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Our discount with Rumbling Pride had expired. You can still receive a 10% discount. Here is the message that I received when I emailed them. Hi Don, Unfortunately your discount code is no longer valid due to inactivity for a year a longer. If any of your members would like a 10% discount as we no longer offer a 20% discount, please have them call our offices at 863-859-0533 to place an order and have them mention the club. Thank you, Heather@ Rumbling Pride Ltd. Co.
If anyone is looking for a good source for flags try 3x5 foot flags for $9.95 w/free shipping. Very fast service.
OK folks. The flags were here when I got home yesterday. Today I will get them in envelopes and addressed and then sent out first thing Monday morning. I think they turned out pretty well. Appear to be good quality that should hold up for a long time.
I just received an email that the new VentureRider flags have shipped. I should have them in about 3 business days which means I should be able to get them in the mail to you next weekend. I'm exited to see them and will post a picture once they arrive.
What goes on during the "Stand the Flag Line". Is it just what it sounds like. Standing in a line with flags. There is a mission where "Stand the Flag Line" is 5 hours.
I attached 2 American Flags onto the rack on the top of the trunk. The masts of the flags fold forward to put the bike cover on. The problem is that apparently because of the large windshield and my body, we create a vacuum and the flags fly backwards! This causes the masts to fold down onto the trumk. I'll try tightening the hinge bolts a little more, but has anyone else here ever experienced this problem? A real Bummer! Owen.
Where are the places to purchase the flags and holder/hardware from small to the large 3' X 5' size.
Bring your flags and lets ride.
On our way home from the International this year we plan on stopping at six flags at Gurnee Ill just north of Chicago. We want to camp with our camper and were wondering if anyone has any advice on this. The original plan was to stop at the Wisconsin Dells but you know how plans change.
I was wondering if there is any way that in the right corner of the posts that we could put the state and/or country along with the city. It would be nice to know where each person posting is from and I don't recognize a lot of the cities and I sure don't know each of the states and country's flags. I know I can look at the user's profile, and sometimes I do, but it would be nice if it were right there on the post. Anybody agree?
So I was trying to come up with a plan to mount flags onto my RSTD for PGR rides and for whenever the mood stuck me. Since I ride one up and don't have a passenger backrest, I came up with this idea for putting some flags up while I ride. I basically came up with a plan to make a bracket that took the place of the passenger pillion. Not something for the interstate mind you, but it works great in town and turns a lot of heads. Just a few pics here, but there are more in my profile album if you are interested. Love being able to fly old glory with pride.
I just received this e-mail Blast from the SETX PGR... I pray that they catch these %$#@ Theives.. Stolen flags from the SETexasPGR Please spread this to everyone one you know, Police, patriots, riders, walkers, or anyone else you can think of. Please be on the look out for someone trying to sell or caring a lot of flags. Have them notify Hempstead, Tx Police or your local Law Enforcement immediately or send email to One of South East Texas' support trucks had taken out his Flags to clean his truck and stored them on his front porch. When he came back all of the flags were gone. The list is below. All Flags Mounted on 2 five foot sections of 3/4 white PVC with a 3/4 inch coupling to connect the 2 Five foot sections together. with a cap on top painted Gold and a clear coating of rubber over the Gold to protect the paint These flags are rolled up ..two 5 foot sections with a rubber band holding the flag and the PVC poles in place. The flags are mounted to the PVC pipe with 2 Black Hillman Push-In Nylon Rivet 7/16 inch, 2 holes are drilled in to the pole to hold the flag in place. All the Flags taken were 3ft by 5 foot. 50 American flags there were also taken: Double sided ( 2 flags placed back to back and sewn together) United States Marines Flag United Stated Air force United Stated Coast Guard United States Army United States Navy Value $75.00 each [*]Then there were single sided Flags World War II Flag honoring them Blue flag , White circle with an