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  1. okay folks we took the holidays off on the planning committee. it's back to work now. we are now working on the registration form and t-shirt design. when we get all the costs together, we will post the form on line. hopfully we can set it up so you can register via paypal. time is flying by and july will be here before you know it. it's important that you get your motel reservations, and put your name on the calender as soon as you know your coming. you can also rsvp on the calender. i have reserved the huge new pavilion at lakeside park for the whole day of july 23 to hang around, and the last meal will be catered there by bandanas barbeque in the late afternoon. this is going to be one heck of a chindig. we are also working on the grand prize. if you all have any ideas or input on how to make this meet the biggest and best yet, throw it on me. bill
  2. I have a set of Venture passenger hand holds on my RSTD. I'm getting ready to take a crack at a quick release trunk mount, but don't want to lose some form of hand grip for my passenger. Making the bracket / hand hold bar is no big issue, but what do people use for some form of non slip surface? I have seen the material for tools that you dip the handles of pliers (for example) into it. And, I have seen truck bed liner material in a can. Has anyone tried either of these for hand holds on a bike?
  3. While at work today, I walked to our mailbox and just as I turned to go bac to the office, I hear a motocycle coming towards me. Well of course I looked up and I saw a very nice looking MK2 blonde go by and turn into the dealer next door. When I got done with work, 15 minutes later, I go to the dealer to get some YamaLube to change the oil in my "84. Well, the owner of the MK2 was still inside. He is the owner of one of the local construction companies. We had a nice chat inside and then went and looked at his bike. He told me he got it form a guy on ebay form Corsica, SD. It is a 1987 Royale and has many of the extra bells and whistles, including but not limited to, venturline trunk rack, venturline drivers backrest and what look to me to be some sort of original driving lights. Of course I told him about the VentureRiders.org and all the help that I have recieved from all the great folks here. He is looking for some fairing parts since someone in the past damaged the right rear corner and tried to fix it with bondo. Hope to see him here, and on the road, soon. Dave
  4. Subject: Fw: Income tax Returned Mail Can you believe it? They sent my income tax return form back to me! In response to question # 4, "Do you have any dependants?" I replied: 2.1 million illegal immigrants 1.1 million crack heads 4.4 million unemployable people 901 thousand people in over 85 prisons and 650 idiots in Parliament Apparently, this was NOT an acceptable answer. Who the hell did I miss?
  5. ... and those from the East as well.... Kruis'n The Kootenays regional rally is ON!! June 29 - July 2, 2012 in Nelson, BC We want to see you all there ... "the more the merrier" ... "there's power in numbers" .... and whatever other cliche` applies I will have a website up this weekend and will post the web addy URL in here... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65031 The site will include a form for registering, etc. Please add your name to the following thread if you think you can make it. This will assist us in planning coz we sure don't want to run out of food ... or have too much for that matter! (too much food???? nevah!) http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67021 Any questions, feel free to contact me or Brian
  6. Yep, that's all the time left to order VR International T-Shirts. July 1st is the deadline. The reason is in order to get the shirts to the See the CODYFlyer for all the info, and the Pre-Registration Form for sizes and prices. There are still a few Trailer Tickets left... I think?? I you do decided to add trailer raffle tickets to your form, and the 300 have been previously spoken for, we'll refund that part of your Paypal payment. So don't be bashfull.... These Cody T's are really cool... :cody
  7. thanks for all the the imformation on the walins glen. i seen five different water falls.around there. then when to grand canyon,pa and corning glass. had a great time and made eight freinds form canada. two of them had ventures. thanks too all that piched in . be safe riding:322:
  8. Just in case anyone is interested. While the registration form states it can not be saved... If you have a PDF writer, you can save the form by using the PDF writer program to print the form to a file. Looking forward to seeing a whole bunches of uz guys in Cody in July.
  9. Here are pics form the St. Jude Ride 2010
  10. Recieved a phone call from vendor...the t shirt...long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt I ordered are in and awaiting my approvial for production....will see them on friday and if the NEW LOGO looks as good as he says it does, I will be posting pics and an order form in the merchandise forum...keep your fingers crossed that they turned out the way we wanted....no...I am not taking orders now..you'll have to wait...and this message is for SQUIDLY ...SHUT UP!!!!
