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  1. For those of you who were looking for a solution to use the VRChat Room from your Iphones, Ipads, Androids, you can now do so at this link. The Iphone does not use flash so this is a html version of the room that then communicates with the Flash based chat room. I briefly tried it from my Iphone and it seems to work just fine. It is a streamlined version that does not have all the features available but does allow you to chat. Please give it a try. If it works OK, I will add a link to it in the menu bar. http://host718.123flashchat.com/venturerider/html-chat-login.html
  2. When I look at the turn signals on the front, they stay lit all the time and flash for turn signals, the rear only flash for turn signals. Looking to add more light to the back, has anyone tried mounting front turn bodies on the rear and wired them as running and turn signals?
  3. Has anyone ever seen the entire fuel gauge flash on and off, like two flashes- pause, then flash again? My bike died the other day while riding home about a mile from work with the gauge flashing. It was like someone turned the key off. No sputtering or anything, just died, with all the electrical components still on. I pulled over, turned the key off, back on, fired it up and came on home without any incident. Any thoughts? Thanks, Creole
  4. Ok tonight everything is working fine then I started getting a fast flash on right turn signal. Checked all lights and they are fine, left turn works normally. Any thoughts??
  5. Well I told the old gal out for a 150 loop yesterday and two things happened... One I lost the speedo, the cable came disconnected, I'm assuming I have to remove fairing to get it back on. Second my left turn signal began to flash faster than the right, still working properly just faster than the right. Any help from any body would be appreciated. The turn signal is s little weird. Bags 84 VR 120k ride and fix it again
  6. Have a new Avon Venom rear mounted. Was checking the static balance after being machine balanced and before mounting. With the axle through the wheel and resting on jack stands I can see some visible run out on the outer edge of the tire where the tread meets the side wall. Bead appears seated evenly all the way around, there is small amounts of rubber flash that is between the bead and the tire. I din't remove the flash and neither did the tire installer (Avon should have actually) but the flash material is really thin and doesn't equal what I'm seeing for runout. Seems to be in one spot. Is some runout normal on a new tire? On edit: Well according to Avon here http://www.avonmoto.com/download/Tires101.pdf > 1mm lateral,radial run = out of round Thanks RSTDdog
  7. I'm running VISTA Home 64 bit. I have both 32 bit and 64 bit IE version 9 installed The computer did an automatic upgrade of Flash player even though it says it is not compatable with Vista 64 bit. I've tried (several times) to download a different version but it always seems to default to version 11. Any suggestions? I can't view a lot of YouTube stuff because it needs Flash.
  8. I went for a ride today and all of a sudden when I put the left turn signal on it was very dim so I thought I had a bulb out but it would work normal sometimes so when I got home I turned it on the the bulbs would not flash but the taillight would flash. I suppose there is some control box that works it all and this is leaning me more to the Kawi and selling the VR.
  9. Since the bike came with driving lights when I first bought it in 03 and I have never installed one on a stock RSV I have a signal light question for you. After assembling my inner fairing and hooking up all wires properly im having a grounding problem with the front signal lights. Driving lights work fine but when you put say the left signal on it will flash but the right signal will also flash alternately, but weak, which seems to be a bad ground somewhere. Same if I use the right signal. Rather then going to the trouble of just rewiring the existing signal lights, I was planning on ordering late model, low mileage stock signal lights online, which can be had cheep. My originals did leak when it rained or the bike was washed, which makes me think its fairly corroded in there. What I want to know, since I live in a humid area and im sure some corrosion has gotten in there over the last 12 years is: Are the signals the same as when it was stock and are they re-used when converting from stock to adding the driving light bar?
  10. This weekend I finally got around to remeding the fast flash of the led lights I have on the back of the bike. I had tried a couple of the load balancers in the past without success except for the last option I tried yesterday. Anyhow I ended up using a Custom Dynamics Metric Signal Stablizer -- http://www.customdynamics.com/loadequalizer.htm#Metric_Signal_Stabilizer I put the stablizer under the right side cover and attached the wires to the flasher. Works great now with a flash rate that is much more normal and consistant with the 4 ways and stock flash rate. There is one drawback to attaching it there and that is you lose the self cancelling feature. I can live with that since I usually cancelled the lights anyhow. Old habits are hard to die. Larry UPDATE: Today I realized that the turn signals are indeed self cancelling after all.
  11. Went for a 5 hour ride today and had the cruise control disengage 3 times after hitting very rough interstate patches. Top two cruise lights were flashing a 2 flash pattern. Had to turn cruise off and back on to get it working. Is this a known problem or something I can correct. Bob Marshall, il
  12. Had a signal dynamics back off brake light flasher install since last august, now it won't flash, wired to the led bar, removed it wired it into the stock brake light, no flash, wired it into both, no flash, took it up to the "factory" here in FL, 10 miles away, they were VERY helpful, talked to the owner/engineer, he tested it and gave it back, rewired it including a resistor he provided, no flash, took it back, they tested it on several heavy and light load light, worked perfectly, gave it back, "incompatable maybe" he said...can't seem to make it work on my bike, he did give me a 10 cent tour of their place, very cool, he said that could build all their products over seas but they don't to keep jobs over here, if you are looking for cool products, check them out, "signal dynamics"....any ideas what to do now?
  13. Hi guys.. wondering if someone could help me out with something here.. I can't seem to find my way around this.. basically two parts to this, please bear with me.. (keep your clothes on, I didn't say "bare") Last year my signal flasher broke down and I had to replace it with a new one.. the mechanical flasher was located under the right side cover under by the seat.. simple plug and play.. However, while waiting for that one to come in, I picked up an Electronic LED FLASHER that would work for both incandescent and LED signal lights and not require load equalizers etc as it's all part of the package thing.. Its not a plug and play but someone had sent me info on how to splice it into the bike's wiring etc. Before I had time to attempt it, someone found me a proper OEM flasher unit and I put this electronic one on the shelf.. (photo with info on box and flasher) Does anyone recognize or/and know where I can get info about it etc etc? Now, the second part is that I purchased and installed a pair of Genesis Flat LED Turn Signal White BAZ Eclipze2 (Custom Dynamics) and wow, are these things insanely frikken bright!!! Perfect with the HID headlight etc.. They are white LED that stay on all the time but turn off as you signal to flash on off on off.. but they stay on all the time.. making you very visible to blind cagers.. hopefully.. But being LED they flash fast.. oh well.. I can live with that.. man these are bright! NICE! Someone stated that if you put load equalizers in the circuit to slow the flash rate down, you then lose the self canceling ability of the system.. Not sure if that is true or not. Then thinking.. Hmmm what about that LED flasher unit?? Put that into the system and voila.. the flash rate slows down and ... self canceling we'll find out. BUT the fun is I cannot remember where I got that LED flasher from, or how it splices into the system properly.. Anyone? Bueller?
  14. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXh7JR9oKVE]YouTube - Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See![/ame]
  15. I have 3 questions. Is there a way to make my back blinkers stay on all the time like the front blinkers do. I also have a lighted spoiler on my trunk. I would like to know if there is a way to make that blink, with my blinkers. Also is there a way to make led light in the spoiler and the brake light flash when I apply the brake. Any help would be appreciated. Ironhead
  16. Friday after all the Back To The Bricks festivities I rolled in about 1:30am. Pulled under the awning and when I went to take the keys out, the key kind of grabbed. Grabbed enough to slip out of my fingers but not enough to keep them from coming out of the ignition. Yep, fell right into the fairing. Since the key to the house is on the key ring I took the spare key out of my wallet to get into the house. NO the spare key worked in the door knob but for some reason would not work in the dead bolt. All the house windows are locked because running the A/C, flash light in the saddle bag but no key to unlock it. Saw the neighbors light still on so I knocked on his door to borrow a flash light. (of course he had a Lady friend over) Got the flash light and was able to see the keys. Got my hand squeezed down there (motor still HOT) just touched the keys and down farther they fell. Found them again and ripped and burned half the skin off my arm getting to them. Once again as soon I touched them away they went again. Could see no sign of them now. About that time it's almost 3:00am, was going to climb in the van and sleep until morning. Van keys in the house. Noticed a car leave the neighbors and then my neighbor walked over to see if he could help. He got tools and we started taking things apart. Found the keys wedged between the fan and the radiator. Finally got into the house at 4:15am. Now I have enough (working) keys in my wallet to get into everything I own. At least this didn't cost me a bunch of money like everything else that has happened in the past 4 weeks.
  17. Harrison Specialties, LLC has a three prong flasher for motorcycles/cars that will flash from one diode to twenty amps. Claims that this is in place of flash modules (read heaters) for LED conversions. Is anybody using something similar. My LED conversions are getting faster flash than they used to, so I figure the modules are going bad. I have had them on since 2002.
  18. Here's a few pics of a bottle you might recognize. Evidently the flash obscured the label, but I think you might recognize it anyway. Margaret
  19. I replaced the tail light with an LED. Simple enuf. Can I grab LED bulbs for the front markers as well? Or does it not work that way when they have to flash? If I replace the fronts and the tail light, how much wattage and Amps will I save?
  20. Guest

