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  1. Sorry girls, I didn't forget about your tops. The vendor had a rush job which had to take precedence over our shirts. Also the manufacturer of ladys tops we were looking at is discontinuing their line so we had to go to a new manufacturer for them. I'm told ,I will have the shirts in a DAY OR TWO .. I will post pictures of them at that time....Again, sorry for the delay...
  2. for all the kind remarks on the international rally. It is only because of the fantastic NY members that spent countless hours organizing and planning this event that things went so well. Pioneer motorsports HAS ALWAYS been a fan of Venturiders, what you all saw at the rally is what the NY members see every day of the week.. When I left yesterday, Terry and Michelle asked me " when can we do this again" ?.....Hope you all had a great time and maybe we'll see you at our NY mini rally next August..as for now, I'm just trying to get my voice back...THANK YOU NEW YORK members and to all that helped out....and also my new Canadian brothers aye....(I love my shirt.....)......and special thanks to the "ICE CREAM MAN" Too bad he was stopping when the rides were out:rotf:
  3. THANK YOU.....Hummingbird made and donated the kubb games for the International rally. YOU are going to make two people really happy....All they have to do is beat everyone else to take them home with them......remember...get a partner...2 man teams..........sign up list at the rally....
  4. Please remember to sign up on the calendar if you are planning to attend the International rally and also if you plan on attending the pre-mixer on Sunday at the Hearth...SEE YOU ALL THERE.....p.s. get your trailer raffle tickets now....
  5. Until the WNY MINI RALLY.............. :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool: :dancefool:
  6. until the WNY mini rally to be held at PIONEER MOTORSPORTS in Chaffee NY...FREE CAMPING AND LOTS OF FUN TO BE HAD....check it out in the rally section and sign up on the calendar if you plan on attending.....
  7. The bike is all loaded and we will be meeting Buffalo Bodnar at around 8am for gas and then we're off to see the Wizzard..........Look out Freebird ...here we come ! It will be great to see everyone again
  8. :Happy Birthday:......Love ya sweetie......
  9. I need a dose of MD....looking forward to seeing all my "OLD FRIENDS" and making new ones.....Boomer, I will be returning the pygmies that you hid in my saddlebags last year.... I don't want to have any part of them nasty little cusses... I told them you missed them and that you would let them eat all the ice cream they want at MD if they will come along peaceably......looking forward to seeing everyone, even the butterfly loving boss man Freeburp !:rotf: Now all I have to do is decide which thong to wear..... Annie, I wont need a name tag, I be the guy waiting at the ice cream freezer on THURSDAY....... :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16): :fnd_(16):
  10. has Mini been exceptionally good lately? ...Maybe she has turned over a new leaf 0R she is evilly plotting her next move against Don at MD?
  11. Riding season is finally here in western New York.......Had my FIRST "official ice cream" of the riding season...........aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !! Thanks Kenny, it was soooooooo goooood !..sorry no pictures, it was gone in a flash....... :fnd_(16):
  12. From Taters and myself we would like to wish everyone a happy and joyful Easter..
  13. You seen any butterflies with large beautiful wings lately ? If so, I'm sure everyone would love to hear about it... :rotf:
  14. Had my flu shot in the fall.........thought I was good for the season... eeeeerrrr no, been sick since Saturday night....why is everything spinning?..been a rough couple of days....can't wait to feel better so I can stir up some trouble here.....get your shots in now while I'm down, but I warn you all I'm starting a list... yuk ice cream
  15. Got my vacation schedule yesterday....Taters and I are going to Iceland to visit Jonas in July........Look out Jonas and Greata, the yankees are comming......Lost 19 officers due to early retirement and didn't think I had a shot of getting the time off.....My Lt. gave me the word yesterday.....YAHOO !!!!......Hey Jonas, You have a rock for me to pee on?........ :rotf: Hey wait.... Do they have ice cream ???.. Ok, they have skyr....close enough........!!!!! (hey Jonas, I finally spelled it right)..........YAHOOO !!!!! :fnd_(16):
  16. AAAAARRRRRG ! Thanks.... just needed to do that, no real reason but had to get it off my chest. :fnd_(16):
  17. I was taking a few pics of the snow and wham..IT happened...talk about being lucky with a camera....yep, the BIG HONCHO, THE MAIN MAN, MR. CHRISTMAS...still can't believe it..........
  18. Two guest rooms finished and two more to go.........going to be a long winter.. Taters don't like our riding companions leaving after dark, or in the rain, or the cold, or after a pop or two....just hope my kids don't decide to move back in.........
  19. I'm already getting bored and feel it won't be long before I get into some type of trouble some way, some how...Hmmmmm..what can I do to keep myself occupied?...and "WHY" would I want to start something .....yes, WHY.........?
  20. If you were to drive by and seen me sitting in the back of a police car, what would you think I was arrested for ?............
  21. BIG TOM


    Anyone left staying at the Oberlin, or do I have the place to myself ?..........
  22. Supposed to be in the mid 70's saturday...30% chance of a thunderstorm after 4 pm..... anyone wishing to go to the D&R Depot in LeRoy for lunch meet us there at noon ....thats on rt.19.... 1/4 mile north of rt.5 ......for anyone who wants to ride out with me, I will meet you at the Mc Donalds in the town of Alden at 10:45 sharp...we leave at 10:46..... and we will stop for :fnd_(16): on the return trip...
  23. Did everyone who ordered headwraps recieve them? ...I've only heard back from 2 members... with over 30 sent out ...just checking .everyone should have recieved them by now...........
  24. BIG TOM

    Where ?

    WHERE ?.....
  25. As some of you know, about 5 or 6 years ago someone got into my paypal account and went on a spending spree......Since then I refused to use Paypal..........everything worked out ok as I recouped my funds..... but, I didn't ever want to go thru that again.......Since I started handling orders for the club..(fleeces and shirts), some of you have requested that I use it again........I resisted this and vowed never again.......I felt very bad that the club lost orders because of me....sooooo, today I opened up a new account.....anyone wishing to place orders and use this payment may do so as of now.........please pm me with your order stating all the required information........and remember all proceeds from the orders goes to VENTURERIDERS... I TAKE NOTHING FOR DOING THIS...... TJL7509@yahoo.com thank you all in advance........... I PM'ed Freebird this info and he will be adding it to the merchandise forum when he can...
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