  1. Just an update for those that want to meet at exit 15 off I-75 in Monroe Mich. tomorrow "Friday" morning. Meet and eat @ 11:00 Gas up and leave @ 12:00 Stop for bathroom break along the way. Stop by Comfort Inn Stop by Oberlin Inn Go to FreeBirds after check in. Rain or shine I will be there. Let's hope shine. See you all real soon.
  2. how many MI riders going to Freebirds on June 2? we should meet up! safety in numbers!!!
  3. i know from freebirds maint calander that motorcycletom and bongobobny are going to americade,i was just wondering how the show is from people that have been to it in the past. looks like alot to do and some good riding but looks like it will be very coastly.
  4. Finally got a chance to get everything cleaned up and out for the promised pics. Thanks again for all the information on the Hitch and Trailer Wiring. Freebirds write up on the Modulite convertor made the wiring painless and simple even though I used a Hopkins. http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64094&stc=1&d=1329086969http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64095&stc=1&d=1329086969http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64096&stc=1&d=1329086969http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64097&stc=1&d=1329086969http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64098&stc=1&d=1329086969http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64099&stc=1&d=1329086969http://http://www.venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=64100&stc=1&d=1329086969
  5. Well, It took some doing but I got the new fork seals installed. The job wasnt too terribly bad thanks to many posts on here but a particular thanks to Freebirds post on Fork Seal Replacement. Couldn't have done it without you especially since this was my first venture (no pun intended) in the great wide world of fork seal replacments! lol. Got everything back together and the Class wouldnt work. Thanks again to Freebirds post on Class E4 error repair, I was able to solder all the broken connections and the class system again works as a charm! YAHOO!!!!! One quick question... When I apply the front brake and push down on the handlebars, I seem to be able to bottom out the forks a bit too easily. I'm wondering if the springs inside the forks wear out and would need to be replaced. The fork oil is new, the air pressure is working but like I said, seems to be able to bottom out too easy. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks! Jay
  6. Wishin' I had this weather back about now. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8aLbF-TrRA]Freebirds MD 2011 Video.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
  7. Sorry I am a bit late with these! Better late than never they say. Yama Mama
  8. Here is our granddaughter Ella with the koala that I won at Freebird's MD. Yama Mama
  9. I was working hard outside with my neighbours son:dancefool:
  10. oldgoat

    im sad

    I found out that social security made a mistake on my monthly payments. and im going to lose a few $$$ i wont be able to make it to freebirds for MD this year. last year it cost me just a little over $300. to spend 2 days there and that was not bad this included one night at the oberlin INN and i spent one night sleeping at freebirds in my car. so with the wedding trip to MN this 18th to 24th of may i will be tapped out for the month of june after rent and basic needs i will be dead broke till july. i will miss seeing all of you. have fun and enjoy.
  11. If anyone is in the Western NY area, Bongobobny and I and our wives are going out to dinner at the Hearth Restaurant on April 16th (Saturday). If you would like to attend, go to the calendar and sign up. Dinner is at 6:00 PM. The restaurant is located in Chaffee, NY on Rt 16 opposite Pioneer Motorsports (one of our sponsors who will be at Freebird's MD) BTW...do you have your order for parts and safety chrome, sent to Chad yet, so he can bring them to the MD?
  12. http://www.raptorresource.org/falcon_cams/index.html
  13. Looks like there is a 100 yes and 26 maybe's coming so far. Got to do better than that if we are going to beat last year numbers:fingers-crossed-emo
  14. I just spoke to Jaybird about this years MD @ Freebirds. He said "absolutely, I'll be there Friday and Saturday" So , if you didn't get your bike/trike/trailer/helmet or companion article pinstripped last year and want it done, be sure to see Jaybird at his tent this year. He'll most likely be set up by the willow tree again this year.
  15. There have been a couple threads recently about potential valve or ring damaged engines (yet to be verified). Harbor Freight has a Cylinder leak-down tester for $35 http://www.harborfreight.com/cylinder-leak-down-tester-94190.html or a simpler compression tester for $20. http://www.harborfreight.com/compression-test-kit-66216.html Would these be worth while to buy for local maintenance days, or for Freebird's MD? Who has used these devices, and how long does it take to test all 4 cylinders with one? Is there enough need or interest in testing compression to make this worthwhile? http://www.harborfreight.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/370x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/i/m/image_6165.jpg
  16. That wouldnt be a bad idea at all ,,,what do you think about that...OH yes there would be a spring one also
  17. Spent yesterday getting a new skin on the scoot, giving it the once over, fluids, check brake pads, linkage adjustment etc. Along comes Spankym and Buffalo Bobnar . By the time the day was over,we installed new risers and a CB hookup for Kenny (Buffalo Bonder) and pulled and checked the brake pads on spankym's scoot. I was done in for(it was hot and muggy)...I thought that md was next weekend at freebirds?...Guess like me, the boys want to HANG OUT at freebirds....and we didn't even go for ice cream, and come to think of it we missed dinner too.:rotf: We did get to enjoy a cold one or two.
  18. dray

