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Just uploaded some pictures showing the progress of the flip nose conversion of my Motorvation Formula II. Check out the link below for the pictures.
I'll try to explain what I'm trying to do....more for fun than any real need. I'm doing a book keeping spreadsheet. On a summary page, I have a formula that adds the numbers in a column based on the "code" found in the next cell. This helps me to track different sources of income, each one with it's own code =SUMIF(A4:A85,U93,E4:E85) so this formula says to compare the letter code found the cells A4 to A85 and IF they are the same as the comparison cell (U93) then return the SUM of the value from cells E4 to E85. This formual is repeated IN DIFFERENT CELLS with different comparison cell codes. (U94, or U95) I want create a similar formula to read a name found anywhere in a range of cells and if it is there, to then print that name in another cell. (on the summary page) yet, not have other cells repeat that name ....AND.... if that name is not in that range of cells, to allow a different name to be returned in that same cell I can't use the same formula because I am asking for text...not numbers. in much the same manner, I can look at the range of cells, and return a number associated with that company name =SUMIF(B11:B89,"Hydro One",J11:J89) ...asking it to give me the SUM of payouts found in cells J11 to J89, as long as "Hydro One" is contained somewhere in the range of cells from B11 to B89 This formula works fine when I ask it to look at a single cell. =IF(B11=R101,"company name","") so in the cell on the summary page... the formula looks to see if cell B:11 contains the same name as the comparison cell (R101), if it does, it displays "Company name", if that exact name is not found , it displays nothing ("") When I ask it to look at a range of cells it returns the "false" value ("") because that specific text is not in every cell of the range. I THOUGHT it would check the entire range of cells to see if that name is in ANY of the cells....but it is actually checking ot ensure the name is in ALL of the cells =IF(B11:B85=R101,"company name","") What formula can I use to get it to check a range of cells, and return a name from a multiple choice of 5 companies. Of course if any name is already used in that cell then it has to just forget about the whole thing and move on. The next cell below would do the same until all the vendors are listed along with their totals. Any suggestions...perhaps a macro? I could just type in in...but what's the fun in that?
Master Formula Metal Gloss - Polish Master Formula Sealer Gloss - Protective sealer I bought these at the Greenville show a few weeks back. Has anyone used these and what feedback do you have. I do not want to put something on my bike that will cause problems later. Thanks in advance for the feedback. Their website is
For many years I have used Advance Auto wearever brake cleaner. AS it is non-chlorinated and WAS safe on paint. NOW they have changed to a 50 state formula as stated on the back of the can. The new stuff uses a black spray nozzle, previous used a clear nozzle and the new formula contains ACETONE. Thus it is no longer safe on painted surfaces. I found out the hard way. Also CRC brand in the green can seems to be the identical formula.
Does anybody know how many CFM that these BDS 34x4 Mikuni carbs on our bikes put out. How about a simple formula to figure it out? pi*(bore/2)^2*stroke*number of cycinders*max rpm's/3456 = CFM needed or, pi x (2.99/2)^2 x 2.60 x 4 x 8500/3456 = 180CFM needed.
i purchased a primered spoiler and took my bike into a paint shop to get the correct formula for painting my spoiler. colorite could get the paint but at a rediculously expensive price. i had it painted and it matches great with the rest of the bike. should anyone be interested here is the formula, what these numbers mean i'm not sure but a paint/body shop should know 855j light red 30.9 866j red violet 58.1 4530s flop control agent 80.7 805j jet black 93.6 1002s red pearl 97.3 62320f binder 204.8 62330f balancer 221.5 i hope it helps anyone who needs this