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  1. I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We have our daughter, son in law and granddaughter staying with us until New Years Day, so I do not get on here much. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the things that everyone on this site does all year long. I know you are all aware of what a unique website this is. I especially want to wish Freebird and his family a Merry Christmas. This site has made a very big difference in our enjoyment of motorcycling. We have met so many people, we would have never had the pleasure of meeting anywhere else. God Bless you all. Have a safe New Year riding on your bikes. Yama Mama
  2. Thanks Freebird!
  3. I won't be able to attend MD this year, but I sent 4 Mic-Mutes kits for the RSV to Freebird. If you want Mic-Mutes it is $139.95.
  4. ................ Incoming! Parcel mailed last Friday to you for MD
  5. Just renewed mine and Patti's membership. thanks again for all you do. It's well worth the $$$ don:thumbsup2:
  6. I had a nice 160 mile ride in the desert today. Stopped and had lunch then off again for a great ride. I had to stop at a rest area (you guys over 50 know what I mean) Well I’m Pretty much 50 miles from anywhere and go to put my kick stand down and the lowering loop broke off, weld snapped. Kind of tuff getting this old large man off the bike without a side stand and under stress needing to GO as bad as I had to. But I did it keeping the 900 pound beast steadied and bending down to put the stand out by hand. I thanked FREEBIRD for the center stand because it was nice to have a backup, Stopped and got gas and again it was a site to see with no one to help hold her steady, and then home in the garage. By this time I was getting to be pretty good at it. Thanking freebird again for that center stand because it is nice to have it there. For making this site and all the knowledgeable people here. So check your welds guys/gals .Now I have to see who will weld this one or find one……………Ron
  7. Kudos to ECK, Curt and Freebird for the great directions and post on the clutch upgrade. Bought the PCW upgrade kit, also bought new clutch disks. Everything went right as it should have. Noticed that the only two bolts that were different were at 2 and 10 o'clock, otherwise they were all the same. Wire came right out with a pair of long needle nose, and everything went right back in as planned. No need to adjust the clutch afterwards. Did notice it is slightly stiffer, and maybe does release a little latter, but a VERY noticable difference in that it no longer slips like it did! After talking to Curt, and for others future endevors, there is no need to use permatex or gasket sealer when replacing the gasket. I do see that I will have to buy a smaller torque wrench as mine only goes to 10 ft. lbs. Otherwise, thanks to all, this probably saved me a cpl. hundred bucks as I'm sure thats what my local stealer would'a charged me to do it! Anyomne close to Bremen that ever needs a hand doing one, now please feel free to call! Thanks again Freebird, Eck and Curt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I am now a bona-fide member of VentureRider.org. I gotta say, I have found here more useful information about something I am interested in than maybe any other one place. Thank you, Freebird and all the rest of you for making this site what it is. Bert
  9. Hey All, just wanted to say a Big Thank You to Freebird for all he does, and for allowing me to post my bike for sale, even though it is not a Venture. Since joining here years ago I have always liked this site with all the wonderful people. No matter what I ride, I always feel welcome here, and it is truly because of the ones in charge, so Thanks Again Don. Later-
  10. Thank You all for what you do here for the site, I for one do really appreciate what you do. Thank you for deleting the sometimes, WHOOPS I wish I had not posted that.....more than one for me. THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER YEAR.... :clap2::thumbsup2:
  11. :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: that was too easy.............lol
  12. I can't remember how to find the MEMBER vendors....carbon one, freebird, etc. Directions please??? thanks
  13. The bike is all loaded and we will be meeting Buffalo Bodnar at around 8am for gas and then we're off to see the Wizzard..........Look out Freebird ...here we come ! It will be great to see everyone again
  14. I put a new front tire on the trike today, and while the front tire was off, I said to myself, what a perfect time to put a front fender rail on! Sooo, when I go over to Pioneer Motorsports to pick up the tire, I ask if they happen to have one in stock and they check and find yes they do have one in stock. We go to get it and we can't find it. Why?? Because Chad had already packed it in the trailer and when we ask about it, he tells me it is already promised to Freebird!!!!! Oh well, I will need to replace my front brakes before August anyway so maybe then...
