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  1. I'll try to be as straight as i can to give you the facts. 2000 RSV. I rebuilt my clutch slave. Nothing wrong with it, but I was in the area. I took off the heel toe shifter and removed the floorboard to get to it. Changed my fluid. Reassembled. Did have to twist the floorboard around a little bit to get it back to the front position. Maybe I bent something. Maybe i shifted some adjustments a couple rotations but nothing severe I wouldn't think. I easily shifted into first and second. The heel/toe shifter was rotated up with the toe at a high point. Couldnt step on the heel and make it shift. Then realized that if I steped on the toe slightly I could then shift to the third, fourth gear. Unfortunately could only move back to the 2nd or third gear. I am not hearing or feeling any problems internally when I am shifting. The pedal action does not move properly. Would really appreciate some guidance. Bob
  2. Seems everyone at PIP was watching their floorboards REAL carefully since mine went missing on ride up to Laporte. So beings I couldnt steal... er...um... borrow one of theirs, does anybody have a spare running around they can part with? I just need the rubber insert for a 2nd gen passenger floorboard. If so let me know how much so I can get that fixed up. God Bless. Mike
  3. I am looking for the center rubber on passenger floorboard for a 1986 Venture Royale
  4. OK hope I do this correctly now that I located where to start a thread. Bought a used Markland hitch for my 87 VR that was suppose to have came from same ride. Hitch doesn't seem to line up. Looks like you use the rear floorboard bolt and the rear saddle bag frame bolt, Does anyone have this hitch, pictures or an instalation PDF. thanks Trevor
  5. Hey yall, I'm looking for a left side passenger foot rest bracket. Don't need the peg or floorboard, just the bracket that mounts to the frame. Thanks.
  6. In order for me to apply the rear brake pedal, I have to lift my foot completely off of the floorboard to apply the rear brake. Are there any type of control/modification that would allow me to leave my heel on the floorboard and still be able to apply the rear brake? Or is this just something to live with? (It is what it is)...
  7. I just bought a set of Billet Passenger Floorboard Backing Plates (STR-4NK27-03-01) from YamahaSportsPlaza. I received them but before opening them I noticed the mounting holes don't match up between the new & stock pieces. According to the vendor, these are the right parts for my 06RSV. I must be missing something cuz I can't see how they'd work without drilling a hole in it, which I'm not gonna do. The attached photo shows the two side by side. Notice how the mounting holes don't match up. Anyone have these? Is this the right replacement part?
  8. I need everyones' help here. I had to alter my left passenger bracket when the sidecar was fitted (had to be altered and raised for frame) now the sidecar is off ready for the trike conversion the floorboard will go back to original position and I need a bracket now. The dealers here will make me take the whole unit of board and bracket for over $AU400. So pleeease, has someone got one out in the garage, or knows how I might get just the left-hand passenger bracket???? :confused24: (2007RSV) Any help would be appreciated _____________________________________________________________________ never ride faster than your guardian angel:2133:
  9. Does anyone know where to get a reasonably priced driver floorboard kit for a '92 VR? I did some basic internet searches, but they must be rare and hard to find. Any suggestions/help is welcomed and appreciated, Randy
  10. My 86 VR is the Urishi Black/Marshall Gold color tone. Not bragging; however, in my humble opinion, the bike's design and color looks better than most bike's out there. Just wished the plastic would hold up as well as the metal. Anyway, I am thinking about painting the "YAMAHA" side of the passenger floorboards. In my mind I have visualized, black paint for the inner textured part of the floorboard and gold for the letters YAMAHA to match the "Venture" wording on the bike. The all around outer 1" untextured part of the floorboard I have polished to a mirror finish. Any thoughts or better ideas about this. If some of you have done something similar, please let me know. I am open to any suggestions. Thanks, Allen Dallas, Texas
  11. What are floorboard feelers?
  12. Finaly finished. After listening to everyone talk about floorboard placement making your passenger more comfortable I thought I would give it a try myself. I first cut the hinge off the OEM floorboard mounts and added length with 1/4" plate. I then welded a vertical piece to the new end moving the bottom down and forward. After shaping the new horizontal piece to match the angle of the original I carried that same angle down the new vertical piece which is now forward 3" and down 3". Next I cut the "T" end of a Harley Davidson floorboard mount and welded it to the bottom of the new vertical end. To minimize flex and add strength I welded gussets to the newly formed front and back inside angle and shaped to fit aroung the exhaust down tube. After the piece was chromed I added a new set of Kuryakyn boards. For the trunk I paid $10 for a HD fender rack at a salvage shop and cut all the flanges of it and welded it to a RSTD detachable backrest I bought on ebay for $50 (what a steal). I made the weld just above the latching mechanism. Once that was in place it made the backrest ridged enough to cut the upright hoop away just above the weld and not lose the correct angles and possition to allow it to click into place on the fender rail. To minimize any vibration or flex that might come up I welded a small strut to each side from the horizantal rack on an angle down to and existing hole in the fender rail. Once the entire piece was chromed I added an HD tour pak painted to match my bike and now I have a detachable trunk I can just click out as needed. My wife is much happier. It took some time but boy is it worth it.
  13. After hearing about passinger floorboard and trunk mads I thought I'd give it a try myself. My wife is tall so the boards needed to go forward and down 3" each, so I cut the hinge of the OEM mount off and welded 1/4" plate to the cut end which added width. I then welded plate to the end to turn down and forward 3". After shaping the angle to match the original piece I cut the "T" end of a Harley floorboard mount and welded it to the bottom of the turned down plate. With that in place I welded gussets for strenght to the front and back angles. After shapping and grinding the edges smooth I chromed the piece and installed Kuryakyn floorboards. For the detachable trunk I took a HD trunk rack piece I got for $10 at a salvage yard and welded it to the OEM RS backrest upright just above the latching mechanism. I then cut out the backrest hoop and filled and shaped the connection. For ragidity and to minamize vibration I welded two angled struts from midpoint of the frame down to an existing attachment point on the rear fender rail. I then installed a HD tour pak painted to match the bike. I would appreciate hearing what you think.
  14. Has anyone tried these heel rests ? http://www.metricthunder.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=05-176&Category_Code=FB32 Keith
  15. Lowering 3" and forward 3" for tall passenger. I cut off the hinge of the yamaha mount and welded 1/4" plate horizontally to add length to clear side pipes. then welded plate at 90deg vertically to drop 3" down and forward. I took the passenger floorboard mount from a HD and cut and welded the floorboard hinge point to the bottom of the vertical plate. I used to HD mount so I can use what ever after market floorboard I choose. I am going to use Kuryakyn. After a dry fit for clearance I will finish the welds and remove the excess mass of the plate by cutting to a more attractive profile. Final step will be to have the piece chromed and mounted. Will add pics after next step.
  16. I have a 2007 Venture and wants to install cruise peg mounts & pegs. Any suggestions on what type is best to use? I purchased floorboard mounts from kuryakyn, but they didn't fit because the engine guard was in the way. I would prefer a floorboard mount but if I have to put them on the engine guard, what type is best? Thanks, Chester
  17. I lost a chunk of rubber out of the left side Yamaha passenger floorboard. Anyone have that chunk or the entire floorboard that I could buy? Let me know...thanks...JR
  18. Does anyone know if the rubber on the passenger floorboard is removable? Want to remove to get the floorboard back plate chromed, then reinstall the rubber.
  19. they got bout an hour to go http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1984-Yamaha-XVZ12LS-XVZ12-XVZ12KC2-Venture-Floor-Boards_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35588QQihZ011QQitemZ320123890016QQrdZ1
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