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  1. This fast food joint located in his home town has FlyingFools inventiveness signature written all over it!! Yamaha V Max | eBay
  2. I have been spending my vacation in Germany and Holland and so far having a great time. They sure know how to kick off Christmas here early with hoiliday drinks and food. I will most likely gain back all the weight I have lost over the past couple months but how can you say no to all this good food etc. Quite a few people here are still riding regardless of snow or cold. Holland even has 1st response Motorcycle ambulances. The idea is that a motorcycle can get on the scene faster and get a head start on initial care getting the victim preped and ready to move by the time the larger response vehicles arrive. Weather does not seem to stand in their way either. I will post pics when I return home.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/embed/-icgySC4e2c This video may have you thinking twice before eating from the Costco food tasters.
  4. Hmmm......stay away from certain types of food!
  5. Dear Mom, Our Scoutmaster told us to write to our parents in case you saw the flood on TV and got worried. We are okay. Only one of our tents and 2 sleeping bags got washed away. Luckily, none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for Adam when it happened. Oh yes, please call Adam's mother and tell her he is okay. He can't write because of the cast. I got to ride in one of the search and rescue Jeeps. It was great. We never would have found Adam in the dark if it hadn't been for the lightning. Scoutmaster Ted got mad at Adam for going on a hike alone without telling anyone. Adam said he did tell him, but it was during the fire so he probably didn't hear him. Did you know that if you put gasoline on a fire, it will blow up? The wet wood didn't burn, but one of the tents did and also some of our clothes. Matthew is going to look weird until his hair grows back. We will be home on Saturday if Scoutmaster Ted gets the bus fixed.. It wasn't his fault about the crash. The brakes worked okay when we left. Scoutmaster Ted said that with a bus that old, you have to expect something to break down; that's probably why he can't get insurance. We think it's a super bus. He doesn't care if we get it dirty, and if it's hot, sometimes he lets us ride on the bumpers. It gets pretty hot with 45 people in a bus made for 24. He let us take turns riding in the trailer until the policeman stopped and talked to us. Scoutmaster Ted is a neat guy. Don't worry, he is a good driver. In fact, he is teaching Horace how to drive on the mountain roads where there aren't any cops. All we ever see up there are huge logging trucks. This morning all of the guys were diving off the rocks and swimming out to the rapids. Scoutmaster Ted wouldn't let me because I can't swim, and Adam was afraid he would sink because of his cast (it's concrete because we didn't have any plaster), so he let us take the canoe out. It was great. You can still see some of the trees under the water from the flood. Scoutmaster Ted isn't crabby like some scoutmasters. He didn't even get mad about the life jackets. He has to spend a lot of time working on the bus so we are trying not to cause him any trouble. Guess what? We have all passed our first aid merit badges. When Andrew dived into the lake and cut his arm, we all got to see how a tourniquet works. Steve and I threw up, but Scoutmaster Ted said it was probably just food poisoning from the left-over chicken. He said they got sick that way with food they ate in prison. I'm so glad he got out and became our scoutmaster. He said he sure figured out how to get things done better while he was doing his time. By the way, what is a pedal-file? I have to go now. We are going to town to post our letters and buy some more beer and ammo. Don't worry about anything. We are fine and tonight it's my turn to sleep in the Scoutmaster's tent.
  6. Here are some pictures we took at Pork in the Pines. We had a great time and enjoyed meeting everyone! good food and good friends. Thanks, Tom and Anne
  7. Just wanted to post a big Thank You to Brian (Golf&Venture) for hosting the Washington State Meet & Greet today. We had about 12 people there, on 8 bikes and one car. It is always nice to put a face to those you communicate with on the forum. We had a ton of food, and Brian will be eating left-overs for the next two weeks. We did get his very damaged Gen One Venture unloaded from the trailer, and parked inside his garage. It only took 6 or 7 guys to do this. So, a day of hot weather, dry roads, good people, and lots of food. Thank you Brian, Miles
  8. While vacationing in Fla, with the family we took a day off to do separate things, Charlene and I went east over to Coca Bch, Fla and paid a visit to 1-Up, aka Ken Derrett. We went to eat at a fantastic seafood rest. Charlene and I got a platter for 2 and the amount of food they served us could have fed 4 of us. The platter in front of Ken is not part of the 2 person platter, all the food in front of Charlene and I and the plate in the middle was ours. Ken took us around and showed us some interesting sites we want to come back and see when we have more time.