  15. Who do you want to meet? YamaMama Freebird StarFan :cool10::cool10::cool10:
  16. Well it is getting close enough for me to start watching the long range weather horrorcasts. The last 6 days of the 10 day horrorcast is for what would be near perfect weather. Not that I actually believe the weather people...........but it does give me something to look at. Think Freebird can string on another 3 good days onto the end of the week?
  17. Greetings fellow Venturers. As some of you might know me and Greta my wife are coming to USA the 11th. of June and had planned to use our USA based bike for the trip. My friend Lynn "pegscraper" has been working on some motor modifications on the bike but at the last minutes before getting the bike ready we had some unexpected technical issues that still remain to be resolved, but am sure that Lynn will figure out soon. But time is running out so I had a very difficult time figuring out what to do. So,,,,Did what we do here on the site when we have trouble = Screamed for help. Now Big Tom, The Great Old Canary (Freebird) and Cecdoo have been running around helping me buy a new bike and making all kind of plans to make this happen. Today the Old Canar,,,ehhh,, Freebird went to look at a bike for me that was for sale in Cleveland and to put the story short the bike has been bought and will be awaiting mine and Greta´s arrival at Craigs (cecdoos) home in East PA at our arrival. Freebird is going to pick up the bike and take it to his home in Oberlin. Big Tom has arranged pioneer Motorsports to bring new White Wall tires for the bike for Maintenance Day along with some other parts, fluid change etc, etc,,,, Craig and Kim are going to attend in a cage so Craig will be able to drive the bike back to East PA after Maintenance day to have it ready when we arrive. Quite frankly this group makes the Red Cross look like Cosa Nostra. I can never thank these guys enough for their unlimited helpfulness and kindness and their support throughout all this mess. Without them our trip would most likely have been canceled with a loss of thousands of dollars (flight tickets, prepaid hotels and so forth). Would like to add that Craig and Kim told me not to worry if I did not have a bike - I could always loan their second car for the trip - And the old can,,,sorry,,,Freebird said,,,Heck Jonas - You just take my bike,,,I will not need it that period you and Greta are staying,,,,,,,,, And I live in Iceland and I am not here in the US to help you guys out when you need help. So, with a humble heart and tears in my eyes I just want to say to all of you: Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I simply have no other words to express my feelings. Warmest regards to you all, Jonas and Greta
  18. forgot to tell you......there is a parcel on it's way to you for M.D.
  19. i found some vinyl lace, but it was "cheesy, chinese made". also found some "deerskin lace". have a look at the pics and see if this might be what you need. just jt
  20. I just saw that we now have 11,100 members! I know I will never remember all those names. But congratulations Freebird, you sure started something, Good! Yama Mama:ice_awesome-vi46644
  21. Are you going to have T-shirts, Crests( patches) Or whatever? this Year
  22. member joining this site of yours
  23. Happy St Patty's Day my Friend! Here's to ya Don...
  24. Rick Haywood 2000 RSV MM Limited Editi Supporting Member Join Date: Aug 2010 Location: Eureka, Illinois Help I am sorry to ask you but saw you were on line so figured you might be able to get this to the right person for me. I am logged on but can't post or reply to any posts. In fact the tabs to start a new thread are not there and the reply tab on the posts is also missing so all I can do is read. I check everything I could think of but no luck. I can't remember who the admin was so amybe you can help me out. Thanks so muck Rick Just got this PM from Rick, but I notice Freebird isn't online. Can anyone help out as I don't know diddlysquat about computers! Thanks Deb
  25. You got a present coming. Not as big as Bongo's, but that just between us. Gary
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