Out for a ride this morning after getting off midnight work and decided to ride to Marcarl's to check-out new digs. VVVEEERRRYYY NICE (pretty organized with plenty of shelves and benches,office space and heated.) and sorry Marca the house is too(Carl is in the midst of fixing it up)(off to a good start).Shared a coffee and cookie and then drove to dealer down the road to see what they had on the showroom floor and seen the 2009S model for $21999 + tax. Was ready to leave then spotted 2010 sitting at the end of the line for$22999+. It was black with flames and also the S trim. Took some pics with phone came[ATTACH]38738[/ATTACH]
[ATTACH]38744[/ATTACH]ra so they arn't great pics. Put it on WISH-LIST but doubt if it will help'