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Found 13 results

  1. I’m looking for some help with a carburetor issue on my 83 VR. The carbs have been off, completely cleaned, jet blocks removed and cleaned, float levels set to factory specs and the low speed jets set to 2.5 turns. I have also installed the needle shim kit from Skydoc_17. Prior to the shim kit the mileage was about 38-39 mpg. The bike was running fine with no issues but the carbs had not yet been synced. Using a Morgan Carbtune, the initial setting showed the #2 carb (rear left) significantly higher than the rest. After adjustment, I was able to balance everything out using the proper procedure. Initial test ride indicated good performance with no issues. A couple days later I rode the bike to work allowing it to warm up only a short time with the choke cracked about 25%. When I took off from the house I left the choke on for about a half mile then shut it off. Within the next half mile the bike appear to be flooding out and dumping some gas out of the overflow on one of the left side carbs. After the engine warmed up completely the flooding seemed to diminish. At lower rpms in 5th you could smell some gas but it was not coming out of the overflow. When I got home I pulled the side covers and put the Carbtune back on to check sync and it was OK. I noticed that there was a slight amount of gas on the top of the #1 and #2 carbs that looked like it was coming out of the air cleaner boot. I then reset the sync to the original setting where the #2 carb was reading higher vacuum and took another test ride. No issues and the gas on the top of the carbs was gone. One thing that I have not done is replace the slider diaphragms. Could this be a contributing factor to this problem or is there something else I should be taking a look at?
  2. Hey, Just wanted to give a call out to any of our family here who find themselves in the midst of the flooding in the NE. I grew up in Binghamton myself and have seen some of the pictures and I know its not a pretty sight. Having served in the fire service for over the past 26 years I have seen my share of trouble however find that flooding and the aftermath that goes with it still is fairly close to the top of things I hate the most. Our prayers are with any and all who find themselves in a low spot at the moment. Keep us in the loop and let us know if there are any needs we can address. All the best, Norm
  3. Just wanted to vent.... My wife and I had planned a Vacation this year after not taking one for a couple of years due to having TWO Weddings to pay for. Well THIS year we have the money and planned a two week trip. I had posted questions about it on here a couple of times. We had planned on heading to Indianapolis for a Charity Ride with Friends, then head to Niagra Falls for the night. Then we were going to take suggestions from this site and cross into Canada and follow the highway along the lakes. We planned to hit Maine and the rest of the northeastern states, working our way down to D.C.. From there, start heading west, back to Ohio to meet up with a good friend that has made me some White Lightning. he offered to put us up a few nights while we party & he shows me how to make the stuff. Once we left his place, we were to head home to Omaha. This trip would've left us only a few States left on our map. BUT.... The Army Corp of Engineers and Mother Nature couldn't come to an agreement this year and my home has been only a few feet from flooding since the beginning of June.I just heard yesterday that the Missouri River isn't planned to be back into it's banks until the end of September or October. - We don't want to be on the east coast if / when the Levy breaks. So, it looks like no Vacation again this year. That being said, if losing my Vacation is the worse that happens too me this year, I will still feel blessed. There are MANY people that have lost everything due to this flooding. Because of the MONTHS of the flooding, there is a lot of farmland that will take many years, if ever, to recover. Craigr
  4. “WE’RE BACK!” As many of you know our one year trike build took three and a half years to finish. With less than 400 miles on the new trike we started our adventure June 15th, eventually spanning 10 states, 26 days. and 4,020.3 miles. The worst gas mileage was 19.83 MPG and the best 35.7 MPG, with an average MPG of 30.954 for the trip. The only problem we had with the trike part was the two new lnner CV joint boot clamps did not hold properly even though I had bought the special tool to tighten the clamps with. We had to have them changed out with worm-type hose clamps in Newcastle, Wyoming. However Charlize. the 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale half decided to lose all power going up a hill just after passing a truck. Eventually I performed enough surgery to get us into Lusk Wyoming where she threw another fit. This time I got out a piece of string that was in the lower trunk and bound the wiring harness to a handy place making a temporary fix, that would do until a better one came along. At this point she started flooding so out came one of what would be many cans Sea-Foam and Lucas oil fuel system cleaner. However, she kept flooding off and on till we left Reno for Red Bluff California. Wa La, no more flooding. The electrical problem was solved in Colorado Springs, Colorado with the installation of a new spade-type fuse block. The temperature gauge quit working in Gallup, New Mexico after crossing what seemed like 20 railroad tracks, never to work again. I learned a lot about trike idiosyncrasies, some we like some not so much. As we came through Roseburg, Oregon on the final stretch home to Springfield OR, I told Marilla that I wouldn't take a Million Bucks for the memories, but I didn't think you could pay me enough to do it again. For the record I hate, no we, hate wind! P.S. I need an E-ZSteer. Does anyone know where I can get one for an '89 Venture Royale? Here are links to photobucket albums showing pictures we took on the trip. http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Custer%20Battlefield/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Mount%20Rushmore/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Fan%20Fest/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Petrified%20Forest%20and%20Painted%20Desert/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20and%20Garden%20of%20the%20Gods/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20Hwy/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Skywalk%20area/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Through%20Yellowstone/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Trip%20Batch%20Two/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Ultimate%20Road%20Trip/