eagle in the center with the words in RED in the circle " A Grateful Nation Remembers" and the words at the bottom in Yellow "1941- 1945 1991-1995" and at the bottom in white print the words "World War II" 2 Texas Flags Blue Star Flag . White with a Blue star in the middle with Red border Fire Department Flag.. Red with black lettering and the Fire Dept emblem in the center 2 We Support Out Troops flags.. White flag .. These have the words. "WE Support Out Troops" with 4 main branches of the Armed Forces in 4 corners and one has a large Yellow Ribbon on it KIA Killed in Action .. Red flag with Black lettering POW/MIA Flag .. Prisoner Of War Flag .. Black with White lettering.. a circle in the middle with the head of a POW in the middle and the words "You are not forgotten" at the bottom and the letters "POW*MIA" across the top Vietnam Veterans Flag.., Yellow flag with Viet Nam emblem and Stars on one end with the words .." Vietnam Veteran " written on it Viet Nan Complain flag .. Black flag with a picture of Vietnam in the center with a Red circle around it with 12 of major Complain troops emblems on the outer side the circle and the words " Our Cause Was Just" written on the top of the circle PGR Flag ..Patriot Guard Flag .. Bright Yellow with Blue writing with a triangle and 6 stars in it with the words Patriot Guard Riders around the triangle and the words " Standing for those Who Stood for Us" at the bottom Korean War Veterans Flag .. Blue flag with a white circel with black print " Korean War Veterans " and "1950-1953" and "Liberty at the bottom" In the circel there are 7 stars, 2 jets , an soldier going up a hill and a ship at the bottom, all in black print. There are Golden leaves around the circle Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 Dessert Storm These poles were all 5 foot long. But next to them were other American flags but these had 8 foot PVC Pipe and may have been to long to fit in what there were transporting them in.. suggesting a short bed truck Several people have already offered to help replace the flags. Thank you, You can not understand how much your generosity and support means to the PGR and those Hero's we stand for. Thank you. After this weekends missions are completed, I will respond to each offer. -Windrider Windrider PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS Deputy State Captain - PGR Texas SETexas PGR HOTH Coordinator "Riding Hard & Standing Tall & Silent" Local Mission Info PGR National Web Site: ABC News on SE Texas and what we do This email was sent by S E Texas PGR email system, SETexas, SETexas, Tx 77001, using Express Email Marketing. You subscribed to this permission-based list on 10/12/2007. Express Email Marketing supports permission-based email marketing. You can change your preferences or unsubscribe from this mailing list at any time. {0} Mark as read Mark as unread Delete Junk Not junk Print View message source This message is too wide to fit your screen. Show full message © 2009 Microsoft Privacy Legal Help Central Account Feedback
I noticed that everyones' home state is indicated by the state flag. I find myself having to look them up (state flags). I know I should have memorized flags in some school assignment, but I was probably out riding a motorcycle when they were teaching about state flags. Just wondering if we could just have city and state written out?
I don't know if I am the only one but it seems that all the state flags are gone ?????? Tell me it ain't so.
There have been some recent requests for the VentureRider flags. We have been out of these for some time now and it was time to make them available again. Details are in the VentureRider Merchandise forum area at:
Someone at Michigan maintenance day asked me where I got my 6"x9" U.S. antenna flag. I ordered it online from My wife found them on a Google search. They were prompt to ship, and good to deal with. The flags are heavy duty and look like they will resist fraying pretty well. I am happy with the product.
I have looked at pics everywhere on this Site and I have failed to find even 1 RSV that has Flag mounts capable of holding 2 3'x5' Flags for Parade or Funeral Escort use. I have been with the Patriot Guards for quite a while and I would love to be able to fly my 3'x5' Flags from my soon-to-be acquired 2006 RSV. If anyone can offer help regarding this please do so as soon as possible. Inclement weather riding does not bother me when it comes to PGR Missions for our fallen Hero's. Mods....If I posted this in the wrong place please feel free to re-locate this post to where it should be. My thanks in advance!
