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  1. Our discount with Rumbling Pride had expired. You can still receive a 10% discount. Here is the message that I received when I emailed them. Hi Don, Unfortunately your discount code is no longer valid due to inactivity for a year a longer. If any of your members would like a 10% discount as we no longer offer a 20% discount, please have them call our offices at 863-859-0533 to place an order and have them mention the club. Thank you, Heather@ Rumbling Pride Ltd. Co.
  2. I lowered the price of my Hitch Flag Mounts for this month. Just wanted you all to know. I also now offer a Hitch Clamp that works very well. Check them out in the classifieds area. CLICK HERE >>> http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=500&ppuser=4963 Regards, Fuzzy
  3. Completed a "happier" mission today. Welcomed back for a Chief Petty Officer from his 2nd tour in Afghanistan. Seeing his wife and son hugging him home, was well worth the time spent on the flag line at the airport. Watching all the other passengers clapping as he walked through the flag line to his family was priceless. I challenge everybody to join their local chapter of the PGR. Yes, some of the Missions are sad. Escorting the body of my friend Sgt Brian Walker was the hardest motorcycle ride I have ever taken. But, the look of appreciation, the handshakes and the thank you's from family members are payment in gold. It's an incredible group of people serving those who have served us. I now ride in honor of two heroes that I knew. So, join. It's free. You don't have to be ex-military, heck you don't have to even ride. Just be willing to stand as a thank you for those who have stood for us. Check it out: http://www.patriotguard.org/Home/tabid/53/Default.aspx The only piece of equipment that is a must have, is a big DARK pair of sunglasses. It helps hide the "allergies."
  4. Several weeks ago I finally got around to removing the hitch off of my 87 and putting it on my 89 so I could use it for a PGR flag mount. The removal and reinstall was pretty cut and dry taking only a couple of hours, including a short trip to Ace for some different bolts. The next "simple" "easy" "no problem" step was to take the ball off and bolt on my home made flag holder. That took probably 6 hours over 2 days. The bolt would not budge. I'm guessing the ball was installed back around 87 and had been in the Oregon area until 2 years ago. Even soaking with WD40 over night didn't help. I went from wrench to breaker bar to pipe wrench and using my Tahoe hitch to Sawzall to grinder. Ended up grinding the thing in two. What a job !
  5. May You Rest In Peace! VanT. Barfoot died at the age of 92 on 2 March 2012. Remember the guy who wouldn't take the flag down? You might remember a news story several months ago about a crotchety old man who defied his homeowners association and refused to take down the flagpole on his property and the large flag that flew on it. Now you can find out who, exactly, that old man was. On June 15, 1919, Van T. Barfoot was born in Edinburg -- probably didn't make much news back then. Twenty-five years later, on May 23, 1944, nearCarano, Italy, Van T. Barfoot, who had enlisted in the US Army in 1940, set out to flank German machine gun positions from which fire was coming down on his fellow soldiers. He advanced through a minefield, took out three enemy machine gun positions and returned with 17 prisoners of war. If that wasn't enough for a day's work, he later took on and destroyed three German tanks sent to retake the machine gun positions. That probably didn't make much news either, given the scope of the war, but it did earn Van T. Barfoot, who retired as a Colonel after also serving in Korea and Vietnam, a Congressional Medal of Honor. What did make news was a neighborhood association's quibble with how the 90-year-old veteran chose to fly the American flag outside his suburban Virginia home. Seems the rules said a flag could be flown on a house-mounted bracket, but, for decorum, items such as Barfoot's 21-foot flagpole were unsuitable. He had been denied a permit for the pole, erected it anyway and was facing court action if he didn't take it down. Since the story made national TV, the neighborhood association has rethought its position and