  5. “WE’RE BACK!” As many of you know our one year trike build took three and a half years to finish. With less than 400 miles on the new trike we started our adventure June 15th, eventually spanning 10 states, 26 days. and 4,020.3 miles. The worst gas mileage was 19.83 MPG and the best 35.7 MPG, with an average MPG of 30.954 for the trip. The only problem we had with the trike part was the two new lnner CV joint boot clamps did not hold properly even though I had bought the special tool to tighten the clamps with. We had to have them changed out with worm-type hose clamps in Newcastle, Wyoming. However Charlize. the 1989 Yamaha Venture Royale half decided to lose all power going up a hill just after passing a truck. Eventually I performed enough surgery to get us into Lusk Wyoming where she threw another fit. This time I got out a piece of string that was in the lower trunk and bound the wiring harness to a handy place making a temporary fix, that would do until a better one came along. At this point she started flooding so out came one of what would be many cans Sea-Foam and Lucas oil fuel system cleaner. However, she kept flooding off and on till we left Reno for Red Bluff California. Wa La, no more flooding. The electrical problem was solved in Colorado Springs, Colorado with the installation of a new spade-type fuse block. The temperature gauge quit working in Gallup, New Mexico after crossing what seemed like 20 railroad tracks, never to work again. I learned a lot about trike idiosyncrasies, some we like some not so much. As we came through Roseburg, Oregon on the final stretch home to Spfld, I told Marilla that I wouldn't take a Million Bucks for the memories, but I didn't think you could pay me enough to do it again. For the record I hate, no we, hate wind! Here are links to photobucket albums showing pictures we took on the trip. http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Custer%20Battlefield/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Mount%20Rushmore/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Fan%20Fest/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Petrified%20Forest%20and%20Painted%20Desert/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20and%20Garden%20of%20the%20Gods/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Pikes%20Peak%20Hwy/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Skywalk%20area/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Through%20Yellowstone/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Trip%20Batch%20Two/ http://s1209.photobucket.com/albums/cc381/vicco2763/Ultimate%20Road%20Trip/
  6. Imagine that you have been living in a house for 20 to 25 years...and all of a sudden...someone is knocking on your door saying there will be 25 feet of water here in a few days...get out and get out now. Can you imagine trying to get everything you own out of the house and to higher ground in just a few days? That is what these people here in South Lousiana are having to do. Uhaul trailers and trucks are hard to find... Folks are using what ever they can to move thier stuff out or loose it. I have seen photos of folks hauling riding lawn mowers in john boats. Not only the folks in south LA...we need to think of all that have been effected by the Mississippi River flooding all the way up. They have no choice but go... We all need to keep these folks in our thoughts and prayers.
  7. The Corps of Eng is going to open the Morganza spillway to divert floodwaters from the Mississippi west of Baton Rouge and New Orleans starting this afternoon. A quick check of LA DOT conditions shows many roads closed already due to flooding. Travelling on I10 may become iffy as the waters rise west of New Orleans towards Lafayette.
  8. How has it been? Is everyone ok?. I heard about the flooding there. They compare it to Noah's flood.
  9. Weather seems to be pretty brutal for you folks. One of the airports evidently has run out of de-icing chemicals. Hope you all stay warm and don't have to go anywhere. Hope the new year brings warmer temps for you. Not too warm with all that snow you all have though, don't need any flooding. Margaret
  10. News this morning, heavy flooding around Minneapolis Mn. Any detailed reports ?? Boy, Heavy Rain, in middle of harvest season, back there. Got to be Tuff on the farmers trying to harvest the Corn Crop, middle of Sept. !!
  11. With all the flooding going on in Iowa the past couple of days, thought I would check on Blusees. Called her yesterday evening. All is well with her. They have closed the University due to the flooding, but she has no flooding at her home. She was going to get on line and do a post to let all know she was okay. Then got a VM from her saying she could not get Internet access. She has access through the U. But as they are having flooding at the U, the internet is down. So, she asked that I do a posting to let anyone who is interested (and even those who are not) that she is okay. She is still waffling on the Pork in the Pines. SO, maybe some of you folks who would like to help her make up her mind, can prod her a bit on coming up for the Pork in the Pines. Besides, she is the only one with a tuned guitar.....
  12. :confused24:I do not think I have this posting figured out yet. Computer illiterate I am told. Just bought a 05 RSV been riding it about two weeks seemed a little sluggish compared to 04 Silverado.Getting ready to go to Colorado on the 13th. Well lets get to the point. started bike yesterday and has no power front left bank is flooding and has no power Carried to shop in Abilene 5 weeks waiting list.They told me to drain carbs and tap on bowls.I have done this and changed spark plugs.Is running a little better still sluggish at slow speeds and flooding clears in higher gears until you slow down again.Setting on kickstand idels rough stand up straight idel gets better. Acts like cylinder loading up with fuel at low speed and clears as speed increases. Any help appreciated hate to ride Silvarado To Colorado next week. Thanks Bikerkwatt (B.A.C.A.Rolling Plains)
  13. This is just a note to say that I hope all our members in and around Missouri are doing OK. With the severe flooding going on there, I hope you are all on high ground. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
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