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Found 17 results

  1. My '84 VR has turn signals and emergency flashers that work about 1/2 the time. Before I start tearing things apart, is this a common issue with the self cancelling feature on the signals? When the t/s won't work, neither will the 4-way flashers. The handlebar switch works freely. Anybody? Thanks
  2. I am looking to put 4 way flashers on my 06 RSTD but can not find them. Anybody have any ideas where I can get them? Thanks!
  3. Hey guys I was wondering since I just hooked up my side LED Reflectors and was doing some testing and I thought it would be cool to have them flash also if I ever turned on my flasher switch. I have the side markers tied right into the front blinkers/running/side lights so when I just have the key on (one click) the front and rears are only on. now when I hit the flashers everthing flashes except my side lights? I have my Fairing off all this week and just wanted to find out if I can make this happen:scratchchin:. Boy it's is really nice to have that front side of the bike lit up now. :-) Thanks for any advise. Jeff
  4. The 4-way flashers on my 08 RSV are not working... Turn signals all work fine. Tried turning on the 4-ways with 1) The ignition turned on but the bike not running 2) The bike running I've looked at the service manual, and it appears that there isn;t a fuse or flasher unit specific to the operation of the 4-way flashers. Is it possible that the 4-way switch may have corrosion or simply be "bad"? So....once again...I turn the to wealth of knowledge located on this board! :bowdown: Suggestions?
  5. 1) 89 VR. I installed 2 Amber LED Night Rider turn signals from Custom Dynamics for the Front. I followed Instructions and connected the three wires from each LED to the respective standard turnsignals. The LED wires were spliced in within about 1 foot of wire from the standard front turn signal bulb. I used a circuit tester to verify that I'm splicing into the correct wire. After the installation was completed the LED turn signals all worked as it should. The LEDs do not have parking light capabilities, they are just turn signals. When I put the 4 way flashers on the LEDs were not working. At first I was puzzled for I was expecting the 4 way flashers to activate the LEDs. Later my thoughts are that the 4 way flashers must activate just the stock parking lights rather than the stock turn signals. Maybe you all knew that but I didn't. Please correct me if needed. However when I put the 4 way flashers on and then switch on the turn signal eithor directions, both the LEDs work inconjuction with the standard turn signal in 4 way flasher mode. There's probably an explaination for this. So if someone can put it in laymen terms I'd appreciate it. The 2nd issue. 2) A week prior I installed a set of Walmart Platinum Burners with a switched relay powered by the Accessory fuse box screw. The lights worked great. So today after finishing up the LED installation I tried all various combinations and this is what I've encountered. The LED turn signals will not work with the Platinum Burners. a) If I have eithor turn signal running, then activate the running lights the LEDs stop. b) When I have the 4 way flashers on with the turn signals on also to activate the LEDs in 4 way flashing mode then turn on the Platinum Burners just the LEDs stop. The standard 4 way flashers work. c) When I have the Platinum Burners on first the LEDs will not work in any combination of a) or b) The bike has been stitting for 1 month with a 2 amp auto shut off motorcycle charger. The Bike is fairly new to me and so I have not had the battery checked nor the Stator checked. My 89 VR has 25K miles. Oh yes I've also installed a set of Stebel TM80 Magnum Horns on a seperate relay and they work great. I do not understand the issue I've encountered with the LEDs and Platinum Burners. I did all my testing with the engine off. Your thoughts please.
  6. Hi guys, winter project time.. The 4 way flashers on our RSV require the bike to turned on (ignition ON) which means you'd have to leave the bike running or risk the battery draining since the headlight is left on with the key turned to ON.. I've searched around for alternatives to this set up, but nothing concrete comes up.. Could it be as simple as moving one or two wires from the ignition side of a circuit over to an AUX side of the circuit? I'm not electrically inclined (I get zapped a lot) so I'm not sure how that would work.. Anyone have any info on how one could have the 4 way flashers (hazard lights) come on with the bike on Aux power? If the signal lights were LED, then they would be easy on battery power consumption, no? Thanks in advance..