agreed to indulge this old hero who dwells among them. "In the time I have left I plan to continue to fly the American flag withoutinterferenceBarfoot told The Associated Press. As well he should And if any of his neighbors still takes a notion to contest him, they might want to read his Medal of Honor citation. It indicates he's not real good at backing down. Van T. Barfoot's Medal of Honor citation: This 1944 Medal of Honor citation, listed with the National Medal of Honor Society is for Second Lieutenant Van T. Barfoot, 157th Infantry, 45th Infantry If you got this email and didn't pass it on - guess what - you deserve to get your butt kicked! WE ONLY LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE… BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE! AND, BECAUSE OF OLD MEN LIKE VAN BARFOOT! Obviously he is not related to anybody in congress
  6. I am offering them to everyone here at a lower price. I just do not want to do it until later tonight after everyone has signed off. That way I may not interfere with anyone's conversation/post. I changed the Black Triple flag to $85.00. I will finish the rest later tonight and will be changed by tomorrow morning, Monday (5 -14 ) if no problems come up. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=34 1- Triple Flag - Gloss Black 4- Double Flag - Two Grey Primer & Two Gloss Black * I made more of these because I figured people would like these the most. 1- Single Flag - Gloss Black If you want to pay by check, just send me a message. James
  7. Thought the PGR riders would appreciate these. Cheap and $1.00 shipping is nice for these I think. You used to be able to get them with the PGR logo on them and I can not find them no where any more. These are blue. http://www.ebay.com/itm/251033570852?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_720wt_1270 Fuzzy
  8. I have pictures and so forth to help explain what I have done to make a PGR 3'X5' flag pole to use as a mounted flag on the bike and then also removable to use at the funeral home and grave sites. I have been ask how to make these and I promised I would do a "how to" here. So I will do the best I can to explain this here. Rather simple to build, but hard to put in writing for me. So here goes; #1. I purchased a 8' long poplar 1 1/4" dowel rod from the local hardware/home store or where ever you may find them. Around $10.00 - $12.00 . You can find plenty 6' long for closet rods and curtains that are expensive to, but not long enough. You need to cut the rod to 6' 6". This length gives you enough to keep the flag from touching the ground while standing the flag line at a slight angle. The poplar are what you may find most of the time. Hardwood such as oak would probably be, or possibly be better, but the poplar does work well and is light and pretty tough. Pine would be to brittle and would most likely break when under stress, so no good. You would be surprised at the force generated at 70 mph with a 3'X5' flag flying. #2. So now you have a 6' 6" pole. Next attach a decorative type ball on what would be the top end of the wood rod. You can find these at the same hardware places and are easy to find. Around $2.00-$3.00 total. You need one with a screw attachment made in it. Mine did not have the screw and I bought one of the attaching screws with it. #3. I bought some eye lag screws. You need at least three. This explains what I am talking about. http://www.boltdepot.com/Wire_eye_lags_Zinc_plated_steel.aspx #4. Purchase your self a 3'X5' polyester American flag. The cheap ones are what I use. #5. I put an extra grommet in the flag at the center of the flag, so that it now has three. You might want to even use four of these, but three is enough. I purchased a grommet package for tarps that included the small tools. Be very careful when putting these in. Use light hammer force and quit when you have the grommet attached and cut the center material out with a utility sharp razor. #6. Attach the flag to the eye lag screws with these quick links, shown here just to give you an idea. These give you the freedom to remove the flag and place in a zip lock bag for storage in your saddle bags if you like and also to replace the flag very easily. http://fasteners.hardwarestore.com/16-63-chain-links-swivels/quick-link-134619.aspx #7. I put a