  9. Just a reminder about the Newnan, Ga. M & E, this Sat. July 7th, come on out for a good ride, good food and great friends, new and old...............check out the info here...... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=70874 :Venture:
  10. OK folks, it's only a few weeks until my annual Maintenance Day. Only 85 people have signed up on the calendar at this point. Eileen is on me now to try and get a better count so that she can start ordering food and etc. So if you haven't RSVP yet then PLEASE do so. There are 36 "maybes"...please go to the calendar and update your status as soon as you know. Thanks. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=290&day=2012-6-2&c=1
  11. just got home from the meet. great fun great people, and lots of them. lewis counted 34 bikes but there were more to come. total success and lots of food. think everyone helped out a bunch for dragon riders st. jude fund. thanks to b2 mom and dad for a great time
  12. you are out riding ? Please add name, location & the food served... this can help some of us newbies who is new to riding... My favorite is Loveless Cafe In Nashville just off the Natchez Trace, food served SOUTHERN, BBQ, & their biscuits and home made jams!!!! Our 1st trip there we arrived at 3pm on a Sunday afternoon and there was a 45 minute wait, BUT it was well worth the wait!! They have spots out front for motorcycles .. wow I may see if wife wants to ride up this weekend
  13. ... and those from the East as well.... Kruis'n The Kootenays regional rally is ON!! June 29 - July 2, 2012 in Nelson, BC We want to see you all there ... "the more the merrier" ... "there's power in numbers" .... and whatever other cliche` applies I will have a website up this weekend and will post the web addy URL in here... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65031 The site will include a form for registering, etc. Please add your name to the following thread if you think you can make it. This will assist us in planning coz we sure don't want to run out of food ... or have too much for that matter! (too much food???? nevah!) http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67021 Any questions, feel free to contact me or Brian
  14. I started a thread about the number of American's who use food vouchers (over 43million) and the thread has "disappeared". Just wondering if it was due to the subject of the thread itself or comments made. When a thread is deleted... do the moderators send the offender or the OP a message saying why it was removed? I hope it wasn't what I had posted but am curious as to why the thread was deleted. I certainly wasn't trying to start something but was surprised by the number of people/families in the U.S. that depend on food vouchers just to get by.
  15. Please let me know if your going to make the meeting next ON Saturday...I need to order the food by Wednesday.........
  16. Setting here day after day after day staring at the same four walls day in and day out something has to snap. Tonight it snapped, and I cut loose. No food, no money I said to hell with it and went shopping, I have check protection with my credit union so every bad check I write only costs me $20 more. I went to the grocery store and bought $174 worth of food so we didn't have to live on roman noodles for the rest of the month. I went 11 days being so sick I could barely get out of bed before I broke down and went to the Doctor that I could not afford and found out I have a lung and sinus infection which is the reason I could hardly breathe and had such god awful headaches and then had to pay him and then pay for prescriptions. Then today if it could go bad it went bad, I came home after writing a bad check for food to have my Daughter waiting for me crying that her knee hurt. Why did her knee hurt? She used the small step latter we have to try and get something off the top shelve in her bedroom at the bigger mobile home we just moved into and evidently she didn't lock the latter into place because it folded up on her and she fell (she is OK thankfully because as of Oct 1st the state of Michigan felt she no longer qualified for health insurance ) and put her knee threw the wall in her room and fell across the cable hook up for her TV and ripped it out the back of the TV. So I go and escape tonight to the local bar and spend $40 drinking jack and coke and talking with friends and strangers over 13 years old just to get away from it all. So now I will beat myself to death for the rest of the month because I spent $40 on myself and wrote a bad check for food that will set me back at the first of the month when I get my next disability check. You all need to take a careful look at how you are prepared for life, I thought I had everything taking care of, but one fall down the basement stairs changed my life forever, insurance and the government will make sure you loose everything you saved and have before they lift a finger in your behave. No Christmas tree this year because there is no presents to put under it. I have to keep the internet going because the schools don't supply books anymore and my Daughter has to go on line for homework, have to pay rent to keep a roof over our heads, got to pay consumers to have heat and power, have to pay for water and sewer and garbage pickup, need to pay insurance to drive, need to pay medicade for insurance and silverstone for prescriptions just like any one of you do. So now I will spend the rest of the month hating myself for spending $40 stinking dollars on myself instead of setting at home going nuts. Lot of people do not understand (like I didn't) what it means to be broke, not the broke that you used up you allotted money for the month and you can just get more out of the bank or the credit card, but the kind of broke that there is just no more money to get. How do you decide what to write a bad check for, for food or for a winter coat, boots and gloves. She just will have to be cold going and coming to and from school but she will have food to eat. Guess I have ranted enough even though it's only a fraction of what I want to be able to say, but it sucks when you realize that you used to go to bed praying that things will be better or not worse tomorrow to going to bed wishing you don't wake up the next morning. Thanks for being there to let me rant.....Karl.