    My new Bike

    and this is SO Awsome! Love the ride; cant wait to get her out and head to FreeBirds for MD. See YOU all there will get better Pic' when it stops raining:banana: Dray
  19. Is anyone going from the Chicago area ? Maybe ride together ? John
  20. Looks like we are going to have a great turnout for Freebird's Maintenance Day in Oberlin, OH. If you have never attended this event, you really should try to do so. At this time there are 127 people signed up and 29 "maybes". You will meet a LOT of great members, learn how to many maintenance procedures on your bike, share some good food and just have a great time. If you are planning to come but haven't registered yet, please do so when you can. Here is the link to the calendar where you can sign up. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=153&day=2010-6-19&c=1 If you haven't ordered and paid for your shirt yet, please do so if you want one. I will be placing the order in the near future and it is not likely that there will be a second order. If you can't attend but will still like a cool shirt, you are welcome to one. Here is the link to the information on the shirts. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=45872 To see some pictures from previous Maintenance Days, just go to the VRPhotos page at Photobucket and look for the various albums titled Freebird's Maintenance Day or just Maintenance Day in the left menu. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/
  21. I just added my Maintenance Day to the calendar so you folks can start signing up anytime you are ready. I think I had close to 200 folks last year. Can we set a new record? Here's a link to the date on the calendar to make it easy for you. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=153&day=2010-6-19&c=1 Details, hotel info, and etc. are here: [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41934]Freebird's Maintenance Day 2010 - VentureRider.Org[/ame]
  22. I'm trying to set a date for the annual Freebird's Maintenance Day. First week of June is out because I have a company trade show that weekend. I'm looking now at the last weekend of May. That would be the weekend of the 29th. That is also Memorial Day weekend though. That works fine for me but maybe not for many of you who would like to attend. So I need your feedback. How many of you have a problem with it being on Memorial Day weekend?
  23. Would everyone going to Freebirds' maintenance day like to take part in a fun project?:puzzled: I was thinking of replacing my wallpaper on the computer, and thought (careful!) a photograph of everyone attending the MD would make a terrific one:thumbsup2: So when I wish I was there enjoying your company I can look at the computer and see your smiling faces, and everybody waving to Aussie Annie:banana::banana:So what'd'ya think--is it do-able HUH,HUH :think:
  24. I'll be arriving for MD on Fri evening and staying so far in Freebird's back yard, (as long as the neighbors don't mind a GoldWing). Could someone tell me how to get to Freebird's nest? www.Mic-Mutes.com Bill Morphy
  25. Maybe I am off base, but seems to me that either the truth ain't in Freebird or the moderators are spending more time than they should on keeping this site what it was meant to be. Not trying to start anything, just my Just for the record, I don't think it an untruth on Freebird's part. "Welcome to VentureRider.org. We are glad you are here. This site was first founded on July 21st, 2004. What started as a small group of about 100 members has quickly grown to the largest and friendliest Venture and Royal Star site on the Internet. "
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