screw and a washer with a rubber washer on the bottom end of my flag pole. This will protect it while standing the flag line and resting the bottom on the concrete and black top. #8. I spray painted my pole with a clear finish shellac. It worked OK with several light coats. The next one I am going to paint it on. I feel I can get a better coverage and a thicker coat than the spay on. Just remove the eye lags and paint the end ball/decorative end. Then after drying put your hardware back on. Hope this helps other PGR members and I thank you for your honorable decision to help such a great organisation. Take care and ride safe. Remember the PGR is not only for those that ride, but also for those that do not. There are times that we can help in the winter months and drive our cars and trucks to help to. I build Motorcycle Flag Pole Mounts to work with this pole. My main decision to do this was because of the PGR members. I hope I have helped you here with this little explanation of how to build the flag pole. Here is the link to the Motorcycle Flag Pole Mounts that I build. The best and safest way to attach the 3'X5' flag I think. You can use these on bikes and also other vehicles with a 2" receiver by using the reducer/adapter. The flag removes very easily with just one small pin and re-attaches just as easy. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=34 [ATTACH]66020[/ATTACH] The 6' 6" flag pole. Needs to be 6' 6" to keep the flag from touching the ground. [ATTACH]66021[/ATTACH] The decorative ball. [ATTACH]66022[/ATTACH] The top ball. [ATTACH]66023[/ATTACH] The hardware I used. [ATTACH]66024[/ATTACH] Quick link flag attachment. [ATTACH]66025[/ATTACH] The grommet package. [ATTACH]66026[/ATTACH] The bottom of the pole. Fuzzy
  9. I threw an add out ther offering my 1st Gen for sale. $3000.00 I get an email from some guy who wants more pic's and says he had his ourn private shipper who will pick the bike up and and look after the TOD. Then I get a couple of text messages from hime 646-481-5977 looking for more details and offering more money that I am aasking. (first red flag) Tried calling him but it was just a messaging forward thing. Then he issisted on paying with pay pal and provides a link to pay pal. He also provides a phone number for his private shipper. I check the phone number for the shipper and it is a cell # out of southrn Alberta, but all I get is an answering machine ( flag 2) I do a reverse number look up on the buyer and get nothing but his area code is in New York (flag 3) Few emails later he is still insisting on pay pal and I should use the link he provided. Told him I didn't trust the pay pal thing because there were pit falls. Still he insistes on using it (Flag 3) Did some more checking through some work contatacts. Long story short this guy in my mind has a link running parralel to a legitamate pay pal site. When you go to his link you are giving him your banking or credit card info. Before your know it he has cleaned you out or maxed your card. Last email to his was either Western Union or his private shipper could have cash in hand when he showed up to ge the bike. Haven't heard from him since. Looks like this guy is trying to scam bike sales. It is to easy to just click the link he provided and he has you as soon as you put in your info. Lets be care ful guys if it looks to good to be true is usually is
  10. Ok , this all started when I put on my R-Mark hitch, the hitch by the way was shipped quickly, has very good instructions and looks awesome. A buddy stopped over to look at the hitch and said I should make a flag holder that to slip in the hitch. We started talking and as things go pieces were cut, we went and used a welder and anyways here is the results . . . I realize this ain't that pretty but I rode from Kankakee to the South Side Irish Parade. Clipped on Ole Glory and it worked very well.
  11. I just received this promotion for being a past customer. Thought I'd pass this on for there might be someone who might be interested. http://www.rumblingpride.com/ 100% American Owned; 100% Biker Owned; 100% American Pride. 20% off entire order code: RPTHX12 All orders of $75 or more ship priority mail for free! This what I fly on my VR. A flag for each branch of the service that is represented in my immediate family.