  17. Shot my first turkey yesterday, scared the snot out of everyone in the frozen food section… It was awesome!
  18. Because of work schedules and Turkey Day plans, we had our Thanksgiving dinner with the family tonight. We had one turkey stuffed and cooked in the oven, another deep fried and all the fixins. I'm so fuuuuuull!!! I still need pie........ Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Dave
  19. I'm in need of some volunteers. Don't tell Marca, but she has a birthday coming up, Nov 15, and I need 60 volunteers to help out celebrating this milestone. Yes I said 60 volunteers. So if you think you could help out, I have a chef who will cook some food and a place to sit. What the volunteers need to do is to eat what's been cooked and served on a platter. Can't tell you why I need 60, but there will be lots of food, so that may be one reason. The date is Nov 15 2011 The time is 7pm,,,,, do not be late The place: Scot's on Scott,, 74 Scott Ave, Paris Ont Marca should arrive about 7:05, and she is NOT supposed to hear about this from anybody. PS,,,, There shall be best wishes only!!!! we already have tooooooo much stuff. Please post on the calendar so I can keep track. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=286&day=2011-11-15 We'll see how this pans out,,, hopefully it'll work. Carl
  20. ONIONS ~ MAYONNAISE PLEASE READ TO THE END: IMPORTANT In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu.. Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died. The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy. Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work.. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu. Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions: Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers story.. but, I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill.. I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put it into an empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs.. sure enough it happened just like that.. the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.. Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties. This is the other note. Lots of times when we have stomach problems we don't know what to blame. Maybe it's the onions that are to blame. Onions absorb bacteria is the reason they are so good at preventing us from getting colds and flu's and is the very reason we shouldn't eat an onion that has been sitting for a time after it has been cut open. LEFT OVER ONIONS ARE POISONOUS I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise.. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO. Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist. The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's. Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially- made Mayo is completely safe. "It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick. Ed says that! when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES. He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion.. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator. It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!) Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down. Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions. Please remember it is dangerous to cut an onion and try to use it to cook the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates toxic bacteria which may cause adverse stomach infections because of excess bile secretions and even food poisoning. Please pass this on to all you love and care.
  21. I hope this works:thumbsup2: Free food and other stuff!!!
  22. "Im leaving for The Weekend so I hid $100.00 in your Room For Food Clean your room and you will Find It"
  23. Took a good long ride yesteday out towards Waterloo/Kitchener area. Got hungry so I stopped and had a bite to eat at a little restuarant called Lee's, on HWY 7 between Guelph and Kitchener. Both the food and service were very good. I am thinking of going out for another ride later this morning and trying them out for breakfast. If their breakfast is as good they should be on our list of places to eat in Ontario, as should the American House in waterdown were I have eatin many times in the past. The American house makes most of their food from scratch and it is good.
  24. Here we go.. How about Sunday the 28th? Meet at Big Tom's at 10 or Pioneer Motorsports at 11 and head to Spragues for some AWESOME food.. EVERYONE WELCOME!!
  25. If you haven't mailed your registration or bought your raffle tickets yet, I will be closing early registration and raffle ticket sales by mail on 7/29/11, so if you haven't mailed it or ordered your tickets by then please wait and do it when you arrive, I dont want people showing up and I dont have their registration in hand. If you plan on coming and arent sure till the last minute it would be a great help if you could drop me a pm or post a reply on this post that you are coming, I dont want to be caught short on food, I havent in the past and I dont want to this time either. I normally prepare for aprox 100 people and order food for that amount, but I have a feeling this time it could go higher than that, and I dont want to have to ration the food, everyone knows how VR members like to eat:doh:!!! Also plese remember that if you order your raffle tickets via PayPal, please do not mention Raffle ticket, mark it as a donation for Vogel. Looking forward to seeing all my old VR friends and lots of new faces this year, who knows, this may me my last Vogel........:crying: And lest I forget there are only 24 Days left till Vogel!!!! Vogel Registration 2011.doc Vogel Raffle Tickets............ - VentureRider.Org
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