This is AWESOME!----------hope that all the pics. come thru!!!! In Texas we really do pull off the road and stop for funerals......nobody moves until the last car has gone by. What follows is a message from Vicki Pierce about her nephew James' funeral (he was serving our country in Iraq): "I'm back, it was certainly a quick trip, but I have to also say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. There is a lot to be said for growing up in a small town in Texas . The service itself was impressive with wonderful flowers and sprays, a portrait of James, his uniform and boots, his awards and ribbons. There was lots of military brass and an eloquent (though inappropriately longwinded) Baptist preacher. There were easily 1000 people at the service, filling the church sanctuary as well as the fellowship hall and spilling out into the parking lot. However, the most incredible thing was what happened following the service on the way to the cemetery. We went to our cars and drove to the cemetery escorted by at least 10 police cars with lights flashing and some other emergency vehicles, with Texas Rangers handling traffic. Everyone on the road who was not in the procession, pulled over, got out of their cars, and stood silently and respectfully, some put their hands over their hearts. When we turned off the highway suddenly there were teenage boys along both sides of the street about every 20 feet or so, all holding large American flags on long flag poles, and again with their hands on their hearts. We thought at first it was the Boy Scouts or 4H club or something, but it continued .. for two and a half miles. Hundreds of young people, standing silently on the side of the road with flags. At one point we passed an elementary school, and all the children were outside, shoulder to shoulder holding flags kindergartners, handicapped, teachers, staff, everyone. Some held signs of love and support. Then came teenage girls and younger boys, all holding flags. Then adults. Then families. All standing silently on the side of the road. No one spoke, not even the very young children. The military least two generals, a fist full of colonels, and representatives from every branch of the service, plus the color guard who attended James, and some who served with him .. was very impressive and respectful, but the love and pride from this community who had lost one of their own was the most amazing thing I've ever been privileged to witness. I've attached some pictures, some are blurry (we were moving), but you can get a small idea of what this was like.' These photos are awesome !! IS ONE OF THE MOST MOVING E-MAILS I'VE SEEN. PLEASE PASS IT ON! ************************************** Check out AOL's list of 2007's hottest products.
You may have seen my flag mounts in other threads. In response to several requests for more information on the construction, I am posting detailed info here. Here is a little background info - I have used this flag mount for many hundreds of miles at highway speeds (60-80 MPH) with both 3X5 flags unfurled with no problems. Nothing is used to secure the flag poles - they just drop down into the mount tubes. This makes it especially easy to take the flags out when heading for a flag line during a PGR mission. I've seen a lot of other guys' flags come loose during missions, but this design so far seems solid. All measurements are taken to the outside edges. I like the V design, and I have not seen any others like it. Don't make it any wider than this, as the flags can get in the way (the first one I made was wider). If I was making another, I'd probably make the bottom bar 16". Here is a picture of the bottom of the mount before painting: The bottom bar is 14", and it is made from 1 1/4" angle iron. The angle iron is welded to a square tube that sticks 3 1/2" out of the receiver. Ignore the bolt you see sticking down through the stinger just behind the receiver; this was originally put in for a center brace that I later removed. I just left the bolt in place because it aligns the hole for the clevis pin behind the mud flap. The tubes are 1" O.D. EMT electrical conduit, 25" long. I brazed these to the bottom bar instead of welding because of the relatively thin metal - no danger of burn-through. The middle brace is 1" flat bar brazed to the back of the tubes. It measures 18 1/2" to the outside of the tubes. I later bolted 1" aluminum angle inside that brace as an anchor point for the center brace I later removed. I never took off that aluminum angle, but there is no reason for it. Here is a closeup of the brackets that hook onto the helmet locks: The top of the tubes measures 23" wide. The brackets I made for the helmet locks measure 5 1/2" from the eye bolts to the back of the tubes. I made these by simply taking aluminum bar stock and bending it around the tubes and riveting it together. This fits very tight, but still allows some movement that facilitates fitting the brackets over the helmet locks. Here is how I braced the flag poles: The flag poles are 3/4" O.D. EMT electrical conduit and 6' long. These are smaller diameter than anyone else is using, but they seem plenty strong. I originally made several 70 MPH runs with flags out without problems (even before I added the helmet lock brackets), but decided to reinforce them just to be sure. I took modular shelf wall bracket and just laid it on the driveway and started whacking it with a ball-lean hammer to force the edges together, then drove it up inside the flag poles with the hammer. This brace extends past the top of the mount tubes so the full pull of the flags doesn't cause the poles to collapse at the top of the tubes. Not sure it is necessary, but it gives me peace of mind! That's about it. Make sure you use decent sized eye bolts for the helmet lock anchors, as I had one break from the strain of a heavy flag after about 400 miles (but the rest of the flag mount made the entire mission without further damage). I have found that very light weight nylon flags put much less strain on the mounts and actually last much longer at high speeds than heavier flags. So save your money and buy cheaper flags! Goose