  12. I just learned this and thought I would pass it along to others who may not know........... "The Meaning of the Flag Draped Coffin" http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Meaning of Flag Draped Coffin All Americans should be given this lesson. Those who think that America is an arrogant nation should really reconsider that thought. Our founding fathers used GOD's word and teachings to establish our Great Nation and I think it's high time Americans get re-educated about this Nation's history. Pass it along and be proud of the country we live in and even more proud of those who serve to protect our 'GOD GIVEN' rights and freedoms. I hope you take the time to read this ... To understand what the flag draped coffin really means .... Here is how to understand the flag that laid upon it and is surrendered to so many widows and widowers. Do you know that at military funerals, the 21-gun salute stands for the sum of the numbers in the year 1776? http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=3&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Have you ever noticed the honor guard pays meticulous attention to correctly folding the United States of America Flag 13 times? You probably thought it was to symbolize the original 13 colonies, but we learn something new every day! The 1st fold of the flag is a symbol of life. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=4&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 2nd fold is a symbol of the belief in eternal life. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=5&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 3rd fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veterans departing the ranks who gave a portion of their lives for the defense of the country to attain peace throughout the world. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=6&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 4th fold represents the weaker nature, for as American citizens trusting in God, it is to Him we turn in times of peace as well as in time of war for His divine guidance. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=7&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 5th fold is a tribute to the country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, 'Our Country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.' http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=8&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 6th fold is for where people's hearts lie. It is with their heart that they pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. The 7th fold is a tribute to its Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that they protect their country and their flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of their republic. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=9&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 8th fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=10&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 9th fold is a tribute to womanhood, and Mothers. For it has been through their faith, their love, loyalty and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great has been molded. The 10th fold is a tribute to the father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of their country since they were first born. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=11&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 11th fold represents the lower portion of the seal of King David and King Solomon and glorifies in the Hebrews eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=12&fid=Inbox&inline=1 The 12th fold represents an emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the Christians eyes, God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. The 13th fold, or when the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost reminding them of their Nations motto, 'In God We Trust.' http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=13&fid=Inbox&inline=1 After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it takes on the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under General George Washington, and the Sailors and Marines who served under Captain John Paul Jones, who were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the Armed Forces of the United States, preserving for them the rights, privileges and freedoms they enjoy today. There are some traditions and ways of doing things that have deep meaning. In the future, you'll see flags folded and now you will know why. Share this with the children you love and all others who love what is referred to, the symbol of 'Liberty and Freedom.' http://us.mg1.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f19902%5fAERFv9EAAW4CTwDHAAu%2bexbKZkA&pid=14&fid=Inbox&inline=1 MAYBE THE SUPREME COURT SHOULD READ THIS EXPLANATION BEFORE THEY RENDER THEIR DECISION ON THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. FORWARD IT; MAYBE SOMEONE WITH THE NECESSARY POWER, OR POLITICAL AND FINANCIAL INFLUENCE, WILL GET IT TO THEM. IN THE MEANTIME, MAY GOD PROTECT US ALWAYS. ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL.
  13. Paint that Flag....For all to see!!!!! Boomer...who sez patriotism is not dead in America!
  14. I went for my Veteran's Day ride looking for those flying the American Flag. Sad to say that in 50 miles I could not find a single American Flag on a car. I drop down into Orting for there is The Washington's Soldiers Home there. It was pretty early and the workers were just starting to put out the American Flag for this is their big day. Good to see that Liberals hasn't invaded the Soldiers Home, for the American Flag still fly’s proudly there. I did find 2 homes proudly flying Old Glory. Our home fly’s the American Flag everyday for everyday I'm thankful for all Veterans, especially personal for me is to remember the Korean War Veterans for they died and fought so I can live in America and be free. See I was born in 1952 right in the middle of the Korean War. I'm a Korean War Orphan, adopted into an American family. I've grafted into the American Society. I speak English, study American history, totally lost my 7 years old Korean language and culture. Personally I do not miss it. Today except for my physicial appearance, I am an American 100 percent. My son and daughter both know that had it not been for the American Fighting GIs that each of them would not be here for my life would have been much different had it not been for the Americans. Well I don't have any heated riding suit so my ride was pretty cold. All my fingers and hands were extremely cold and numb. It made me think of the freezing weather that the GIs had to fight in, I stop complaining. Its great to be part of Venture Riders and the Partiot Guard a great pool of Patriotism is found here. Patriotism seems to be harder and harder to find in the general public. But in my family Patriotism is taught early. The last picture is my grand daughter last year at the age of 3.
