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  1. I have posted some photo's in the picture folder for you all to enjoy
  2. Title pretty much says it all. I've sent a few private messages, but have been unable to tell if they were sent since they don't show up in my SENT messages folder. Am I missing something? (Other than the messages that is )
  3. VR Assistance GPS files. The attached folder holds all the GPS files you need to upload the VR Assistance files into your Zumo, download the entire folder . They were created with the Garmin Zumo in mind. If your GPS uses this file extension (*.gpx) for Custom Points of Interest then they should work for your GPS. However I did not test these files in any GPS other then the Zumo 550 so if you have a Streetpilot you will have to test it on your own, but the file should work for any Garmin GPS that uses this file extension. If you download any of these files for any GPS other then the Zumo 550 please let everyone else know if they work or not, please include the manufactor and model of your GPS. You can download the entire US_CANADA file or you can download by State/Province to save memory. I downloaded the entire US_CANADA file into mine (file is not that big only 124 KB) but I made separate State/Province files for those that prefer to load only the states they ride in. I have included a word file (GPS File Member) which I downloaded from this site. It's a list of members who volunteered to help other members on the road. If you look at this file you will notice that some members are in BOLD print and others are not. If you name is in BOLD print then you have been included in the files. If you name is not in bold then you were not included in the files. You will also note that if you only provided your first name when you filled out this information on the site then your name will be follwed with a number. I used the last 4 digits of your phone number, I had to do this because you can't save a file with the same name and I had a bunce of Jims etc.. There are various reasons that you were left out, your phone number may be missing or you have not listed a city or the city you did list is misspelled or I can’t find a GPS coordinate for it. I did not use anyones' personnel address for the GPS coordinate, I used the city they listed. So if your in Tampa Florida you will be able to call up all members who live in Tampa. Call the person you want to get in touch with for directions because all the members in Tampa use the same GPS coordinate etc. If members wish to give you their GPS coordinte you can save that information over the files information. If you were left out for any reason but wish to be included in an update, which is to come later then please email me with the missing information and I will include you in the update. To upload the Custom POI’s into your Zumo you can follow the direction in your manual or you can follow the directions I have included below. If you do not have the POI Loader program you will need to download and install it on you computer. You can find it from this site: http://www.garmin.com/products/poiloader/ You need to put all of your Custom POI’s in 1 folder. The POI Loader will load all GPX files that you have in the folder. You can’t load the GPS with multiple directories so put all your POI’s in 1 folder. Open the POI Loader program. Wait for POI Loader to locate your GPS and click Next. Find the folder that your POI file is in and select it Hit Next, this will load all your POIs to the GPS Hit Finish Disconnect your GPS from the computer Turn on your GPS Touch "Where To" On your GPS, go to "Extras". Select "Custom POI's". If you see the list of custom POI's your ready to go. I am not an expert but I will try and help you if you email me. I have tested all the files on my Zumo and they work. If you find any errors please email me about them and I will correct them and include them in the update. There was a lot of work involved with creating these files and I was careful not to make mistakes but I know that there are errors so if you find one please let me know. If your GPS uses any of the following file extensions email me and I will email the file back to you in the requested format. Garmin GPS Database Version 2 (*.gdb) Garmin GPS Database Version 3 (*.gdb) MPS files (*.mps) DXF files (*.dxf) I tried to think of every thing but I'm sure I left something out. Enjoy.
  4. This morning I picked up a nasty that kept popping up and warning my computer was infected and did I want to scan etc. The little sucker couldn't be killed. It's known as Antivirus System Pro It was preventing me from opening the windows task manager so I could wring it's filthy little neck. Finally I logged off and back in and started the windows task manager before the malware got started. I was able to kill the processes and go after the damage it caused. If course I was aggravated and went after it with an axe and didn't really think about documenting what I did. My best recollections here for anyone that needs to rip it out: It had created a folder in "My Documents" named "Program Files". All it's nasty executables were in there. I deleted the folder. I use a hosts file to suppress ads. It had re-written the hosts file so it could phone home via a fake web name. I fixed the hosts file. I used CCcleaner to clean out the registry. For anyone using a hosts file the following entries should block it from phoning home: winwarepro.microsoft.com winwarepro.com http://www.winwarepro.com It probably overwrites them, so you might have to re-add after an infection.
