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  1. Well, I have searched and searched and found no answer... so I'll ask those who know. My wife is short and has short little legs. Her floorboards need to come up and maybe back a bit. Does ANYONE make anything to reposition them? I'm talking about the floorboards not the legs.
  2. Thanks in advance for help in this. You guys have been a wealth of info so far searching exisiting threads for knowledge. My query, my son is 7 and my daughter 8...both love to ride with me :-) ... neither can reaach the passenger floorboards. With heels resting on the piping around the side bags anyway, has anyone seen, heard of or manufactured a floorboard that would mount to the pipes on the bags? I know it would be light duty but they're light passengers. If I can figure out how I'll post some photos of the area I'm talking about.
  3. I've seen a few references to footboards and/or extended controls, etc. but most of these end in an old link to eBay or an offer to sell some long gone. Does anyone have any currently or know of details to fab whatever is required?
  4. I am interested in finding a set of stock passenger floorboards for a 2nd gen venture in any useable condition. Doesn't have to have the rubber inserts. Vincent
  5. Wife has long legs and i need to lower the rear floorboards 2 to 3 inches. Does anyone know of an adaptor kit to accomplish this? Thanks in advance Bob
  6. I have a vibration from my motor between 1-3k rpms, its not real bad but I can fell it thru my seat and floorboards. The carbs have been synced and the valves have been adjusted. any ideas?
  7. Has anyone in the last couple of years purchased a set of Markland Hiway Floorboards for an MKII on ebay? If so could you tell me what you paid for them. I need some reasonable price comparions for an insurance claim.
  8. We have floorboards on my wife's 84 1200 trike and were wondering if they could be fitted to a 93 1300 that we are thinking of buying as a replacement which will also be triked. We are looking at several 93s but only one has floorboards.
  9. Last fall I posted a want ad for some old used floorboards so between here and the star touring forum I got a pair of them. My first brackets did not turn out like I wanted but this one will do until I get the other one done. Thanks to 99 Silver for being so nice. Richie R http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa254/richier73/100_0773.jpg
  10. Anybody ever looked into lowering floorboards an inch or so for long legged riders.I have been looking at a 2012 RSV and they seem to sit high enough to allow such a mod without creating too much of a drag issue in corners,but maybe i am wrong.I am 6 foot 3 and maybe raising seat is an option also. I can always do highway pegs anyways but the floorboards just feel too high for my long legs.I normally ride a Raider and I am use to forward controls and pegs.Maybe pegs would be a good solution.Anybody have pics of a floorbaord to peg conversion?
  11. Looking to replace the aluminum boards. For sure the passenger ones that look like crap with all the other chrome...then do the drivers to match. Any suggestions? Don't want to have to change the mounting hardware. Needs to be durable too.
  12. I have been searching online trying to find driver floorboards for my 87 venture royale 1300 and I have come up empty. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. I took the floorboards of my 89 VR and definately noticed that the shifting mechanics were much smoother and quiters. I put the floorboards on my 91 VR. Does anyone know why or is there a way to adjust the shifting with floorboards.
  14. Hi Folks, First, let me say that this is definitely one of the best sites around and the folks here are always informative and if nothing else.. entertaining.. I have been on this site for about a year and a half and have found the tech sections and discussion very helpful and informative. Best $12 a year I have ever spent. The question I have for everyone is .. has anyone ever tried or is using the Baron's Longboard replacement for the stock floorboards? I have tried different style highway pegs and nothing seems to work for me but want a little more room to adjust my feet while out riding. Have seen the the longer floorboards on the Victory's and think they are a great idea. Have been looking for something similar and found the Baron's version but not sure how they would really work or how adjustable they are.. front to back.. side to side? Thought I would check here before I go and blow $300 on new floorboards and don't fit my needs either. Thanks Ah.. PS.. I am riding a 2004 RSV.. love the bike .. one of the best touring bikes I have ridden..