    CB Error

    CB is reading CBERR must be some kind of error. Where should I start looking. Thanks Flash
  21. Wired in some extra horns under the fairing, and added 2 switches for heated vests and a carb heater cut-off switch last night. This morning, I had problems. The cassette would play and i could change volume, but only through the speakers. None of the other settings on the unit were effective. Ejected cassette, had blank screen, and every now & then "CASS" would flash on screen. I never did cure itself all day. I will check if I messed up some connections under fairing, and also check fuse under right lower cowling but other than that I have no ideas. I'm thinking it is dealer time and check out warrenty unless someone has experience this particular problem before?
  22. I upgraded my front turn signals to LEDs and now they flash faster than normal.. Knew it might happen.. Wondering if this http://www.customled.com/products/flasher_relay/flasher_relay.htm will work on the Venture, and still keep the auto cancel feature.. I've read somewhere non-load dependent replacement flasher won't work with auto cancel signals??? Or would I be better off just getting the 7.5 ohm load. http://www.customdynamics.com/loadequalizer.htm
  23. Hi everyone. I have read some posts on this have tried many things? My front right signal will just flash slightly and rear will flash quickly. When I used my 4 way flashers back will blink correctly front will blink slightly. I have replaced both front and rear with what is suggested by the Yamaha. I also have cleaned out any corrosion and applied dialectric grease. Any help will be appreciated. Screaming Red
  24. At the Long Beach show I saw a new trike kit. The first is a GW the second a Honda cruiser. They look good...Has anyone seen these? Also here are some Voyager pix. More flash than substance IMHO.....
  25. Fvogt


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