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  1. All I get is a blank screen, and at the bottom of the "Forums" page there is no statistics for chat...
  2. I liked it. But OTD price was 26k for the 4 door. Intellichoice rates the 5 year cost as as excellent. Any opinions out there. I know there are TDI forums and I ve looked at those but that's. Like coming here asking about Ventures. Anyone been down this road and bought something else? Thanks RSTDdog
  3. I am wondering besides this Forum and the venture's Forum I enjoy reading both forums and have received a lot of valuable info about My 07 RSTD. what other forums are there ? Just asking. Jim Bell Bagram Air Field Afghanistan
  4. How do I separate the dash to get to the gauges? My dash illumination knob won't budge. I have searched the forums and my manual diagrams but can't see how it comes apart. Thanks
  5. I have searched the forums for info on the LA Chopper slip ons but not mush out there. Does anybody have these and do you like them?
  6. Folks, I've been making an extra effort to make sure that ANY posts requesting prayers or any other religious content be posted ONLY in the " Inspirational, Motivational, Prayer Requests, Etc." forum. If I see such a thread started in the Watering Hole or anywhere else, I move it immediately upon seeing it. Though I know that the majority of you are not bothered buy such posts, I also know that some of you are. It is not my intention to try and force the religious views of myself or anybody else on you. That being said, there are a number of members here who do appreciate that area and therefore, it is not going away. I want to remind you all that you do not have to read or post in that area. You do not even have to SEE it. You can hide any forum here simply by going to your User Control Panel. Click on "edit options" in the left menu and then scroll down until you see the field that allows you to exclude any forums from your view. It is very easy to do. If you wish to hide the "Prayer Request" forum or any other forum and can't figure out how to do it, send me a PM and I will help. I have closed this thread and deleted all responses. The point was to remind those who have been here a while and inform those who are new here that there is an option to hide any forums that you don't wish to see. This was meant to be an informative post but was starting to turn into a religious debate. Thank you for your understanding.
  7. Hey Freebird, would it be possible to put the "More button" with pages at the top right corner of this page (Active Threads From Forums), rather than or also at the bottom, and also always active page nimbers to move to the next pages ? Then only one stroke would be needed to move to the next active page of posts - MORE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Now when you click on the More button it takes you to the top and then you must scroll down again to got to the next page. Hope this makes since, just try it and you will see what I mean. I personally use this home page feature more than the forums pages any how. Just a thought here. Thank you for what you do here. Fuzzy
  8. My son(vegastruckee) set out on a 4,000 mi. road trip from Las Vegas a couple of days ago, on his 2nd gen 2002 VRS. Yesterday morning when he left Sacramento, Ca. he lost 5th gear. It was like he shifted to neutral. He called me at his next gas stop and I hit the forums. I made a couple of calls from the VR assistance list and Tim helped me find a place for truckee to get some help. I searched all over the forums for the problem and found some solutions by the time he made his next stop. I set him up with Justin at Pacific Motorsports in Eureka, Ca. They drained the oil and didn't find any fileings or gear parts in it, so truckee is continuing on. I think, from the way it sounds, he may have the old "pin" style gear change pawl, and the retainer clip has bent/broken and allowed the pin to partially dislodge. I will be going out to Vegas next month and ,if he completes his trip with no other issues, I will help him take the cover and clutch basket off and show him how smart I am. He expects to have to drop the motor and split it. I told him he shouldn't have any trouble in 4th if he watches his temp., fuel mileage, and keeps it under 75. His previous motorcycle was one of them Hiabussa's, so the last step might be hard for him.
