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  1. Sorry, not picture but let me describe. On my 84 that I am working on there is a rubber flap about an inch square on the left side of the motor right about where the shifter is. It covers a hole that obviously leaked when by friend laid this bike down (oil?). Anyway, what is this and how secure is this little flap suppose to be? It does not seem very secure and I am trying to do some cleaning without getting fluid in it. Thanks, Mark
  2. [attach]64269[/attach] [attach]64270[/attach] [attach]64271[/attach] Drill the middle hole of the flap to go over the pin Also remove in that same area the rest of the backing inside the fender tip. [attach]64272[/attach] [attach]64273[/attach] Trim the top away until your happy [attach]64274[/attach] I use a little goop as well (love the stuff) LOL and I also used the clamps to help push the flap tighter agienst the fender I also has to drill the hole on each side just a little bit to get the bolt back through. [attach]64275[/attach] [attach]64276[/attach] Enjoy, Jeff
  3. Well I ordered a RSV hitch from hillis73. It arrived today and I am very impressed. Great quality, design and finish. The Photos don't do it justice. It's design also gives me a place to install a mud flap. I would and will recommend this hitch for everyone. Thanks you, Hillis Shamue
  4. I was wondering if anybody knew what part number is the METAL Chrome Rear Fender Tip Called a FLAP I DO NOT want the plastic one. STR-4NL-21621-10-00 (FLAP) And there is another part number that is ----------STR-4YE-2626-92 (FLAP) Thanks for any help. Jeff
  5. Hey Gang, I am SLOWLY trying to get the old 86'VR back on the road after the trailer accident and was wondering if anyone has a front fender skirt or "Mud Flap" for a First Gen. MK2 that they would like to part with. If you had the fasteners as well that would be more than I could hope for but if not that's OK. I've been trying to buy a fender with one off of Ebay and the prices have been unbelievable! I would be very grateful for any help in locating this item. I can PayPal you or send a check. Thanks in advance, Earl
  6. This weekend I tried to repaint the gas flap because it was badly faded. I prepped the flap with a scuff pad and wiped it down with a tack cloth. As soon as I started spraying, the paint blistered as if I had put paint remover on it. I let the paint dry and sanded it smooth, then tried it again. It did it again. I'm stumped. The paint I was using is Dupli color. I was hoping if this small paint job worked out I would do one panel at a time, until I had the whole bike painted. Does anyone have an idea what might be causing this? Do you think it is just a reaction between the old and the new paint? I wish I could provide pictures, but the camera is broken. Bill
  7. Just thought I'd pass along a recommendation for an organizer that hangs from the inside of the trunk lid. I bought one before a recent trip and am totally satisfied with it. It's got a zipper pouch which is good for holding bungees, Progressive air pump, tire gauge, etc and a couple of mesh pouches to hold rags, phone chargers, and even those extra cassette tapes that Yamaha thinks we all still carry around! It's also got a mirror on a velcro flap. Works great for holding those little lightweight items you've gotta have but don't want cluttering up the bottom of the trunk. You can order direct from their site http://www.cruzcraft.com/motorcycle-luggage-yamaha-venture-YVLO.html or from their eBay store http://stores.ebay.com/Ted-Brooks-Motorsports
  8. At maintenance day I was looking at the rear flaps on the bikes. I've got my order in for a Venture Dad hitch. One flap I saw had a cut out for the stinger to fit through and a plug to cover it with a star concho on it. Any idea whose bike or where I can get a similar flap? Thanks as always for the help. Mark
  9. Hello, Does somebody kow where I can purchase the Kirkland mud flap. I tried with ebay but the seller never send tha mud flap I have alreday paid for it. Thanks http://img151.imageshack.us/img151/1771/mudkirklanduc3.png
  10. I just installed mudflaps from Timberwolf Leather front and rear and they look great. One area of concern/hassle was lining up that rear mud flap with a trailer hitch and getting the hole marked off properly in the mud flap to cut out for the hitch opening. So, just in case any other second gen owners decide to mount a mud flap from Timberwolf and have the Venture dad hitch mounted on the bike, let me know and I will mail you a full size template you can use to transfer the opening dimensions to the flap so it can be cut out with a minimal of hassle. I used a scroll saw to cut my hole out.....ok, no snickering......... Once I finish the bike, ill post pics of the whole thing. www.timberwolfleather.com
  11. Hi cats! I have this little dilemma: Looks like the last major ride of the season for me next week, and well the departure date is looking for sun, but the return date is calling for rain [imagine that, RAIN in Washington State]. anyway, when it came right down to it, i just couldn't it. I just couldn't put a couple of holes in the fender for a mud flap... So after thinking about it for a while I came up with the idea of the "Anti-mud Flap". Basically I took a discarded log truck mud flap and cut it into a 2 foot by 1 foot chunk and hung it across the front of the bottom of the engine block; suspended by my case savers/crash bars, but not obstructing the radiator. Haven't tested it out yet...still hate the idea of getting her wet if i don't really have to. ANYWAY...i guess my real question here is: has anyone attempted this one before and if so, what was your out come. I guess I'll post my results later...for anyone interested? Winters coming...enjoy the fall!
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