  15. I wanted to make sure the local Houston Ventureriders were notified of a short notice PGR mission for Margaret's brother Ernie. He died from agent orange affected leukemia thursday. Thank you Owen... Here is the Blast: BLAST FINAL ITINERARY--SHORT NOTICE PATRIOT’S NAME: Ernest Salazar Cruz MISSION NAME: Escort and Flag Line MILITARY BRANCH: United State Air Force RIDE CAPTAIN: Randy Swain RIDE CAPTAIN PHONE NUMBER: (713)392-8691 RIDE CAPTAIN E-mail ADDRESS: swaindaddy1@aol.com RIDE CAPTAIN #2: John Goff RIDE CAPTAIN #2 PHONE NUMBER: (281)655-0686 RIDE CAPTAIN #2 E-mail ADDRESS: jgoffsr@aol.com IMPORTANT: Call Randy at (713)392-8691 to request to be a FLAG BIKE, PLEASE DO NOT just show up we ONLY need 4 FLAG BIKE’S. MISSION DETAILS: Escort from St. Patrick’s Church at 4918 Cochran, Houston, TX 77009; Flag Line at Forrest Park Cemetery at 12800 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077 OBITUARY: Ernest Salazar Cruz born December 25, 1947 in Port Arthur, TX, passed October 6, 2011, in Houston, TX; Mr. Cruz was an Air Force Vietnam Veteran, active duty from 1967 to 1972. Medals: AF15, VSM, RVCM. Mr. Cruz is survived by a son Dustin A. Cruz; sisters Janie Cano, Angie Gashette, Margaret Quarles, and Rose Mary Cruz; MISSION DATE: Monday, October 10, 2011 STAGING TIME NON-FLAG BIKE‘S: 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., Forrest Park Cemetery at 12800 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77077 STAGING TIME FLAG BIKES: 9:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., St. Patrick’s Church at 4918 Cochran, Houston, TX 77009 BRIEFING TIME: John with NON-Flag Bike’s 11:00 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. Randy with Flag Bike’s after services start IN POSITION TIME: 11:20 a.m. NON-Flag Bike’s 11:00 a.m. Flag Bike’s SUPPORT VEHICLE: Jerry “Waterboy” Turner WEATHER FORECAST: High 88; Low 65; Wind SE 9 mph; Humidity 55%; UV Index 8--HIGH; Sunrise 7:21 a.m.; Sunset 6:57 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: Randy “Swaindaddy” Swain
  16. This does not have a receiver.... So if you are a PGR member, it would be hard to switch from flag holder and back to trailer. I just saw it and thought this might help someone else. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.m748&item=190582644319&viewitem=&_trkparms=clkid%3D3155915016270951475#ht_500wt_1182
  17. So I am out in the back yard working on the house. This white van pulls up and the driver asks if I am interested in some asphalt work. He says that he is doing a major job in the area and will have some leftover asphalt, just enough to do my gravel drive. He then pulls a magnetic sign out of the back seat to show me who he is and the sign says that his rate is only $4.65 per sq ft. He said that since I would be helping him out by using his excess material he would do my job for $2.00 per sq ft. Hmmm odd that a contractor would keep his magnetic sign in the back seat and not where it could do some good. Looking at the area I determind it to be 20 x 30 or 600 sq ft. I asked him if he agreed with my area assessment and he said yes. He then told me that he could do the job for just $1375. Red flag number one. I said that was still more than I could afford right now and he dropped the job to $1000. I thought that was interesting and asked if I could call him back later tonight to let him know. I then asked him for a business card. He said he did not have one with him. they were all in his other truck at the job site. What business owner does not keep his wallet stuffed with cards. Red flag number 2. I did get his name and phone number. The phone number was from Framingham MA. I am in WI. Why would a local contractor have an out of state phone number. Red flag no 3 As soon as I got in the house after finishing what I was working on, I got on the puter ad Googled William Stanley and the phone number and got scam alerts from all over the country. They even had his picture in a NJ courtroom getting convicted of the paving scam. OK now I have a boatload of red flags. After reading the scam stuff, this guys spiel matched right down to his name and picture. The way the scam works is that he offers to do cut rate work for a real good price. once you accept he shows up and does some work and then hits you with a drastically inflated bill of more than 10 times the agreed price. He then gets nasty and threatens to take a contractors lien on your property. This guy is constantly moving across state lines. I have instructed my GF that if anyone shows up to try to do work to not answer the door or talk to them, call 911 immediately and THEN call me at work.
