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  1. A random thought occured when I was looking through the RSV Periodic Maintenance & Repair section of owners manual & saw this, "Replace the brake and clutch hoses every four years or if cracked or damaged." How many people actually follow this recommendation? I looked up the cost of parts for an RSV and cost at dealer would be around $350 for parts only. Gary
  2. I saw this trailer today. I went back, and back, and back......... Yes I will follow it anywhere. I just hope this thing never drives past any one of our M&Es or MDs or other VR.ORG gettogethers. Can you imagine the carnage???? Poor Big Tom would have all of the 1st gens in front of him........
  3. Tomorrow morning (Saturday) I will attempt to ride my '86 VR 1500 miles in less than 24 hours. Anyone interested will find all the info they need to follow the attemt here: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/03/16/1074869/-Bun-Burner-Gold Should be interesting
  4. I would like to install running and brake LED tail lights (I understand they don't draw much power from the electric system/battery, right?) and yet they look very cool to me. I'm pretty sure some of you have done it to your rides. Could you please tell me where do I get those, I know I can google it but, I prefer just follow what you have done. Thanks Rudy:)
  5. I see that Jayceesfolly has begun the sale of tickets for the trailer raffle to be drawn at the International rally in N.Y. this year...If you haven't seen it ...look above in the watering hole stickys....please follow Jimmy directions as he posted them....GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL.....and "THANK YOU" Jim for running the raffle........
  6. Hey All: Wanted to extend a BIG Thanks to all of the members here who helped with my posts over the last month or so...Leaving tomorrow AM for South Dakota (1600 miles one way). Did a lot of pre-trip prep to my 06....Wiring for the Trailer...Had a weird running light issue that Freebird covered....Have to say....Followed every bit of input....Now...Just have to hit the road and make it happen...Decided to do a Blog for the family to follow, and decided to post here if anyone is interested.... Mt. Rushmore or "BUST" check it out.... http://trailblazingharbours.blogspot.com Back in Lynchburg, VA on the 16th.... Later... Long Tall
  7. Rocket is on a Cross Continent trip with a friend. They are on an 83 and 86 venture pulling an Aluma trailer, if you see them give them a thumbs up! I hope they have a good time and a safe trip.:banana: If anyone wants to follow them on their tour, here is the link to Pauls Spot locator. http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0dW2uviFRmfVBIi65A9vRaQ1osJHe2jOq Brian
  8. I am new to the venture world and am curious on what to expact as far as gas mileage. Around town i pretty much follow the speed limit but on the highway I sometimes get up to 80 or 85
  9. I was oringinally scheduled to leave today for the Oregon-N. California coast but one of my riding companions had a death in the family so we had to postpone our start until Thursday morning. We'll be taking a northerly route from Central Ky through IN, IL, IA, MN, SD, MT and WA (I-90) on our way to Portland where we will pick up our wives on Monday. From there we'll head on to the coast and follow it down to San Fransisco and on to Big Sur. From there we'll head east through Yosemite and then south to Las Vegas where we'll drop the wives at the airport before we head back across I-40 toward home. So if you see 2 Goldwings and a Tour Deluxe along that route give us a wave or stop us for a chat, I'm sure we'll need a break. After Thursday morning you can follow our SPOT track by going to http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=2fd74df6c9a6b12d4 Dennis
  10. I returned to riding after 40 years absence and bought an '04 VStar 1100 with 1,500 actual miles. Starts and runs fine except for a miss at very light load --- almost coasting. I've run 3 tanks with Seafoam and it's a little worse. I started out running mid-grade gas and then switched to low grade 78 octane when advised by a friend. Local dealer does not have a great reputation for repairs --- at least by some opinions. I am moderately good at mechanics and have good tools but no experience with motorcycles. Don't mind doing it myself and can follow instructions but they need to be in plain/idiot language. It looks like some may have replied to my earlier posts --- I could not find them --- I may know less about these "thread things" then about my bike. THANKS FOR YOU HELP & PATIENCE. Tompa3
  11. Now with the right license plate my wife says the trailer is complete. She wanted our dog to follow us everywhere. Dennis
  12. A-a-a-w-w-w, ain't it cute? More to follow.
  13. OK I know this doesn't have anything to do with riding but since college football is just a couple of weeks away I was wondering who everyones FAVORITE team is. My wife and I have been going to every home and a few away games and tailgating at all of them for the last 12 years or so and the team we follow are the Purdue Boilermakers PS we are going to try and do some tailgating this year with our motorcycle and trailer and see how that goes. Should be the only ones doing that.
  14. Guest