  7. Discovered the other day that my flashers only work on the left side. All turn lights work on right side and left side but when I turn on only the flashers only the left sides work. Any ideas?
  8. Is there a way to rig the flashers on an RSV to operate without the key turned on? It seems to me that in an emergency, you'd want them to work even if the ignition is off. Help!
  9. Well, i have managed to change out the electrics (wiring harness and all) from the 86 to my 83. The bike cranks and runs fine, everything seems to be working so far Except for the headlight and the flashers, no hi beam, no low beam. no left right or emergency flashers. the emergency flasher switch is attached to the harness. Any ideas what may be wrong?..............................front park lights are on, and i tried another headlight with the same effect.
  10. Does my 2007 RSTD have 4-way flashers? If so, how do you turn them on? Thanks
  11. ROYAL STAR TOUR DELUXE PASSING LAMPS I want to put the passing lamps on my 2009 RSTD. I figure I need these two part numbers: STR-4NK35-10-01 Lamps STR-1D635-40-00 Mounts I can't figure out whether I re-use the flashers that are already on the bike when putting the passing lamps and mounts on the bike. Do the mounts or passing lamps come with new flashers that replace the stock ones? I assume I will not be re-using the old stock bar. Does a new bar come with these items? The pictures on Yamaha's site don't show what is included at all. Where does the new switch mount? Where does the wiring harness hook up to? The head light? Is there any way to hook them up so they stay on with the high beams on? I cannot understand why they should go off when the high beam is on. Any help / answers / pictures would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  12. One thing that has always bugged me about this bike is that the 4 way flashers (hazard lights) will only work while the engine is running.. It's obvious so that you not run down the battery but shouldn't you be able to turn the bike off, and still have 4 way flashers alerting others while you're stopped somewhere? One case in point is when I go to the drive through bank teller machine on the bike, they prefer you turn off your vehicle (no idle zone).. but I don't want to sit there vulnerable to the next git on a cell phone or picking his nose.. I would love to be able to have the flashers on while on accessories.. So how long could you possibly run your 4 way flashers on acc before hurting the battery? Could they even be wired in such a fashion to make them available without the engine running? a local lad jumped off his bike to assist a pedestrian accident, left his bike running for the 4 way flashers to work and someone jumped on the bike and made off with it.. go figure eh?
  13. Hey y'all. Has anyone ever moved the hazard light power from the "Run" to the "Acc" position of the keyswitch on their RSV? Here's my issue: I pick up my daughter at college and am not allowed to park my bike in the parking garages downtown (GRRR!!). So, I have to park in the no parking zone on the street like everyone else does anyway when they are picking up a passenger. Parking just long enough to pick up a passenger is allowed, but you gotta use your flashers. Anyway, I would like to be able to use my hazard flashers without having the head and tail lights on too, which happens in the "Run" key position. Any suggestions. Thanks. Rusty
  14. I have the 4 Way Flashers on my 06 Venture and would like to know the electrical load limit on this set-up. A LEO friend of mine gave me 4 mini-amber strobes and I'd like to tie these into the 4 Way Flasher wiring. The mini-strobes pull .5 amps each for a total of 2 amps. If I can do this I won't have to install a separate switch just for the mini-strobes.
  15. I posted this before and got a reply. but, the thread was deleted into cyber space. I want to hook up 4 way flashers on my 07 RSTD. I know it can be done. I don't know the part number of the flasher I need to buy. If the kind person that replyed before would reply again I'd appreciate it. I promise that I'll print it out this time. guns_usn_20
  16. I posted a few minutes ago but ended up with a 2nd gen question on the 1st gen forum. I put in a stebel horn, and when finished noticed that I have no turn signals or flashers to the rear, everything is fine in the front- any ideas? I do have rear brake lights - thanks for any and all help tj
  17. Craig and I hooked up the wiring for my new piggybacker on a 2002 midnight 2nd GEN. and everything worked right but the 4 way flashers. we used a 5-wire to a 4-wire hookup. I did hook the ground directly to the battery and not the ground wire to blinkers and taillight. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? If so would you email me what it would take to fix the problem. kj4v@bellsouth.net ......Ken
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