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Found 16 results

  1. Eddie

    Rc Heli's

    How many guys are into the hobby of these things. My neighbor got me started and Im trying to learn how to fly these things. I bought a Blade CX3 and smashed it a few times and now can fly it a little. Wife bought me a Blade 450 3D for xmas that Im scared to wreck so I bought a Blade MCPX to try some collective pitch flying. This is hard to catch on to let me tell you.
  2. Another reason to ride the bike on trips. I hate to fly. Rod http://www.foxnews.com/travel/2012/03/05/confessions-former-tsa-agent/?intcmp=sem_outloud
  3. Just wondering if any members are heading for Street Vibrations in Reno next week or to Las Vegas for Bike Fest the week after? Unfortunately, I gotta fly to both, but in you're going let me know would like to meet some fellow VR.org members.
  4. Ive always been fascinated by these flyers that can fly 5 feet off the ground spraying crops. These guys fly under power lines and in nasty weather and take their lives in their hands. There is a new series that was shot here in Saskatchewan about the cropdusters called Dust UP and I find it pretty interesting. I thought some of you guys might like to see it too, the episodes of Dust UP are here on the History Channels Website. I hope they dont have the website blocked to people outside Canada, it seems to be happening more and more with webcasts. http://www.history.ca/video/default.aspx Enjoy!!!
  5. I attached 2 American Flags onto the rack on the top of the trunk. The masts of the flags fold forward to put the bike cover on. The problem is that apparently because of the large windshield and my body, we create a vacuum and the flags fly backwards! This causes the masts to fold down onto the trumk. I'll try tightening the hinge bolts a little more, but has anyone else here ever experienced this problem? A real Bummer! Owen.
  6. Fly out tomorrow :dancefool:
  7. My wife just got me (us?) the REI Half Dome 2 for my birthday. $134.99 is hard to beat for a tent this size. Looking forward to using it this summer. Practiced a couple times putting it up. Takes maybe 10 minutes to set it up: footprint, tent, rain fly. Less time if you are fast & don't need the rain fly. Can't wait.
  8. Our youngest son, Jason(Air Force pilot) is being deployed to Afghanistan in March to fly reconnaissance. He leaves in February to train on a new plane...NC12. The civilian plane is the King Air 350. This is his 3rd military plane to fly. He started out flying the B2 Stealth. He currently was a pilot instructor for the T 38. Some of you have met him as he rides a ZX 1400 and has rode to some of our meet n eats, especially to St. Jude's and to Snarley Bills at St. Charles. We support him and all our military and pray for their safe return home. Don and Pat
  9. Just read about the new concept from BMW. Looks like they are going to introduce a inline6 with the first version to be a tourer. Wonder how Yamaha is going to react to this one, with Honda going to introduce a new wing as well? Not sure that the V4 in the present state will fly, even with a detuned V-Max. The Strat platform just does not seem to make sense, unless they are trying to recoup investment. mavericksix
  10. ok I got the muffinman's new address. They are suppose to be flying out on tuesday. Might be a few more days then that, but we thought it would be longer till they went at the rate they were going. He'll be at Tarin Kot still in Kandahar Province. So if you'd like his new address just ask and I can send it to you. Seems some big wig showed up last week and put in the order for pilots and had the pallets brought in for their stuff. Actually would be better for them to be there since the planes are there and have to fly down to them now. He probably won't have internet where he's going not sure when they'll have that. I'm just hoping he gets his last package I sent to him. It's a coat, that sand out there gets in everything so they need a canvas type material so they can blow the sand out of them. Margaret
  11. Every morning flocks of crows fly overhead our house towards the East. Every evening they fly overhead West. Tonight they decided to stop over for a convention! Man, what a noise they made. They "convened" for about 1/2 hour ... some would leave and others would join... it was an amazing sight. Even the airplanes were trying to join...
  12. Okay Everyone, I now have a gremlin bell so where is the best / safest place to put it on my RSV???? ______________________________________________________________________ never ride faster than your guardian angel:2133:can fly
  13. Anyone have any experience with Buffalo airport park and fly. There are a few there. Just wondering which one in better or worse. We are heading to Houston on Christmas day, going to Louisiana for a few days and returning on Mon. the 29th. Gunboat I'm taking your phone# with me. We might have time on Sun. to get ahold of you. I'm not sure what time we get back into Houston. Merry Christmas everyone. Hal and Gayle:rudolf:
  14. I'm travelling in the USA, my bike has one flag pole and on it is the Canadian flag. What is the proper etiquette in regards to showing that flag? Should I carry on as is or remove it unless I can fly an American flag with it??
  15. Ok so I have decided that its finally time to do my starter clutch. I've lived with it slipping & clattering for several years, but now its just causing too much 'will it start' anxiety these days when ever I go anywhere. I'll probably end up doing it my self. I did my stator coil last year so I know my what into the fly wheel. My question is, do I need a special puller tool to get the flywheel off? I have a big puller that seems to be up to the job but I am worried that the hook ends on it might not fit between the fly wheel and the starter clutch gear. Is a special tool needed or recommended for the pulling of the fly wheel, or is a common garden variety puller likely to be useable? Thanks, Brian H. Uxbrige Ont
  16. I'm starting this thread because the other one is getting so long and because I have a specific question. We know 2 things are true... 1. If we fly to the US, we need a passport. 2. If we drive to the US we DO NOT need a passport. So, IF we drive to the US, can we then hop a plane (in the US) and fly to somewhere else WITHIN the US without a passport? Has anyone done this?
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