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Found 21 results

  1. Ray Bethell is a professional kite flier who resides in Vancouver, Canada. He holds multiple endurance world records related to simultaneously flying three stunt kites, one from each hand and one from his hips. Using the same technique he can fly multiple stacks of kites (up to 39 kites in total). Bethell has travelled extensively since 1991 displaying his prowess at International Kite Festivals. Amazing kite flying! Ray Bethell, a resident of Vancouver, BC, is one of the most famous kiteflyers in the world. Here he controls three kites in a ballet set to "The Flower Duet." http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=nr9KrqN_lIg If this link does not work, try the one below.....
  2. 9/11/01 I was on my way to work when the news came over the radio. As I worked outside I remember the eerie quite of the day and it took me a while to realize no planes were flying. A day of remembrance for all our fallen heroes.
  3. Guest

    Rent a Bike in Yuma Az.

    I am flying to Yuma Az on Saturday. Anyone there on the forum know where to rent a Bike?
  4. http://www.flixxy.com/amazing-17-year-old-rc-pilot.htm If you've seen this - watch it again. If not - ENJOY. This kid IS amazing.
  5. Warning!!! Can only be done before DQ! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYW5G2kbrKk&feature=player_embedded]Flying like a bird | part 14/14 - YouTube[/ame] Kenw
  6. Heading down to New Iberia, Louisiana on March 28th, job interview and flying back home on the 29th. Hopefully Cargill likes what they see, make a decent offer.....and we'll look at relocating way doooooown south......we'll see how it works out, there is a lot of unanswered questions and variables right now. Anyone have any insights into the New Iberia area? Good area? Quality of life in that area? gunk:shock3:
  7. Trader