  9. well guys i have a 1987 venture and its needs some chrome but heres the problem i have looked around and and i just cant seem to find where to buy it im really looking for the parts that are circled on this pic i got from here on the forums but the gentleman who owns this bike is no longer a member if someone could help that would be great thanks again Bob http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd43/valic007/chromevents.jpg
  10. Most folks here know this, but maybe a few new members have missed it. While there are many many sites on the web where political discussions are welcome, and even encouraged, this is not one of them. We do not have many rules, but no politics and no religious discussions are important. We have found that these types of threads inevitably lead to unpleasantness and negatively affect the overall feel of our forums. I have just deleted a thread that was purely a political discussion. The deletion had nothing to do with agreement or disagreement about anything that was said, just that we do not allow political discussions. Thanx for listening. Goose
  11. So i have owned 4 goldwings already. From 78 to 84. All the sites I joined relative to goldwings were very informative as here on this forum. The big difference is that I could use more specific related topics on goldwings sites. I usually log on to see what other people are talking about and to see if anyone is preforming a mod that may be interesting. I find slim to none here on this site. I guess this is due to the wonderfull nature of the beast we ride. Not many breakdown , mods, or upgrade topics. Most RS riders enjoy thier bikes as is. I have noticed seat and handle bar changes which I also plan to get done, but other than that a solid soild bike that leaves most activity in the watering hole as opposed to the repair section.
  12. Keep our guys in your Prayers: They are having a bit of a time in Hatti Those that are members of other forums please pass this on. http://www.cnn.com/2010/WORLD/americas/11/17/haiti.motorcycle.missionaries/
  13. Alrighty everyone...been lurking for about a year in the forums...in the past week ive been all over the GPS forums but im just confusing myself more...so please help me out a little here... I am looking for a GPS for my 04 RSMV, This will be my first GPS purchase so i am relying on the experiences of everyone here. I ride a lot, 20k to 25k a year, but i mainly stay local. I am going to start my longer trips this fall though (Oklahoma is first) and need a reliable unit to guide me along the way. I mainly use my Ipod for music, so the MP3 player may be a good idea, my wife rides with me so i need one that wont effect the intercom either. Ive looked at a re-furbished Streetpilot 2730, a nuvi 7xx series, and a few zumo's (550/650). Please post yoru experiences with your GPS' models, how you mount it, how you waterproof it (bag, drybox, unit itself), how the screen looks in the sunlight, and any other info you would like to share. Also, for the "non-motorcycle" model users (Nuvi), do you think the vibration of the bike causes the problems that have been previously discussed on the forum?
  14. I have a 1984 v65 sabre as well as my 1983 venture. My Sabre runs good but here is the problem: when it is cold it shifts just fine after I ride it and get it warmed up good it gets hard to shift. I also notice that even when I am stopped and go from neutral to 1st it, to me, has a pretty good "clunk". I am used to hearing a little something but this just seems harder than normal. I realize that this is a honda issue and this is a yamaha venture forum but most of the people here seem nicer than most forums elsewhere so please forgive me on this one... I would appreciate any feedback though. On a better note my venture is coming along, getting ready to put fork seals in and redo some wiring.
  15. I received and have confirmed a big with the software update. The "Mark Forums Read" button in the Login Box at the top of the left side menu returns a security token error. I will find and correct the problem when I get the time. In the meantime, there is also a "Mark Forums Read" link in the Quick Links drop down menu on the right end of the upper menu bar. That one still works.
  16. Do you think the boys in Japan look at the forums concerning their equipment? If so do you think they look at the problems with them? What do you think!!
  17. Does anyone have any experience with the Roadstar Silverado? I have the opportunity to trade my old 72 Suburban for an 07 Roadstar with 3400 miles on it. I checked out the Roadstar forums but can't find the kind of information I find here. Is there anything I need to be watching for? Thanks!