  11. 1 days remaining for shirts guaranteed at Cody!! To all you great VentureRiders out there!! The Cody Roundup will happen in less than a month and the deadline for ordering shirts etc so they can be available at the rally is 8/23/09 - less than a week away. So, now is the time to get your registration/order form completed and sent in. It's going to be a great get together, so don't delay any longer. See ya in Cody. Dave
  12. The South Carolina Dept of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is trying to make available a new license tag available to Honorable Discharged Veterans. They are making one available for cars and one available for motorcycles. For each, they need 400 applications received to the DMV soon. The car applicants now have their 400. They only have 250 MC applicants as of the 6/17/09. Deal is off if they don't have 400 by July 1. If you are licensed in SC and are interested please follow the link below, then click to download the "MOTORCYCLE" form. MV-37B You will send it in with $5 to "pre-apply". If they do not get the 400 they will return you money. I believe the special tag fees are lower than typical vanity tags,,, if at all. The tag is displayed on the link site, it is blue background, says VETERAN and has a star. (see below) I was not in a war zone (but I did kept the Viet Cong out of Wichita!), so this tag is for all vets. If you cannot download the form, I can email a PDF copy to you (I went by the Hwy Dept and got one). PLEASE TELL YOUR SC VET FRIENDS! Link: http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/default.aspx http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/images/VetPlate.jpg Mike G in SC
  13. Hi all. Well I am finally home from Greenland and getting ready for my trip to USA - leaving on Monday. I was trying to insure my USA bike but since I do not have a USA drivers license then none of the bigger companies will offer me insurance for my bike. For a moment things were looking to be hopeless and I was thinking about renting a cage to be able to attend Maintenance day. But I lucked out (so to speak). I found a company in USA that insures bikes for travel through guys like me. They are called: www.motorcycleexpress.com. I called them and they sent me a form to fill out and send back to them. O.K. - had a look at the form and compared to our forms here in Iceland this is complicated to say the least. The minimum time for insurance is 30 days and I can live with that. But the total for that period will exceed 400 US$ at least if the form is filled out the way I did it. I can also swallow that but I am running out of time so to speak and need your help. I will attach the file here and please have a look and tell me how you guys would fill this out - that is what coverage to take. Note that I want to be on the safe side and take as full coverage as possible. Need to send this out this weekend so the insurance will be ready Tuesday. So please helo me with this one so I can ride up to BigToms and to Don´s place next week. Bike or cage,,,,,, Lookin g forward to meet you all ! All the best from Iceland, Jonas
  14. The South Carolina Dept of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is trying to make available a new license tag available to Honorable Discharged Veterans. They are making one available for cars and one available for motorcycles. For each, they need 400 applications received to the DMV soon. They only have about 70 MC applicants as of the end of March. If you are licensed in SC and are interested please follow the link below, then click to download the "MOTORCYCLE" form. You will send it in with $5 to "pre-apply". If they do not get the 400 they will return you money. I believe the special tag fees are lower than typical vanity tags,,, if at all. The tag is displayed on the link site, it is blue background, says VETERAN and has a star. Not the coolest looking tag out,,, but says you served. (see below) I was not in a war zone (but I did kept the Viet Cong out of Witchita!), so this tag is for me, a vet who supports others. If you cannot download the form, I can email a PDF copy to you (I went by the Hwy Dept and got one). Link: http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/default.aspx Click on the MOTORCYCLE form MV37B. http://www.scdmvonline.com/DMVNew/images/VetPlate.jpg
  15. The Tail of the Dragon IV/Vogel is only is just a little over 3 months away, from looking at the poll it is looking good for this year, you can also go to the calendar and RSVP which will also help me get a handle on how many people are going to show. You can find the registration form and a link to the calendar here along with all the info that I have posted. :Venture:Tail of the Dragon IV @ Vogel - VentureRider.Org:Venture:
  16. Attached is a medical info form that we should all carry in case something happens to either yourself our passenger. This form can save a life Please use it.... :223: Here is a quote from an Ironbutt rider that was in a serious crash (He also happens to be Vice Admiral & Surgeon General for the US Navy). "I carry all my emergency personal and medical information in the left chest pocket of my Aerostich and have written “Emergency Info This Pocket” on the flap. The paramedics and hospital emergency staff said this helped them a lot, especially before I regained consciousness."
  17. I have run a NASCAR Fantasy League for several years now. $35 to enter. If anyone is interested and would like to review the sign up form, PM me you email and I will send it to you. Thanks, Jay
  18. I have the sears M/C jack theres a lota stuff under there to rock on and i seem to remember something about mounting 2x4s on the runners of this jack witch way do they mount down each runner or across from one to the other in two places or in block form @each corner? and do they go on edge or flat and thanks for all the help that is about to come oh! this is for a 2nd gen
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