    A lot of us like riding because of the feeling of freedom....or even "flying". Imagine what this must be like! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgdIE2t8QkM?****
  8. It is only 1 week from tomorrow for the St. Jude Meet & Eat. We will be meeting in W. Memphis, Ark. at 11:00 am, we will have lunch at the Flying J, and then proceedi over to St. Jude Children's Research Hospital to tour this fantastic facility and present our donation for this year. If you have a Cruisn' for St. Jude t shirt be sure to wear it, I will have a few with me so if you need one I just might have one for you. The Flying J is located right in the middle of where I-55 & I-40 meet in W. Memphis, you cant miss it. Look forward to seeing everyone there, you will leave this event with a very good feeling............I PROMISE!!!
  9. Yep, Taters was right at home, She got to visit some of her relatives.....and ate a FRIED SNICKERS BAR...still dont know how she could eat that thing.........met up with Steamer and his bride while they worked a vendors site...saw a flying lawnmower, yep a flying lawnmower...lots of laughs...on the way back home we passed ny jerry along with his wife and another couple they ride with..he gave me a shout on the cb and we ended up riding together to Sodus point...what a great day...also stopped for supper at my favorite spot in LeRoy,ny..... the d&r depot....yummm........ Here are a few pics.........P.S. Couldn't get Taters or Little D to wrestle in the "SPUD PIT".
  10. My wife and I are flying to Vegas for a week august 23 to the 29th(i think). I am more of a sightseer than a gambler or relaxer, so If anyone can toss up some hot tips or advice that would be great. Since we are Flying down I was thinking of looking into renting a motorcycle for a day or two, and go on one of them cycle tours, so any hand me down knowledge or tips in this area would be great too.
  11. Not a big response to our poll for the ride to St. Jude Childrens Hospital, but I need to go ahead an confirm the date with them, so it looks like we will be going to St. Jude Childrens Hospital on Oct 2, 2010. We will meet at the Flying J Truck Stop in West Memphis just across the river from Memphis at 11:00 am central time. We will have lunch at the Flying J and then proceed over to the Hospital to take a tour and present our check. I will also be posting some more auctions soon to help build up our fund. We now have $1088.00. Look forward to seeing a bunch of you there.
  12. actually Naperville is where I'll be Friday around lunch time. Of course Chicago style pizza comes to mind, but what else would you consider that is only or the best is available in the Chicago area? Chicago style hot dogs has been suggested, too. I found Giordano's and Lou Malnati's pizza in Naperville rated very highly. Also Portillo's Hot Dogs looks promising. I'm getting really hungry now!!! Also, do you know a good pawn shop with lot's of guitars? Or a music store that has lot's of used equipment? I'm flying my 50 year old Fender Super Amp up there Friday to have it repaired and serviced at Victoria Amps. Brother gets me buddy passes, so flying it up there is not much more than shipping it and it can't get lost or destroyed! Should be a nice adventure. Thanks, James
  13. Eck, what are you really doing in Mississippi?!! [ame=http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=58574492]Flying Lawnmower Video by Rockstar - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@http://mediaservices.myspace.com/Services/Media/Embed.aspx/m=58574492@@AMEPARAM@@mediaservices@@AMEPARAM@@myspace@@AMEPARAM@@Services/Media/Embed@@AMEPARAM@@aspx/m@@AMEPARAM@@58574492[/ame]
  14. Going to be in the 70's this Saturday...planing a ride to the berry patch and to mar jims winery on lake Ontario or Olcott beach...all wny'ers welcome....leaving the Sunoco gas station at GENESSEE AND WALDEN at 9am...( just 1/2 mile east of Wende prision)...will ride by flying j's on rt. 77 at Pembrook thruway exit to pick up anyone else who would like to join us (breakfast..?)...we will be at the flying j's at about 9:20..and you don't have to ask... ice cream is waiting for us at the berry patch....so all you wny'ers saddle up for the official wny first ride of the season...
  15. I want one!!! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTNz6NftP34]YouTube - Flying motorcycle[/ame]
  16. WOW I work at home and while on the computer I heard multiple aircraft flying overhead. Since I am a sucker for aircraft I had to go look. There are 3 aircraft flying simulated air combat over my house. Two are painted in WWII paint schemes and one appears to be a safety spotter. Seems they swith off roles so two are "fighting". Once a "kill" is achieved the loser seems to be come the spotter and the other two go at it. The one that looks like the P40 is kicking butt. HOW COOL I THAT. Been a good 45 minutes and they are still going at it. Why do I think that my work day is done? Think I will go for a ride when they are done. Back outside to do some more watching.
  17. i was just sitting here at the keyboard and the picture of lewis coming off the highway at a turn off near memphis, flashed in my mind. although it was'nt funny at the time it makes me chuckle now. it was a 90 degree off ramp and lewis hit the weeds. dust and crap was flying everywhere. luckily he got back on the pavement safely. i almost followed him on my wing. luckily all the debris flying caught my attention and i stayed on the road. sorry lewis not to good with secrets. reason it made me laugh is the same thing happened years ago with a buddy of mine as he missed a turn at 50 mph and i saw the same picture. luckily we sat over a beer later and laughed about it. bill
  18. For those you that will be coming to Memphis, Tn, St. Jude Childrens Hoespital for the St. Jude/Mean Dog Memorial Ride, here is a map and address and contact number for the Flying J. I will be posting the meeting time at a later date, so just keep your eyes posted on this thread and the other 2 concerning this event. It is located right in the middle of where theI-55 & I-40 intersect, it can be accessed from either one, cant be missed. Flying J Truck Plaza (870) 735-8500 3000 Service Road Loop West Memphis, AR It is exit 4 on I-55 and exit 280 on I-40. Hope this helps. Flying J Truck Stop
  19. lewis, have you decided on a meeting place for st. jude yet? how about the flying j again? i can find that. close to st. jude too. bill
  20. I will be flying to Squidly's on Aug 6 to pick up his 86 Venture I just purchased. Will be rideing it back to Louisiana. I am 54 and have never flown on a commercial airline so I have questions. First has anyone here done this and how did you carry your helmet???? I was trying to avoid checking in baggage and thought I would just bring a carryon bag and stuff the helmet, clothes and needed items in, then the bag would fit in the trunk for the retun trip. Problem is I can't determine on their web site if a helmet is allowed on carryon. Any suggestions or help would be appreciated and advice on what to make sure and bring. Also any advice on checking in etc., will be changeing flights in Atlanta Ga. Thanks
  21. Don't know how many of our members have or are serving in our armed forces....but Gary and I just want to say a big thank you for making it possible to enjoy the 4th of July tomorrow. Can't help being a sorry sap who gets a tear or two when I see our local VFW walking past us with the flag flying. However you feel about the war right now, we all wish our troops home safe and soon, so thank you again for serving our country! HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO ALL OF YOU!http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/mcmahanphoto_2009_122119125
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