  5. I made a photobucket account and was able to get one pic on but can't figure out how to get my whole vacation folder on. Can someone please help me???? :bang head:
  6. Good idea? Bad idea?
  7. Folks, Buddy Rich is working on cleaning up our Photobucket account because it has really gotten hard to find things. He is trying to organize it by years and then by events and then by contributor. We have also created an "Upload Here" folder. That is the folder that you will use to upload all your pictures. You can create your albums in that folder just as you do now but it will make it easier for us to them move then to the appropriate year and event to keep things better organized as we move forward. Just wanted to give you a heads up so that you would know what is going on if you go there. If you would also use the upload folder for your new albums that would be great. I'm looking at a way to disable uploading to the root and etc. without making it too difficult for everybody.
  8. Strange things are happening! I was on the Meijer website to order photos of our new granddaughter. I knew I only had one folder that I had downloaded. When I got on there , I saw a photo of a motorcycle trailer. Well, we do not have a trailer, so I open up the folder and I found photos of this couples vacation to Colorado. The odd thing was this couple own a black cherry Venture. I just wondered if anybody knows them and if they are members here. I know they are Star Members and they live in Texas. They could PM me and I will be glad to explain why I have their photos, but actually I cannot explain it.
  9. Hi Folks, First I want to say thanks to everyone for helping make this year’s calendar a success. To date we have sold 57 calendars and raised $342.00 for the VentueRider.Org OPD Fund. That will help purchase a lot of Water, Ice & Goodies for this year’s upcoming events. Now, for all you last minute shoppers your orders need to be placed by noon Feb. 14th. Want a Preview? Click on the Link Below Go to Ventureriders Folder & click on the folder. This will Open up to a 12 & 24 Month set of pictures. After you have selected one or the other Look in the upper Right side of the screen and click on slideshow http://www.lookingglassphotos.com/ Thanks, The Calendar Team To Order Calendar Click Here "]http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=1318879
  10. I have had a few requests about vewing the entire calendars. Last year this was an option with the publisher. Well, this year the outfit we selected does not offer this feature. I have posted the photos out to my family photo site for viewing. Click on the Link Below Go to Ventureriders Folder & click on the folder. This will Open up to a 12 & 24 Month set of pictures After you have selected one or the other Look in the upper Right side of the screen and Click on Slide Show. These are not full resolution pics and the 12 month calendar is much better than what you will see there. I am working on getting a better copy of the 12 month files from Christo and I will post them ASAP Hope you enjoy the show and then Order the Calendar of your choice. http://www.lookingglassphotos.com/ Order Calendar Click Here http://stores.lulu.com/store.php?fAcctID=1318879 Tally To Date. 27 units sold $162.00 raised for VentureRiders.Org
  11. I just did an upgrade to the "videos" folder here. You know that you can post a YouTube link in that folder and the video will actually appear in the folder rather than you being taken to YouTube. That area SHOULD now also support the videos from the following sites. YouTube v1.0.0 Google Video v1.0.0 MySpace Video v1.0.0 MetaCafe Video v1.0.0 Yahoo Video v1.0.1 Koreus Video v1.0.1 Sapo Video v1.0.1 video.google.co.uk v1.0.2 Live Leak v1.0.2 Photobucket v1.0.3 Gametrailers v1.0.3 MyVideo v1.0.4 GameSpot v1.0.4 Veoh v1.0.4 StreetFire v1.0.4 Stage6 v1.0.4 Sevenload v1.0.4 Izlesene v1.0.4 Vidiac v1.0.4 Xtube v1.0.6 VidMax v1.0.6 RedTube v1.0.6 OnSmash v1.0.6 GodTube v1.0.6 BrightCove v1.0.7 YouKu v1.0.7
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