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Found 9 results

  1. I got a neat clutch tool from ebay today. It locks inner and outer clutch hub/basket together when working on motor. Nice heavy tool made by EBC. Ebay sellers name is worldwide_motorcycle_equipment. Current auction at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&vxp=mtr&item=310498062254 Few pictures attached. I destroyed a crankshaft last winter when removing flywheel, wouldn't have happened if I had this. About $32 with shipping. I got it in 4 days priority mail. Gary
  2. I did a rookie thing and screwed up (I hope not big time). To make a long story short, What size tap should I use to clean the female starter threads out on the inside of the drive shaft that the Flywheel bolt screws into? And where can I get one? It looks like a M12 x 1.25 thread pitch. I've tried Sears, Harbor Frieght, Northern Tool and NAPA. None of the sets they sell have that particle size included in them.
  3. Here's my problem,,, I know, I got lots but this one has me stumped. My son bought a 82 Honda XL80s for my grandson. It was running and they did run it around the back yard a few times, but then it quit. So dad to the rescue. I've been working on this thing for 4 weeks now, and it just won't run, not even give me a burp. That said, I did have it running at one point, but the slowest it would go was about 3000 rpm, so I shut it down and since then, nothing. History. When I brought it to my garage I found the stator flywheel loose and the key sheared off. replaced the key, points, condenser, cleaned the flywheel, (took all magnets out and re-glued them) cleaned the carb, tried 3 different coils, but seem to get an inconsistent spark at best. Got about 90 lbs compression with 3 kicks on the starter, 120lbs with a shot of oil in the cylinder. Tried WD 40 to help it fire and then even some ether, but no fire period. I need some fresh ideas.
  4. Been having that box of rocks sound on start upand have been ignoring it as much as was possible. It's been getting worse and worse now starter spins and no motor turn over. Put bike on the right side lean stand took off the stator cover and verified that when start button pushed all gears including large gear behind flywheel spin but does not engage flywheel or turn over crank shaft. Pretty much sounds like the starter clutch.......... Don't ya think? Is the Dano mod still available and is that the current way to go on the starter clutch issue. Feed back appreciated.
  5. I'm trying to replace my starter clutch but cannot get the flywheel bolt to budge, even with an impact wrench set to its highest torque (210-250 lb-ft). Is this a left hand thread? I'm trying to turn it counter-clockwise. What am I doing wrong? thanks
  6. How do you adjust the timing if it's needed? The manual tells how to check it but not how to adjust it. I assume you need to pull the flywheel off to make any adjustments. Or at least pull the sidecover off if you can make adjustments through the flywheel. But I kind of dought that. Anybody have any pics? I've been having some pinging lately when under a load. Not sure if I got some bad gas when I went to the Dells this weekend. I'll try some high grade stuff from one of my normal stops before making any changes to anything though.
  7. Attempting to change my starter clutch however, the flywheel won't budge. OK so, I took the centre flywheel bolt out and inserted the puller's pointy end into the cavity below the washers, so I surmise (hope) I have it against the end of the main shaft. I have the puller tightened up pretty good. I am applying heat with a 1200 watt electric paint stripping heat gun, whacking the f/w with a mallet but it isn't shifting. To tighten the puller, I am levering with a steel bar about 24 inches long in one hand and a piece of iron pipe extending the wrench handle out to about 15 inches in the other. I have pushed this combo till its just about as tight as I can get it, so the puller is pretty tight. I have been playing the heat into the centre of the f/w trying to be even with it around the f/w. Any thing else I need to know? Is 1200 Watts enough heat, or should I break out the flame? Thanks, Brian H.
  8. Hello, Help, Hi! I have a 86 Venture Royale that has a heel toe shifter. It broke off of the crankcase cover. I took the crankcase cover off and had it welded and beefed up. After being careful to put all the gears right from the starter to the 'flywheel', I closed it up. I was pretty proud of myself until I tried the starter. A miniature whine almost inaudible. I tried to think of what would be wrong and charged up the battery thinking that maybe I was too low on juice. Put battery back in and tried again. Nothing. Reluctantly, I took it apart again, thinking that perhaps I had the gears binding. I made sure that the starter was free and working before I put the next sprocket/gear on to connect the started to the flywheel. I even made sure that the flywheel would turn. I was VERY careful to put the cover on gently and tightened it up. I took a deep breath and hit the starter. It clicked. Not whined, but clicked. Thinking that perhaps the lead to the starter was bad, I used a jumper cable to go from the battery to the starter. Good sparks, but nothing else. Now I need help! Anyone else experience this? Any ideas? I need to fix as soon as possible because I moved two weeks ago and it is still in the other parking lot. I thought I was good at mechanics, until I have been working on this bike. Even though I am not a guru, I am good at learning, which I am doing a lot of! One great thing on this site is the folks here are not the 'take it to the dealer to fix it' type. I appreciate your advice!
  9. i finally got the flywheel off, no problems, after you locate the correct bolts! now , is where it gets "different". the pins and rollers, all seem to be in excellent shape. the 3 allen bolts , that hold the clutch to the back of the fly wheel, are shot! all three, were "finger tight".and had been rubbing the internal portion of the flywheel. they were all "dimpled ", on the thread end, to secure them in place, but only ONE, was not ruined.i am going to attempt to attach pics, and then , i ask EVERYONE"S opinion. is this a "fairly common", problem, or am i just "special". seems that everyone else has these "easy fix",problems, EXCEPT ME!!! oh, in the third pic, you can see that the "clutch weight/plate, is cleanly broken!
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