  18. FYI- I am not sure but I thought someone was looking for a gauge pod. I think there is a new guy in town making them again. Not sure if the link will work form her or not. but it is post at the Delphi Forums http://forums.delphiforums.com/vrider/messages/?start=Start+Reading+%3E%3E Looks like the link does not take you to him.. look for tripmaster [ATTACH]40431[/ATTACH] Jeff
  19. I've received a couple of PMs about the restaurant review forum. People are asking how they post there? I'm sorry for any confusion but the reason you can't post there is because it is not finished yet. It will take me a few days to get it finished. Once it is done, it will be different than other forums here. There will be forms for each state and province. You will select the form for the state/province that the restaurant is in and fill it out. The results of that form will be automatically posted to the correct thread in that forum. You will not be able to post directly in those forums as you do others. The reason is that I think it should be limited to reviews and not with a lot of responses and comments. This will make it easier if a member wishes to print the thread from one or more states. They will get the list and not a lot of additional talk. There will automatically be a poll attached to each thread so folks will be able to see if other members have eaten there and what their thoughts were. I hope this makes sense and that it is acceptable to everybody. I will post here to let you know when it is ready to go. It may be as late as early next week though. I still have a lot of work to do there.
  20. Okaaay here is the question. After pricing tires with mounting, when I came out of shock I decided to order the tires (E-3's) on line. Now my queestion is do any of you folks in the Houston area know anyone who mounts the tires. I am going to get brave and take the wheels off myself, the links on the forums seem to suggest that it is possible even for a non-mechanic like myself. The best ptice I was quoted was $442.00, OUTRAGEOUS.
  21. Just curious... Is there a "mobile" version of the forums? I have a Blackberry Curve that I use through work, and it has the full data package. I think it'd be cool to be able to post to the forums while on a road trip, without having to have a laptop along. I can pull up the site on the Blackberry, either through the proprietary browser, or Opera Mini, but gah does it look terrible. Of course it's due to the browsers trying to force it into a mobile format. Wasn't sure if there was a compatible mobile version of the site or not. Maybe just wishful thinking.
  22. Hey I am getting ready to order a new rear tire for my RSV. I run the Commanders and just saw that they are now offering the 130/90 16 front tire. From what I can find in the forums this seems to be that narrower tire that everyone raves about. Am I correct in this assumption? Thanks in advance. Wayne
  23. Hello everyone - Shep here and I am new to the community and just bought a brand new 2007 RSTD from the dealer. I need a few things and thought I would start here. Moderators - if this is the wrong place - please direct me to the correct forum or fell free to just more this post. Here is what I need....... 1. Pipes - gotta have some rumble - will to trade brand new RSTD's for something with rumble OK - solved - bought the Baron 4-2-4's and so far - love 'em! 2. Luggage rack - momma needs more room... Bought one from Alan here on the forums :>) 3. Would like to lower an inch or so - so that I can get my gelpad on and still touch the ground. Had Rick Butler modify my seat (good job Rick!) 4. I need some longhorn offsets (have pegs) so I can cool my feet off Done! - Went with Kury's 5. Wife needs her floorboards a little lower and forward - I am open to suggestions (inventive and cheap is always good). Found a good mod - but will need to do this myself.. (check out this thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=28341) Got them done and working - now need to contour, sand and paint. 6. How about lightbars and lights? I am a former Boulevard C-50 owner and had them on my bike - would like them on my RSTD - where can I get them? Ordered a set of Yamaha light off Ebay. 7. Install Stebel Horn Got that done this week! 8. Bought and installed backrest (very nice addition). 9. Ordered and installed - Flanders 650-08783 pull backs. That should keep me busy for a while Last question: Does the community (forums) here have a place where new owners of RSTD's can get a list of "mods" - perhaps part #'s used in those mods and maybe even a respective "cost" analysis? On the Volusiariders forums we had a couple of very useful forums - one called "swap meet" - for trading parts and the other was "Custom Mods" - that owners had done to their bikes. We very helpful to me when I first signed on - because many had "gone before me". Thanks ahead of time for all your help - I look forward to getting to know you folks and to the fellowship! Shep
  24. Folks we are one member away from 6000. I think this an amazing achievement. Congratulations to Freebird for starting our group and for what is becoming one of the largest and best motorcycle forums in existence. :ice_congrats-vi6886Yama Mama
  25. Guest

    Why the hurry?

    The following article was posted on a number of different forums and I thought I'd share it here: http://www.womenridersnow.com/PublicFiles/DepartmentViewer.asp?DepartmentID=22&ArticleID=161 Cheers,
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