  15. I'm thinking of delinking the brakes on my '83 Venture and I got questions. I know it would be best to replace the master cylinder to handle the extra volume of the second front caliper, but money is tight. Can it be done using the stock master cylinder. What would the disadvantages of using the stock master cylinder. I imagine I would need to apply more pressure on the lever, but I think can live with that. The main reason I want to delink is I have floorboards on the bike and to operate the brake peddle I need to pick my foot up off the floorboard and step on the peddle. I don't feel comfortable with this setup. I am also use to riding bikes without linked brakes. I am considering replacing the floorboards with OE pegs, but that is currently not in the budget.
  16. Ride a 2007 RSTD. Want to replace the front floorboards with pegs; the purpose is so my heels can drop which will lessen the pinch/strain in my hips. I've been looking and asking, with no success. My current option is to cut off the back of the front floorboards. That will get me the drop I want. It would be nice if there were a different solution. Any suggestions? And no, not new 'forward controls'. Way too expensive, and won't solve the issue. Thanks.
  17. 2006 RSV - are the floorboards adjustable?
  18. Have a lead on a set of driver floorboards off an 85 VR, does anyone know if these will fit an 89 VR? Thanks, Norm
  19. Am looking for a set of driver floor boards for an '89 VR. Am searching Craigslist and Ebay but find its always best to go to the SOURCE first. Thanks,
  20. Hello All, We purchased our 2008 Royal Star Venture 2 weeks ago and have enjoyed our first few rides very much. However, I'm considering modifying or replacing the driver's seat. I'd like to sit higher and further back as I am quite tall (6'8"). I'm not as concerned about seat height above ground, as I am about the distance from my bum to the floorboards. My knees currently form about a 90 degree angle. Also, I find the front part of the seat that goes up and over the tank is uncomfortable. I would appreciate any suggestions for how to modify, raise, or replace the driver's seat. My wife is fine with the passenger seat. Thanks, allanj42
  21. I found a major source of frame and bar buzz on my bike which turned out to be the passenger floorboards. When the boards are in the upright stowed position, you can move them side to side freely before hitting the spring stops.. "loose" is quite accurate. I jammed some soft wood between the mounts and the pivot end of the floorboards to seize them up while in the upright position and yep.. what a huge difference. I took one apart to confirm that yes, the ball and spring were present and reassembled it but its very loose.. Is there a more permanent / proper way to tighten these up other than jamming a stick of wood like i have? You can't see the wood, I seldom ride with passengers.. but would like to sort this out somehow.. Anyone else experience something similar?
  22. Looking for a used set of floorboards from 1st or 2nd gen that are not usuable anymore on bike. Plan on using them to fabricate part of trailer. Anybody got a set laying around for a decent price plus shipping? Thanks and God Bless. Mike
  23. I've sold a set of floorboards to a fellow in Andrews, Texas, and I was wondering if one of the riders coming up to maintenance day in Ohio would mind taking them back to Texas and sticking them in the mail for me. Would save the fellow some $$$ in shipping charges, and he would get them that much sooner. Just floorboards, no mounting brackets. I could throw in a few bucks for gas if needed, and the money for the postage will be provided. gunk:hurts:
  24. Well, I did it. I traded my Venture. I never toured, so it was just too big and heavy for jumping on and cruising. What did I replace it with? A 2010 Honda 1300 Custom Interstate... http://i43.tinypic.com/2eeaa1c.jpg It's a lot lower, lighter and easier to handle. I coudn't give up the shield, floorboards and bags and I have an engine guard on order to take the Kuryakyn highway pegs. I'm also ordering a sound system, so I won't miss too many of the extras the Venture offered (never used the CB or cruise anyway).
  25. I was just checking out a used Venture at a local dealer (rough shape) but it had some cool alternate floorboards mounted on the rails around the saddle bags. There were three different positions for each side and they even had the Venture V on them. Any ideas where I could find a pair?
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