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  1. HI folks, after doing some searching I have found no riding tips for when your in the mountains dealing with inclines and such. Having never spent anytime in the mountains at all, I am looking forward to this summer as I will be living up in the NE for five months and look forward to spending a lot of time in the mountains, so any riding tips would be much appreciated. I also did some searching on Ironbutting, as I will be making some really long trips this summer also, so any tips for when you are going to be in the saddle all day would also be very helpful. Thanks for your time guys, really do look forward to the advice you have to offer.
  2. This will be our 4th annual Maintenance Day here at our place, The date is June 27th and anybody that wants to come and camp is wellcome there are motels 6 miles away in Viroqua if you are not into camping. We start it out on Thursday and go till Sunday, I will have rides planed out for Friday and Saturday cant have a bunch of cycle riders here and not take them out and show them the great riding roads we have around here. Its been a great time each each year and look forward to many more. I will be getting it on the calendar so you can go on there and RSVP and I will put the list motels on there also. It will be good to see our old friends and get to make some new ones. Orlin and Sharon
  3. I'll be off to the hospital early tomorrow for a total knee replacement. After dealing with knee pain for the past 8 to 10 years I'm looking forward to getting this done. Not looking forward to the rehab but at least it will be done in the winter and shouldn't impact my riding much. Glad they've got wifi in the hospital. Dennis
  4. I had a loaner bike this week a 2008 star raider and let me say this is a great looking bike but thats where the compliments from me end. My girl and i had it for a day and a half and only rode it for 2 hours cause that bike is torture on a old spoiled man like myself. If i was 20 yrs younger I would have been all over it but that day is gone, the forward controls are way too forward feels like i was hanging on a jungle jim and the feet were in a birthing stirrups..lol any way with the girl complaing of a sore butt and my shoulders screaming we parked it and waited for our beloved venture to be finished at the shop. I love that bike "venture".
  5. This is the first time that we have participated in a venture rider get together. We enjoyed meeting all of you and we had a great time. We look forward to making another one. Thanks to all of you. Raymond and Joan
  6. Will be headed out to Judsonia Ark. Wednesday morning. Plan on catching I-40 there in Amarillo all way to Ark.Will be riding the RSV. First long trip I have taken on this one.Looking forward to trip.
  7. Arrived yesterday. Weather was nice. Cooler than expected. Met a Canuk on a sweet RSV purchasedin January from a Sandy UT owner. I invited him to join the VR site. Ran into RogerII, Lori & Mark last night. Looking forward to seeing others.
  8. If you have not heard this before, it is sure to make you laugh until you cry! :rotf: [ame] [/ame] Looking forward to seeing everyone in Ashville! Ride safe, Bobbie
  9. Went for a demo ride on this today. Sort of drug along with my HD loving family, and the VRod was available when they were riding. It is the quickest HD I have ever rode, nice handling, but for me, a terrible seating position with way forward controls and handlebars. A little more and it would have been like sitting on floor and bending forward to touch your toes. I was able to give this some brisk accelerations and it was nice. Gary http://i1007.photobucket.com/albums/af193/gdingy101/IMG_2419sr.jpg
  10. well i ordered a tci they shipped it today. i read that gm map sensors will work with it. the one mentioned was 89.00 here. I found one for 39.99 fits buick and chevy its a master pro 2-ms21 from o-o you know the rest. had to put a adapter on hose to use the dorman47311 looks and sound like a straight forward conversion. hope the computer program is easy. the display on laptop looks like modern salt spreader programing {same format}. now the waiting game. ps. i asked for 3 terminals or part numbers to source locally.
  11. Please correct me if I am wrong I don't think there is a clutch cable but I have a lot of play when pulling in the lever. One day after work my bike did lunge forward despite having the lever pulled all the way in or bike in "neutral". Don't remember which at this point, but I think it was lever pulled all the way in. This morning going to work I had a really hard time upshifting. Downshifting, no problem. Upshifting I have to push down on the pedal 2-3 times and then it will engage. I was at a stop light with lever all the way in and again bike was moving forward. I hope it isn't the clutch as I just had it down around 60k miles. I am around 78k now. Thoughts?
  12. Just fund $20 stuck in my pocket,,,, was supposed to give it to Don for membership on the Venture Site,,, now I just need to be reminded who gave it to me, so that I can forward it the proper party!
  13. Eileen want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you who came to Maintenance Day this year. We love doing this and our reward is seeing everybody having a nice time. That is all it is about. It was great spending time with old friends and familiar faces and always great meeting new people. As usual, you were all a class act. The numbers were down a bit this year but we still had a fantastic crowd. I think I made a mistake this year when I moved it forward by a week. A lot of folks had graduations and etc. to attend. We were not at all disappointed in the turnout but there were some of our regulars that we truly missed. I will try next year to move it to the middle of June again. A special thanks to all who jumped in and helped with the Maintenance activities. I simply could not do this without your help. I know that Skydoc truly missed having V7Goose around as well as Squidley and a couple others who usually jump in and help. Also, a special thanks to all the ladies who help Eileen get the food arranged and served and maintaining some sense of order to things. It was another successful weekend that Eileen and I both agree went by way too quick. We are already looking forward to next year. Well, at least we will be after a good nights sleep.
  14. My boys (ages 20 and 17) just took the Motorcycle Safety Course this weekend. So now that they passed, it will be time to look for bikes. My oldest wants my RSTD thats been sitting in the garage. I think he would be able to handle it, hes a big kid (6' 3" and 190 pounds) and really level headed. But still it would make me nervous. My other son isnt as big, only about 5' 9" and 130 pounds. So I am going to have to find something to fit him. Maybe in the 500 to 650 range. Let the fun begin in the hunt for the right bike! I'm really looking forward to some rides with my boys!!!!