    Think I'll get on Bertha

    and ride down to Apalachicola , Florida to Up the creek raw bar. Photo's to follow.
  15. I know a member can subscribe to forums, and search for posts by a specific member, but is there a way to actually subscribe to a member? Sort of like twitter: I could choose to subscribe to a member so that anything they post, I will be notified of it. Either in a PM or in a separate thread area for subscriptions I follow? I'm not referrring to adding 'friends'...just subscribing to articles posted by a member. I miss some postings by members that I would like to have seen...then I find them days, weeks, or months later. Some members post some really enjoyable articles. Just seems like it might be a handy feature to have. I'm guessing the admins already have that feature, to 'follow' certain members when desired. A limit of say, 5 or 10 subscriptions might help to keep it manageable. Thanks!
  16. I found it!!! We were looking right at it, above the work bench sandwiched between 2 sets of drawers on the shelf above the bench. Picture to follow...
  17. Quick one here. I need to grease and change fluids on the rear end before a trip in a week and a half. Is this the best step by step to follow? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=69
  18. ok ok i know its in oberlin Ohio. but address would be nice please. almost 500 miles from here to oberlin. i guess i could just follow all the second generations as the first ones will be all ready there. i will be in the cager.for this years event.
  19. i have a garmin 265wt...i loaded what is supposed to be a rt 66 map....all that shows up in the gps are POI's..for example ...n101..n stands for new mexico.....so, to make the gps follow rt 66...do i have to put every POI in as a "via" point...
  20. Pulled into the driveway at 7:15PM with winds and a cold front chasing us! Everything went absolutely wonderful! Car is unpacked and suitcases are also unpacked and everything is put away. Trike is still on trailer but that will change tomorrow!! Man oh Man, I can't believe I own such a beautiful machine!! Pictures to follow tomorrow sometime...
  21. Guest


    This may not get much interest, but with all the computer and techies we have...you never know. Thought I'd post a notice that I'm on twitter, in case anyone wants to 'follow' me... Anyone else tryin it out?
  22. Another member just got himself another bike:thumbsup:...........I aint tellin til I see it for myself....................:no-no-no: Gotta follow rule # 1.........
  23. found out this morning my riding buddy Tim "bad kitty" Kitchen pass from a massive heart attack. knew him several years and the last 2 years have been doing several rides together. he went with me to columbus, ms for the meet and tinker day. hope to do a motorcycle escort at the funeral if ok with his family. he will be missed!!- Attachments follow - http://acx.prospero.com/n/docs/docDownload.aspx?webtag=royalstar&guid=EBB24763-371E-48E8-A6BC-9D74F2AC6C89&height=64 stagecoach_x08_036_xSmallx.jpg 61KBhttp://acx.prospero.com/n/docs/docDownload.aspx?webtag=royalstar&guid=6E0FED9A-35AB-4D45-88AB-E41CDC98BB97&height=64 stagecoach_x08_035_xSmallx.jpg 80KBhttp://acx.prospero.com/n/docs/docDownload.aspx?webtag=royalstar&guid=56EA44B5-9192-4C96-B599-1112C5FA8E8E&height=64 alx_msx_tn_mxt_012_xSmallx.jpg 59KB http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=opt Options http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=5&iconName=pReply http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=5&iconName=dDelete http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=5&iconName=eEdit http://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=empty_starhttp://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=empty_starhttp://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=empty_starhttp://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=empty_starhttp://acx.prospero.com/dir-app/icon.aspx?realmId=0&iconTypeId=4&iconName=empty_starRate
  24. Okay, showing my dummy side here. I'm leaving for my 30 day ride this Saturday and would like to post pictures and maybe a few lines once in a while for friends and family to follow me. Any suggestions on sites that are user friendly? Thanks
  25. We're heading out in the morning for the Charleston-Hilton Head-Savannah area. If you see a Blue/Black RSV or Black HD Ultra towing Unigo's give us a wave. We plan to follow US25 most of the way with a stop in Greenville, SC tomorrow night. Hope to stay dry but I doubt it. Dennis
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