  18. Finally got to put my hitch on. I still will have to get me a couple of those chrome acorn head-nuts for the chrome bolts through the fender trim. I am going to also put some black silicone around the rear mud guard, where I cut it to install the hitch. But I think I will wait until I get done with the flag mount I am going to make for the hitch. I am thinking of using the flag mount hitch idea I got from someone here. I will get me a coupling stinger to go from the small size to the 2" size and also put an extra brake light into the end of the receiver from Wall-Mart ($12.00). I will mount my flag to the top of this and still have an open and easy to see brake light. I also designed those mud guards on my bike, and a good friend whom works with leather saddles and so on made them for me out of 1/4 inch thick leather. Just in case some one is wondering from the pictures. You see, I am following the rules... Fuzzy PS; Also included in these pictures is one of the copperhead snakes that myself and the rest of the mowing tractor crew (State Hwy Dept.) have killed this year. We have killed 4 so far. All of them from out on St Hwy 801 next to the Cave Run Lake area. If you visit this area, be very couscous around the ditch lines on the roadways. This is one of the mid size ones. There was one that was bigger than this one. We killed this one while slope mowing last week.
  19. What goes on during the "Stand the Flag Line". Is it just what it sounds like. Standing in a line with flags. There is a mission where "Stand the Flag Line" is 5 hours.
  20. I am a proud member or the Ohio Patriot Guard Riders. I would like to mount a 3x5 flag on my 2006 RSTD. I have seen other mounts that are all homemade. Does anyone have a mount on their bike I could copy for dimentions? TY for you input folks. MoS
  21. We are leaving Friday...early...I need to replace the American flag on the bike (6" X 9")...anyone know where I can get one in San Antonio? Sure appreciate any help so I don't have to go out "naked".
  22. I couldn't remember if I had already posted this or not, did a search and couldn't find anything. I installed these a few years ago right before Vogel and haven't had any problems with them. These are flag mounts for Harley Davidson Saddle Bag Rails. They fit on RSV and RSTD bag rails with no modification. Just have to remove the bags to install them. I have small flags on them now that I use for long trips, but they came with bigger ones. They cost me about $ 100 each at a little shop I found. They come with an American Flag, POW flag and a crossbones flag. They are made by Kuryakyn, Part# 4208. Here is the website is you want further info: http://www.kuryakyn.com/Products/854/Side-Mount-Flags-Kit Just thought I would share with everyone.
  23. For Memorial Day I bought a new flag to hang. I also have a POW/MIA flag that I was to display with it. They will be flown on post on my ront porch in ront of my door.Question is, facing my house, does the American Flag go on the right or left???????????
  24. Does anyone know the Stock Luggage Rack Diameter of a 1st Gen MKII. I'm at work and I'd like to order a flag mount.
  25. When hanging an American Flag horizontal what is the proper manner for it to hang? I just started a new job and this is the first thing I notice when I walk in. The stars are on the south side of the flag, just looks wrong to me. Also the Iowa Flag is on the south side so if they were to be turned so they are hanging like on a pole then either the Iowa flag or the American flag will be upside down, yes they face opposite directions. Now the Manager is willing to change but I have to show some proof that they are hanging wrong. I can get a picture when I go in tomorrow. Thank You, Shaun
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