  15. Anyone have an extra? When I dropped my VR in the garage it went scurrying somewhere, oonly to be found when I purchase a replacement. So if you have one to sell, the other one will probably show up and I can pay it forward.
  16. am sure glad I did.... looking forward to getting to know every1 ...
  17. I just got back from meeting alazzurra aka Tim Mobley, he is in Atlanta for business and while here he purchased a 93 Venture. He was in need of some headsets for it, and I had posted about having a couple of sets for sale and he got the 2nd set. He was really excited about getting his first 1st Gen. He did it because his wife wasn't comfortable on his Ducati... Great new member looking forward to meeting up with him again, he lives in Memphis, and his son is also a patient at St. Jude. I expect we will be seeing them in Oct. when we make our yearly ride to St. Jude. Please give him a warm welcome.:clap2:
  18. Hello Everyone, I'm a newbie here, and to biking for that matter, but I'm about to get my feet wet in a big way. Tomorrow I pick up my first bike. I'm getting into this kinda late in life (55), but looking forward to having some fun, and making some friends. I figure motorcycles would ultimately be a cheaper mid-life crisis than a girlfriend (lol). So tomorrow I p/up a 2006 Yamaha Royal Star Midnight Tour Deluxe, it's beautiful. Heck I'll be happy just sittin on it in the garage, if it runs....all the better. Looking forward to becoming a member here, and getting to know everyone, some of you have already been a help to me in making this selection. You know, I have to say one thing, I was truly impressed at the feedback I heard on this board about the Yamaha brand, and especially the RSTD, it really solidified my choice in bikes. Thanks Everyone & stay vertical !
  19. Sunday night the clocks sprang forward an hour. Here in Atlanta the daffodils, jonquils and tulips have popped up and the Bradford pears are approaching full bloom. The weather guessers are forecasting 80 degrees this week, my floral Hawaiian shirts are finding their way to the front of the closet and my throttle hand has started to quiver. All of which are sure signs that riding season is upon us. With that in mind I am now motivated to complete my annual winter retrofit, maintenance and mod upgrade projects on the bike and look forward with adventure in my heart and planning on my mind for my Spring and Summer road trip schedule to catch up with old and new VR friends. Since I'm getting started a little too late to make Daytona Spring Bike Week :doh:and I don't anticipate having enough accrued vacation and cash flow to do Sturgis again this year. So far this is what I'm thinking as doable It might be about time to resurrect a N. Ga M&E day run and/or maintenance Day. In the next 4 to 6 weeks Myself and my friend Richard (Owner of the 07 Midnight Venture loaner I've been riding for the past two years) have tentatively planned a back roads route trip from Atlanta to St. Mary's/King bay, Coastal Georgia for a three day weekend trip. Free bird's Ohio Maintenance Day for sure this year in early June. The Western NY International Rally if at all possible. Isn't this a off year for Vogel and has anybody mentioned a Asheville M&E. Until then and most any decent weekend in between I'm up for a day trip or weekend overnighter within range. The point being what are y'all planning. Who's game to come with or invite to whatever rides you may be planning within my doable range:thumbsup2:, work schedule:bang head: and available disposable resources.
  20. Hazenson

    Hey all

    Hey everyone! Ive been M.I.A. for awhile but happy to say Im back. Missed the website and those of you i have gotten to know over the last few years. Happy to say that Pam and I are finally getting out of this frozen tundra we call Michigan. We are planning to Move to Durham, N.C. at the end of the month. Our oldest daughter lives there and we are excited to be near her again. And we are surely lookin forward to a longer riding season. Also lookin forward to meeting some of you that live around that area.
  21. Six Truths in Life 1. You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time, a physical impossibility. 2. All idiots, after reading #1 will try it. 3. And discover #1 is a lie. 4. You are smiling now because you are an idiot. 5. You soon will forward this to another idiot. 6. There is still a stupid smile on your face . I sincerely apologize about this but I'm an idiot and I needed company.
  22. Hey, fellas. I have put about 1000 miles on the new bike so far, and I love it. I only have one complaint about the way it fits me. I am very long legged (38 inch inseam). When I am doing slow speed parking lot maneuvers, sometimes the bars go full-lock. That's when the clutch or brake lever digs into the top of my leg. I have tilted the bars all the way forward, and also tilted the brake & clutch levers as far as I can, safely, and the problem still persists. Also, after a long ride, I find my neck to be hurting more than on the old bike. I think I'm reaching farther forward on this one. I found these things all over the place online, and just wanted to check in here before laying down the cash: http://www.ebay.com/itm/200603911792?_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649&item=200603911792&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK:MEWAX:IT&vxp=mtr#ht_1052wt_1056 Anybody have any other suggestions? I'm all ears. Yeah, I know the "sounds like you're all legs" is coming. Thats ok. I can take it. Thanks. Bert
  23. Just to let you all know that Marca's dad passed on to glory very peacefully yesterday at 9pm. He now no longer has any pain, or sorrow, and he is able to walk again for a change. He was 84 and looking forward to the trip. Yes there were tears,,,, but along with that,,,,, lots of JOY. Looking forward to today, we're getting together with the kids and a lot of the grandkids, just to remember and to celebrate, and to plan the next few days. Carl
  24. Hi all. My 99 developed an oil leak from the rear valve cover a few months ago. Its now to the point I need to take care of it. I figure if I have to take all that stuff off to fix the leak, I might as well do the valves, although not looking forward to it. So now Im looking for a shim kit and tool to do the job. If anyone has one they can lend me I would certainly appreciate it. Bill
  25. Back to Hill Country for the next three months! Looking forward to seeing our old friends and maybe meeting some new ones too.
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